Any picture from will be interpreted by the forum engine as a tiny 200x88 pixel one. You'll probably have to upload it somewhere else first for us to see the full pic.
From my PC it looks pretty big. Perhaps it's just from your side? Although, the goal of those images is just to give you a visualization of the environment/characters. Whenever they're big or not is not that much of a problem as long as you see it well.
If it's too much of a problem, I'll upload it somewhere else for you to see the full image if you want. That's fine.
I'm not sure what 'Asura Vortex' means. I already know that Asura refers to some type of divine beings in Indian Mythology and I know what a vortex is, of course, but the context is lost to me here. I kept it to 'The Way of the Asura'/'Asuran Way' instead, if you guys prefer the original, I'll change it back.
Asura are best known for:
-Having multiple arms(and sometimes heads and legs)
-Being absolute murderblenders

I.e. it was a reference to our full body attack style using both arms and legs to execute combos.

[X] You see a something glowing and shining from the fountain. You pick it up.
The Northern Nordic Lands - Part 4.5
I wouldn't say this is an update but more of a transition, to be honest.

At the corner of your sight, right in the fountain. You see something glowing faintly. You'll have been reluctant to put your hand in that fountain but curiosity got the better out of you. You dip your hand in. There you manage to extract a blood-red gem that glows strongly now that it isn't hiding in there, it fits nicely in the palm of your hand. You'll have almost missed it what if it wasn't glowing, the color of the gem was matching perfectly that of the liquid pouring out of the fountain.

"Oh my. I wouldn't expect a mortal such as you to find one of my Divine Blood Stars." You release a little yelp as you were startled out of your mind. A woman's voice started speaking out of nowhere in your mind and you don't know where it is. "I am most impressed. Bring me my propriety back to the top of the Branch of the World Tree and you will be rewarded most handsomely, my little mortal. Ohohohohoho." you hear whoever is speaking hurling at you that horrific elegant Japanese laugh as it gradually faded away.

You didn't get the chance to even ask who they were or to do anything. This is probably a pre-registered voice to start up a quest like with some of the NPCs in Dalsfjoror. Your guess was confirmed as a pop-up showed itself detailing a quest, you can either refuse or accept. There isn't any clearly stated reward, however. Apart from that, refusing the quest will lock you out of it forever although you can keep the 'Divine Blood Star'. It is almost certainly extremely valuable and maybe even a material that can be used to forge an armor or weapon.

[] You...
-[] Accept the quest.
-[] Refuse the quest.

What do you do after that?

[] Go explore the Giant Skeleton.
-[) Keep exploring the Northen Lands.

[] Go to the South-Western lands, you heard from that forum user that you could perhaps get a quest from which you can upgrade your new armor.
-[] Do some side-quests along the way.

[] Go directly to the Branch of the World Tree.

[] Go to the South, you heard that there were some pretty heavy PvP areas there and in the edges of it, it was pretty light and good enough for rookies. You can try your luck.
-[] Do some side-quests along the way.

(Note: The 'Branch of the World Tree is the big tree you see in the middle of the map near the lake.)
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-[x] Accept the quest.

May not immediately lead to something good but will probably eventually lead to something amazing. Like most quest chains really.

[x] Go explore the Giant Skeleton.
-[x] Accept the quest.

[x] Go explore the Giant Skeleton.
-[x] Accept the quest.

[x] Go explore the Giant Skeleton.

I propose that at some point we take a short break from exploring, to shop for a companion and to hunt some mobs. For now though, there's no rush, as even the low-level areas seem to be holding plenty of interesting things to see and try :)
-[x] Accept the quest.

[x] Go explore the Giant Skeleton.

I'm curious if we can use some of the Giant Bones as a Crafting Material. We kind of need something that gives our Attacks magic Damage.
Getting some Not!Vultures as Meatshields/Distractions could be useful too.
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-[x] Accept the quest.

[x] Go explore the Giant Skeleton.
-[X] Accept the quest.

[X] Go explore the Giant Skeleton.
-[X] Accept the quest.

[X] Go explore the Giant Skeleton.
The Northen Nordic Lands - Part 5
Oh my. Who do we have here? Totally a random encounter by the way.

You stand at the top of the Nordic castle. From this high, you could only see a sea of clouds covering the surface. You have a horrible idea, a really horrible idea but one that'll save you a lot of time if you manage to pull it off. You'll rather not just go through the trouble of going down the mountain the traditional way. If only you had a flying mount, this will be much easier but you can procure yourself one. The vultures-expies don't and can't go this high but you can see the faint form of one of them flying in the sea of clouds and it is steadily approaching the mountain. You start recording. You've got something to show to your friends if you do succeed and if you don't well, you'll just delete it.

You'll have to time your jump just right to not miss the Vulture. You take a deep breath and jump. The air resistance deforming your face comedically and messing up your hair. It is extremely hard to keep your eyes open but you soldier on, otherwise, you'll lose track of the Vulture. You could feel your heart going on a metaphorical marathon of a thousand beats per second, adrenaline was coursing through you. You know this isn't real but still, you can't really stop your body's natural responses to this kind of things. You nearly missed the birdy but you managed to readjust yourself at the last second.

Your full weight falling at a high velocity for thousands of meters just came down on this poor bird. You don't feel any pity for it regardless. Those motherfuckers annoyed you for hours while you were climbing up. Hell yeah, revenge is a bitch. The bird is disorientated and making currently a free fall with you on top of it as you pierce the sea of cloud. You activate your Apex Predator's Aura which awakens it through your sheer presence alone. Fortunately, it is of a level high enough it won't just get paralyzed by your aura or your crazy plan would have fallen apart and you'll be plummeting to your death. Now it's trying to shake you off its back but with a simple squeeze on its neck make it stop trying any further.

Hell yeah! You're literally fucking riding a bird in the sky right now! You've got an awesome bird-eye view of the skeleton too of which you take many screenshots. You're still recording, damn this is so awesome you might want to even share it on the internet. With a few twists, you manage to convey to the bird that you want it to go down to the skeleton. You're careful enough to stay away from the swarm of not-Vultures near the Giant Sword. You want to go take a look at the skull but you'll be too close for comfort to the swarm so you go down and land in the skeleton's waist. You let the not-Vulture get away, if its stupid enough to attack you, you'll have to kill it. Fortunately for it, it doesn't and just scramble away from you. You stop recording as there isn't anything particularly interesting to show to your friends here.

You shrug and get on your way to the top, you didn't even do two steps when you get notified that you just received a message from Yaoi-chan.

<I just took what you told me to look for at Dalsfjoror's merchant and oh my god! Thank you for thinking about me and sending me these ingredients, StormDoom-san! *chu~* > You see a miniaturized cutesy version of her character giving you a kiss at the end of the message. That's sweet but you're gonna impress them a bit more. You open up a group chat with them and send them the video you just recorded. You'll impatiently wait for their reactions and rub it in Nofuku-chan's face. You didn't have to wait for much longer as Yaoi-chan is sending a wave of compliments your way, Nofuku-chan acknowledges its cool but she's trying to downplay it as you'll expect. Hmph. Yasu-bud's reaction is a one-line message 'That is impressive, StormDoom-san'. You really aren't that satisfied with that answer but that's something you'll expect from the usually passive Yasu-bud.

Anyway, enough distractions. You mute the chat group and continue on your way to the top where the skull is. You're curious as to what is there. You doubt it wasn't already explored by other players. You're a bit bemused that you didn't expect Draugrs to be in this area. I mean, who would have guessed there will be some in a giant fucking skeleton? You deal with them easily enough, it is nothing compared to those Ancient ones in the tomb. You can simply one-shot them into oblivion right now. You start to see a few ancient Nordic buildings. They're mostly destroyed. You hear fighting in one of them and you cautiously approach. There you see one Heteromorphic player and a Demi-human player fighting off a swarm of Draugrs inside one of those buildings.

They seem to be having problems, they're probably didn't even reach their 10th level. This is extremely convenient for you. The two of them seems to be Fighters. One of them is some is a Lizardman while the other is some sort of Insect race. It's a simple guess from the mandibles you hear clicking once in a while inside of the helmet. This is weird, what are these players doing here? This isn't that far from the starting city Dalsfjoror which is for Humanoids and a few select Demi-Human races. Lizardmen who are a demi-human race are not accepted in there and they can't spawn in there. If low-level players like those are here then their starting city must be somewhere near. Devs are really sadistic if they put two opposing races' starting cities near each other.

This area will become a war-zone as the Humanoid players and Heteromorphic players fight for the control of the region. There is a rather similar situation in the Southern Lands right now. The location of their cities will soon be leaked out no matter how hard they try to hide it. You'll expect this place to be a full-on war zone in less than a month. You can be here to reap out the benefits and profit from it if you manage to find their starting city that is

"Oi Touch-Me-san! Be careful where you swing that sword!"

"Gomen, Gomen, Ancient One-san," he says apologetically. These Japanese are the polite sort. You'll say they're even more polite than Canadians but considering your previous experience with Nofuku-chan. You're reluctant about giving that title to them. Although, everyone has its exceptions so you may be lenient. Ah, what are you thinking at such an inopportune moment?!

Hm, the Touch-Me guy is wielding a sword with a fire-enchantment. Still, what kind of username is that? It's literally worse and lewder than YaoiSensei-chan's username! Anyway, you put such things out of your mind. What should you do about these players? Killing them would allow you to loot them, major EXP gains and a bonus of positive Karma for killing 'monsters'. Otherwise, you can just spare them or just ignore them and continue on your merry way.

[] Kill the Draugrs then...
-[] Kill the Heteromorphic and Demi-human player.
-[] Spare them.

[] Nah, just get the fuck out of here. Not your problem.

[] After you finish exploring the Giant Skeleton. Will you try to find the Heteromorphic/Demi-human starting city?
-[] Yes.
-[] No.
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