[X] You know the way to the studio from your last visit yesterday. Go take a look.
[X] Go directly to the Branch of the World Tree. (Divine Blood Star Quest)
-[X] Get your friends to go along with you.

[X] Agility +11,Phy Atk +7
[X] Plan Elemental Asura
[X] Agility +11,Phy Atk +7
[X] Plan Mastery begins with the Basics
I think the elemental monk, force of nature theme would be epic. And it'd fit with storm doom as any of our other plans.
We know from out of context that the devs reward roleplaying. Going all elements, may be a simple choice which I think would be in character.

Tho I doubt that it's going to be as powerful as preparing for late game even if a dev gives us a boon or two. Or that we as players can stay focused enough to keep to the theme. Than again. I'm rather torn between the plans...
Took a look at the Tally I'm surprised its so close I thought Elemental had a huge lead but actually once you pick up the split votes for Mastery its a tie.
Adhoc vote count started by Dark as Silver on Dec 21, 2018 at 11:45 AM, finished with 1527 posts and 21 votes.
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[X] Plan Mastery begins with the Basics

[X] Find some pretty big extermination quest to do with your friends.

[X] Agility +11,Phy Atk +7
Hmm I have to say I wonder how the world will react when StormDoom aka Karen gets sent there and starts adventuring.

Should be fun.
Hmm I have to say I wonder how the world will react when StormDoom aka Karen gets sent there and starts adventuring.

Should be fun.
Apparently people from Yggdrasil (Or at least other games) popping into the new world is an event that has happened before and might happen again. The Six Great Gods who introduced tier magic, the Evil Deities, the Thirteen Heroes, The Eight Greed Kings, etc. All extremely powerful people who popped out of nowhere and started changing the world.

Now that I look into it more closely, it kinda sounds like it happens in batches every 200 years? On the wiki it said 600 years ago the Six Great Gods show up. 500 years ago the eight greed kings pop up. Unknown amount of time ago the Evil Deities show up and 200 years ago the Tirteen Heroes. Then a gap again and now Ainz is there. Kinda sounds like For 2 centuries in a row a group shows up, then a gap of a century, and then it starts again.
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Apparently people from Yggdrasil (Or at least other games) popping into the new world is an event that has happened before and might happen again. The Six Great Gods who introduced tier magic, the Evil Deities, the Thirteen Heroes, The Eight Greed Kings, etc. All extremely powerful people who popped out of nowhere and started changing the world.

Yep though I'd like stromdoom to go through with her friends if possible since it would make everything cooler
Testing what sorts of abilities that Terran will allow so here are a few ideas. Feel free to change anything of course. Particularly names... especially names :V

Winters Final Breath - Water Element
The players exhales an a cloud of suffocating mist which steadily drains Mana from its victims.

Lightning strikes twice - Fire Element
The character briefly turns into a lightning bolt, moving faster than the eye can see and creating an explosion at the location they land at.

Saints Retribution - Earth Element
This spell causes anyone who attacks the target to suffer a devastating counter attack. If the target attacks or deals damage to an enemy the spell ends instantly and they suffer a counter attack.

Clay Potters Stance - Metal Element
This attack deforms metal as if it where wet clay significantly reducing the damage reduction of armour or the damage die of weapons.

Changeling's Evolution - Wood Element
The monk taps into aspects of animals to aid them. A hawks eyes, a Wolfs claws or a gazelles legs, or even something else, this is very versatile technique.

I think Woods too versatile, that might work better if it were acting as a description for a simple damage improvement or something, or a different form is unlocked with each ability point invested. Earth might be too powerful as written when as part of a party, at first I was looking for something to go with Meditation but if you can drop that on a healer or a tank who has non damaging taunts it might be too easy to get around its negatives. Metal sounds very strong, but I think its just a matter of shifting values around until its balanced, Fire as well however as that's basically combining an AOE and a movement skill so it might not be looked on favourably. On the other hand just wait for some guy to panic, use it as an escape and then kill the healer he teleported next too :p. Water is pretty straight forward, I doubt that will be too controversial.
Also we need a Ki technique for running up walls and standing on leaves, its a travesty that we weren't offered one last round. :(
Can someone get me a tally? I'll have done it myself if I wasn't on a bus with only my phone. Its hard to manage the tally like that. When I'll come back home, I can get to writing the update directly.
Second time lucky after the first one was out of date.
E: Studio wins pretty easily. Everyone voted for the same stat spread. And Mastery won 9(4+4+1 due to how its split between three blocks) against 8? Can someone double check that for me as I thought it was behind. I've done a manual check, I think I missed Ulrad and Grim changing their votes.
Also we're abandoning our existing quest hooks to move off to another area.
Adhoc vote count started by Dark as Silver on Dec 22, 2018 at 1:22 PM, finished with 1535 posts and 23 votes.
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Thank you. There seems to be a tie between the plan 'Mastery starts with the Basics' and the plan 'Elemental Asura'.
I'll wait for someone to break the tie by the time I get back home. If not, I'll literally flip a coin to decide the winning plan.
@CausalityCircle voted for Mastery but his format was invalid so it registed as a new vote block.
[?] Plan Mastery begins with the Basics
-[X] Unlock 'Meditation':
-[X] Improve 'Breath Control' *3
-[X]Unlock 'Splendid Water Fist'
-[X] Unlock 'Fiery Thunder Sword'
You can see it in the tally as just the sub votes.
The Divine Blood Star - Part 1
Looking at the stats, you're nearing the limits for HP and AGI which is 100. As a quick reminder, those limits can be broken through items that give additional HP for example, merely temporarily, of course. There are items that give permanent breakthrough limits on stats but they're rare. As rare as WCIs actually.

Also, I came back home late yesterday night. I started writing but I dozed off somewhere along the way until I fell asleep. At least, fortunately, the update was saved. Unfortunately, I missed the opportunity to run it through Kelgar. The proofread version is for later.
It was proofread on the 23/12/2018

You decide that you have had enough of Arresalt. You heard of that Scarlet Crusaders guild are going on another raid and that another guild is planning to move into Arresalt so there's going to be some tensions here. Something you'd like to avoid, you'd rather not get dragged into a damned guild war over the control of a city and you're not sure if that guy that tried to recruit you is pissed at you or not. Could he even recognize you, in fact? You were in full rogue armor at the time with even your character's face hidden behind a mask and a hood. Now, you're in a mockery of a Wushu uniform with your face completely exposed. The only way for him to actually recognize you would be through your voice and that's if he still remembers it since he only spoke to you briefly and a few days ago at that.

You decide to not dwell on that train of thoughts too much since there nothing you can do, and If that guy is looking for a fight, you'll be glad to meet him head on and you're pretty sure your friends would have your back. Now that you're thinking about them, Fredy and Eye aren't online yet again. You're not sure why and you don't want to really ask for fear it'll get you in some awkward situation. You turn to your Jap friends who always seem to be there. To be fair, you can't really expect Fredy and Eye to log in every day to play with you, they've got lives of their own to live. What does that say about your Jap friends though? Probably nothing actually Japanese people tend to be more dedicated to things more than westerners.

"Guys? I've got some quest I got a while back when I was just barely starting out. I basically need to climb that massive tree in the middle of the map and get this red gem up there for whatever reason. It's almost certainly some big quest. You wanna try it out?" You say and show them the aforementioned red gem. You feel like Nofuku was about to speak up but she was interrupted by Yaoi-chan who tackle-hugged you again. Is she going to make a habit out of it or something?

"You mean this gem?" Yaoi-chan asks as she lets go and shows you a perfect copy of the gem you're holding, you blink dumbfoundedly at the gem in Yaoi-chan's hand. You're silent for a few seconds and you need a few seconds more to get ahold of yourself before you finally speak up.

"Uh... Where did you get that?" you ask rather inelegantly and you can hear Nofuku snort in the background. What did you say?

"I literally found it on the ground in a little corner in the Ancient Tomb. You remember when you went away while we stayed inside to search for ingredients. I found it while I was crawling on the ground picking up those rare red herbs," she explains to you innocently with that cute soft voice and a sweet look on her face.

You had to go through a treacherous climb of probably the highest mountain in Midgard, found a castle on top of it and searched it thoroughly for anything but there was nothing left apart from a little blood red gem and she is just telling you she found it on the ground just like that in the tutorial dungeon? You're not sure if this is envy or frustration you're feeling right now. Well, you got lucky many times too, so you can't exactly blame her for that.

"That's awesome! Now we have a twice more of a reason to go there! I don't think I need to ask Yaoi-chan but what about you guys?" you ask.

Nofuku shakes her head before she speaks, and you can't help but feel disappointed she then says, "I am sorry but no," then explains calmly but apologetically, "I've got a quest of my own I want to accomplish. I still need to unlock it but I know the prerequisites and the area in which I can find it," You expected something else and you're glad this is only the reason. Yeah, you're fine with that and you show it by nodding.

You then turn to Yasu-bud with a hopeful look, "I'll go with you guys," replies Yasu-bud at your look, "I've got nothing to do. While, I may not get the quest reward, the trip and the mobs worth a lot of EXP is sufficient for me. Still better than grinding low-level quests for hours." he says.

You found yourself agreeing. Fetch quests or weak monsters extermination quests are rather boring. It was fun for the first few due to the hyper-realism but after you got used to it. It felt more like repetitions at the gym you previously went to, where you gotta do the same move for hours till you perfected it and it just got old fast.

As you walk out of Arresalt, you bide farewell to Nofuku who takes a different path, to the north it seems. For you, the road is rather calm and quiet. You didn't meet any players nor any mobs. That illusion is however soon broken when you pass near a forest and you are ambushed by what looks like some sort of elemental species or some sort of forest spirits? You're not really sure.

You count eight of them that look vaguely female or male. They're wielding some sort of wooden bows or wooden swords. Although, the swords look sharper than they have any right to be. This is the first time you met sentient mobs so you actually have dialogue options.
What do you do?

[] Make the first move.
-[] Write-in tactics, what type of attacks you want to use, etc...

[] Wait for them to make the first move then react.
-[] Write-in tactics, what type of attacks you want to use, etc...

[] Trigger Dialogue
-[] "You will stand down!" (Intimidation attempt)
'Awe-Inspiring Prowess' is supporting this action.
-[] "We are not looking for any trouble." (Diplomatic attempt)
-[] Write-in

(Note: We're more than a hundred year in the future. Yes, you can put what you want in dialogues and yes the AI is intelligent enough to know how to answer. They even got convincing synthesized voices.)
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[X] Trigger Dialogue
-[X] "You will stand down!" (Intimidation attempt)
'Awe-Inspiring Prowess' is supporting this action.

A few reasons.

1. This is the first time we could talk instead of fight. So i wanma see where that leads.

2. Another first presents itself. I wanna try out this skill and see where it goes.

3. Talking could potentially lead to a new scenario/reward that is likely worth more than the generic loot/xp from killing them

4. Literally nothing to lose. We fail and fuck up then we just kill them anyway and get the aforementioned generic loot and xp
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[X] Trigger Dialogue
-[X] "You will stand down!" (Intimidation attempt)
'Awe-Inspiring Prowess' is supporting this action.

Not sure how good Karen's general diplomacy is, but we do have a skill augmenting our intimidation, so this seems to be a better alternative for success, unless of course some options are skewed more towards success due to narrative reasons in Yggdrasil. Depends on whether the devs went more for narrative or skill challenges for diplomacy in this area.
[X] Trigger Dialogue
-[X] "You will stand down!" (Intimidation attempt)

Body Over Mind's Fear, Terror and Submission effects should come into play too right? And we maxed that out last vote.