[x] Ayako Tomioka (Logistics +)
How goes the saying again, about professional and logistics. That and the stomach thing. Bigger and better fleet = more needs for hardware maintenance and supplies
People, logistics shouldn't be as much of a problem, considering that our character is second in line for the throne, so it's likely she has easier access to supplies, meaning that we aren't really in need of a logistics advisor.
Having access to supplies isn't actually the same with being able to manage it.
Among other things, you need to project what you are going to need ahead of time (and it's a LOT of things), how fast you are going through them, and how likely you can got replenishment amidst campaign. Then there's need to ensure that the supplies you've got goes right where it belong/needed. Inventory and distrubution isn't simple. There's also need to figure out how to best spend the supplies, how to balance conservation with mission demand. Finally, shit happens. Supply lines are almost sure to be lost or reduced at some point. Then someone has to figure out how to keep ships fueled and the holes patched.
Even if you can have all the supplies all you want (not necessarily guarantee, especially when your fleet need the most expensive/cutting edge spare parts) in the imperial capital depot, that doesn't mean anything if you put wrong order.
Now intel, on the other hand, is much more important here, considering how generally useful intel is. Also, the intel advisor could serve as a pragmatic counterbalance to our honorable combat-obsessed princess, since being obssessed with honorable fights is not a good thing, as it makes our character very vulnerable to tactical geniuses and combat pragmatists, so we need to start working on removing that obsession.
Logistics officer could do pragmatic as good as intelligence officer. In fact, I would bet a good logistic officer can do pragmatism better!
EDIT: It's all trade and balance. All the advisors' specialty are important. I just rather rely on Logistics, since it meant the ships more surety the fleet get where/what it need doing, and survive when shit happens.
(deleting & reposting to avoid double post)
Also, uh
@Whiskey Golf What 'Sustain' stat means.
Because Yui's only got one plus, and if that's what I suspect it is, we are going to starved for logistics.