Stephanie makes an angry comment after the direwolf debacle about the whole 'Treiden people' thing being bullshit, which makes me think she's Tenereian, tbh. The Treidens are specifically the original group who split and became the Tenereians and Caldrans, but NOT Ornthalians.

Personally, I want to go to the tournament. However, I do not want that decision to be made just because Elizabeth and the Faculty were pressuring her.
This is about my view on the matter too.
The funny thing is that based on name, appearance, and revealed powers, I'm pretty sure that Stephanie actually was adapted from a very old RP that I used to have going with Kei, and seeing all the speculation about her is deeply amusing to me.
It secretly turns out Kei is writing Stephanie Quest and Stephanie chose all the crazy minmaxing options to get maximum money and power.
whoops, sorry this is a little late

blame whoever I was playing apex with

Ama sighs, tucking her own tail in as she seats herself, forking over a generous serving of potato and cheese onto her dinner plate.
*suddenly has a midnight craving for a baked potato*

Beside Ama, Yolanda also sits with the sort of measure composure one expects of an elven noble

"You have a soft spot for her."

"Don't be daft," Cassie mutters, rolling her eyes. "That'd be unprofessional."
No, not having a soft spot for Neianne would be inhumane :V

"Oh, come on, you're really going to start I'm the only one thinking about the future of Faulkren's finances?"
maybe missing a word around here?

"Yes," scoffs Ama, "and I'm sure securing patronage has no bearing on your drinking money."

"Ama..." Laufey starts warningly.
Now the claws come out =X

There is no glory in being chosen by the commander of your warband to be removed from the front and sent back home to teach children. There is always the unavoidable assumption - however irrational it is, even though someone has to take this job - that you must've screwed up badly enough that you're somehow the first one she sends home, the last one she wants by her side in the heat of battle.
So, in a better designed sort of thing, the training leaders are instead:
1) (almost) everyone goes and it's just a somewhat standard rotation billet
2) Only the injured/old get sent because they're no longer useful on the front
3) The best get sent because you want the best teaching the up and coming newbies to keep your newbies from asploding before they become veterans

"Would be easier if Cornelia hadn't vetoed Stephanie," grumbles Yolanda glumly.

Ama leans in, clearly interested in this line of gossip. "That's, what," she asks, "the first time she's ever done that? Because I've never seen her interfere like that before with squad leader selection."
Look I'm not saying that I am still totally tooting the 'make Stephanie the leader' vote because it's interesting buuuuuut

"Then it led to a dead end, as if the whole pile of coin just materialized one day out of nowhere. None of the accounts were opened under a name that could be found in city or shrine records in either city. Two of the five accounts listed shell organizations, with no other bank transactions, so far as I can tell." She takes another spoonful of rice. "Whoever paid for her tuition went to significant efforts to keep themselves hidden."
Criminal organization plant should be a well-considered possibility at this point. Send your rookies in for training, then they can run missions for you/train your own people as the next generation.

Ama snorts at the ribbing and lets it slide. "I suppose matters can be worse," she decides. "That our headmistress hasn't run Stephanie through means, at the very least, she isn't a Tenny agent."

"And she fought well during the Squirrel attack, I've heard," adds Yolanda in a manner that seems as if she has only just deigned to acknowledge it.
On the other hand, it'd be a great way of establishing her bonafides if she -was- a Tenny agent...
Stephanie makes an angry comment after the direwolf debacle about the whole 'Treiden people' thing being bullshit, which makes me think she's Tenereian, tbh. The Treidens are specifically the original group who split and became the Tenereians and Caldrans, but NOT Ornthalians.

This is about my view on the matter too.

I actually drew the opposite conclusion from that. In my experience, people are far more likely to complain about groups they don't belong to. So Stephanie complaining about the Treiden people after a fight between Tenerians and Caldrans only makes me more certain she is Ornthalian. This also explains the whole "why would the Tenerians send their special forces after the academy with their spy in it" problem.
I actually drew the opposite conclusion from that. In my experience, people are far more likely to complain about groups they don't belong to. So Stephanie complaining about the Treiden people after a fight between Tenerians and Caldrans only makes me more certain she is Ornthalian. This also explains the whole "why would the Tenerians send their special forces after the academy with their spy in it" problem.
Also, it's been noted before that "Treiden" is a term that people outside of Caldrein don't bother with very much anymore in favour of just saying "Tenerian."
Stephanie raises an eyebrow at her. "That's groveling?" she asks.

"I am a merciful lady, after all," sniffs Elizabeth haughtily, and Stephanie barely manages to catch herself before making a ridiculing snorting noise. "I can lower my standards." Her smile takes on a slightly sinister air as she adds, "If this was Tenereia, her head would've long been on a pike."

Your eyes widen in shock as you ask, "R-Really?"

"No," sighs Stephanie impatiently, "not really. It's wartime propaganda."

But here Sieglinde clarifies, "Elizabeth exaggerates, but it's true that the leaders of the Tenereian Union are...less accessible." She shrugs. "Perhaps it would be unfair to suggest that they are entirely beyond reproach, but the gulf between them and those they rule is wide indeed."

There's also this. Stephanie never acts like an expert in... anything, but after a bit of back and forth with Elizabeth just reflexively says 'no, they aren't like that'. When it first came up it just seemed like she wasn't ignorant, but with new information it might mean a bit more.

I'm also not sure of the timeline, but could it be possible that she's from one of the earliest conquered territories? The war was 12 years long at the graduation post, so if where Stephanie gets conquered and then she spends 3-4 years in occupied territories before her parents somewhat force her to go to academy to fight back?

Still leaves the issue of money, but might explain her complicatedness with her parents, if they set her up for life but pretty much forced her to leave home and never likely come back.
I actually drew the opposite conclusion from that. In my experience, people are far more likely to complain about groups they don't belong to. So Stephanie complaining about the Treiden people after a fight between Tenerians and Caldrans only makes me more certain she is Ornthalian. This also explains the whole "why would the Tenerians send their special forces after the academy with their spy in it" problem.

This is assuming that Stephanie is a spy, or that the Tenereians are a homogeneous faction. One decent explanation would be that Steph is trying to steal Caldran merecenary training techniques to take back in behalf of a noble family, for instance.

Here's the exact phrasing of the Treiden comment, for anyone interested:

"I'm not naive. I just thought maybe it'd be different this time. That all this talk about how we're all of the Treiden people meant something."
All I'm saying is that 40 chapters down the line Stephanie is going to be running away from their Hidden Village Training Academy after Neianne was knocked unconscious after failing to prevent her from leaving. :V
So due to various circumstances, the next update is going to be a little late. x_x

In the meantime, though, I would like to request an interest check.

  1. Would you be interested in joining and being active in a Discord server involving my writings? If not, why not?
  2. Would it be your preference that such a Discord server would also serve other quests that I am personally interested in so that a select number of quests are represented on a single server? If you answered "no" in the previous question, would this change your mind?
When you say "involving your writings" do you mean like, for talking about them, or would there be some degree of seeing things behind the scenes in there?
Would you be interested in joining and being active in a Discord server involving my writings? If not, why not?
Obviously. ;p
Would it be your preference that such a Discord server would also serve other quests that I am personally interested in so that a select number of quests are represented on a single server? If you answered "no" in the previous question, would this change your mind?
That sounds fine. It tends to be how other QMs run their Discord servers (the ones I'm on anyway) if they have multiple quests.
I am in a few discord already hosting a bunch of SB and sv fics so sure why not. though discussion coincides with updates so its not much different then speakinh in thread unless the fic is uber huge and popular that people willbe willing shoot the breeze there
1. Hrm. Gut-reaction is no primarily because I've enough of a lurker's nature that I wouldn't say much. Also a server for writings kind of suggests writing skill and ability is wanted...And I'm probably lacking in those areas. If you don't mind someone lurky then fine.
2. I'd say I'd be fine with it either way, Kei's one of the better writers around here from what I've seen.