[x] Decide to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.

Anime has taught me the best time for a heart-to-heart conversation is during a fight. Clearly this is the way to go.

I really want to go to the tournament.

But, I would rather Neianne form her own opinion first.

[x] Postpone the decision.
[x] Postpone the decision.

I'd like to know a bit more about 'how bad' it'll be if our 'mystery' teammate get's too much attention first. We need more intel.
[x] Postpone the decision

It definitely feels like we need to work out our teamwork issues before we commit to anything just yet.
Siegelinde doesn't want to, Stephanie doesn't want to and for all we know it might be dangerous to her, Elizabeth wants to to put pressure on Stephanie and she could use someone stopping her from doing stuff like that all the time, and our instructors don't think it'd be helpful to us. I don't think there's very good reason to go.
[x] Postpone the decision.

Siegelinde doesn't want to, Stephanie doesn't want to and for all we know it might be dangerous to her, Elizabeth wants to to put pressure on Stephanie and she could use someone stopping her from doing stuff like that all the time, and our instructors don't think it'd be helpful to us. I don't think there's very good reason to go.

I mean, disregarding our teammates' feelings I think there are good reasons to go. It's an opportunity to get better and test ourselves, having one clear goal is a good way to motivate ourselves, if we don't humiliate ourselves we might impress our instructors and other classmates...
But yeah, I think when our teammates' feelings are taken into account the bad outweighs the good.
That said, I'd prefer to make a better-informed choice. So I think postponing it to try to talk with them would be the best option here.
Siegelinde doesn't want to, Stephanie doesn't want to and for all we know it might be dangerous to her, Elizabeth wants to to put pressure on Stephanie and she could use someone stopping her from doing stuff like that all the time, and our instructors don't think it'd be helpful to us. I don't think there's very good reason to go.
I think it wold be a good growing experience for Neianne. And of course readers are interested in the tournament and meeting students from another school. And only one instructor said it might not be helpful. Might. According to her, the main issue is possible humiliation, which I don't think anyone in the squad will have a problem with. Neianne herself is acquainted with it on a regular basis.
[x] Decide to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.

Time for her to steel herself to the event and drag her teammates screaming into it.
[x] Decide to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.

When you throw the ball into someone's court you cant really complain about what they do about it.

And really its not like Liz is wrong here. Stephanie deflected perfectly just now after all, postponing the decision will make it far harder to work towards it later too and is something of a bad habit to make specially when an important decision is concerned.

And steph doesnt really talk to us truthfully. If she gave that one personal reason over why they shouldnt go then Neianne totally would accept it.

On Neianne's growth showing initiative on a decision as a leader would be important. And one can only keep growing by testing one's limits. Sure failing would really suck but its a learning opportunity that scarcely will come around wouldn't it?

Plus I really want for Neianne to show up those teachers.
Neianne herself is acquainted with it on a regular basis.
I wouldn't say humiliation so much as embarrassment? People like to tease her, but it's rarely malicious or meant to make her feel terrible.
Adhoc vote count started by Gazetteer on Feb 18, 2019 at 4:56 PM, finished with 70 posts and 49 votes.

Sonce squads were warned about what they may get to do, should we consider it likely, we get a chance to train and then maybe work as a team and see how that works out before we reach the deadline to make a decision?
Hrm. Thinking on this further, I don't want to act against the wishes of most of our squad.

But I do want to go the the tourny, and I think best waifu Siegelinde would benefit from going, even if she thinks she doesn't want to. So I'm updating my vote to

[x] Postpone the decision.
-[x] Try and convince Stephanie and Siegelinde that going to the tourney would be good for them

I'll admit that I'm not sure what Stephanie would be convinced by, but for Siegelinde it's obvious: Half her reason for becoming a Caldrian merc is so she can have a more prestigious position from which to enact her social agenda. Does she think she can do this without actually interacting with people? If she really wants to become a mover and shaker, having increased fame and respect can only be a benefit. And it'll make her parents happier if she's seen taking the time to rub elbows with the other up and coming mercs.

Also, we are becoming well known as adorable and friendly, if it would help her with her goals, we could help her meet people. It may not come easily to us, but we're not blind to the effect we have on people.

I'm not sure what Stephanie is really after, so it's harder to understand her goals, but she knew she might end up going there no matter what, so we'll see what happens when we talk to her more.
[x] Decide not to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.

Blugh. Not really happy with this; I think the tournament could be interesting, and there's quite a bit that might be learned from it - Neianne certainly seems to be the type to rise to a challenge - but of the three, only Elizabeth wants in, and she wants to do it as part of prying Stephanie's secrets out. That's not really something I'm in favour of going along with.

And postponing just means everyone with an opinion on whether we should go or not is going to take it as an invitation to lean on Neianne.