[X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
-[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
-[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
-[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
-[X] Attend the dinner with Calca.
-[X] After the dinner with Calca end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.
You must also vote everything in one post or the tally system does not pick it up
[X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]

Purely because it's the Horror King one.
Its only 10 minutes and we can just make those forms and posses them and the bio power can be used for more things then a short temp transformation
10 minutes for very powerful transformations if our normal form can't cut it.

Making those forms I have some doubts.

@Red Bovine

The plan should include a trade deal (we told yellow thirteen that) though whether that's negotiated through the queen or one of her staff I'm not sure.

Maybe include a side story on on someone in Hoburn, homunculus adventurers or Ainz.
[X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
-[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name
@Red Bovine
Do you want Kenny and Remmy's name attached to Cybertron? I thought you want to keep them as low key adventures to use for scoutting other countries eventually?

With Cybertron's names attached they will face increase scrutiny wherever they go.
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Also, what are we going to trade? Food in exhange for decrease in road tolls. Should ask Shale Gilmore to write up a proposal?
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I don't usually vote but this is something I want to affect for once so... yeah

[X] - [A needle into the heart of magic]
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@Red Bovine

You reckon we should bring a gift for being invited by royalty?

I'm thinking either a pet (monster hunter felynes or another Hamsuke), a holy item (holy hand grenade lol joke seriously though giver her something that falls under holy) cause holy kingdom or something random like a pair of sunglasses (fantasy queen with sun glasses cause memes)
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[X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
-[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
-[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
-[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
-[X] Attend the dinner with Calca.
-[X] After the dinner with Calca end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.
[X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]
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I'll be quite amused when she finds out about Wizzo's real body (anime moment where my boyfriend/my knight in shining armour is actually cthulhu/nyartholep). Or not if she'll never know.
"Honey, I need to tell you something."
"Yeees, darling~?"
"I'm Cthulhu."
"A... what-lu?"
How strong are the forms and cant we just create them with the bio ult?
They are on the power-level of a Raid Boss meant for LV100 players. Ainz, if unaided, would lose to one around ninety percent of the time.
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Nov 13, 2018 at 2:11 PM, finished with 1885 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] - [A Needle Into The Heart of Magic]
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    [X] - [The All-Consuming Sin of Gluttony]:
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    -[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
    -[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
    -[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
    -[X] Attend the dinner with Calca. Bring a gift, maybe something like a cute bird or fox with a holy element attunement.
    -[X] For the trade deal proposal between Re-Estze and the Holy Kingdom have Gilmore write up the suggestions for it.
    -[X] After the dinner with Calca and the end of the trade agreements end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    -[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
    -[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
    -[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
    -[X] Attend the dinner with Calca.​
    -[X] After the dinner with Calca end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.​
    [X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]
@Red Bovine

You reckon we should bring a gift for being invited by royalty?

I'm thinking either a pet (monster hunter felynes or another Hamsuke), a holy item (holy hand grenade lol joke seriously though giver her something that falls under holy) cause holy kingdom or something random like a pair of sunglasses (fantasy queen with sun glasses cause memes)

Algith, added the gift idea.

Birdsie is the type of QM who will not fill in the blanks like that. Good example of what happened with Knightly Order when the King asks about our ideas for it.

Fine, added in having Gilmore come up with the proposals.
Adhoc vote count started by Red Bovine on Nov 12, 2018 at 1:16 PM, finished with 1871 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] - [A Needle Into The Heart of Magic]
    [X] - [The All-Consuming Sin of Gluttony]:
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    -[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
    -[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
    -[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
    -[X] Attend the dinner with Calca. Bring a gift, maybe something like a cute bird or fox with a holy element attunement.
    -[X] For the trade deal proposal between Re-Estze and the Holy Kingdom have Gilmore write up the suggestions for it.
    -[X] After the dinner with Calca end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    -[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
    -[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
    -[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
    -[X] Attend the dinner with Calca.​
    -[X] After the dinner with Calca end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.
    [X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]
@Birdsie is there any chance that when the Platinum Dragon Lord encounters Ainz he will say something along the lines of "Ainz Oool Gown or should I call you Touch Me" in reference to that earlier chapter where we commented that someone might mistake him for Touch Me?
When it comes to the designing the Five Dark Wishes of a Madman, are they able to gain job classes that Wiz lacks, I assume racial customization is a given. I note the actual job class thing wouldn't be absurdly broken simply because you wouldn't have that much high tier equipment that would fit your character but I am wondering if there is a restriction (such as you need 2 racial levels for every job level?)
[X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]
I do like the other options, thought to me [A Needle Into The Heart of Magic] feels a bit less thematic for us (would pick it if we had a different build), the [The All-Consuming Sin of Gluttony] is something I like and can see being quite fun.
Also, could someone explain what the Cthulhu, Father Dagon, Hastur, Tsathoggua, Chaugnar Faugn builds would be like. A quick look makes me think Dagon would be a physical build with the ability to summon Deep Ones of various sizes, Cthulhu would be a super illithid and has wings (I wonder if Brainstealer dragon was used as a base) but I'm not very familiar with the Cthulhu mythos?
@Red Bovine I wonder if we should wait a bit, it seems a bit weird, meet queen next day teleport to conquer a nation... we should probably spend a few days on the trade agreements... possibly mention the we have been given evidence about the Sunlight Scriptures attacks on Kingdom villages
[X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy

I note that Agatha knows how to make a Caloric Stone... which means our guild knew, I wonder if we stored any of those metals for the purposes of eventually making a Stone but were interrupted or something since you know, we have Gate of Babylon (although it might take a long while it basically would have allowed the guild to make Stones).
If we manage to produce one... well options include making super weapons, armour, or a Golem Core (I believe that the strongest NPC in Nazarick was made using such a Stone). It could probably be used to make The Matrix of Leadership indestructible and enhance it further, or could be used as a core for our ultimate bio titan... or for that matter bio power armour, plenty of options
@Birdsie is there any chance that when the Platinum Dragon Lord encounters Ainz he will say something along the lines of "Ainz Oool Gown or should I call you Touch Me" in reference to that earlier chapter where we commented that someone might mistake him for Touch Me?
Not sure why he would? He's not a Player, so he doesn't know enough about YGGDRASIL to know all of Ainz Ooal Gown's players.
He does have his NPC ninja scouting... and all things considered Touch Me would be a famous player. Ainz is goin around as a heroic knight, and well the NPC probably knows those details about Touch Me
The NPCs normally shouldn't be aware about creatures they haven't heard of or encountered in YGGDRASIL. I doubt the Eight Greed Kings randomly mentioned Touch Me next to Y13, though it's possible.