To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
I don't think we really need to pry. Best just leave it up to them if they want to say something.

[x] Ask Minako how their day was. (Neutral)
That's adorable

[X] Pry into your child's love life. Ask for DETAILS. (3 Difficulty)

I want a disaster, and I want it yesterday!

Also, bring me those pictures of Spider-Man!
[X] For the love of god ask anything else. (1 Accuracy)
-[X] They seem in a good mood, so do they want some apple ice-cream?
[X] For the love of god ask anything else. (1 Accuracy)
-[X] They seem in a good mood, so do they want some apple ice-cream?
[X] Ask Minako how their day was. (Neutral)
-[X] "Know any girls with green hair, by the by?"
BTW, @TheOneMoiderah, are the details of Sayaka's combat options and abilities beyond 'she is extremely skilled and experienced' going to be important to this Quest? As in, are the specifics of what she's capable of, how her powers have evolved/changed since Sayaka Quest, whether she has any new ones, etc, going to matter?
[X] Pry into your child's love life. Ask for DETAILS. (3 Difficulty)

Worst case scenario, we don't learn anything. This is really a low-risk thing, but with a high reward, should we succeed.
BTW, @TheOneMoiderah, are the details of Sayaka's combat options and abilities beyond 'she is extremely skilled and experienced' going to be important to this Quest? As in, are the specifics of what she's capable of, how her powers have evolved/changed since Sayaka Quest, whether she has any new ones, etc, going to matter?
It'll matter in the more difficult fights. For most witches it won't be a problem.

But yeah her old abilities will come in, alongside a fuckton of new tricks, though most of the new tricks are mostly just tweaks and revisions of older ideas.