@Red Bovine I wonder if we should wait a bit, it seems a bit weird, meet queen next day teleport to conquer a nation... we should probably spend a few days on the trade agreements... possibly mention the we have been given evidence about the Sunlight Scriptures attacks on Kingdom villages
[X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy

Don't think it would be odd. The plan was for the King to announce that 'his people' have found evidence of the Slane Theocracies attack on Re-Estize villages which would give us justification to take on the Slane Theocracy by 'volunteering' to deal with it ourselves.
The NPCs normally shouldn't be aware about creatures they haven't heard of or encountered in YGGDRASIL. I doubt the Eight Greed Kings randomly mentioned Touch Me next to Y13, though it's possible.
He knew that Ainz Oool Gown and Cybertron were both guilds, basically I would expect him to hear about Momonga, Touch Me and perhaps Ulbert, regardless doesn't particularly funny, thought it could end as a decent joke at some point

@Red Bovine I meant odd in the sense of it being a bit rude, actually never mind, we are spending time doing the trade negotiations, that should provide us with enough time to avoid that issue... I wonder if we will make a few magical portals to making trading easier,
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[X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]
I'm gonna have to go with this for an Ultimate Skill it just seems so much more powerful of a trump card then having a bunch of slightly higher level NPCs that we can create. Theoretically with enough time Gluttony could lead to being able to counter this ability with us essentially being able to create our own raid groups but as far as we're aware we have no need of such things since WE basically are the world bosses at this point and having Wishes of a Madman just drives that home further.
@Birdsie seperate topic that I have been wondering about for a while, do psionics use mana in this quest, or you treat psionic power as its own pool? And which source are you using as inspiration for biomancy (I know the quest picked it) are you using the 3.5 biomancer page on the D&Dwiki (i.e. what first poped up when I typed biomancer and d&d)?
@Birdsie seperate topic that I have been wondering about for a while, do psionics use mana in this quest, or you treat psionic power as its own pool? And which source are you using as inspiration for biomancy (I know the quest picked it) are you using the 3.5 biomancer page on the D&Dwiki (i.e. what first poped up when I typed biomancer and d&d)?
Psionics, too, cost mana, unless stated otherwise. I'm treating it as a branch of magic, just like Arcane, Divine, or Spiritual.

I have no inspiration for Biomancy, I thought up the abilities myself.
Psionics, too, cost mana, unless stated otherwise. I'm treating it as a branch of magic, just like Arcane, Divine, or Spiritual.

I have no inspiration for Biomancy, I thought up the abilities myself.
Hm ok understandable

So, to check, would Biomancy basically be a support and summoning magic class (with maybe some biological combat spells like acid spells as their basic defence options), and as demonstrated a useful NPC customization class? With Life Shaper being a speciality focusing on the customization aspect?
So, to check, would Biomancy basically be a support and summoning magic class (with maybe some biological combat spells like acid spells as their basic defence options), and as demonstrated a useful NPC customization class? With Life Shaper being a speciality focusing on the customization aspect?
Hm ok understandable

So, to check, would Biomancy basically be a support and summoning magic class (with maybe some biological combat spells like acid spells as their basic defence options), and as demonstrated a useful NPC customization class? With Life Shaper being a speciality focusing on the customization aspect?
I get reminded of the classes from the Sonny flash games.
We are already doing that since we had Agatha look up what would be the most effecient use of the gate and it turned out to be data crystals.
Although we should probably add prismatic ores to the list given it can be used to make a world item... it will probably take an extremely long time to get enough but Celestial Uranium was used by Ainz Oool Gown (the guild) to make a Caloric Stone a one use world item that can be used to upgrade equipment... or to make a super golem core, there are hints that Rubedo (the strongest NPC in Nazarick) was made using it, this won't be efficient as such but using one of the 10 slots to get the material needed to make a world item is honestly worth it even if it takes a few decades (we can wait a few months before even starting it to gather more immediate things). I didn't mention this earlier because I thought we didn't know, however Agatha apparently does know

Oh, and a bit of information I just found

@Birdsie from the wiki "From one of Maruyama's tweets, he stated that the Guild's restriction over Custom NPC level cap can change by either spending real money in-game, using a World Item, or the Guild Master taking up a special quest, etc." I don't know how trustworthy this is, but it does make a bit of sense... most of these gained levels would probabably have been just for fun stuff done by individuals.
@Birdsie from the wiki "From one of Maruyama's tweets, he stated that the Guild's restriction over Custom NPC level cap can change by either spending real money in-game, using a World Item, or the Guild Master taking up a special quest, etc." I don't know how trustworthy this is, but it does make a bit of sense... most of these gained levels would probabably have been just for fun stuff done by individuals.
Most YGGDRASIL Players didn't bother making min-max NPCs (with some exceptions, of course,) since a majority of them could protect their Guild Halls on their own, so a lot of NPCs were just there for the heck of creating them.
Most YGGDRASIL Players didn't bother making min-max NPCs (with some exceptions, of course,) since a majority of them could protect their Guild Halls on their own, so a lot of NPCs were just there for the heck of creating them.
Edit: you know what never mind, this will probably only end up with an argument where we fail to convey what we actually mean over the internet and I don't want to deal with that
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QM Message:

As you may have noticed, there is no update yet. To clarify, I am not dropping the Quest, but I'm busy this week (and will be busy for a good part of the upcoming ones,) so I won't be able to properly sit down and write too much. Whenever I have free time, I'll try to get in some segments, but it's unlikely I'll post the update before the weekend.

That's all.

If it's any consolation, I've started writing already but I'm going to sleep in a few minutes since I have to get up early tomorrow.
[X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
-[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
-[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
-[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
-[X] Attend the dinner with Calca. Bring a gift, maybe something like a cute bird or fox with a holy element attunement.
-[X] For the trade deal proposal between Re-Estze and the Holy Kingdom have Gilmore write up the suggestions for it.
-[X] After the dinner with Calca and the end of the trade agreements end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.

[X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]
If it's not too late a good pet maybe a phoenix with a holy element.
Chapter Thirty-Four: A Woman To Behold, Of Beaty Untold, A Man Can't Be Bold~
[X] [The Five Dark Wishes of A Madman]

[X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
-[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
-[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
-[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
-[X] Attend the dinner with Calca. Bring a gift, maybe something like a cute bird or fox with a holy element attunement.
-[X] For the trade deal proposal between Re-Estze and the Holy Kingdom have Gilmore write up the suggestions for it.
-[X] After the dinner with Calca and the end of the trade agreements end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.


The night was dark, but the breezy air wasn't humid. Atmospherically, it made for a comfortable night. The torchlights in the city of Hoburns illuminated all of the major roads, and gave a minimal insight into alleyways or smaller paths between building blocks. The royal castle rested atop a small hill, sequestered by relatively low walls. Despite that, the portcullis were open for all arriving noble carriages, provided they stopped by and showed proper documentation.

Even out in the open streets, the commoners were indulging in simple pleasures and available merriment. They sat in tables outside taverns, out in the open, slurping alcoholic beverages and cheering to each other, drinking for the name of the Holy Queen, and sending their thanks to the Four Gods.

The hushed speech of the citizens sharply contrasted the wild behavior of those in the Re-Estize Kingdom.

When there was a festival in the Kingdom, people cheered, sang, and danced, on the streets, out on their balconies, or even on accessible rooftops. It was like looking at molten steel under a microscope, where every molecule vibrated intensely at one-million hertz.

Here, even the drunkards were calm.

For Wizzomatic, whose mansion's northern second-floor wing was blown into debris by a drunk magician, this was a refreshing change of scenery.

This vacation paid off, to put it in simple terms.

He had the servants pick an appropriate outfit for him, without downplaying his status as an archmage. They selected a silky red vestment, with golden trim and cuffs. It was an elegant, slightly garish presentation, but the length of the robe wasn't too ceremonial, though it was just flashy enough to make people think 'yup, this guy is a mage, alright.'

On top of it, he wore some jewelry. A purple treated topaz was the crownpiece of the necklace he wore, with extensions of blue spinels carved in curved and twisted triangular shapes, giving the symbolic impression of angel wings. Wizzomatic also wore a gold ring for each finger, with colorful gems on every one, to give the impression that he had an abundance of magic items to spare.

When mages and rings were combined, people's thoughts instantly jumped to thinking the rings were magical gadgets. They were here just to reinforce the thought he was a powerful magic caster. He had appearances to keep up, after all.

After dressing up, he and his servants went into the wagon and set off toward the palace.


Many commoners wish they could walk among the higher classes.

It's difficult to achieve noble status within one lifetime. Often, rising through the ranks of society is an arduous process taking numerous generations of effort passed from father to son.

However, after the process is over and one is a noble, surely, life becomes easier. Right?

... Wrong!

Those fools are not even aware of how difficult it is.

As soon as Wizzomatic walked in through the foyer, he could tell from all the stunned silence that everyone was glancing his way. They returned to conversation moments after, ignoring him, but aware of his lingering presence and thus careful.

Soon, he was approached by countless aristocrats. Offers of alliance, trade, and marrying the daughters of the family heads came up many times, but so did more esoteric topics from a few more tactful nobles, like what Wizzomatic thought about magic, or when the academy would open.

Answering the obvious questions, like 'Will you marry me?!' became dreadfully dry, even if the answer was one word. This was because of proper decorum that a noble had to maintain at all times.

He couldn't just say 'no.'

He had to think his actions through carefully.

'Milady, forgive me, but I refuse,' wasn't a good answer either.

He had to engage her in witty banter for a moment, then say with exquisite language, 'I will allow my thoughts to dwell on it, milady.'

Even that kind of answer was the bare minimum for nobility. Anything below that would be taken as outright disrespect.

That's why being a nobleman was difficult. The over-formality that everyone had when talking to each other could be said to be socially crippling, and inciting anxiety in those not used to it, like Wizzomatic.

In contrast, even interacting with Floor Guardians was easier. They didn't trouble him with saccharine words and obeyed his orders without question as soon as they were spoken. Besides some fundamental royal aura he put on around them, he didn't have the need to overexert himself during interaction with them.

After intermingling with the party guests and drinking some wine, Wizzomatic paused as someone appeared on the staircase to the upper floors, coming down with appropriate trumpet music. The Holy Queen stood there, in an exquisite white dress.

She was beautiful and young, like a lonely swan in a dress from snowflakes and diamonds. Her skin, even from far away, looked smooth and well-tended, and her shining blonde hair was clearly carefully brushed and groomed. She drew everyone's attention toward her beauty. Even Wizzomatic couldn't help but stare with his lips parted open in awe; he finally understood why they called her 'The Jewel of Roble.'

Then, he realized he would be dining with her, and he could feel his bowels turn around in distress.

'I will definitely screw this up!' he thought.

Wizzomatic was competent in his Illithid form, because it pushed aside emotion and fear, allowing him to act with perfect rationality and without distraction. Some of these tendencies passed onto the form he was possessing, but as a human, he was susceptible to his passions.

Wizzomatic clung to the safety of his psionic powers, enabling telepathy and skimming through the web of surface thoughts surrounding him.

It was his 'go-to' mental defense when he felt vulnerable. Somehow, the idea of knowing what other people are thinking removed any insecurities he felt about himself.

He was aware he was encroaching upon other people's privacy in a very morally ambiguous way, but he couldn't cope otherwise. In a way, one could say he was addicted to mind-reading and came to rely on it in conversation and social interaction. If this handy ability were to disappear, he'd probably be in quite the pickle.

Each person's thoughts were like little crystals of data, stars in the night sky surrounding him. He could tune in with all of them at once, letting him get a general impression of the mood, or focus on a specific one like adjusting radio waves, and reading that particular person's moods, impressions, and thoughts.

Reading the nobles' thoughts and impressions about the Queen, he even chuckled when one of the noblemen internally fawned over her. It made him feel safer and gave him confidence.

Strangely enough, the Queen seemed to feel very joyful tonight, and those thoughts were tethered to him, somehow.

Was she excited to get the trade deals going?

After the Holy Queen's grand entry, she approached Wizzomatic, flanked by a female paladin and mage, both of them with black bob-cut hair; they looked like twins, or at least sisters. Remedios and Kelart Custodio, both were attendants of the Queen, and one of them was one of the Nine Colors. Remedios was a skilled paladin, and Remedios was a divine magic caster.

Calca held her hand out, and Wizzomatic, after drilling himself on higher-class etiquette, knew what he had to do even without reading her mind.

"Your Majesty," Wizzomatic nodded, bowing down with his head down, as he took her hand and placed a kiss upon it. He let go of the hand and introduced himself, "My name is Wizzomatic of Cybertron, I am a Margrave of the Re-Estize Kingdom."

With her permission, he lifted his head to look upon her with his eyes.

His eyes went dead.

Wizzomatic's chest went numb when he saw her face and heard her thoughts.

'Aaah, he kissed my hand~ But Wizzomatic-kun, shouldn't you aim for the lips?' He saw that she was blushing lightly, smiling with glee, and staring at him in a dreamy way. 'No, wait, we shouldn't do that until the wedding, right?... Though, I wouldn't mind losing my virginity to Wizzomatic...'

'This is Kaori two-point-oh!' Wizzomatic thought in panic, then reassembled himself as he cleared his throat audibly.

"I-It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty. This selfish archmage thanks you for your invitation from the bottom of his heart," Wizzomatic threw profuse gratitude her direction, hoping she'd latch onto it and look at him favorably, though this seemed to already be the case.

Perhaps she wasn't some kind of madwoman who fell in love at first sight, and her thoughts were just a random stream of thoughts. You know, the kind of thoughts you have, but don't intend to carry out? For example, one can imagine hitting a kitten with a shovel, but one wouldn't do that action due to it being immoral.

Maybe this was one such case?

"There is no reason to stoop so low!" she protested openly, raising her voice just a tiny bit. "You are very affluent, too!"

Was he?

"Thank you for your kind words, My Queen." He spoke the only words that came to mind and that wouldn't incite an argument or conflict.

Her thoughts went elsewhere. 'He called me his Queen! Kyaaa~'

'This girl is dangerous!'


The dinner date event was uncomfortable. The two were in a large, poorly-lit rectangle-shaped chamber, the only sources of light being the romantic candlestick at the side of the table. At two ends of the same wall, there was a pair of open double-door passageways, from which the Custodio sisters peeked in and observed the situation to make sure the date went smooth.

Although they were far enough, that even if Wizzomatic spoke loudly, all they would hear was a murmur, he still felt uncomfortable with this degree of...

How to say this?

Separation, from anyone other than the Queen.

Fiddling around his food, he avoided eye-contact as he conversed. He wasn't hungry, but ate anyway, to keep up the pretense. When he chewed food, after all, he could neither answer nor talk to her, giving him a small excuse. They had already discussed the trade agreement, so he had no reason to stick around other than to please her.

"Wizzomatic-san, can I call you that?" Calca asked, a hand under her chin. She was looking at him with a smile on her lips.

From the way she stared, she gave the impression she didn't care about the food, or about trade, and came here just so she could look at him as if he were a rare painting on display.

"O-Of course, Your Highness! Call me anything you like," he replied, trying his utmost to please her. Souring international relations would be bad at this stage.

Haah, she sighed heavily, closing her eyes. "You don't have to be so formal with me, you know? I wouldn't even mind if you called me by my first name."

Naturally, Wizzomatic knew what she was really thinking.

'Call me Cal-chan! Or Ca-chan! Give me a cute nickname and-'

'She's really yearning for attention, huh...?'

Wizzomatic was a dense man, who couldn't read the mood and often botched situations like these. One could say he didn't know how to handle the delicate thing that is a woman's heart. But this time, he thought to himself, that if anything, he should at least cultivate his relationship with the Queen as to not disappoint her.

If he rejected her here, it would worsen their relations. But if he went along with her intent, political issues would surely arise.

The only middle ground would be to lead her on, stay far away enough from friendship to not create a strong bond, and not close enough to romance to force a situation where he'd have to reject or accept her feelings.

It was cruelty at its core, but it had to be done, for the good of his mission.

"Hey, Cal- I mean, Calca-san...?" He paused, testing her response to the use of the 'san' honorific. Her smile widened, so he took that as a yes.

Inside her thoughts, she went 'kyaa,' but Wizzomatic ignored this.

"I thought it'd be preposterous to come here without a present to give to the Holy Queen, since I've already given plenty of gifts to the people in Re-Estize, so I brought something which I thought you might like," Wizzomatic told her, anxiety thrumming through his voice.

At that moment, he stood up and walked a little bit to the left. The Custodio sisters became wary and prepared to move in, but they stopped when they saw Calca mouthing the words: 'It's working!'

Wizzomatic's guildmate, Bon-Bon-Totaldigiama once said, 'The way to a woman's heart is a long road, but shortcuts are made from cute animals and chocolate.' Today was the time to test that hypothesis.

He walked up to the window, and it seemed to open up with a strong breeze. Calca stared, and so did the Custodio sisters.

Kelart Custodio's eyes opened wide. She cast a spell to confirm her worries, and when she detected that he didn't cast any spells just now, her eyes went even wider, as large as saucers.

Something flew toward Wizzomatic in the distance. He held out his hand with one finger, and a golden light settled on it.

Calca focused her eyes and saw that it was actually a tiny bird, chirping a quiet tune.

The little creature moved across Wizzomatic's forearm, up his arm, and sat on his shoulder. It jumped above his head, landing on the other shoulder, then went down to the other hand. He smiled at it, in a way that could only be described as angelic.

Wizzomatic retrieved a pack of vintage chocolates made from special ingredients from his inventory, then turned around and gave them to the Queen, who accepted it with her own hands. He then yielded the small songbird to her.

"This songbird is a holy creature," Wizzomatic explained with a smile. "I thought it fit you. It's quite strong, and could probably fight a Silver-rank Adventurer using its magic, but its specialty is in aiding the owner's holy spells by supplementing their power with its own. You are a magic caster, after all," he said.

"I-It's beautiful!" She cuddled the small, fluffy creature in her hands, grinning like a little girl that unwrapped her Christmas gift. She lifted one hand, gently stroking the songbird's head with one finger, causing its eyes to blink as she did.

"Is it a boy, or a girl?" she asked in the meantime, her grin not disappearing in the slightest.

"A girl."

Wizzomatic, when gifting pets, generally gave males to males and females to females. He wasn't sure if this improved owner-and-pet synergy, but it was a safe belief to back upon.

"Then... I'll name her 'Wiz-chan!'" she said excitedly, then looked up to see Wizzomatic's reaction.

From her thoughts, Wizzomatic knew that had he said 'boy,' all that would change was that the suffix would be 'kun' instead of 'chan.' Frankly, the name letters sounding similar to his own name weren't a coincidence.

The small Wiz-chan went 'piyo,' blinking curiously as it pitter-pattered across Calca's hand, tickling her with the fluff on its belly.

"She's so cute!"

'Bon-Bon-Totaldigiama-san, consider yourself validated. It seems cute animals are more effective than chocolates, though,' Wizzomatic analyzed the situation aptly.

In the end, the dinner night was rather successful. Wizzomatic skillfully teetered on the careful circus rope of a woman's feelings, managing to get to the other side, and knowing he might have to repeat the arduous task in the future. The only issue, if it could be called that, was that he made Kelart Custodio extremely wary of him.

Well, at least he knew who wouldn't support the marriage, if he ever decided to go with it.


He was escorted to the exit by the Queen's bodyguard, Remedios. At the exit gate, outside the palace and surrounded by gardens, she stopped Wizzomatic and gravelly said, "Wizzomatic-sama."


He turned to her, flicking on telepathy to predict what she'd say, but found that he couldn't. She was the kind of person that, instead of thinking about what to say, she just spoke instantly. The emotional type, rather than a thinker. This was fine, since he could still gauge her general emotions.

"Thank you, from the bottom of my heart," she told him, bowing at a large angle. He was so used to it at this point he didn't even try to correct her behavior. "You have made Bessarez-sama very happy tonight, and for that, I thank you... You know how she feels about you?"

Wizzomatic kept quiet for a second, then said, "Yes, I do, but I'm not certain if conforming to her feelings is the right thing to do. If we were to marry, problems would arise."

"I, I see!" Remedios said, clearly stunned at Wizzomatic's ability to figure out Calca's feelings. Moreso, he surprised her by putting so much thought into it. "As expected of Wizzomatic-sama, the feared archmage! You've clearly thought about the issue extensively."

"Feared archmage? Do you fear me?" he asked, curiosity in his voice.

"Not currently," Remedios said, smiling in a way that reeked of 'come at me, bro.' "Paladins aren't allowed to feel fear."

"Heh, I've already dueled Pavel Baraja. Perhaps one day, we too, will get a chance to spar with each other?" he asked in a challenging, but friendly tone. Frankly, Wizzomatic found the idea of using just ten percent of his spells and true power to humiliate the greatest warriors of the New World to be funny, if cruel.

Then again, these were good people, so he'd avoid humiliating them. He'd let himself take a few hits, let them dodge a few times. Make it seem like it was a hard-fought victory for him. Maybe even lose once or twice to select people at select times to keep up the performance.

"But of course, Wizzomatic-dono. You are welcome to challenge me anywhen you like!" Remedios boisterously proclaimed.

"That's good to know, but I'm afraid right now I have to return to the Re-Estize Kingdom," Wizzomatic said, almost sadly, as he looked out into the starlit sky. "It's looking like war with the Theocracy."

"War?" Remedios said, having not heard of this development before.

"It's a national secret, actually," Wizzomatic told her, further shocking her. "But it's not a big deal I'm telling you this, since it'll be publically unveiled tomorrow. Still, I'd appreciate if you kept this between us until that happens."

"Of course! I swear as a paladin to keep this conversation secret!" Remedios put a hand on her heart.

Wizzomatic smiled in that harmonic way of his, making Remedios feel weirdly at ease from looking at him. Perhaps it was his handsome face, or just his easygoing personality, but being around him really made one feel tranquil.

"I'm afraid the Sunlight Scripture trespassed on the Kingdom's lands," he explained. "I've discovered this, and discovered they killed many people and burnt many villages to draw out the Warrior Captain, Gazef Stronoff. Naturally, this is unacceptable, so I've put forward myself and my people as volunteers in the war."

"Volunteers?" Remedios blinked. "I'm sorry, I don't quite follow..."

"Ah, allow me to clarify. The Kingdom's army won't mobilize for this war. Only I, and a few of my select allies will fight in the upcoming battles."

Remedios' jaw fell down. She had seen great warriors in her time, but never someone who could beat entire armies on their own. Especially ones such as the warriors of the Theocracy, which was considered a continental superpower by the other nations.

The Slane Theocracy was an extremely old culture, and had items from the age of the Great Gods. They had crystals with 8th Tier Magic sealed in them, demigod descendants of the Great Gods, and many magic caster experts in their ranks. Their nation had more magic caster than any other, in fact, and they were more skilled than those of other nations.

She doubted even someone like him could take them down.

"Hu, I think I said too much. Good night, Remedios Custodio. Give my regards to Her Majesty," Wizzomatic said, giving a nod of the head to Remedios.

She replied with a confident nod. "I will, and I wish you safety in your travels, and good luck in the war."

Perhaps Custodio wasn't a big thinker, but her thoughts sure gave away some interesting ideas about the Theocracy.

He cast [Greater Teleportation] and was out of there.


REPORT STATION -- (Current Date: 46th Day Post-Transition)

- Kenny and Remmy made a party called "Scions of Cybertron."
- Ainz has been informed of what you found in the Bifrost experiment, using [Message].
- You have begun a farm with elemental chickens and elemental fish. Breeding attempts produce predictable results, with offspring having diluted elemental potential, though some offspring manage to work it to a higher potency over time.
- Wizzomatic attended the dinner/banquet of the Holy Queen and brought her a LV19 Holy Songbird, which has support skills suitable for combat. By itself, it could probably take out a Silver-grade Adventurer.
- Gilmore suggested to import: Foodstuff, Spellbooks, and to export: Animals (Exotic/Magical), Pelts (Exotic/Magical), and Potions.
- Wizzomatic returned to E-Rantel and is preparing to fight the Slane Theocracy.

MINOR EVENTS (unrelated to vote)
- Shale Gilmore's Glorious Goods made a revenue of 13 gold coins today. Gilmore predicts sales will fall considerably for the next season.

- 41st to 48th PT: Agatha's Holiday in the Dwarf Kingdom. (Ongoing)
- 47th PT: Strategy Meeting with Kaori, Lord Adorable (unavailable, replaced by Serpentireon), Demiurge, Albedo, and Ainz; see Repeating Actions.
- 49th PT: Transhuman surgery appointment with two Silver-rank adventurers and a Gold-rank adventurer.
- 50th PT: Meeting with Vrillian Boyard Egil Boundera, third son of Marquis Boundera, regarding his newly obtained magic talent.
- 62nd PT: Meeting with Avacyn Krose Roy Harloy, second son of Count Harloy, regarding his newly obtained magic talent.
- ~182th PT+: The experimental Data Crystal tree saplings will grow up.
- ~190th PT: The Educational District in E-Rantel will be mostly finished.
- ~200th PT: The Magic Academy, as well as the Adventurer School in E-Rantel will both be ready to open.

Vote by Plan.

[] Direct Action - The character attempts to carry out the described action the closest to how it is described.
[] Add Repeating Action - Character automatically carries out a certain action when certain conditions are met.
[] Remove Repeating Action - Removes a repeating action.
[] Timeskip Until (When) - Automatically pass time until the specified time, condition, or event. (This will not skip important events.)
[] Side-Story: (Character) - Next update includes a side story or element written from the perspective of a character other than Wizzomatic. Players can have some involvement in what the characters in service of Cybertron are doing in these side-stories. (ie: "Kenny: Goes On A Quest.")
-[] Minor Interlude - A short self-contained story. No longer than one "part" of a chapter.
-[] Major Interlude - A longer story about the chosen character. As long as a full chapter, and will either precede or follow the next chapter. Expect it to take some time to write.
[] Write-in - (Something else?)

Repeating Actions List:
- Perform biomantic experiments with flora and fauna.
- Meet with the strategists from both Guilds regularly to discuss important topics.
- Assist Carne Village when other, higher-priority matters aren't pressing. If they are likely to be attacked and/or wiped out in the near future, better to live under Cybertron's protection than die under the false protection of their previous patrons. If they disagree, help them invisibly anyway. A living village can be studied indefinitely, a dead one is merely a snap-shot of this new world. Even if our assistance taints the viewing somewhat.
- Every time a New World Religion is learned of, have a document prepared for our perusal informing us of how it works and its leadership. Subtly infiltrate religious organizations over time.
- Every time a new large government is discovered, have a document prepared for our perusal informing us of how it works and its leadership. Subtly infiltrate Governments over time.
- Attempt to recreate Earth tech, or magical technology that can imitate Earth tech.
- Continue work on the Mega-Brain and the bio-mecha meant to be used alongside it.
- Call Ainz using the "dono" or "sama" suffix in public, and vice versa.
- Have your NPCs spread rumors that Wizzomatic of Cybertron has heard of legends of ways to surpass human limits. If any accept the 'quest' set it up so that they end up in Cybertron where you will try experiments to increase the limits of natives. Try to be humane about it as possible. Whether successful or not send the natives back home in as perfect condition as possible.

Vote Duration: 24-72 hours.

[AN: Hey, look! An early update! How nice.]
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On another note, although unlimited mana for two minutes is extremely powerful, I was almost certain you guys would pick the ability to turn into Cthulhu.

Huh... I lost a bet.
On another note, although unlimited mana for two minutes is extremely powerful, I was almost certain you guys would pick the ability to turn into Cthulhu.

Huh... I lost a bet.
Doh I forgot to vote.

[X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]

I'll go with this after the information recieved, hopefully we can make some other forms too later, if we get inspiration.
If we select this, are we going to know the abilities and benefits of each form?
Wait a minute. I think the vote tally's bugged. Let me check more of the votes.
[X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
-[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
-[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
-[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
-[X] Attend the dinner with Calca. Bring a gift, maybe something like a cute bird or fox with a holy element attunement.
-[X] For the trade deal proposal between Re-Estze and the Holy Kingdom have Gilmore write up the suggestions for it.
-[X] After the dinner with Calca and the end of the trade agreements end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.

[X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]
@Birdsie is there any chance that when the Platinum Dragon Lord encounters Ainz he will say something along the lines of "Ainz Oool Gown or should I call you Touch Me" in reference to that earlier chapter where we commented that someone might mistake him for Touch Me?
When it comes to the designing the Five Dark Wishes of a Madman, are they able to gain job classes that Wiz lacks, I assume racial customization is a given. I note the actual job class thing wouldn't be absurdly broken simply because you wouldn't have that much high tier equipment that would fit your character but I am wondering if there is a restriction (such as you need 2 racial levels for every job level?)
[X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]
I do like the other options, thought to me [A Needle Into The Heart of Magic] feels a bit less thematic for us (would pick it if we had a different build), the [The All-Consuming Sin of Gluttony] is something I like and can see being quite fun.
Also, could someone explain what the Cthulhu, Father Dagon, Hastur, Tsathoggua, Chaugnar Faugn builds would be like. A quick look makes me think Dagon would be a physical build with the ability to summon Deep Ones of various sizes, Cthulhu would be a super illithid and has wings (I wonder if Brainstealer dragon was used as a base) but I'm not very familiar with the Cthulhu mythos?
@Red Bovine I wonder if we should wait a bit, it seems a bit weird, meet queen next day teleport to conquer a nation... we should probably spend a few days on the trade agreements... possibly mention the we have been given evidence about the Sunlight Scriptures attacks on Kingdom villages
[X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy

I note that Agatha knows how to make a Caloric Stone... which means our guild knew, I wonder if we stored any of those metals for the purposes of eventually making a Stone but were interrupted or something since you know, we have Gate of Babylon (although it might take a long while it basically would have allowed the guild to make Stones).
If we manage to produce one... well options include making super weapons, armour, or a Golem Core (I believe that the strongest NPC in Nazarick was made using such a Stone). It could probably be used to make The Matrix of Leadership indestructible and enhance it further, or could be used as a core for our ultimate bio titan... or for that matter bio power armour, plenty of options
Yeah it's cthulhu vote.
Adhoc vote count started by rx915 on Nov 15, 2018 at 7:50 PM, finished with 76 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] - [A Needle Into The Heart of Magic]
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    [X] - [The All-Consuming Sin of Gluttony]:
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    -[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
    -[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
    -[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
    -[X] Attend the dinner with Calca. Bring a gift, maybe something like a cute bird or fox with a holy element attunement.
    -[X] For the trade deal proposal between Re-Estze and the Holy Kingdom have Gilmore write up the suggestions for it.
    -[X] After the dinner with Calca and the end of the trade agreements end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    -[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
    -[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
    -[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
    -[X] Attend the dinner with Calca.​
    -[X] After the dinner with Calca end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.​
    [X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]

Adhoc vote count started by rx915 on Nov 15, 2018 at 7:50 PM, finished with 76 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] - [A Needle Into The Heart of Magic]
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    [X] - [The All-Consuming Sin of Gluttony]:
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    -[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
    -[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
    -[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
    -[X] Attend the dinner with Calca. Bring a gift, maybe something like a cute bird or fox with a holy element attunement.
    -[X] For the trade deal proposal between Re-Estze and the Holy Kingdom have Gilmore write up the suggestions for it.
    -[X] After the dinner with Calca and the end of the trade agreements end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    -[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
    -[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
    -[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
    -[X] Attend the dinner with Calca.​
    -[X] After the dinner with Calca end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.​
    [X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]
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[X] Time for war
-[X] Attend to the war on the Slane Theocracy. Wear some of your best secondary equipment, while you are confident in your abilities you aren't foolish enough to dismiss the Slane Theocracy completely considering that they have god-kin. Have Ichika Toufexidis watch over the battlefield incase you do end up needing backup with said backup depending on what you are facing. Finally upgrade your puppet body a bit while still keeping it's appearance. Use the information you got from the SL to plan around their WOIs if need be.
[X] Have several angels NPCs with an NPC inhabiting your angel body show up partway through the invasion. Have them show up before Wizzomatic before he faces off against note worthy soldiers then appear to leave him be. It would be demoralizing for the armies of the Theocracies to see them be 'abandoned' by the messengers of the gods with it also presenting an opportunity to use their appearance to twist to your advantage. Rehearse with everyone before hand to make sure this goes off well.
-[X] Keep the damage and deaths to a minimum during the war. Seeing as the plan to take over the kingdom you'd rather not have to spend resources fixing things up. Realistically you could beat the entire army by yourself without too much effort and the less deaths the less issues you will have gaining the citizens loyalty. Not to mention that the God-kin are a rarity in this world that you'd hate to lose, especially if you can turn several of them.
-[X] mini Interlude: Reactions to the kings declation of war
-[X] Mini Interlude: random grunt from the Slane Theocracy
-[X] Interlude: Elites of the Slane Theocracy

Well seems simple enough. Thinking it would be fun to see the invasion from the other side and multiple views.
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On another note, although unlimited mana for two minutes is extremely powerful, I was almost certain you guys would pick the ability to turn into Cthulhu.

Huh... I lost a bet.
You might win the bet actually. I think the vote tally's bugged so the cthulhu votes got changed to 2 minutes of magic fun time. Veekie and someone else did vote for it IIRC but the others from the looks of it are not registering in the vote tally and instead changed to look like the magic vote.

Though someone with their own pc will have to check the votes since I'm on my phone.
[X] Time for war
-[X] Attend to the war on the Slane Theocracy
-[X] Interlude: random grunt
-[X] Interlude: Elites

Well seems simple enough. Thinking it would be fun to see the invasion from the other side and multiple views.
[X] Time for war

You could put more than just those two interludes.

King for his declaration of war, our sleeper agent, the emperor who'll piss his pants maybe PDL etc.
[X] Time for war

You could put more than just those two interludes.

King for his declaration of war, our sleeper agent, the emperor who'll piss his pants maybe PDL etc.

Added the reactions to the Kings declaration of war. Considering we already have 3 interludes rather we not bog the update down by adding too much. Also interested in Zesshi's reaction to us considering how powerful we are and her thing for strong people but imagine that we would see more of her in the Elites interlude.
Added the reactions to the Kings declaration of war. Considering we already have 3 interludes rather we not bog the update down by adding too much. Also interested in Zesshi's reaction to us considering how powerful we are and her thing for strong people but imagine that we would see more of her in the Elites interlude.
Zesshi huh. If we beat her she'll definitely ditch the theocracy.

Though we may need to watch out for yellow thirteen depending on how we take down the theocracy. Though at least if worse comes to worst we at least have our original body if the human one dies.