To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
[X] Discuss Takane with Akane.
-[X] Kasamino gang.

Knowing Moid, the smalltalk option probably has something fun behind it.
CHAPTER 1 - 16
[x] Discuss Takane with Akane. (PICK ONE)
-[X] Kasamino gang.

You watch Takane leap off into the distance. You keep your arms crossed as she finally leaves. Finally you turn to Akane. "The creature said something about-"

"That's nice." Akane cuts you off as she hefts her bag over her shoulder.

"No, just a sec. It's just a brief thing." You raise your finger. "And trust me, I stabbed it after it talked."

"Good." Akane turns. "So what about?"

"Well, you saw how Takane was pretty willing to just quit as soon as she saw that she had no chance?" You look back to her retreating form. "I think that's part of how she convinced her parents to move out of Kasamino."

"She saw a no-win scenario? Like a Walpurgis or another Tokyo Six."

"That's the thing." You look a little to your left. The sun's setting, and in the distance, you see the peninsula that Kasamino rests on. The buildings leave a beautiful reflection in the water. You've been watching it grow over the past two decades. "It told me there was a gang in Kasamino, gathering strength, extorting girls."

Akane frowns. "Sayaka, I can't go over there, I have-"

"I wasn't about to ask you to do that." You breathe in. "I would never do that. Not alone."

"Right. Sorry." She breathes in through her nose. "I just thought...right right why would you, you'd never do that."

You sit nearby. "I wouldn't let you leave your family. It's why I can't go myself. And the ducklings are all over Japan. And sending a gang of newbies after them is asking for spent lives and new grief seeds."

"it's no wonder she left, then." Akane crosses her arms. "If they're smart, they're gonna stay in Kasamino."

"We're dealing with teens with mental health problems and incredibly lethal powers. They're not gonna be smart." You take a few steps down the hill. "I'm going for extra patrols for the next few days." You look over the city. 'Hey, heads up. We got trouble brewing in Kasamino. There's gonna be a potential influx of magical girls from the town. Let me, Kyouko, Akane, or any of the other seniors know if there's an altercation and we'll try to get there ASAP.'

You let the message spread out. It takes a second, then you hear a chorus of 'Gotcha' or 'Roger' or 'Yep' or 'Sure.'

You smile. You're honestly kind of proud of your work. You went through a lot of trouble to keep the girls in this town safe and happy. At least, as many of them as you can.

Akane keeps her eyes on the city in the distance as she follows you down. "Now how much do you want to bet that one of the girls is going to try fighting an intruder anyway?"

"Sucker's bet." You roll your neck.

You really hope Takane was just being defeatist.


Your name is Minako, and you've been left to stew on the fact that you're dating a magical girl. It's been a couple of days, and tomorrow is gonna be when you'll be able to date again. She told you she was busy (probably with magical girl stuffs) and you're still just wondering if you were hallucinating it or not.

She jumped away and you saved a kid from killing himself. The area of the fence where he crawled out was quickly covered in tarp and it'll be repaired later today. You find yourself on the rooftop alone; Takane told you she'd be busy this lunch period.

You frown and eat out of your box. It's a heart this time; a pink rice heart, perfectly shaped. Your mama's getting better in a very short amount of time. But you're still just...enh.

You've been better. You miss having someone to talk to up here, and you haven't even been dating that long. You press the back of your head against the end of the fence and just...sit. You just kind of sit there. You stare up at the sky as the clouds drift lazily by.

Then you hear a faint rattle. There's a soft patter of feet nearby, like a cat running across concrete. It's behind you, whatever it is, like a cat that somehow climbed up. You look behind you.

There's nothing there. Whatever it is, it's missing now. You turn back to your food.

Whatever just happened, you're already uncomfortable with it. You stuff more food into your mouth, eat your chicken, quickly devour the rice and kale and carrots, then close the box and turn around.

Still nothing. Not a whiff or a sign or a hair of that small creature is around you. You narrow your eyes, then take a deep breath. You don't want to be up here alone, and your friends are downstairs anyway. You stand up...

Then you hear a thud. You turn to see your girlfriend on the rooftop, hunched over, legs bent. She's dressed in a uniform you've never seen before, a green glimmering thing with a gem on her chest and fabric flapping in the wind. The entire thing disintegrates into the wind in a shower of dust as she pats herself and gives you a smile.

"Hey." She waves her hand.

"Uh, hey yourself." You wave right back.

[] Stay on the rooftop and talk up here. You can be a little more private up here, but that thing might be back.

[] Go back downstairs and talk down there. That thing will be gone but you obviously can't talk about some of your...less comfortable goings-on

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 15, 2019 at 11:46 AM, finished with 7 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Mention what you think you've been hearing/seeing, and then let Takane choose. It might be Magical Girl related, after all, which would mean she has a more informed opinion than you.
    [X] Go back downstairs and talk down there. That thing will be gone but you obviously can't talk about some of your...less comfortable going-ons
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[X] Mention what you think you've been hearing/seeing, and then let Takane choose. It might be Magical Girl related, after all, which would mean she has a more informed opinion than you.

[X] Mention what you think you've been hearing/seeing, and then let Takane choose. It might be Magical Girl related, after all, which would mean she has a more informed opinion than you.
[X] Mention what you think you've been hearing/seeing, and then let Takane choose. It might be Magical Girl related, after all, which would mean she has a more informed opinion than you.
[X] Go back downstairs and talk down there. That thing will be gone but you obviously can't talk about some of your...less comfortable going-ons
[X] Mention what you think you've been hearing/seeing, and then let Takane choose. It might be Magical Girl related, after all, which would mean she has a more informed opinion than you.

Bring the creepy-strange-things to the attention of the one whose got hands-on experience dealing with creepy-strange-things.
[X] Mention what you think you've been hearing/seeing, and then let Takane choose. It might be Magical Girl related, after all, which would mean she has a more informed opinion than you.
[X] Mention what you think you've been hearing/seeing, and then let Takane choose. It might be Magical Girl related, after all, which would mean she has a more informed opinion than you.
[X] Mention what you think you've been hearing/seeing, and then let Takane choose. It might be Magical Girl related, after all, which would mean she has a more informed opinion than you.
[X] Mention what you think you've been hearing/seeing, and then let Takane choose. It might be Magical Girl related, after all, which would mean she has a more informed opinion than you.
[X] Mention what you think you've been hearing/seeing, and then let Takane choose. It might be Magical Girl related, after all, which would mean she has a more informed opinion than you.

[X] Mention what you think you've been hearing/seeing, and then let Takane choose. It might be Magical Girl related, after all, which would mean she has a more informed opinion than you.

Man, shit's gonna get awkward when Minako finds out that half the people they know are magic.
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[X] Mention what you think you've been hearing/seeing, and then let Takane choose. It might be Magical Girl related, after all, which would mean she has a more informed opinion than you.
I'm finally back on a computer and can get my incoherent speculation ordered into something actually understandable.​
  • This version of Mitakihara is probably as close to a traditional magical girl show as it is possible to get in the PMMM universe. If you don't immediately witch out upon contracting the mega grief seed will probably keep you in the clear. Without the constant need for seeds, a new girl would not be forced into conflict with other groups, and would probably get a network of people with the "Five step plan to stopping grief spirals" pocketbook.
  • If they do have to leave the city, a new girl will be trained up, and should be able to maintain a positive grief seed flow wherever she sets up.
  • The art is great, especially the witches and background art; they feel like something that SHAFT would make.
  • This version of Mitakihara is probably as close to a traditional magical girl show as it is possible to get in the PMMM universe. If you don't immediately witch out upon contracting the mega grief seed will probably keep you in the clear. Without the constant need for seeds, a new girl would not be forced into conflict with other groups, and would probably get a network of people with the "Five step plan to stopping grief spirals" pocketbook.
As a pure hypothetical, it would be interesting to see how quickly everything would spiral into chaos if the seniors all vanished and people in the city had to start dealing with outsider invasions. Are the current generation strong enough to hold off all comer and train the next wave, leaving Mitikahara as a permanent beacon of stability, or would the rush of Japans strongest hit the city like another Walpurgisnacht?
As a pure hypothetical, it would be interesting to see how quickly everything would spiral into chaos if the seniors all vanished and people in the city had to start dealing with outsider invasions. Are the current generation strong enough to hold off all comer and train the next wave, leaving Mitikahara as a permanent beacon of stability, or would the rush of Japans strongest hit the city like another Walpurgisnacht?
It was mentioned that there's something like 50+ meguca in Mitakihara, including members of the generation or so after Sayaka's, so as long as the mega seed doesn't run out and they don't fall apart to infighting? They'd probably do fine.
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