Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

How does it look like if we go for paired options?
*Checks vote count*

Nope, not doing this by hand. Looks like everyone's going for intel though. An intelligent decision.

Also, this tally did not work the way I wanted. /shrug
(Specifically, I was hoping block mode would work.)
Adhoc vote count started by AlphaDelta on Nov 13, 2018 at 3:17 AM, finished with 76 posts and 56 votes.
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[X] Princess Yui: Imperial Court (Politics)
[X] Risa Hayao (Fleet Combat +)

Not sure if voting is still open, but since I'm picking one choice that is likely to win, and one that has no chance in hell, it should be okay!
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Voting will remain open for another 12 hours, at which point we'll tally up and see how.
[X] Daniel O'Farrell (Intel +)
[X] Count Alastor von Toth: Military (Fleet Combat)

Handsome oji-san is a go
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To clarify, that means voting ends at 0700 my time (GMT+8), or at 2300 GMT.
[X] Yonatan Chew: Military (Logistics/Staff/Support). A commoner who enlisted and subsequently earned a commission as an officer, you are dutiful and diligent. You have seen your own share of action and ship command, but on the whole you have served away from the front. You are not a warfighter, but you enable the warfighters, and you leverage the combat commanders serving under you. You know where the skeletons are buried, you know what a fleet needs to keep running: you work for a living and get shit done, and clawed your way up the ladder without any form of patronage. You are fairly unknown to the public eye, and you were a little surprised that the Empress even knew of you to ask for you by name; perhaps your assignment as the late Empress' naval aide a decade ago made an impression on her.
[X] Daniel O'Farrell (Intel +)
Not sure how this vote is being structured, but on the off chance that we're tallying by block, tactical voting is a go so that my vote is something other than thrown away.

[X] Count Alastor von Toth: Military (Fleet Combat)
[X] Daniel O'Farrell (Intel +)
[X] Princess Yui: Imperial Court (Politics)
[X] Daniel O'Farrell (Intel +)

Princess Yuri and her Wingmate a go!
[X] Princess Yui: Imperial Court (Politics)
gib fluffy tail
Adhoc vote count started by andrewopk on Nov 13, 2018 at 8:33 AM, finished with 86 posts and 62 votes.
Vote Called and I derped. Damnit Whiskey.
Right, I know I said i was going to leave the voting until 0700 but I've decided to call it 9 hours early, I don't think there's a point to leaving things any longer: by my count, out of the 60+ votes received, it's 32-24 for in favor of Yui, so I'm going to call the vote and get started. Winning PC is:

[X] Princess Yui: Imperial Court (Politics)

At the same time, voting for the Adjutant is a bit of a mess and has gone all over the place - in hindsight, I made a mistake in not stipulating plan voting. Damnit Whiskey. >_< That's my bad, and that's on me, so what we're going to do is that instead, for the next 24 hours, until 2200 GMT+8, I'm going to leave the voting open for the Adjutant.

In the future, moving forward, we're going to do plan voting to avoid this messiness. -_-;; Sorry, everyone. Will try not to derp again. :oops:

So, let's restart for Adjutant Voting only:

[ ] Risa Hayao (Fleet Combat +)
[ ] Ayako Tomioka (Logistics +)
[ ] Mulia Ketmanee (Politics +)
[ ] Daniel O'Farrell (Intel +)
[x] Count Alastor von Toth: Military (Fleet Combat).
[x] Ayako Tomioka (Logistics +).

Edit: Dammit.
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[x] Mulia Ketmanee (Politics +)
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