For a moment, you sit there doing nothing. Team Moon... Lekismon... Of all the things you've been told about the Digital World, how Digimon work, everything, nothing that happened on that field made any sense.
DNA Digivolution, the announcer had called it. And it had been mentioned before, hadn't it? Which means it's, if not common knowledge, still not a complete unknown.
Without thinking, you turn and walk in the direction of the waiting room. You don't technically have to be there at the moment, but that's where you're most likely to find the conglomerate Digimon. And you do, sitting on one of the benches with a trio of boxed lunches.
"Sometimes, I really hate our powers," SnowAgumon's voice muses. "I mean, all of this good food! Wasted! What's even the point of all of us packing something if we don't get to eat it all?"
"We don't have to unseal them," Lopmon's voice points out. "We can keep them for later, so long as we don't spend too much time in this form."
"I hate it when you make sense..."
"She is the smart one," The final voice, belonging to Lunamon, replies. They don't seem to notice you.
You should fix that. "Um..." You can't really work out what to say after that. Lekismon turns to face you.
"Oh, sorry! We didn't notice you there!" The combined voice laughs, and now that you've heard the individual voices a bit more, you can sort of pick out which parts of it come from which Digimon. She has the loud volume of SnowAgumon, the same accent as Lopmon, and her general tone is more similar to Lunamon than anything.
"That's okay," You shrug. "I was just, well..."
"What even was that?" Biyomon asks, with all the tact that you've come to expect from Rookie Digimon, even yours. "That just- nobody even told us that could happen!"
"What are you... oh, our DNA Digivolution?" She glances at you, and you nod to confirm it. "There's not much to say, really. We've always been somewhat... in sync... and it somehow turned into this. We didn't even know our species were compatible, this is normally a Champion form used by the Lunamon line solo, it just happened one day and we rolled with it!"
"But... what is DNA Digivolution?" It's something you're curious about- is it something Biyomon can do? Patamon? Can Agumon and Gabumon one day become a singular force that inspires terror in all your opponents?
"...Oh. Right. I guess humans wouldn't really know a lot about it, if you just came to our world recently." The voice is Lopmon's, this time. "The first recorded DNA Digivolution in history was about two thousand years ago, for our world, between a Greymon and a Tyrannomon that could become an odd sort of MetalGreymon- which was especially unusual because the Greymon of the pair had RizeGreymon as his Ultimate form. They weren't entirely sure how it happened, and were reverted into lesser forms soon after."
"Did they ever figure it out?" Biyomon asks, more absorbed into the story than you'd expected from her. Though, it shouldn't surprise you. It does sound pretty cool.
"Eventually. They were able to experiment, and consistently repeat the process, due in part to the fact that the two had been friends for a long time prior. It was finally concluded that the ability to merge comes from understanding the other Digimon in the fusion, sufficiently similar data to the combined form, and the ability to work in harmony besides them. It's actually a fair bit more detailed than that, but as a human you probably don't need to really know the specifics..."
(Sora's Knowledge: Digital World skill has increased!)
"I guess not," You agree. "I should probably get back to my team now... make sure Tai hasn't done anything stupid..." It's not that you don't... okay, so it's totally that you don't trust him.
As it turns out, your fears weren't entirely justified, though you may want to tread carefully around any Honeybeemon you come into contact with in the future... such as the three that are your next opponents. Great work, Tai.
"TK, Angemon, Agumon, why didn't you stop him?" You groan. The three of them glance guiltily at the popcorn surrounding them.
Right, so not only did Tai do something stupid, but they decided that snacks were more important. You aren't sure why, but you'd thought better of them than this.
Still, it might not be so bad, they don't look that tough... but you'd thought that about Team Moon, hadn't you?
"And now, for the next battle! We have the DigiDestined of Team Lost Camp against the proud hive workers of Team Honey!"
"You're going to pay for what you said earlier, buzz!" One of the Honeybeemon, the one floating just the slightest bit ahead of the others, calls out.
Your plan?
[ ] Champions. Now. Blast them.
[ ] Use Agumon as bait. Tai's his partner, and as someone tasked with looking after him, that leaves him accountable for things like this, right?
[ ] Use Champions, but stay defensive.
[ ] Let the others come up with an idea.