^I'm thinking like that as well. I want Karen to make more friends. If it works, great, if it doesn't then it doesn't. But it wont happen if we kill them first.
And yeah, being the type of person who kills noobs... if they were higher level or there were more of them, maybe, but two low levelled newbies, that are already likely weakened from fighting?
And purely logically, we're more likely to profit from becoming friends with these guys in the long run then some minor karma gains and the incredibly low likelihood of them having any amazing loot to drop.
For me it's mostly that we already decided that Karen doesn't like to randomly kill Players.
There was the Vote about a Group of Players outside of the Dungeon we cleared with YaoiSensei and the others, not to mention that YaoiSensei is a Vampire.
I got the Impression Karen playes YGGDRASIL for Entertainment. Explore the World, see awesome Vistas and have Fun, Stuff like that.
But this kind of brings up what we want Karen to do and what her Goals are.
We already know she's going to try for World Championship the Moment she learns that's a Thing and we probably are going to kill a World Boss like the Midgard Serpent because it's going to be one of the toughest Fights in the Game.
But what more do we want to do and achieve?
I currently have two Goals.
1. Get the Depiction of Nature and Society and then upgrade it with Five Elements Overcoming or Oroboros into a Marble Phantasm.
2. Get a City as a Guild Base and then Upgrade it to a ridiculous Level. Having a City the Size of Washington or Seattle in the Game could have huge Consequences, and if we get dropped into the new World...
At some point experiencing world-level story content with a guild made of friends sounds nice. Karen seems like a straightforward one with a goody goody attitude, so the guild probably shouldn't be too shady, businesslike or cruel towards other players.
On the way to that point however, I want Karen (and me ) to be able to experience all the different aspects that Yggdrasil has to offer. That's why I voted for solo play in the first place; the lack of responsibility towards others gives Karen freedom to be a tourist at her own pace It's understandable if the voters with existent knowledge of the world want to get to the best parts faster though,
[X] After you finish exploring the Giant Skeleton. Will you try to find the Heteromorphic/Demi-human starting city?
-[X] Yes.
If we need to provide reasons, Karen has at no point played this game optimally and she hasn't even gone for pvp in that weird situation with the High Elf who shot at us. Despite the mechanical advantages I think she'd see hetreomorph players as players first and acceptable targets second.
Also the great justice seems weird, what area is that coming from?
That's a Thing, Eryuentiu. Or well it will be, I'm not sure how the Timeline works with other Players and the New World.
Can we meet them and then they vanish at some Point? Are all Players taken from the Moment YGGDRASIL shuts down but are dropped at different Points of the Timeline?
At some point experiencing world-level story content with a guild made of friends sounds nice. Karen seems like a straightforward one with a goody goody attitude, so the guild probably shouldn't be too shady, businesslike or cruel towards other players.
Can we meet them and then they vanish at some Point? Are all Players taken from the Moment YGGDRASIL shuts down but are dropped at different Points of the Timeline?
World Items and the World Championship are things that are going to appear later on. This is in term of timeline only the second week after the release of the game. Yes, you'll meet certain canon players only at some points in the timeline. For example, Satoru(Momonga) isn't a Yggdrasil player after a year or so where he'll be saved by Touch-Me who's going to be a World Champion already at that point.
It's a bit wanky since, in the Light Novel, there wasn't any mention of Touch-Me being a World Champion but I'll be mixing the Anime and Light Novel into one timeline to fill in holes and the rest I'll just try to make something that makes sense. The author likes to world-build a lot but he can't do everything.
You had a big shit-eating grin on your face but it's not like anyone can see it through your expressionless character or the mask. Despite how realistic your blond hair look, when you touch it, it feels like spaghetti, you guess there is limit to the game engine as to simulate every hair fiber, that would be quite impressive and unnecessary, at least you made a good choice by keeping your character's hair short as it doesn't get in the way and gives off a nice look with your golden hair going down your hood comfortably without getting in your mask.
These poor guys. You have no choice but to lend them a hand, aren't you? You'll show them how it got to be around here. You'll make it as flashy as possible. You take a few steps back and then you smash through the wall of the building. There was a door, of course, but you prefer a dynamic entry. The two players inside were surprised of course and unsurprisingly, they're wary of the sudden dynamic entrance of a new player. YGGDRASIL is unforgiving and if you aren't cautious, you could quite easily lose your life without even knowing what happened.
The Draugrs themselves are but a joke to you. You're like a raging fury as you blitz through them, they part like the sea before Moses. It didn't take you much; just a few seconds to clear the area. These guys probably triggered a trap. Your guess was true as you could see a pressure plate right there in the middle of the room. Not like you can blame them. Yasu-bud was with you last time in the Ancient Tomb and he knew every trap's location so you could avoid them.
"Did you need a hand? I certainly 'lent' a hand to those Draugrs." Dammit. That pun was just plain bad, what were you thinking? Shit, they may misunderstand that you intend to 'lend' them a hand. You will, of course just not that way. "Just joking, guys," you say in your native tongue. Fortunately, they just wisely ignore your admittedly horrible pun.
"Oh! Nice to meet you! Who are you? You can call me Touch-Me and this Lizardman here is Ancient One. Why did you help us? I can tell that you are a Human player." speaks the guy in steel armor. What a bizarre username but this is Japanese so you shouldn't be surprised. More like, even in the Western communities, you could encounter some pretty crazy usernames so you don't really have much legitimacy in judging.
"I'm StormDoom, a Human Player as you already guessed. As to why I helped you? Well, you just looked like you needed help and there is nothing wrong with helping others. Ah but don't misunderstand! Its just because you are low-level. If you were any higher, I would have slaughtered you like anyone else. I prefer to play it fair after all." Touch-Me start to suddenly tremble, you're not sure if he's just laughing at you or he's angry. Either way, you'll likely kill him since it'll be an insult to you even though you just helped them! Ancient One sighs while he pushes his glasses up his... nose. If you can call it like that.
(Karen crossing her arms in denial with Touch-Me right behind)
"Ooooohhhh! StormDoom-san! You are truly an honorable player! I will strive to follow your example! Honor and Justice! Ha!" Touch-Me then poses in some sort of Super Sentai move with his arms crossed into an X. You just smirk in amusement, this guy is surely enthusiastic nonetheless. Completely made you forget his earlier behavior. He must have been trembling in joy or something.
"Yeah... I guess. Anyway, what are you guys doing here?" You won't mention that time where you stole a Draugr Skull from another player. You're not really an 'honorable' player. You're a pragmatic but not that pragmatic as to kill weaker players for their EXP and loot. That's just plain assholish. You may do it if someones piss you off enough like that High Elf player in the Ancient Tomb, though!
"We were a few kilometers away when we noticed a giant skull from afar by pure luck when the fog around cleared for a few moments. We decided to check it out but that was a bad idea as we stumbled upon more than a few monsters that were beyond our level." Ancient One is the one to answer this time, he sends a look toward Touch-Me. " And I told you we shouldn't stray far from the starting area! We could have died just now, you know. Next time, we'll follow my plan." Touch-Me just shrugs apologetically while Ancient One just sighs once more. This guys likely do that a lot.
"Anyway, you should get out of here. You clearly aren't meeting the requirements for the area. Oh and Touch-Me! Level up quickly and reach my stage. I'll gladly fight you then! We'll see how you hold up." Touch-Me sends you a thumbs up. "Yosh! Thanks again, StormDoom-san!" he says with a wave as he walks away with his friend. You'll have offered to escort them just in case but you have better things to do than waste your time. If they stumble on a trap or a strong monster and die, it's their problem and they can only blame themselves.
You continue on your way to the top. It took longer than you originally thought but you finally arrived at the skull. Inside, you could see a surprisingly intact cobblestone house which looked kind of fortified and it had an odd glow. You cautiously approach. This is weird, you crouch down and quietly walk up to the wooden door which you open quietly. Fortunately, in the game, they don't make any horrifying creaking noises. Inside, you are met by another player. A mage who's looking down at your crouched form with a spell ready to go in his hand. You could see also nearby other defensive spells ready to go. He seems high-level. Higher-leveled than you, that's for sure.
"Good grief, what a day..." you whisper quietly to yourself.
What do you do?
[] Attack!
-[] Tactical write-in.
[] Defuse the situation.
-[] Say what?
[] Write-in.
A.N: Touch-Me and Ancient One will remember your well-intentioned action toward them.
What type of goal? Create a rival guild? Lead this one? Be a standard member that persists til the end of the game?
I think a decent goal would be to have the most world items eventually. It's fairly meta but it would be worth it. Especially if we do last the entire 10 or so years. After about 6 years most guilds would stop playing and their bases are just left to rot. It might take a bit but it might be doable for a single player to roll through a guild base and loot them if they play it smart.
[X] Run away.
-[X] Use the shortest and most twisting pathways to deny him the time and line of sight for a good shot. If he still gives chase and escaping looks impossible, hide behind a narrow corner to ambush him. If a battle starts, use all your skills and powers right from the beginning to burst the mage down as quickly as possible.
Fighting here when the superior mage has had time to prepare is suicide. Sure we can close to melee range easily in the small room, but I'd wager any mage daring to come to a place like this solo has something good prepared against melee fighters. Something like ensnaring or freezing etc. would pretty much end the fight right there.
Talking is a possibility, but staying here while the mage has spells already prepared is a risk (obviously). There is no guarantee that the mage is willing to stay his hand, and failing to persuade him to avoid hostile action means death for us. Taking risks is a part of the game for sure, but ideally either the risk is a manageable one or the reward for winning is so great that trying is worth it even with poor odds. Here the reward for succeeding in talking is not much at all, and I'd give 50/50 odds for it to work at tops.
That brings us to my suggestion. Running away brings us an immediate benefit: it gets us out of the range of those prepared spells before they can hit us. Even if the mage chases us and manages to initiate combat, that's a win. Second, by getting to set up an ambush, we get to surprise the mage, and might even get the first hit. Some of the mages spells might also be on cooldown. Just being able to flee is a win here as well, because the mage definitely has the advantage in this encounter.
To recap: Unless you think that the reward for succeeding in peaceful negotiations here is great enough to justify flipping a coin for StormDoom's death, running away is better option.
[X]Defuse the situation
-[X] "Hail and we'll met. I don't want any trouble friend." Back down.
--[X] Remain ready to catch the spell if one is tossed at you however
Adhoc vote count started by Rhinohunter on Nov 3, 2018 at 12:48 PM, finished with 110 posts and 36 votes.
-[X] Use the shortest and most twisting pathways to deny him the time and line of sight for a good shot. If he still gives chase and escaping looks impossible, hide behind a narrow corner to ambush him. If a battle starts, use all your skills and powers right from the beginning to burst the mage down as quickly as possible.
-[x] Sneak in close a possible avoiding twigs to get to extreme close range. Use stealth game tactics. Tossing things from areas it can't see to distract it. Then hit it with Holy strike focused into a combo after buffing.
[X] Run away.
-[X] Use the shortest and most twisting pathways to deny him the time and line of sight for a good shot. If he still gives chase and escaping looks impossible, hide behind a narrow corner to ambush him. If a battle starts, use all your skills and powers right from the beginning to burst the mage down as quickly as possible.
[X] Run away.
-[X] Use the shortest and most twisting pathways to deny him the time and line of sight for a good shot. If he still gives chase and escaping looks impossible, hide behind a narrow corner to ambush him. If a battle starts, use all your skills and powers right from the beginning to burst the mage down as quickly as possible.
Human Pking another human players will give high penalty right? On another note, momonga probably haven't start yet since I think Touch-Me become quite strong when they met and momonga was just start at the time.
Edit: Whoops, forgot to vote. Btw, if we gonna gather world item then we better find a strong guild to back us first since tons of people probably gonna try to PK us for it penalty or not. There's a player who got world enemy class that make him OP as hell and could fight 1 against 30 LV 100 players to a stalemate but still got chase down and kill in the end, so strong friends are needed if we gonna paint ourselves a target.
[X]Defuse the situation
-[X] "Hail and we'll met. I don't want any trouble friend." Back down.
For example, Satoru(Momonga) isn't a Yggdrasil player after a year or so where he'll be saved by Touch-Me who's going to be a World Champion already at that point.
[X] Run away.
-[X] Use the shortest and most twisting pathways to deny him the time and line of sight for a good shot. If he still gives chase and escaping looks impossible, hide behind a narrow corner to ambush him. If a battle starts, use all your skills and powers right from the beginning to burst the mage down as quickly as possible.
Chase scene? Anyways, not only is this guy higher leveled and already has a spell prepared, his house is fortified and almost definitely has traps and stuff. It's not worth the risk.
Chase scene? Anyways, not only is this guy higher leveled and already has a spell prepared, his house is fortified and almost definitely has traps and stuff. It's not worth the risk.
Running away is less of a risk because if he is hostile we have a chance to get away, If we try to defuse the situation and fail then we are pretty much dead considering he has a spell prepared and is higher level than us.