[X] The Special Forces Movie

[X] Consult your friends and hold a vote on what to do.
[X] The Apocalyptic Earth Show

[X] Consult your friends and hold a vote on what to do.
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[X] The Apocalyptic Earth Show

[X] Consult your friends and hold a vote on what to do.
[X] The Special Forces Movie

[X] Consult your friends and hold a vote on what to do.

I don't suppose we could ask these tree people about the world tree and what to expect huh? Maybe get an escort all the way up?
[X] The Apocalyptic Earth Show

[X] Consult your friends and hold a vote on what to do.
No, she specifically said "yer puss" that doesn't translate to "you" no matter what accent you use. Maybe she meant "your person", but that feels odd.
Pretty sure its slang for your face.
I.e. sourpuss refers to a sour looking face rather than a sour tasting...
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I'll make a wish for a better mechanic for team decision voting rounds. The present method often takes a lot of IRL time (many rounds of voting just to decide one thing), and is inconsistent and unclear. Us voters have to every time separately choose whether or not to take Karen's teammates wishes into account, whether to hold an IC vote or not, and what we think about the matter ourselves, but all these points aren't really noted in the given vote options simultaneously or regularly. We also get very inconsistent knowledge about our friends' wishes in advance, and their general attitudes about the decision making process itself are often unknown.

A good example of the unclear things happening is this particular vote:
1. The 'hold a vote' option doesn't include choosing what direction Karen votes for. Is there going to be another voting round just for that?
2. We don't even know if our teammates want to vote, or want a temporary leader to considerately choose (the latter is much more efficient).
3. Karen being the one that gets to dictate whether or not a vote is happening on any given issue, makes the 'democratic' option more than a bit fake anyways. (Think about the possibilities of having that power for a moment.)
4. We don't know what our friends want to choose here. That makes "making the decision ourselves" seem tyrannical, because we aren't taking our friends' wishes into account. It's completely possible that everyone wanted the same thing anyways, or we could accidentally choose the thing that everyone hates. The point is: we can't take the responsibility of leadership, if we can't know what our people want.

I don't really care what solution is picked, I'd just like to avoid having to every time vote for things like "ask opinions", and having to wait for the next update, and only then getting to vote about what to choose (because Karen can't choose before that without being tyrannical). That kind of a thing destroys the pacing of a quest. Having Karen additionally have to choose whether to start a vote inside the game or not is even worse, as the political layer that kind of a thing adds really distracts from the actual gaming content.

The solutions all include streamlining the voting 'interface'. The voters should consistently and unasked be offered information about team members' wishes, whenever that information is important to Karen. "How important does Karen consider her team members' opinions to be?" should be the topic for a vote we do Once, not every single time a team decision is needed. Karen (us) should also decide on a leadership method Once (democracy or dictatorship or subordinating herself), not every single time a team decision is needed.

The tone here might be critical, but I just want to try to suggest ways to make an already fun quest even better for both the voters and the author :).
[X] The Special Forces Movie

[X] Consult your friends and hold a vote on what to do.

On another note, I feel like Nofuku have some kind of an inferiority complex toward us with how she act lately.
Mind a write in?
[X] Alright fucking level with me. I could understand being a model if its just being a pretty face, but why do you think I can act?
I don't mind but I'll answer that write-in question. It was in the contract you signed. :V
Although Shawn is not an idiot and he knows you have literally zero experience in acting, so he managed to find roles that Karen would feel the most comfortable in. When you're comfortable, you tend to do better.
She wouldn't have said "Haven't seen yer puss" then. It'd sound like "Haven't seen you're a pussy" :eyebrow:
Shit man I don't know, I don't speak Texan. :p
As veekie said, it means face. This one of the heaviest Texan dialect/accent you'll ever find. :V
The tone here might be critical, but I just want to try to suggest ways to make an already fun quest even better for both the voters and the author :).
The thing is, you are Karen Natalia, not the Omnipotent Narrator. You don't and can't know everything, each action has its risks. You know my writing style and allowing Karen to mind-read her friends' opinions to pick the absolute best most efficient option is a bit of a stretch if you get what I mean.
Also, I never limited you in your votes generally. There always is '[] Write-in' to add in your personal touches. The main votes there are merely suggestions from me. You could merely suggest going to someplace first and if your friends refuse, you'll stand down.

EDIT: Rereading your post. No, that wouldn't be the case, Karen here is just letting her friends choose for her if that vote really wins. I am not going to write an extremely short update(or transition) just for that. I only do that when encounter rolls hit something and I have to stop to let you decide whenever to fight or not or if you do fight, how? If I had to explain it directly, if that vote wins, Karen has no particularly strong opinion on the matter. Her statement earlier in the update is true, not just some random Karen thought. She thinks that since she's the leader here, she picks the decisions and her justification is that Yasu did it plenty of times in the Tomb.

Also, I'll explain a bit more about the acting options you have.
The Special Forces Movie. For those thinking you'll get to go off-script and be awesome. That's not really the case, even if you transcend right then and there. You gotta keep the script. They're not going to accommodate a newbie who wants her face shown. This option is actually more for the directors, the producers, etc. You've got a lot more time to try and impress them and to get them to remember you.
The Apocalyptic Earth Show is the exact opposite. You get a lot less show-time but you can show your face and if you do it well enough, you can become popular. This option is trying to get more known and popular by the fans watching the show. Basically, get the public on your side and for them to push you up the ladder.
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More like, automatically consult her friends whenever they are involved and available since we always vote to consult anyway.
That's fine. Alright.

Karen mainly don't it sometimes because, well, she's not that considerate. She's just expecting to blaze through, her friends following her and fighting while all having a jolly time to talk, laugh and play.
YaoiSensei wouldn't really mind that, to be honest. It's just Yasukazu is a lot more level-headed and careful.
That's fine. Alright.

Karen mainly don't it sometimes because, well, she's not that considerate. She's just expecting to blaze through, her friends following her and fighting while all having a jolly time to talk, laugh and play.
YaoiSensei wouldn't really mind that, to be honest. It's just Yasukazu is a lot more level-headed and careful.

Mmm, well playstyle thing. SV/SB always votes to get more info if it wouldn't have significant cost and we're always super careful about making sure all involved consent.

I.e. any vote where we can do so for free is wasted time since we always vote to do that
I prefer having the character's personality interfere and run things and us working with and around that over planning every single exhaustive detail and collecting every scrap of information. Mostly because it makes her seem more like a character and less like a mannequin who's doing what we tell it to do and also for the story it just makes things interesting .
As veekie said, it means face. This one of the heaviest Texan dialect/accent you'll ever find.

Not gonna lie, but I was kinda hoping it wasn't. If only for the comedic value.

I prefer having the character's personality interfere and run things and us working with and around that over planning every single exhaustive detail and collecting every scrap of information. Mostly because it makes her seem more like a character and less like a mannequin who's doing what we tell it to do and also for the story it just makes things interesting .

Karen is an unaware hivemind.
I don't mind but I'll answer that write-in question. It was in the contract you signed. :V
Although Shawn is not an idiot and he knows you have literally zero experience in acting, so he managed to find roles that Karen would feel the most comfortable in. When you're comfortable, you tend to do better.
Oh I know its in the contract, but I assumed that there'd be some kind of acting lesson and then if we were any good he'd start finding us acting jobs and if not we'd be doing 100% modeling.
Well if Shawn believes then we should believe in the Shawn that believes in us!
Oh I know its in the contract, but I assumed that there'd be some kind of acting lesson and then if we were any good he'd start finding us acting jobs and if not we'd be doing 100% modeling.
Well if Shawn believes then we should believe in the Shawn that believes in us!
There are a few reasons but I won't say it now since it would be spoilers.
Fortunately, Shawn knows what he is doing and your skillset(none) so he picked up jobs where you don't have many lines. The hardest thing in acting is learning your lines and saying them without stammering while shooting and keeping yourself in-character.
Without the lines, a silent character, its a lot easier. Although, you do have to keep your composure.
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