Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

He goes bye bye.

I wonder what rap sheet this guy has? Like past crime at least.

At the moment I think he's screwed because robbing a bank is at least 20 years plus what he did to that bank manager.
He's been caught committing mistometers like shoplifting, maybe some minor assault. But he has enough connections to make it go away, so it wouldn't show up on a rap sheet.
@Agent 99

Just wondering, is there some type of power cancelling substance the police have access to? I was thinking about how they manage to hold super-powered villians in jail.
There isn't a catch-all thing that can cancel out powers in general, though there are precautions and objects that can be used to counter people with powers.

For example, if Sonya was arrested, she'd be put in a metal box strong enough to withstand her strength with a lot of anti-magic enchantments on it. There are helmets, necklaces, and other things that can cancel out psychic powers, there are certain types of energy fields that can cancel out time powers, though they're expensive to create and maintain.

Of course, there are more counters for people with other powers, and more are being researched.
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Jan 21, 2019 at 11:28 AM, finished with 1426 posts and 8 votes.
Alright, I need a Speed roll to get to the grocery store in a timely manner. And a Perception roll to find the guy.
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Jasmine Perception Total: 89
89 89
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Profligatte Speed Total: 14
14 14
Alright here comes THE SPEED!
EDIT: And now that that's done, here comes the SIGHT!
Okay, dunno if that's enough FAST but we will spot him.
Zaealix threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: FAST! Total: 58
58 58
Zaealix threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: what do I see? Total: 3
3 3
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I wonder what kind of shenanigans this guy can get into now that were at this late level of the game.

I hope we can end this quickly, tie him up, and leave with the bag. We can dropbox off at the bank or give it to a cop on the way out.
Wheres the threadmark with information on all villains and vigilantees?
Gangs so far in the story...

Southern Trinity Maniacs
Leader: Headhunter? (Skull fetish and melee expert.)
Sub-Leader: Mark Waid (Believed to be supplying Dr. Lussac with chemicals.)

After a recent war with the Nomads and a lost labratory we will be seeing less of the STM as they regroup. But Headhunter is pissed and i'm sure Dr. Lussac has given our Vigilante identity to him. What they plan to do with her chemicals is still up in the air though.

Leader: ???
Sub-Leader: ???
So far all we know is that they and the Southern Trinity Maniacs just had a war that forced S.T.M to the streets.

Dr. Lussac: Independant Villain with unknown goals and a buisness relationship with S.T.M. The gang seemed to be sending kidnapped people for Lussac to work on with her chemicals. She has used merceanary forces and seems to have paid them well. Her current whereabouts are unknown. The Community members saved by Vigil have helped spread awareness of Lussac.

I like to think that the people we saved talked to some local news team that was able to put a spot light on the villain. She's down for kidnapping, torture, and medical malpractice for sure.
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Gangs so far in the story...

Southern Trinity Maniacs
Leader: Headhunter? (Skull fetish and melee expert.)
Sub-Leader: Dr. Lussac (Operated a clandestine lab that was experimenting on people with mercenaries on her pay roll)
Sub-Leader: Mark Waid (Believed to be supplying Dr. Lussac with chemicals.)

After a recent war with the Nomads and a lost labratory we will be seeing less of the STM as they regroup. But Headhunter is pissed and i'm sure Dr. Lussac has given our Vigilante identity to him. What they plan to do with her chemicals is still up in the air though.

Leader: ???
Sub-Leader: ???
So far all we know is that they and the Southern Trinity Maniacs just had a war that forced S.T.M to the streets.
Dr. Lussiac isn't a part of the gang. She's an independent criminal who hired them for certain tasks, namely the acquisition of certain chemicals and test subjects, but she isn't a part of the gang itself. Though she didn't trust them for personal security and hired some mercenaries for that.
Omake - Prison Riot

Standing in the rain and on the gravel hurt Alan as he walked over to his boss Goggles. He looked up briefly at the watchtowers to see that the Guards again were just not paying attention. Or they didn't care most likely.

"Good to have you join us new blood. The Brotherhood is always looking for new guys."

I shook head nodding a yes. As the rest of the prison got out of the hold and started to cluster up into there racial groups.

Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and the odd ones out that didn't fit anywhere. They usually tried to clique up with guys from the area therefrom or the closest skin pigmentation. Prison teaches you real quick how to be racists when your not.

San behind me taps me on my shoulder and motions for me to get closer to his mouth. A whisper and not something I want to get caught doing.

"Mexicans are good with us today. Pick up a pen from the latrine. Should be a someone guarding it. Pass is: Beast.


And with that, I'm motioned to switch out as a new group comes on from the other bloc. I have to iron up fast before the riot starts. Its kill or be killed and I still want to live.

I power walk to the latrine since the guards don't care today. It's an open stall with a wall at the waist level to protect your modesty. Up above some pigeons also like to share in the business by dropping on the occupants Intimately called the "double shit".

I walk around the wall and the brotherhood who guards our stall. The paper is in front of the wall between me and the rest of the yard as I sit on the toilet. Sure enough, the brotherhood had pens for us. I take one as I make to grab some paper for my bum.

I do the whole act of shitting and wiping as I stand up and go to my next station. The basketball courts where two Brotherhood members stood watch as sentinels while the rest played basketball.

As I walked to the court I kept on looking up at the guards who still didn't give a shit. One of them was even putting a cigarette in his mouth. Fucking corrections...

The sentinels at the corner of the court let me through but with an eye. I had no tattoos after all. Not yet at least. I sat at a bench watching a game between some Brotherhood members as they played around like nothing was going on.

After 10 minutes or so the court was filled as the Brotherhood successfully plagued the court. The other gangs were watching of course. They were not going to take this lying down. The race gangs were divided into the big 4 with each gang a General to lead them. The AB's (Aryan Brotherhood) weren't happy with the recent intake when they came in saying they were already brothers and taking their name like that. The sparks have left to some dead on both sides and it's been hot between both ever since. Nuestra Family, of course, helped out there AB allies where possible and now the BGF and Mexican Mafia were calling a 4-way truce to deal with the newcomers.

"HEY YO LETS DEAL WITH THESE BUSTERS!" I looked over to see the Brotherhood sergeant call out as he pointed out some AB's by a table. The declaration of war was met with 'EARN YOUR INK!' as everyone rushed to each other and soon it was a warzone in the gravel yard.

I stood up from the bench and ran at a group of brothers going up against some inked up skinheads by one side. There was a big fat guy that people called 'Mad Mountain' who had smashed a brothers nose so hard he was out cold before he hit the ground. I kept running through and stabbed him with my pen at his ribs as he shrieked in pain as others followed suit. He lunged and missed me with a big swat as he tried to step back. His other skin head friends closed the direct path forward and tried to slice at us with there own pens.

It was like a big medieval brawl with little makeshift swords. But eventually, the guards finally did something all day as they shot warning shots into the yard. Mountain was on his back though and bleeding from some stabs. I doubt he'd make it to tell the story. I looked around the yard as my face was on the dirt to see the Brotherhood Sergeant had expertly buried his knife into the gravel sand.

I looked up to see a camera though right on top of me. Shit.

I was going to do 25 to life. And I was going to level up for this.

*Pen - Shank. Many times a prisoner will buy pens of the prison store with there work hours and then sharpen said pen to be a knife-like weapon.
*Plague - Gang term meaning 'to take over something'.


Prisoner Profile

Name: Alan De Santis
Age: 27
Occupation: Fence Builder
Affiliation: Brotherhood
Joined: ???
Role: ?Foot soldier?

Initially sentenced after pleading guilty to robbery with a knife Alan was sentenced to Hartford Prison for 1 year and a 200$ fine. While in Hartford Prison Alan stabbed rival gang affiliated prisoner Matthew "Mad Mountain" Terrance to death in a riot. He was charged with conspiracy to murder, illegal contraband, assault with a deadly weapon, and murder.

He is currently serving a life sentence at a new prison complex known in Bleakview.

Prison Staff at Bleakview have theorized that he is currently in the process of being promoted within the Brotherhood to manage there growing syndicate within the Prison System but also out in Hartford and the streets of the USA. De Santis has applied for parole and is currently being viewed favorably by his counselors for release which adds to the speculation. Legally he's as clean as an ex-con and possibly affiliated gang member can be. His Parolee Officer has been forwarded our concerns in an effort to keep track of him and the Brotherhood.


Gang Profile
Name: Brotherhood
Leader: ???

The Brotherhood is a new inked gang with a messy origin. Some believe it was founded by Drug dealers who wanted to organize to protect themselves from the Nomads and Head takers gang. Others beleive it's led by Mafia in order to provide 3rd party muscle support to there operations.

What is known is that there main money-making schemes include drug smuggling within the Prison systems as well as illegal drug manufacturing including but not limited to methenamine, Heroine, and Marijuana. DEA has raided several warehouses holding bags of money and drugs in Hartford last year as part of it's continuing operations against the group. Gang taskforces assigned believe that there control of the prison system and drug money will help the gang grow quite powerful in the near future.

An informant within the group believes the group may also be looking to arm itself heavily with automated weaponry as it seeks to consolidate its control of the drug trade and expand it's interests.

The recent death of Yusha 'Yayo' Yaomin by the Southern Trinity Maniacs has left a gap in its leadership on the streets of Hartford. It is unknown who will exactly take the reins on the streets as most of it's high profile members are still serving time behind bars and the ones out don't have the same gravitas that Yayo had. If a new leader isn't found within the group the gangs street presence will disappear and they'll lose a lot of gains.

The Brotherhood sees this as unacceptable and we suspect they will be trying to find a creative solution to the problem.

Enemies: Aryan Brotherhood, Black Guerrilla Family, Mexican Mafia, Nuestra Familia, Nomads, and the Southern Trinity Maniacs.
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Gun Metal Gray Part 9
You start running before you can think to do anything else. You take off towards the grocery store at the other end of the parking lot. Ever since you started, you've only been able to take down one man that wasn't a hired goon. Whether it's that lizard woman or Lussiac, they've either gotten away, or you had to run. As you vault over a car and burst through the glass doors, you swear that this bastard isn't going to get away.


"Get out of the way!" Profligate shouted as he sprinted down one of the aisles through the grocery store. Part of him found it funny that this was the most time he spend inside of a grocery store in years, but the other part of him crushed that part down. The plan should have worked. He should have been on his way to his escape, getting reservations for dinner on Saturday. But this Vigil, and whoever killed his pilot seemed determined to stop him.

He glances at his charge and swears. The power source was draining faster than he thought. Still, if he could lose these annoyances, maybe he could get away. And if he didn't...

Well, he's sure his lawyer would think of something.

He shoves a shopper into a shelf and keeps running.


"Fuck... I'm trying to get into Kroger's network..." Jasmine says as she taps on her computer to access the security cameras in the Kroger's. You hear her mutter about how slow her laptop was being, so you start looking around yourself. You see a couple dozen very confused, very frightened customers and cashiers. Some are just staring at you, some are trying to make themselves as small as possible. A particularly portly man hops over the Customer service desk, while a family of 4, that you're pretty sure are the Wallaces, takes cover behind the floral display.

'Get out of the way!' you hear from your left, coming from aisle 14. And you hear the sounds of metal hitting the linoleum floors. You take off, hoping over the checkout counter and dashing down aisle 12. There's only two ways other way out on the other side of the store. You're going to cut him off from one of them if you keep going this way.

You take off running as fast as you can down aisle 12. You leap to the side to avoid an elderly man with a pair of headphones seemingly ignorant of the commotion. In just a few seconds, you come out of the other side, and you see him. He's running into a the back storeroom of the Kroger's, probably headed towards the back exit. You're about 30 feet away, but he doesn't see you.

[] Tackle him and pin him to the ground.
[] Sprint at him and attack him with your sword.
[] Use your magic to subdue him.
- [] Write in your spell.
[] Write in.
[X] Use your magic to subdue him.
-[X] Lightning Bolt!
—[X] Then tackle and pin him.

That should fry his already damaged suit. Nail him with a burst of electricity and then follow it up with a full-sprint tackle, and he's down for the count.
[X] Tackle him and pin him.

He's done for.

Edit: Changing vote for the sake of the old man.
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[X] Tackle him and pin him to the ground.

Guys. Lightning. Indoors. With elderly civilians.
Please don't

If theres a single unshielded pacemaker we can kill innocents
[X] Tackle him and pin him to the ground.

Guys. Lightning. Indoors. With elderly civilians.
Please don't

If theres a single unshielded pacemaker we can kill innocents
Even being inside a person might not necessarily be sufficient shielding, much less the far more vulnerable external variety.

No lightning indoors with elderly civvies.

[X] Tackle him and pin him to the ground.
Vote Tally
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Jan 25, 2019 at 7:41 PM, finished with 1443 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Tackle him and pin him to the ground.
    [X] Use your magic to subdue him.
    -[X] Lightning Bolt!
    —[X] Then tackle and pin him.
    [X] Tackle him and pin him.
    [X] Tackle him and pin him to the ground.
    -[X] Then bust up his suit's legs.
Alright, I need a Brawl roll to subdue him.
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Profligate Dex Total: 37
37 37
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Shoot Total: 13
13 13
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: ??? Inteligence Total: 23
23 23
You rush forward, intent on bringing him down. But before you can tackle him, he points at you, and fires another laser nad this one hits you square in the midsection. The laser can't quite bore straight through your armor, but you can feel the burn where it hit you.

You slam into the armored man and slam him into the ground. There's a clash of metal on contrite as he crashed with you on top of him. Flat on his back, he tries to raise his hand to fire another laser, but you move to the side as the laser shoots just inches from your head. You rear back and slam your fist into his face, and the metal of his faceplate gives and bends. You punch him again, and again, occasionally ducking and weaving as he tries to get another shot off at you until after one final punch, he goes limp.

As you catch your breath, you look at your work. Profligate has gone slack, some weak groaning lets you know that he's barely alive. The diamond shaped sections that made up his helmet are falling away, revealing a heavily bruised and bloody face. From what little you can see, he looks like a Caucasian man with brown hair. You slowly get off of him, wincing as you brush against the part of your armor that the laser hit. It isn't completely melted, but is deformed. And you're going to have to heal yourself as soon as you get out of the armor. For now, you lean slightly forward, so the hottest part of the metal is away from your skin.

"Well, it looks like you took care of this guy"

You look up and see someone come through the rear exit of the store. She's a dark skinned woman. Maybe Indian if you had to guess. Or somewhere in the middle east. She's wearing a green bodysuit with dark green boots and gloves, She's carrying a compound bow and a quiver is slung on her back. She has a dark green hood head wrap of some kind over her head and a black mask covering the bottom half of her face. You recognize her, you think her name is Majra, one of the Vigilantes that operate in the city. Though she's usually with her partner, Zihger. At least, that's what you heard.

"Well, looks like you did a real number on him." She says, pointing at Profligate with her bow. "Can't say he didn't have it coming though. I'm Majra" You nod in her direction. You could disguise your voice, but you've decided to stay silent for now. "You're... you're Vigil right? You saved those people near the river."

You nod again, this time, smiling under your helmet. Your Vigilante Career hasn't exactly been glamorous, but it's nice to be recognized.

"Well, nice to meet you." With that, she grabs a chair and "So, do you want to babysit this one." She points to the unconscious Profligate. "Or do you want to take off? I mean, After the helicopter, the police should be here... soon..." At the mention of the Helicopter, her eyes widen, as if she just realized something that she is dreading.

"Oh, no..." She says. She plops down in the chair and holds her head. "Oh, please don't let me have killed anyone..." She says weakly to herself.

[] Stay silent.
[] "There's a lot of burnt up cars, but I don't think anyone was hurt out there."
- [] Disguise your voice.
[] "That was irresponsible. You could've killed more people than that guy. And that's even if the chopper didn't land in the mall."
- [] Disguise your voice.
[] Write in.
[X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
- [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.
[X] Say in your real voice
-[X] "First things first, let's make sure this guy doesn't escape."
[X] Then using the altered voice
-[X] "Then I'll check the crash for civilians."

[X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
- [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.

Basically, since there's an old video of us talking normally, use both voices and leave people wondering which is real. The confusion might make us vaguely more interesting then we have been, especially since we tend to prioritize the less glamorous job of protecting people instead of the more flashy role of bagging villians.