To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
It's not in the forest, it is the forest.

I see someone missed Moid's breakdown of just how completely hax that thing is. I'm pretty sure that it's physically impossible to beat, it would absorb as many meguca as it took to bring it down, plus some.
It's not impossible to beat, just the sort of thing that's best engaged via repeated magically-enhanced nuclear warheads rather than magical girls.

Which of course means we'll inevitably have to fight it as the capstone of this quest. :V
A literal army of powerful magical girls would, at best, have a slim hope against the hell-forest. Sayaka almost certainly does not have the clout to make an assault happen (I doubt anyone does) and we should put it out of our minds for now.
@TheOneMoiderah Is Aokigahara still a punishment for being stupid or are we good enough/connected enough to make an assault happen?

this birb here said it best

A literal army of powerful magical girls would, at best, have a slim hope against the hell-forest. Sayaka almost certainly does not have the clout to make an assault happen (I doubt anyone does) and we should put it out of our minds for now.

And she's right. It's hideously impractical and dangerous. And it's for that reason that Sayaka has pretty soundly put Aokigahara out of her mind.

There is no way for her to do anything about it. And really the most that would happen if you put a bunch of magical girls up against it is that a lot of people die.

You would be spending lives for very little gain, if any. There are also other narrative reasons for the existence of Walpurgisnachts like the Aokigahara witch and The Walpurgisnacht, which assaulted Mitakihara twenty years ago. That's also a spoiler. :3
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[X] Go after her. Make sure she's keeping safe.

Time to Meet The Parents waaaay earlier than normal.
So like to explain this by analogy:

Walpurgisnacht - which we barely beat, with a cadre of some of the most powerful magical girls in Japan, foreknowledge of and literal timestop powers - is to Aokigahara, as a monsoon is to the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. The power difference insofar as it can be quantified is best regarded as literally astronomical. We 'won' against WPN and are vastly more powerful than we were then, but that difference is essentially fucking meaningless for all the difference it would make.

I don't see it happening.

E- Ninja'd by QM theyself rip
Also, currently, unless the place is even more suicide-ridden than in IRL, the number of deaths it causes each year (if it's responsible for all the suicides) is distressing and terrible, fifty in 2010, sometimes into the triple digits, but, like. A Walpurgis in an actual city could rack up--I think?--basically twenty years of that monster in the suicide forest in a single successful Night.

That said, I haven't seen SQ, so I'm probably talking out my ass.

But forests tend to have fewer people than cities, I checked that to make sure. :V
And she's right. It's hideously impractical and dangerous. And it's for that reason that Sayaka has pretty soundly put Aokigahara out of her mind.

There is no way for her to do anything about it. And really the most that would happen if you put a bunch of magical girls up against it is that a lot of people die.

You would be spending lives for very little gain, if any. There are also other narrative reasons for the existence of Walpurgisnachts like the Aokigahara witch and The Walpurgisnacht, which assaulted Mitakihara twenty years ago. That's also a spoiler. :3
Well that's not ominous at all...
Also, currently, unless the place is even more suicide-ridden than in IRL, the number of deaths it causes each year (if it's responsible for all the suicides) is distressing and terrible, fifty in 2010, sometimes into the triple digits, but, like. A Walpurgis in an actual city could rack up--I think?--basically twenty years of that monster in the suicide forest in a single successful Night.

That said, I haven't seen SQ, so I'm probably talking out my ass.

But forests tend to have fewer people than cities, I checked that to make sure. :V
The Walpurgis from Sayaka Quest would have destroyed the city and everything in it if not stopped, putting its death toll in the hundreds of thousands at absolute minimum. So...
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Also, currently, unless the place is even more suicide-ridden than in IRL, the number of deaths it causes each year (if it's responsible for all the suicides) is distressing and terrible, fifty in 2010, sometimes into the triple digits, but, like. A Walpurgis in an actual city could rack up--I think?--basically twenty years of that monster in the suicide forest in a single successful Night.

That said, I haven't seen SQ, so I'm probably talking out my ass.

But forests tend to have fewer people than cities, I checked that to make sure. :V

That's part of the reason why Aokigahara can mostly be put out of mind.

So long as you stay away it doesn't really hurt that much (relative to its threat level, which is early loop Gretchen, no?). It eats up a few dozens of people every year and keeps to itself.
I think Moid even said that it was mostly dormant way back when.

It's an environmental hazard so long as you don't rattle the hornet's nest. (And if you do, it'll settle back down once its familiar tear you to pieces)
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[X] Go after her. Make sure she's keeping safe.

Like the wily barrel-fish, it's best we go for this plot hook.
[X] Go after her. Make sure she's keeping safe.

This is so obviously going to go wrong in some way or another and I love it.
[X] Go after her. Make sure she's keeping safe.

You don't wanna risk it. A quick dash around the corner and you see a flash of green magic from just inside the alleyway, with a telltale sparkle and what sounds like clanking metal. This girl has a very, very complicated weapon from the sounds of it, probably a transforming one? Either she experimented or she got really lucky.

Magical girls' weapons seem almost random from your experience, but they always have something to do with the person's personality. So either this person likes overly complicated machinery, she wants to put herself at risk for big payoffs, or she got a bad spin on Kyubey's Wheel of Torture.

Probably a mixture of the three.

You crack your knuckles and take a step into the alleyway. You whip your hand out and your soul gem materializes on your hand. Another step and you throw it in front of your face.

A second step, and your transformation begins.

First, your police uniform starts to shimmer, then it ripples. A third step and you're surrounded by an explosion of dust and a gust of wind. Your magical girl outfit emerges first, before it disappears like a memory. It's replaced instead by a gambeson, before golden chainmail forms just over the top, with each individual link looking like a tiny note.

Your sabatons come first. Your boots wrap around your legs; still the long, blue leather from before, but this time they glitter with gold. The metal crinkles and crunches before forming two neat, multi-layered steel boots. It continues up your leg, blue metal materializing around your shins and thighs before three cups slap themselves across your knees.

You spread your arms as your forearms are wrapped by glimmering golden gauntlets, as your elbows are coated and your upper arms are enclosed. Your pauldrons are next, floating over the top as your breastplate slowly melts down your chest, across the golden mail. Three eyes adorn the front of your chestplate as your gorget shoots up and covers your chin. You roll your head experimentally, flex your fingers, and finally snap them.

Your cape bursts from your back, a complex canvas of gold on white with a full symphony on your back. You're pretty sure that it takes the form of whatever song you're thinking of at the moment.

You form a sword in your right hand, then snap the blade off with your left. You spin it around three times and it multiplies with each spin. One blade, then three, then nine, and a fourth turns it into a mechanical shield. The handle in your right hand suddenly grows a new blade entirely, and by the time you reach the labyrinth...

You look fucking fierce.

And you press the sword in first. It doesn't yank on your hand. Doesn't even snap the blade. You take that as your cue to slip into the labyrinth. And as soon as you do, you drop. You drop and drop and drop past winding tree branches made of felt and leather as wild patterns pass by your eye and the air whips your cape about your head.

You hit the ground hard, hard enough to splinter wood with the combined force of your landing and your armor's mass. You flex your hands experimentally to make sure you didn't break anything with a bad landing.

No, still good. You take a look around to get your bearings, really understand the labyrinth. The sky is a dull red, with a gigantic sphere just hanging overhead. The branches around you twitch and shudder, and for a second you almost lose your footing.

The branches continue to twist, before a low, loud groan fills your ears and the sun above bursts to life. Two trees, both slightly smaller than this one, twist and twine and interlink and rumble as the sunbeams fill your eyes.

That looks like a witch to you. Doesn't seem like a particularly dangerous one. But you've underestimated witches before.

But more importantly, you see a tiny dot among the branches of the tree. A girl darts among the limbs as a swarm follows her around. The tiny little swarm dances around her as she twists and weaves in a blur of green. She punches one, and you see a flash of white, a huff of smoke, and a second later, you hear the distinct crack of a firearm.

Each punch explodes with pop-pop-pop, and from here, you can just barely tell that the shells on her arms are rotating. With each shot, a shell flies out the top of her fist weapon and finally you can tell that she's both out of bullets and cornered. She twists her body, crosses her arms, and presses her feet to the bark of the tree. She whips her arms out and two discarded magazines fly from her hands. She presses her arms to her sides and suddenly two new clips fill her hands.

You hear a roaring battlecry before she spins, the force of her leap ripping an entire branch off of the tree as she passes by the swarm. She screams through the air just over your head as each punch of hers takes out a chunk of the swarm.

She looks about Minako's age. She whips just over your head and the swarm whizzes just nearby. From here, you can finally tell that the swarm is nothing but branches, growing at rapid speed from the ground as they desperately try to reach up to her. You bend your knees as they come close, and without hesitation, you rocket upwards.

Your falchion rips through the swarm in a flash of neon blue. A wave echoes from your sword, your cape whipping around your body as your shield rattles from the sudden movement. Momentum carries you further upwards as the swarm of branches flutters in confusion, utterly bewildered at the audacity of you just barging into the fray like you did. You tighten your grip as the swarm wraps around itself to form a fucking log, almost as thick as your torso, and it comes barging towards you at high speed.

You raise your shield. The tip of the log slams into the metal of your shield, before you let the momentum sliiiiiiiide on past you. Splinters spray from the wood as you impale the end of the leg and draaaaaaag your sword out the base.

The log splits as your slice carries it out the back. You spiral towards the ground before slamming the shield down hard enough to detonate another branch. It's a spectacular rain of bark and felt as you stand up to your full height right in front of this mystery girl.

She's just staring at you, bewildered. "I-I...what the heck?"

[] "Stay back." (Difficulty 1)

[] "New in town?" (Try to strike a conversation. Write-in what you want to say to her.)

[] "Well don't just stand there. We have a witch to kill." (Accuracy 1)

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 10, 2019 at 12:02 AM, finished with 14 posts and 12 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 10, 2019 at 9:40 AM, finished with 38 posts and 23 votes.
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knew it
>Houseki no Kuni music

[X] "New in town?"
-[X] Anyone give you Meguca 101 yet? The dos and donts?
[X] "New in town?"
-[X] Anyone give you Meguca 101 yet? The dos and donts?

Also, obvious reveal was obvious.
Okay, I want to, like, become her mentor-ish figure, or something, while voting for options that keep her from "meeting the parents" as long as possible, just so that when they finally "meet for the first time" it's just this complete disaster.

Is that too much to ask?