To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
So, after this date... I think we have more immediate concerns, triage wise, than preparing for bomb drops.

Minako stays dead silent, eyes wide. They look down at your hands.

No. No you can't call her on it. You don't feel good about doing that. You feel like shit for making your mom cry on the spot. You feel like shit for getting mad at her. You just feel like shit in general.

Your mom deserves a better kid.

Mina very much seems to be on the verge of collapsing, and is using the date to try and distract from that, but that's not gonna solve feeling inadequate and like a bad partner or child?

We should figure out how to communicate better, obviously. But the next time we have control of one of the moms we might need to plan comfort things too and do some emotional care, as a first priority.
[X] Dinner? You're not gonna go to anything fancy, because...well you can't really afford it for one.

Dinner is a solid plan.
So because I don't get social - here's me brainstorming on the possibilities for the mind control vector

"Brainwashing is completely ineffective against magical girls, though." Tomo sips her soda. "The way soul gems work means that they can't do shit."

"Uh, what?" Uriko blinks. "I...I don't get it."

You and Tomo just stare at Uriko, before you glance to Renae and realize that she's just as confused as she is.

So do we have any thoughts to this?

The few possibilities I can think up is

1. Brainwashing prior to becoming MG that stuck due to reasons- unlikely because much older than the average new contract and knows about witches and the other option of her being under for a long time makes much less sense

But it would explain some other details.

You're staring across the road when you see a girl walking across the street. She looks about seventeen, with auburn hair, and from the few glances you can see, deep brown eyes. You might think she looks normal before she suddenly turns to look at you.

Because ah - 17 year old is reaching into the expected Veteran range just because by non skewed standards that is old for a magi. And Uriko is possibly very off for skill.

Suddenly, this girl leaps towards you. Experience tells you that she's clumsy; she cracked the concrete upon leaving the ground, using way too much force in too small a location. You can leap way more efficiently if you roll your foot, and make sure all kinetic energy is just transferred to your foot.

She rears her hand back. Midway through the jump, her weapon forms in her hand. She's just going for an attack. She doesn't even know that you're a magical girl yet, but she's already attacking. She seems a little too happy to be getting into the fight, and judging by the poleaxe, she's a melee fighter.

And, hilariously, she's going for an overhead strike. You take a step to the side.

For a seventeen year old Magi that's unusually aggressive when you know that you're against someone that lived to be a veteran - and it's not said whether the new duckling is clumsy compared to Kyouko with 21(?) years of experience or clumsy period.

The girl swings her poleaxe awkwardly, a wide, careless swing towards the face of your illusion. You follow it with a lunging spear thrust past her weapon. The girl's eyes widen in shock before she comes back with a follow-up swing. The attack is clumsy; her weapon is massive and the head seems incredibly heavy.

This in conjunction with Uriko knowing about witches doesn't make sense to me.

A quick look at her. She's older, she probably knows. "...witch you out."

She doesn't react. She knew.

Knows about witches but is clumsy with her weapon. That is very odd - not knowing how to fight Kyouko is one thing but she feels very very fresh because a magical girl dies to a witch if she doesn't know how to fight.

Compare to Takane who while having a wish magic to help out knows how to fight

And right behind that is Takane with a look of rage on her face. Her shotguns are both aimed forwards, right at the center of Akane's chest.

But meanwhile Takane doesn't know about witches.

You breathe in through your nose. "Alright, typical rundown, don't feel too bad about this." You look her over. "What do you know about being a magical girl?"

She frowns. "They put my soul into this," she raises her soul gem, "and I have to fight witches to clean it."

She doesn't know about the true nature of witches.

So something feels off.

2. Incubator shenanigans- Mitikihara probably is not doing nice things for Kyubey's quota so he might be giving unprecedented support but I don't find this that likely

3. Specialized wish magic for magical girls. When in doubt wish magic is a good rule of thumb. Also terrifying because that will be insidious if said girl starts getting her hooks in girls from in city
[X] Dinner? You're not gonna go to anything fancy, because...well you can't really afford it for one.
X] Dinner? You're not gonna go to anything fancy, because...well you can't really afford it for one.
[X] Choose...
-[X] Movies? It's an easy choice, not too much thought to it. It also means not really talking to her.

I think not talking might be a good idea here. Just... sit there together for an hour and a half, enjoy the movie. Be there for each other, don't put foot on mouth?

Man, imagine Kyouko teaching Minako all about the subtle art of not putting their feet in their mouth.

"As my child, this will be the greatest and most important lesson I will ever teach you. It took me many years to learn this art."

"Mama, you're being ridiculous. Just because you can't keep your mouth shut-"


"-Doesn't mean I can't."

"It's complex."

"It's not."

"There's techniques to this. There's the Movie Cuddle, the Surprise Pocky-"


"The Dynamic Exit, the Squeaky Motorboarting-"


"Ah- Shit... DYNAMIC EXIT!"

Kyouko jumps out the window.
[X] Choose...
-[X] Movies? It's an easy choice, not too much thought to it. It also means not really talking to her.
Couldn't get to the vote, but eh.

More is important is that Sayaka is... fucked up, to say the least.

Why must you do this to my heart
Finally emerging from years of lurking to say that SQ1 was awesome (yes, I've been lurking a while), you've already got me emotionally invested in the characters for SQ2, and your writing and art is really good and has only gotten better.
CHAPTER 1 - 23
[X] Choose...

Takakokoro said:
you: uwu i cant deciiiiide
you: is there anything out
you: iunno i don'/t watch many movies

Well, not in theaters. You definitely pirate a lot of them though. Lot of anime, too. An enormous amount of anime. An unholy fuckton of anime, most of which is probably problematic and embarrassing to admit that you like, but look you really like isekai. You really like isekai.

Actually, there's a Goblin Slayer remake in theaters. It's their third time remaking the franchise. You never watched the original but you heard it was okay.

Takakokoro said:
takane: Well, there is the 'I'm A Badass Sword Lady And NOBODY CAN STOP ME' movie...

you: ...
you: ...
you: ...
you: ...that sounds hot.

takane: oh my god mina

you: what?
you: it does!

She sends you a picture and you're immediately greeted by the image of a buff woman with a gigantic, gleaming blade, a spiral of blood and a sadistic grin on her face as she holds a tiny twink in one arm and a swooning princess on her back.

Takakokoro said:
you: ................................................
you: ............................................................................................................................

takane: Is that a yes on going, or
takane: ?

you: that's probably a yes but also I was thinking about food.
you: look i want to see anime blood and boobies as much as the next enby
you: but also food is neat

takane: Well let's put it this way.
takane: I can pay for tickets.
takane: You can food.
takane: *pay for

you: it's a date
you: <3

takane: <3

You smile. That's kind of an extremely welcome distraction from the day's goings-on. You shuffle yourself under the covers. As you do, the figure of Guts on your shelf shifts a little bit alongside a figure of a woman with a gigantic straw hat, blue samurai armor, and a colossal purple nodachi.

You press your face into the pillow.

Then you hear the door open. Light floods in from the hallway, and you can faintly see the shadow of your mama's gigantic red mane. You think that thing looks ridiculous, honestly, but it suits her. It suits her really well.

"Hey, Mina."

You hold yourself. You try to look like you're sleeping, but you're not stupid enough to think that would actually work. She knows you're awake. "Hi, mama."

"You uh..." she trails off, rubbing the back of her head. "...know we love you, right?"

You curl up. "Y...yeah I do." That didn't sound sure enough. You feel it. "I do. Of course I do." That sounds too desperate. You should've just left it at 'I do'.

"Kid, you don't really need to convince me that you love us." She walks in. She doesn't look as wide right now; she's in an old tank top that she normally wears before going to sleep. She ruffles your hair.

You wriggle and push your head into it. "I love you, too." You stay there for a little while, your mama just rubbing the short hair on top of your head. It's a nice feeling. But you know it can't last. "So was what mom said true?" You look up. "Was it..."

"She left out a few parts." She looks away. "No, it's not like there's a hidden upside. I can tell ya for a fact. I'd be better off if I never did it."

She has an expression a lot like your mom's in that moment. A moment of dead silence. She looks almost like she'll burst into tears. Then she wipes her eyes. She always was the kind of person to hold onto her feelings.

"Hm." You roll back over onto your side and squeeze a plush cat that you keep hidden under the covers.

"But you know, Mina?" She smiles. "At least we got through it. And at least we had you."

You weakly pull your head out of the covers and give her a hug around her waist. "Love you, mama."

"Love you too, Mina." She rubs the back of your head. "I'm gonna keep a look on your mom. See if she's doing better now."

You nod before she leaves your room. The door shuts and all the light that came flooding in vanishes in a heartbeat. You roll over and start to drift off.

Your name is Sayaka and after your shower you didn't bother to get dressed again. You're currently lying face-down on the bed, your hair splayed out around your head, your eyes shut and miserable. You kind of cheated; you used magic to make sure your hair didn't get the pillows wet.

You hear Kyouko opening the door. "I talked to them, you big baby."

"Thnnanks Koko," you mumble into the pillow.

She frowns before bringing her hand up to your butt and giving it a squeeze.

You squeak. "H-hey!"

"Flustered you is cuter than sad you." Kyouko rubs her hands across your back. "You doing better?"

You answer truthfully. "No." You roll onto your back. You stretch your arms up and give your wife the biggest hug you possibly can. "I'm a fucking mess."

"Yes, you are." She rubs her hand across your collarbone. "And I love you."


Kyouko considers just lying in bed next to you with her tank top. She considers it for a few more seconds...then she rolls her eyes, pulls it off, and scoots in. She raises your head, slides her lap into place, and lets you sit there.

"There. Much better." She slides her hand across your jaw. "Mina almost had me talking about my father."

You're dead silent. Seconds pass before you follow her up. "Well, did you?"

"No." She sighs. "...I think we might have to ask mom for tips and pointers."

"Oh!" You smile. "Oh, it's been a couple of weeks."

"She said she was going to be free again." Kyouko sighs. "She's been so busy."

You frown. "Right, right, yeah; she probably has that book meet again." You tap your chin. You've never actually read any of your mom's books. She started really getting into writing after she retired. She's apparently doing pretty well for herself; her latest light novel is even being adapted into a manga.

"It's a convention, not a book meet, Saka." She kisses your forehead. "But yeah, I think you need that."

You sigh. "I...right, yeah. I'll do that after patrol tomorrow. Do you have training?"


You prop yourself up against the headboard and move your back onto her chest. She wraps her arms around your waist and puts her chin in the crook of your neck. "I think she'll be happy to see us."


It's been a day, and you are still Sayaka. You are currently on your way out from the force after an exhausting day at work. You would have forgotten about what you were gonna ask...except it's kind of vitally important.

Oh yeah, you almost did slip up at work. You're pretty sure they either didn't notice or they won't remember, though. It involved you dropping your phone and it sliding under a dumpster. And you just lifted the dumpster.

Still, you should probably think about what to talk about with your mom. It'll be the first time in a couple of weeks and honestly you've missed her.

[] Write-in talking points; limit it to Three general points; go into specifics. These will not involve dice rolls.
Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 28, 2019 at 7:47 AM, finished with 9 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] You missed her.
    [X] Minako found out about Magical Girls. You tried to explain why did you hide it from her. That was absolutely bloody horrifying and heart-wrenching.
    [X] Everything else seems so unimportant in comparison with previous two points.

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 28, 2019 at 4:22 PM, finished with 19 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] You missed her.
    [X] Minako found out about Magical Girls. You tried to explain why did you hide it from them. That was absolutely bloody horrifying and heart-wrenching.
    [X] You missed her.
    [x] How has she been holding up?
    [X] Minako found out about Magical Girls. You tried to explain why did you hide it from them. That was absolutely bloody horrifying and heart-wrenching.
    [X] You missed her.
    [X] Minako found out about Magical Girls. You tried to explain why did you hide it from her. That was absolutely bloody horrifying and heart-wrenching.
    [X] You missed her.
    [X] Minako found out about Magical Girls. You tried to explain why did you hide it from them. That was absolutely bloody horrifying and heart-wrenching.
    [X] You missed her.
    [x] How has she been holding up?
    [X] Minako found out about Magical Girls. You tried to explain why you hid it from them. That was absolutely bloody horrifying and heart-wrenching.
Actually, there's a Goblin Slayer remake in theaters. It's their third time remaking the franchise. You never watched the original but you heard it was okay.


You frown. "Right, right, yeah; she probably has that book meet again." You tap your chin. You've never actually read any of your mom's books. She started really getting into writing after she retired. She's apparently doing pretty well for herself; her latest light novel is even being adapted into a manga.

I wonder if Minako likes it?
'I'm A Badass Sword Lady And NOBODY CAN STOP ME'
a buff woman with a gigantic, gleaming blade, a spiral of blood and a sadistic grin on her face as she holds a tiny twink in one arm and a swooning princess on her back.
Biographical movie of Sayaka Miki-Sakura?

[X] You missed her.
[X] Minako found out about Magical Girls. You tried to explain why did you hide it from her. That was absolutely bloody horrifying and heart-wrenching.
[X] Everything else seems so unimportant in comparison with previous two points.
[X] You missed her.
[X] Minako found out about Magical Girls. You tried to explain why did you hide it from her. That was absolutely bloody horrifying and heart-wrenching.