Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

[X] Count Alastor von Toth: Military (Fleet Combat). A minor noble who has become a rising star within the Imperial Navy, you are ambitious and hungry. You are one of the most famous "Combat Admirals" in the Navy, with the bare minimum of desk assignments: if it's a tactical role on a warship, you've done it. Your track record of successes has only made you thirst for victory all the more, and has led to some jealousy along the way. Being a young and handsome war hero celebrity means you have no small number of admirers - and you count the Empress among their number: her girlish interest in you is quite obvious, and may be something you can exploit.

[X] Daniel O'Farrell (Intel +). An impoverished noble who rose through the ranks on talent and results. Daniel O'Farrell is skilled at taking information from a variety of sources, and weaving it together into a cohesive, meaningful package. Give him a day and he'll give you a dossier on your enemy; give him a week and he'll tell you where all their hiding holes are.
Alas sadly fox girl yamato isn't a thing on anywhere.
Else we would have a picture for her
[X] Princess Yui: Imperial Court (Politics)
[X] Daniel O'Farrell (Intel +)

Because the Oneesama relationship with the Empress sounds like fun, and well she needs to know where the enemy is to crush them.
Motherufcker the feeling whenni realised i copypastad wrongly and left the wrong things in and the right things out.

Note that Princes Yui is 1) basically ninetailed foxgirl Yamato and 2) has access to Imperial Royal Guard support, i.e. The Empress' Royal Guards/personal fleet, because right now she's 2nd in line for the throne.

Alastor is skill, Yonatan is pragmatic logistics, and Yui is the power of money, politics and royal connections :V And nine fluffy tails.

Also I feel i should note that she's not that stupid; the preference for overwhelming frepower is a pretty common trend in the imperial navy. There are flamewars and shitposts over which is better, skill or firepower, and people who go for the reasonable option tend to get shouted down by the other sides :V
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[x] Princess Yui: Imperial Court (Politics).

[x] Ayako Tomioka (Logistics +). A seasoned logistics officer, with a reputation for skillful resource management. While she has not seen much combat, Ayako Tomioka is a genius with making sure the fleet has what it needs in sufficient quantities.

If you're gonna run battlewagons, you're gonna wanna keep them supplied.

I like big guns and i cannot lie.
[X] Count Alastor von Toth: Military (Fleet Combat). A minor noble who has become a rising star within the Imperial Navy, you are ambitious and hungry. You are one of the most famous "Combat Admirals" in the Navy, with the bare minimum of desk assignments: if it's a tactical role on a warship, you've done it. Your track record of successes has only made you thirst for victory all the more, and has led to some jealousy along the way. Being a young and handsome war hero celebrity means you have no small number of admirers - and you count the Empress among their number: her girlish interest in you is quite obvious, and may be something you can exploit.

[X] Daniel O'Farrell (Intel +). An impoverished noble who rose through the ranks on talent and results. Daniel O'Farrell is skilled at taking information from a variety of sources, and weaving it together into a cohesive, meaningful package. Give him a day and he'll give you a dossier on your enemy; give him a week and he'll tell you where all their hiding holes are.
In the interests of being a fair QM, I feel I should warn everyone that epic fleet battles are sort of a failure state, because if you're regularly getting into a lot of epic fleet battles...

...well that kinda implies that the Empire has balkanised and everyone's becoming their own warlords. GG no re. <.<

Remember, you're not just fighting fleet battles, but also political battles, intelligence battles, night battles...
[X] Princess Yui: Imperial Court (Politics)
[X] Daniel O'Farrell (Intel +)
Is it a really a failure state though?

It's just Havens making their displeasure known at the dynasty and it loosing the Mandate of Havens. Clearly, a change in leadership would be in order.
[X] Yonatan Chew: Military (Logistics/Staff/Support).
[X] Mulia Ketmanee (Politics +).
[X] Yonatan Chew: Military (Logistics/Staff/Support)
[X] Daniel O'Farrell (Intel +)

The most likely threats we would have to face are guerilla warfare and court plots, alastor would be average good at fighting plots and bad at guerrilla warfare because you don't fight conventionnal battles. Plus his connection to the empress would make him a target for plots.
The princess would be good at palace intrigue but her fleet is the worst against guerrila warfare, plus she's also a good targuet for plots.
Chew is not the best at politics but he's good at logistics, wich is exactly what you want against guerrilla, he can also stay away from plots since he's not well known or involve in politics, but he still as connections.

Basically if we play Chew we can focus on keeping the Empire together, only involving ourself in the plots that could destabilise the Empire while staying away from power struggles. Even if the Empress falls we can stay alive by being useful to whoever replace her.
If we play Yui we're more involved in intrigues wich is both good and bad but if we have to fight our fleet is only good in conventionnal battles, plus we can't stop local rebellions with court intrigues.
Alastor is only good if the empire is attacked from outside or if there's a civil war, and even then he might lose an attrition war.
Elaboration on choosing the PC means
I'm actually pretty happy at how this is going, I was expecting this quest to be a deserted wasteland, lol.

Anyway, I'm just going to take the time to clarify the pros and cons of taking each of the PCs and how that fits into the quest.

Overall, the quest isn't just going to be about breaking fleets or blowing things up. You're the Empress' troubleshooter, that means you troubleshoot and solve problems. Discretion is valuable. Making a name for yourself as the Empress' troubleshooter can be counterproductive for the Empress, because then it looks like you're cleaning up all her messes and you're really the person getting shit done who's not to be fucked with.

Coups have been started with much less. :V

So an elaboration of the pros and cons of the PCs:

Count Alastor: The obvious choice for players who want to go the combat route, or potentially build up as a warlord in their own right. Alastor is legitimately the balanced option for doing either combat or political missions (especially if you take the Intel or Politics Adjutant), but he's not going to be as good a political operator as Yui, which means that while he's going to be great and beating down pirate kings or cowing faraway systems in line (Johorexit ho!), and he'll do fine with the Navy's internal politics, the high level political angles that the Great Houses are operating on... he's not necessarily going to be adept enough to see that, and because he's a military man he's going to default to viewing things from the perspective of a naval officer, and he won't grok the impact of certain political implications.

Yonatan: He's made of salt, snark, and thinks he's the only sane man in the Navy, surrounded by idiots and incompetents. (Did I mention he's pretty salty?) He's skilled fleet commander (in part because he knows how to find combat commanders and leverage them), but outside of the Navy, he's going to be utterly out of his depth navigating the politics of the imperial court - politically he's even more gimped than Alastor. (Well, this is the Hard Mode option. :V)

Princess Yui: She runs on the power of Money, Royal Blood, Political Connections, and TOUCH FLUFFY TAIL. Memes aside, taking Yui gives you a buffer against the high-level machinations of the other great houses - Hagoromo-no-Kaneo-no-Mikoto basically established her empire by ASSERTING DOMINANCE over her rivals and gave them the option of being loyal nobles or getting rekt hard. Old grudges get polished off form time to time. :V As the 2nd in line for the Throne, Yui also can call upon assistance from the Imperial Royal Guard: every mission she's sent on will be augmented by an appropriate IRG detachment for said mission: a factfinding mission would have an IRG intel team with shooters, arresting a rebellious duke would get you a full MAGTF... Yes, it's true that Yui's tactical acument boils down to "shoot them with my wall of battleships" but that's conventional thinking in the Navy anyhow, and if you take a Fleet Combat Adjutant, Yui is smart enough to listen to and leverage her adjutant.

Also I feel I should reiterate that, like their Adjutants, each Admiral is at least baseline competent in things outside their stated speciality.

With Alastor basically you're about using firepower to fix problems, with Yonatan you fix problems with salt, and with Yui, you're banking on being a full political operator to try and nip problems in the bud before they become problems (and counter the machinations of the Great Houses). This is also why you get a specialist adjutant to either make you reeaaaaalllly good in one speciality, or to cover a capability gap that you have. Either choices can be viable, because i'm not running a super mechanics quest, it's more of a narrative base.
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[X] Yonatan Chew: Military (Logistics/Staff/Support)
[X] Daniel O'Farrell (Intel +)

The most likely threats we would have to face are guerilla warfare and court plots, alastor would be average good at fighting plots and bad at guerrilla warfare because you don't fight conventionnal battles. Plus his connection to the empress would make him a target for plots.
The princess would be good at palace intrigue but her fleet is the worst against guerrila warfare, plus she's also a good targuet for plots.
Chew is not the best at politics but he's good at logistics, wich is exactly what you want against guerrilla, he can also stay away from plots since he's not well known or involve in politics, but he still as connections.

Basically if we play Chew we can focus on keeping the Empire together, only involving ourself in the plots that could destabilise the Empire while staying away from power struggles. Even if the Empress falls we can stay alive by being useful to whoever replace her.
If we play Yui we're more involved in intrigues wich is both good and bad but if we have to fight our fleet is only good in conventionnal battles, plus we can't stop local rebellions with court intrigues.
Alastor is only good if the empire is attacked from outside or if there's a civil war, and even then he might lose an attrition war.
You are a sound man, and wise, I am certain that Yonatan is a very solid choice in many ways, and best overall for the Empire as a whole, and I do not trust SV to not get stuck in the cacky due to thread Intrigue fails.
But alas, I did not start with your vote. I read through the thread, and I have been compelled by the fluffy tails.
[X] Princess Yui: Imperial Court (Politics)

Or more seriously, I'd rather go for soft power, which fluffy here is good for, since what we REALLY need, is to cement the Empire together and guns have a very limited ability to facilitate that.

[X] Ayako Tomioka (Logistics +). A seasoned logistics officer, with a reputation for skillful resource management. While she has not seen much combat, Ayako Tomioka is a genius with making sure the fleet has what it needs in sufficient quantities.
Hard pick between her and the intel guy. Intel guy lets us find issues and then send Yui to diplomance the problems away BEFORE they roll up into a rebellion. Ayako I think I like better on the notion that if we're good with our logistics we can make sure we don't run out of money/vaguely have a better idea of the resource flow of the Empire in general.
[X] Princess Yui: Imperial Court (Politics)
[X] Mulia Ketmanee (Politics +).

Ah the benefits of being royalty! Why polish off the old grudges yourself when you have an adjutant to do delegate the task to. :V

On a more serious if the princess a political operator we might as well double down on the politics speciality, and well political roses must be pruned.
You are a sound man, and wise, I am certain that Yonatan is a very solid choice in many ways, and best overall for the Empire as a whole, and I do not trust SV to not get stuck in the cacky due to thread Intrigue fails.
But alas, I did not start with your vote. I read through the thread, and I have been compelled by the fluffy tails.

It is fine I have already embrace the Yonatan way of life and started stocking massive amount of salt for when the Empire crumbles due to attrition and poor logistics.

But yeah, the best way to play Yonatan would be boring anyway since it would mostly be keeping out of political troubles, applying pragmatic tactics to defeat insurgency and being too useful to replace while not being a threat. I'm not surprise that people prefer big fleet battles or intrigues with the waifu.
[X] Princess Yui: Imperial Court (Politics)
[X] Ayako Tomioka (Logistics +)

Vote for Foxgirl yuri!
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[X] Count Alastor von Toth: Military (Fleet Combat). A minor noble who has become a rising star within the Imperial Navy, you are ambitious and hungry. You are one of the most famous "Combat Admirals" in the Navy, with the bare minimum of desk assignments: if it's a tactical role on a warship, you've done it. Your track record of successes has only made you thirst for victory all the more, and has led to some jealousy along the way. Being a young and handsome war hero celebrity means you have no small number of admirers - and you count the Empress among their number: her girlish interest in you is quite obvious, and may be something you can exploit.

[X] Daniel O'Farrell (Intel +). An impoverished noble who rose through the ranks on talent and results. Daniel O'Farrell is skilled at taking information from a variety of sources, and weaving it together into a cohesive, meaningful package. Give him a day and he'll give you a dossier on your enemy; give him a week and he'll tell you where all their hiding holes are.