I dunno, It does look like we went in full roleplay just like Ainz. But we went into the horror from the unknowable unknown that eats your brain and brainwashes your friends road, oh and they get turned into homonculi or some other type of monster people. heh.
Maybe something like networking ourselves across our creations so we have multiple bodies and minds and actions with a single overmind/oversoul as a Horror King+Mad Scientist+Illithid?

So we could pilot all our bodies at once but we would use our mental and casting stats for all of them? This way would make use of us making bodies to inhabit, thematic and pretty strong due to action economy, survivability and coordinating and supporting ourselves(?)
We should send more probes in the bifrost more. Though with how it's going the new world is a one way street so we can't change the bifrost's channel yet to check out other worlds.
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Sad. We could have Wizzo cthulhu hulk out and say this isn't his final form.

Found what could be Wizzo if someone interrupted him.
We still have psionics... also we are merciful, the patient wouldn't be conscious, also I would still expect Biomancy to have its share of biological based buffs.

Form of Doom for instance we would turn into a "nightmarish version" of ourselves with additional tentacles. Gain the frightful presence ability, natural armour, speed boost and a strength boost.

Psionics have their own form of polymorph.

Hm, I think we should eventually check to see if the other nearby worlds have had Players appear.

I am still hoping for a transformation type ultimate which costs exp and can be sustained by eating brains as we fight

@Valkhir there is a psionic power called schism which creates a second mind with less powerful psionics, and can only use mentally abilities
We still have psionics... also we are merciful, the patient wouldn't be conscious, also I would still expect Biomancy to have its share of biological based buffs.

Form of Doom for instance we would turn into a "nightmarish version" of ourselves with additional tentacles. Gain the frightful presence ability, natural armour, speed boost and a strength boost.

Psionics have their own form of polymorph.

Hm, I think we should eventually check to see if the other nearby worlds have had Players appear.

I am still hoping for a transformation type ultimate which costs exp and can be sustained by eating brains as we fight

@Valkhir there is a psionic power called schism which creates a second mind with less powerful psionics, and can only use mentally abilities
Can you Metaconcert your own Schisms? Also, there already is something called Perfect Warrior buff in Yggdrasil, I think we could have a supermode, but due to our spell devouring class I think that could also help with upkeep.
Part of my reasoning for a transformation, an immunity by passer is too similar to Goal of All Life is Death, a mana buff is either too broken to not use all the time (I guess it would have a very long cool down)or not that strong equally doesn't seem very thematic (we don't seem to be a super magic caster). Mass mind control well, dominate is already a thing and we can use it to control multiple people (the psionic version can be boosted to affect more races and affect multiple people at the same time), unless you can actually use it to steal NPCs permanently or something (I guess the guild with have even more npcs than the original level cap). Not sure how spreading your mind over a lot of target would work within Yggdrasil, an extra mind probably not that difficult which is why schism works.

An alternative transformation, turn into a pure astral being, maybe some psionic enhancers due to this, would become very vulnerable to astral smite type attacks very good against warriors perhaps. Not sure how it would work with regards to how long it would last, and probably wouldn't be able to eat brains to regain ep
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Part of my reasoning for a transformation, an immunity by passer is too similar to Goal of All Life is Death, a mana buff is either too broken to not use all the time (I guess it would have a very long cool down)or not that strong equally doesn't seem very thematic (we don't seem to be a super magic caster). Mass mind control well, dominate is already a thing and we can use it to control multiple people (the psionic version can be boosted to affect more races and affect multiple people at the same time), unless you can actually use it to steal NPCs permanently or something (I guess the guild with have even more npcs than the original level cap). Not sure how spreading your mind over a lot of target would work within Yggdrasil, an extra mind probably not that difficult which is why schism works.

An alternative transformation, turn into a pure astral being, maybe some psionic enhancers due to this, would become very vulnerable to astral smite type attacks very good against warriors perhaps. Not sure how it would work with regards to how long it would last, and probably wouldn't be able to eat brains to regain ep
Flipping the becoming an astral being the other way around, us becoming fully corporeal instead. Entering the world with our whole girth.
Actually yeah! I love the idea of entering the world fully ability. Us being an Old One from outside of the worlds kind of deal. Boosting our parameters way up but risking the deletion of our character if we... die... Scary, cool and OP. Perfection!
It'd be like how blowing up the guild item erases the guild. Blowing us up while empowered... Outch is all I'll say. But than again, turning into a field boss... Yum! So many brains to eat, so many skills to obtain.

Now to come up with an amazing name for the skill.
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Flipping the becoming an astral being the other way around, us becoming fully corporeal instead. Entering the world with our whole girth.
Actually yeah! I love the idea of entering the world fully ability. Us being an Old One from outside of the worlds kind of deal. Boosting our parameters way up but risking the deletion of our character if we... die... Scary, cool and OP. Perfection!

Now to come up with an amazing name for the skill.
Even if it turns out we aren't one yet, (an Old One)it could be that our potential/future Old One self exists(?) outside existence and time-space, so we can embody our potential ascendant self, that makes sense?
Even if it turns out we aren't one yet, (an Old One)it could be that our potential/future Old One self exists(?) outside existence and time-space, so we can embody our potential ascendant self, that makes sense?
Us being a a mere pinkie of a greater self is hella scary. I approve of the existential horror.

The part of it being ourself form the future, or ourself from outside of time who has essentially experienced all of time... That's not really us anymore. That's quite terrifying.

Tho the less scary idea would be that there is actually no temporal disconnect, what I had in mind originally. I think I'd be too afraid to use the version you suggested - had I the abillity.
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Us being a a mere pinkie of a greater self is hella scary. I approve of the existential horror.

The part of it being ourself form the future, or ourself from outside of time who has essentially experienced all of time... That's not really us anymore. That's quite terrifying.

Tho the less scary idea would be that there is actually no temporal disconnect, what I had in mind originally. I think I'd be too afraid to use the version you suggested - had I the abillity.
But, we wouldnt know which version it is before we use it in the New World, cause it's not a game anymore. Things could suddenly apply lore explanations.

Also, it'd be quite horrifying, like...a Horror King, mhhh.
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Flipping the becoming an astral being the other way around, us becoming fully corporeal instead. Entering the world with our whole girth.
Actually yeah! I love the idea of entering the world fully ability. Us being an Old One from outside of the worlds kind of deal. Boosting our parameters way up but risking the deletion of our character if we... die... Scary, cool and OP. Perfection!
It'd be like how blowing up the guild item erases the guild. Blowing us up while empowered... Outch is all I'll say. But than again, turning into a field boss... Yum! So many brains to eat, so many skills to obtain.

Now to come up with an amazing name for the skill.
Intresting... however how would it have worked within Yggdrasil, mechanically I mean people didn't seem to like the idea of converting levels temporarily into a new state when I suggested it
It would probably be a supermode like Metamorphosis in Warcraft 3 and WoW, new statline, buffs and form specific spells.

For the name, what kind of theme do we want? DnD like, for example: "Avatar of Abyssal Eternities" or Exalted/Xianxia-esque names like "Incarnation of What-IS-and-Should-NOT-Be"?

A long name is probable as seen by The Goal of All Life is Death.
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Knight In Shining Armor
[X] Time to conquer a Kingdom
-[X] Start a new expirement where you will study many different brain patterns with your biomancy. The goal is to understand the brain enough to eventually be able to 'program' or 'condition' brains to develop a certain way or to avoid developing negative traits.
-[X] Use your newly gained knowledge about beasts, monsters and plants that create high quality material to create said creatures/plants in breeding numbers, enough to sustain a population, to farm. Make room in your guild base if possible and also be prepared to gain land from other sources.
-[X] See if it would be possible to set up something like a satalite in orbit.
-[X] Inform Ainz of what you learned in regards to beasts/plants that create high level materials. Offer to create some creatures that he wouldn't have access to otherwise if he wants.
-[X] Side Story: Queen Calca
-[X] Before the attack on the Slane Theocracy visit Kenny and Remmy to personally check up on them.
-[X] After our vacation in Hoburn begin the operation against the Slane Theocracy. With the evidence in hand the King will reveal the findings and with that you will personally offer to deal with it. When taking on the ST use only 8 level spells unless neccesary and take with you two level 40-50 NPCs meant for combat. Knock out large numbers of soldiers that are not threats to you with harmless incapacitating spells when possible. Personally take on their greatest soldiers solo. Once that is all done have the Cardinals secretely under your control give up control of the Kingdom to Wizzomatic himself.

Hoburns, the capital of the Holy Kingdom, was in turmoil.

It wasn't a demihuman attack from the east. Quite contrary, it was a visitor from the northeast.

When rumors spread that the strongest magician on the continent would visit their nation for a simple vacation, the nobles of the Holy Kingdom started shaking their servants to please him and everyone prepared to receive him as cordially as possible.

Wizzomatic looked outside his currently lowered window, at the cobblestone streets. Normally, Hoburns was a calm city where people lived in prayer and piety, but today the mood was very festive and everyone rejoiced for some bizarre reason. In addition, the bizarre amount of paladins and knights observing the streets and keeping the crowds at a safe distance was rather off-putting.

Colorful confetti, the feathers of doves, and somehow, red petals flowed through the wind as if he were a king. The people, their arms upraised, cheered as loudly as their lungs allowed for it. The only buffer between Wizzomatic and them were the scant paladins, keeping their arms to the left and right to contain the wild masses.

He felt like Jesus of Nazareth, entering Jerusalem for the first time. Only instead of a donkey, he had a magically-propelled wagon.

Wizzomatic anxiously rose a hand. He didn't even wave, and yet, the people went crazy with their screams of praise and love.

'Are they insane? Why are they treating me like a king? To begin with, I'm from another nation! Shouldn't they be wary of me?' he thought, completely dumbfounded. 'Or is this how the rich and famous live? Well, I guess I am a celebrity.'

On top of that, Wizzomatic's human body was of the supremest make. Every feature was handcrafted with perfection to form the most exquisite masculine beauty possible. He looked handsome, but not enough to make him look tough, and he looked charming, but not enough to make him look feminine. A perfectly beautiful young man, like a jewel that made other men envious and made women faint.

'Might as well give in.'

Wizzomatic waved to the people, flashing them a smile.

Flowers were thrown in the direction of his wagon, as the people showered him in praise. It was like they were thanking him for coming, even though he wasn't here to save them from some evil Maou.

Ishida Koji spent his entire life trying to please his superiors. This time, he was the one being pleased, living the life of a nabob, who was deeply admired, respected, and feared throughout the land.

He arrived at the small manse he rented for his stay. As the steel gates closed behind him, he had his servants take his luggage and moved inside. "Just leave it in the master bedroom, would you? I'll unpack it myself, no worries."

"Yes, Wizzomatic-sama!" they answered, moving the cases upstairs.

He remained in the foyer, though, and mentally went through his list of spells.

First, he cast 'Alarm' on every window and door that led into and out of the mansion. If someone entered the manse without his knowledge, he'd be alerted. He also cast 'Arcane Lock' on every door. And lastly, 'Nondetection' to protect it from scrying spells.

These were the very minimum. Wizzomatic literally wouldn't accept a quarter for himself that didn't have these basic security features. For a moment, he considered also casting 'Private Sanctum' but in the end, thought it was unnecessary, as there wasn't anything vital he had to protect here.

'Well, then.' Wizzomatic followed the homunculi upstairs, unpacked his luggage, and told them to go to the gates and alert him with 'Message' if anything happens. He laid his body on the bed, closed his eyes, and...

His red eyes opened underneath his hooded, cephalopodic yet humanoid countenance.

Teleporting to his laboratory, Wizzomatic started work on monsters that had replenishable resources. He created twenty, with ten specimens of each gender, to ensure they could breed easily. He imbued them with a desire not to slay one another and live in peace, then placed them in a pen on the Sixth Floor. To make it faster, he asked Exodia to help him.

After that, he worked on another set of identical creatures along with Exodia. These would be sent to Nazarick, later, so Ainz could have his own farm.

Wizzomatic, at least for the time being, told a homunculus to watch over the farm and to report to Exodia. To make it easier, and to allow for the feeding of the creatures, he assigned the homunculus to be in control of a group of automatons and fellow homunculi.

Constructs were a type of creature, just like Undead. The two shared a similar feature, in that their maintenance costs were exceptionally low. And because Constructs, as a part of nature, were immune to Positive and Negative energy, had resistance to physical attacks, and their exceptional durability meant even magic wasn't too much of a problem, they were particularly tough. In other words, a massive army of cannon fodder that refused to actually be put down, even more so than undead.

After that, Wizzomatic returned to his human body and teleported back to the Re-Estize Kingdom, where he had a successful meeting with the Dragonhearts and Red Queen, who agreed to his job offer. Teleporting to the Laputa, he gave surgery to an adventurer of Gold rank, then returned back to Hoburns, resting his body in its bed and moving back to his Illithid form to take care of other matters.

He juggled bodies this way the entire night.

As the night passed, Wizzomatic's human body woke up the next day after he received a 'Message' from his servants, a rather troubling one.

"The Holy Queen requests to dine with you, Wizzomatic-sama."

"D-Dine with me?"

Interlude: Holy Queen Calca Bessarez

Calca Bessarez, the Jewel of Roble, the Holy Queen of Purity, received word from one of her attendants that Wizzomatic of Cybertron, the famed magician whose power had been trumpeted far and wide, will be going to her country for a vacation.

Calca felt good about this.

She was a pure, young maiden who cared about her people. She was a good person, too pure to make under the table deals. Her kindness extended even to demihuman children, whom she spared, much to the bewilderment of the Custodios. One would say she was too good for this world, and that her rule as Queen would only harm the Holy Kingdom due to being incapable at making any decisive, harmful action.

Despite caring so much about her nation, she had her own desires too. Namely, Calca Bessarez yearned for love. The kind of childish, perfect love that transcends time, space, and the cosmos, that you see in cartoons or fairy tales.

The kind of love that has no place in reality, because no human being is as good as how the idealized people are presented in stories.

Her unmarried status was a source of frustration for her, but Calca refused to marry for political gain, because of her naive belief in love.

Besides, there was no knight in shining armor in this world that could rescue her from a tower, take her in his arms, and proclaim his undying devotion to her. Someone that she could call her hero.

Because of that, she feared she would remain single forever.

And that's why, for the first time in seemingly forever, she had started gathering information like a clever schemer.

Along with the rumors of his power, it was common knowledge that Sir Wizzomatic of Cybertron, was a kindhearted man who offered abundant goodwill to the people under him. He offered to educate people, built them free housing, helped the poor, and solved inequalities and inadequacies in the city of E-Rantel he governed. The only reason he wasn't a saint was that he was an arcane, instead of divine, magic caster.

A nobleman with a heart? What happened to this world, she questioned, that someone like this would exist.

More than that, what happened that someone like that would arrive in her kingdom, in her capital, just kilometers away from her personage? This famous, virtuous man, that, should she marry him, no one would object to it, and many people would actually desire it? And that was when Calca understood a simple fact. For her entire life, she prayed to the Four Gods, that she would find the love she yearned for.

Do I really have to spell it out for you?

Simply put, Calca's prayer was granted and a miracle took place before her very eyes and ears right now. Her perfect knight, although his steel was beneath the silky robes of a magician, had arrived to sweep her off her feet!

One could say she was smitten with him, as she spared no expense already thinking what her wedding dress would look like, thinking up affectionate nicknames for her husband (the name phonology didn't make her job easier,) and planning their first date.

Yes, their first date, as she had already told her servants to give him a dinner invitation for tomorrow evening. After telling the attendants there would be a festival to commemorate Wizzomatic's arrival and greet him in the Holy Kingdom, she would also throw a lavish banquet, and then have dinner with him; the only guards would be standing outside hearing distance to let them have some space.

Even the patient Kelart Custodio raised an eyebrow at this unbelievably gaudy behavior, which she had never seen the Holy Queen display before.

Calca even went as far as to buy the services of an arcane magician through several proxies, whom she had craft a small pendant with a crystal in it. When opened, it would show her Wizzomatic's face surrounded by a pink heart outline.

The most important thing was, that she didn't have to look for her beloved. He had come to her!

"Uwaa~ Wizzomatic-sama~ You're so forward~ Kyaa~!" she said while hugging her pillow and rolling around.

For a woman to do this. Isn't it kind of creepy?

Ever since she announced her intention of making the banquet, she holed herself up in her bedroom and was truant from all activities. Truth be told, Calca was preparing herself for tomorow, casting every single skincare spell she could think of, trying various hairstyles and clothes, and various combinations of thereof.

She had to look perfect for the one she was destined to be with!

A sequence of knocks came on the door. "Your Majesty? Are you... okay?" asked the voice of Remedios Custodio from the other side.

"I am more than okay, Remedios!" she chirped, opening the door and taking her knight's hand, dragging her in with more force than Remedios suspected the Queen would have. "This is the most joyous day of my––no, that will be tomorrow––the second most joyous day of my life!"

Calca moved to her wardrobe, moving through rows of dresses, some more intricately decorated than others. There was a wide color palette to impress the eyes, but blue and white colors dominated, with some golden influence and just a tiny bit of purple.

"My Queen, pardon the... attrition, but you have been acting strangely since the news of Margrave Wizzomatic's visit reached us."

"Well, isn't it obvious, Remedios?" Calca took Remedios' hands, interweaving their fingers together. "I'm happy because the Four Gods granted my wish!"

"They have?" Remedios narrowed her brows in confusion.

Calca let go of Remedios' hands. "Yes! Finally, my prayers to find a good man who could love me have reached the Heavens!" Calca said, then sighed dreamfully, the back of her hand on her forehead with closed eyes.

Remedios Custodio, one of the Nine Colors, the White, also known as the Strongest Paladin of the Holy Kingdom, wasn't impressed by this behavior.

She drew her lips in a straight, thin line as she watched the Holy Queen's frankly wilful behavior. The Holy Queen that always acted as a pure maiden had her heart corroded by the force that swayed all creatures, known as love. Still, deep down, she was happy for the Queen. "I... I see."

"You do! Of course you do!"

'Something tells me this is a catastrophe waiting to happen,' thought Kelart Custodio, watching the situation unfold from the safe distance of 'outside the room.'


REPORT STATION -- (Current Date: 45th Day Post-Transition)

- The first action was rejected: You can already program brains in certain ways, to avoid or to develop certain traits. You have multiple methods of achieving this, Biomantic and Psionic alike.
- Thirty specimen of each type were created, made mentally docile to each other, then put in a pen on the Laputa. You don't need to gain land for a farm, since you already own all of the land around E-Rantel, as well as the surrounding villages.
- Creating satellites will require knowledge of rocket science, the ballistic theory, calculations regarding the planet's gravity, and several other fields of knowledge. Wizzomatic's understanding of these concepts is not complex. Asking NPCs about the plausibility of such an idea may be a sound decision to determine if it can be carried out in the foreseeable future.
- Ainz gladly took Wizzomatic up on the offer of the resource-giving creatures. Twenty more specimen were crafted and sent to him.
- Action "after the vacation [...] begin the operation against the Slane Theocracy," was impossible to fulfill. No date to end the vacation was given.

MINOR EVENTS (unrelated to vote)
- Shale Gilmore's Glorious Goods made a revenue of 1k gold coins today.
- Wizzomatic's Exotic & Fantastic Pet Store made a revenue of 2k gold coins today.
- Wizzomatic is officially the second richest person in the Re-Estize Kingdom, after King Ramposa the Third.
- Wizzomatic met with two Adventuring parties: The Dragonhearts and the Red Queen. Both were thrilled at the idea of acting as teachers in his Adventuring School and agreed to it.
- Kenny sent Wizzomatic a letter, detailing that his party (with Remmy in tow,) has reached the status of Mithril-rank. He has been asked to provide a legal, official name of the party by the Guild, and wishes to ask Wizzomatic if he can include Cybertron in the party name.
- A Gold-rank Adventurer was given transhuman surgery, providing Wizzomatic with 29 gold pieces.

- 41st to 48th PT: Agatha's Holiday in the Dwarf Kingdom. (Ongoing)
- 46th PT, evening: Dinner with Calca Bessarez. It's not like you can refuse.
- 47th PT: Strategy Meeting with Kaori, Lord Adorable (unavailable, replaced by Serpentireon), Demiurge, Albedo, and Ainz; see Repeating Actions.
- 49th PT: Transhuman surgery appointment with two Silver-rank adventurers.
- 50th PT: Meeting with Vrillian Boyard Egil Boundera, third son of Marquis Boundera, regarding his newly obtained magic talent.
- 62nd PT: Meeting with Avacyn Krose Roy Harloy, second son of Count Harloy, regarding his newly obtained magic talent.
- ~182th PT+: The experimental Data Crystal tree saplings will grow up.
- ~190th PT: The Educational District in E-Rantel will be mostly finished.
- ~200th PT: The Magic Academy, as well as the Adventurer School in E-Rantel will both be ready to open.

Vote by Plan.

[] Direct Action - The character attempts to carry out the described action the closest to how it is described.
[] Add Repeating Action - Character automatically carries out a certain action when certain conditions are met.
[] Remove Repeating Action - Removes a repeating action.
[] Timeskip Until (When) - Automatically pass time until the specified time, condition, or event. (This will not skip important events.)
[] Side-Story: (Character) - Next update includes a side story or element written from the perspective of a character other than Wizzomatic. Players can have some involvement in what the characters in service of Cybertron are doing in these side-stories. (ie: "Kenny: Goes On A Quest.")
-[] Minor Interlude - A short self-contained story. No longer than one "part" of a chapter.
-[] Major Interlude - A longer story about the chosen character. As long as a full chapter, and will either precede or follow the next chapter. Expect it to take some time to write.
[] Write-in - (Something else?)

Repeating Actions List:
- Perform biomantic experiments with flora and fauna.
- Meet with the strategists from both Guilds regularly to discuss important topics.
- Assist Carne Village when other, higher-priority matters aren't pressing. If they are likely to be attacked and/or wiped out in the near future, better to live under Cybertron's protection than die under the false protection of their previous patrons. If they disagree, help them invisibly anyway. A living village can be studied indefinitely, a dead one is merely a snap-shot of this new world. Even if our assistance taints the viewing somewhat.
- Every time a New World Religion is learned of, have a document prepared for our perusal informing us of how it works and its leadership. Subtly infiltrate religious organizations over time.
- Every time a new large government is discovered, have a document prepared for our perusal informing us of how it works and its leadership. Subtly infiltrate Governments over time.
- Attempt to recreate Earth tech, or magical technology that can imitate Earth tech.
- Continue work on the Mega-Brain and the bio-mecha meant to be used alongside it.
- Call Ainz using the "dono" or "sama" suffix in public, and vice versa.
- Have your NPCs spread rumors that Wizzomatic of Cybertron has heard of legends of ways to surpass human limits. If any accept the 'quest' set it up so that they end up in Cybertron where you will try experiments to increase the limits of natives. Try to be humane about it as possible. Whether successful or not send the natives back home in as perfect condition as possible.

Vote Duration: 18-48 hours.

Ultimate Skill: (Only one. You don't have to vote yet. You can carry on the discussion. All purple-marked options are QM propositions.)

[] - Write-in. Cooldown: ?. Derived from ?.

[] - [The All-Consuming Sin of Gluttony]: Cooldown: 30 days. Derived from the Life Shaper Class. This ultimate skill causes the spread of a microbe cloud with the user as a center. The cloud spreads at the speed of 10m/s and covers the radius of thirty meters around the user, going through walls and magical barriers. All targets are infected with an uncurable Status Effect labeled <<Degradation of the Soul>>. This status effect will deal constant poison damage, even if the target has poison immunity, and will cause the target to erupt on death, spreading the microbes to anyone within a radius of ten meters and infecting them with the same pathogen. Once there are no infected targets, all of the microbes gather back in front of the caster in the form of an orb, which contains the consumed EXP points of all affected targets and may be used to enhance a Biomantic target beyond the LV100 limit, to a hard limit of LV105. It can only be used on the caster's biomantic creations, and won't work on NPCs or Players.

[] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]: Cooldown: 10 days. Derived from the Horror King Class. This ultimate skill allows the caster to create one monstrous form for each Level of Horror King they possess, to the limit of five monstrous forms. These forms are designed in a manner similar to Guild NPCs, and can be changed by paying an EXP cost equivalent to 50% of one Level should the Player be LV100 (in other words, will not result in Level loss if done once in a long while.) In Wizzomatic's case, his Monstrous Forms are those resembling five Great Old Ones: Cthulhu, Father Dagon, Hastur, Tsathoggua, Chaugnar Faugn. Once every ten days, the caster may assume the form of one of his Monstrous Forms for the duration of up to ten minutes.

[] - [A Needle Into The Heart of Magic]: Cooldown: 7 days. Derived from the Wizard Lord Class. This ultimate skill allows the caster to connect with an infinite weave of magical energy, allowing him to cast all spells of any Tier with any metamagic enhancements without having to worry about mana for two minutes.
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Nov 13, 2018 at 12:21 PM, finished with 1884 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] - [A Needle Into The Heart of Magic]
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    [X] - [The All-Consuming Sin of Gluttony]:
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    -[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
    -[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
    -[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
    -[X] Attend the dinner with Calca. Bring a gift, maybe something like a cute bird or fox with a holy element attunement.
    -[X] For the trade deal proposal between Re-Estze and the Holy Kingdom have Gilmore write up the suggestions for it.
    -[X] After the dinner with Calca and the end of the trade agreements end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    -[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
    -[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
    -[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
    -[X] Attend the dinner with Calca.​
    -[X] After the dinner with Calca end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.​
    [X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]
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Whelp looks like you guys got your own possible Yandere on your hands...looks like possible subversion of both kingdoms is now possible!
Obsessed? Yes.
Yandere? Not in the sense of the modern vernacular.

She's too good of a person to kill, harm, or even threaten someone for personal gain. If Wizzomatic rejects her, sure, she'll probably lock herself up in her room and cry herself to sleep each night for a straight week, but she won't kill him (or more accurately, attempt to kill him.)
So create something beyonds his power in a planet killing cascade the formd but no idea what power of old ones and the power to spam everything i really like the idea of level 105 creations
[] - [The All-Consuming Sin of Gluttony]: Cooldown: 30 days. Derived from the Life Shaper Class. This ultimate skill causes the spread of a microbe cloud with the user as a center. The cloud spreads at the speed of 10m/s and covers the radius of thirty meters around the user, going through walls and magical barriers. All targets are infected with an uncurable Status Effect labeled <<Degradation of the Soul>>. This status effect will deal constant poison damage, even if the target has poison immunity, and will cause the target to erupt on death, spreading the microbes to anyone within a radius of ten meters and infecting them with the same pathogen. Once there are no infected targets, all of the microbes gather back in front of the caster in the form of an orb, which contains the consumed EXP points of all affected targets and may be used to enhance a Biomantic target beyond the LV100 limit, to a hard limit of LV105. It can only be used on the caster's biomantic creations, and won't work on NPCs or Players.

Holy crap! This is freaking amazing! Do you guys know what this means? We can create a super body for ourselves that surpass the level cap anytime we need to battle! Better yet we can create creatures or have our children created by biomancy be able to break the level cap! And all it costs are some beasts that we can create!

Thing we should definitely take this since it's that good.
[] - [The All-Consuming Sin of Gluttony]: Cooldown: 30 days. Derived from the Life Shaper Class. This ultimate skill causes the spread of a microbe cloud with the user as a center. The cloud spreads at the speed of 10m/s and covers the radius of thirty meters around the user, going through walls and magical barriers. All targets are infected with an uncurable Status Effect labeled <<Degradation of the Soul>>. This status effect will deal constant poison damage, even if the target has poison immunity, and will cause the target to erupt on death, spreading the microbes to anyone within a radius of ten meters and infecting them with the same pathogen. Once there are no infected targets, all of the microbes gather back in front of the caster in the form of an orb, which contains the consumed EXP points of all affected targets and may be used to enhance a Biomantic target beyond the LV100 limit, to a hard limit of LV105. It can only be used on the caster's biomantic creations, and won't work on NPCs or Players.

Holy crap! This is freaking amazing! Do you guys know what this means? We can create a super body for ourselves that surpass the level cap anytime we need to battle! Better yet we can create creatures or have our children created by biomancy be able to break the level cap! And all it costs are some beasts that we can create!

Thing we should definitely take this since it's that good.
Dont forget the x
[X] - [The All-Consuming Sin of Gluttony]:
We can also create the old gods from the madman power
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