Sol Zagato
senseless brute
So what will overmaxed RA do, besides fanaticism and the shamans taking over?
Alright, changed my mind based on the last post. We can't get rid of the Star Shaman, they'll be very important in our future.
[X] [Lake] Maintain the settlement, but mix in a noticeable number of the People, primarily shaman and warriors. (++++ Luxuries, ++ Crafts, + Materials, - Martial, - Magic)
[X] [North] Merge into Arrow Lake's settlement. (+ Staples, + Martial, + Luxuries)
[X] [Lake] Maintain the settlement, but mix in a noticeable number of the People, primarily shaman and warriors. (++++ Luxuries, ++ Crafts, + Materials, - Martial, - Magic)
[X] [North] Merge into Arrow Lake's settlement. (+ Staples, + Martial, + Luxuries)
[X] [War] Yes.
The Horned Riders will not go extinct without a temple, but there will likely be problems if they don't get one. They are the odd Holy Order out; you didn't birth them, they're adopted from the North. What does that say if they are the Holy Order that doesn't get a temple? Wouldn't that be a bit alienating for the descendants of the Northlanders that their unique tradition is ignored?
You will get the Horned Riders as a Holy Order.
You could transplate the Horned Riders over the Star Shaman, but that would displace the unique burgeoning tradition that the Star Shaman are building. Do you want to destroy the future of what the Star Shamans might create to grantee the Horned Riders are accepted as equals?
The Temple of Fangs at Hill Guard is more like an enormous kennel, but made out of granite. It's mostly open space, but it's a large, sprawling nature compound.
Oh wait, I think I know how they did this.
They made a Roman Candle, a tube of hollow wood packed with an incendiary charge of kiln-prepared ball of wood tar/animal fat, charcoal, and lime powder.
Then just set off the reaction by adding some water and it'd launch out of the tube linearly. Not that damaging, but terrifying morale wise.
Also heh, Steak.
We have an admin hero and a mystic hero. The only way it could have been better timed was if we had a diplo hero too.
Could also merge maybe? The Frost Scarred and Ember Eyes shared one after sll.
Jeree was Star Shaman who became Horned Rider after failing the cave test.
A lot of ancient kings served functions as priests. The Pharaoh was a priest of Amun Ra, and the Sumerians fulfilled priestly duties to appease their vicious and chaotic gods (and were murdered when the rivers flooded anyway). Is that necessarily a bad thing?
Settling arrow lake only increases the time the horn riders will need to wait for their temple; since they can't herd caribou down here right now (will hopefully eventually be improved with breeding). The path to giving them a temple is one of the 2 new settlments or the summer camp, and of those river bend has the best agricultural potential and is on the relay already.
So in terms of free actions given to us due to his being both a martial and mysticism hero, I get that we will get free martial actions from this, but what exactly will mysticism give us for free? Free study options?
How long until these problems for them start to crop up? As we all assumed there would eventually be an issue with a Holy Order being without a Temple of their own to call home, however, it's rather unclear how dire the situation is.
Yeah, no, the Star Shaman seem like they're going to be our analogues to High Priests or somethings, so I'd rather not.
However, you did mention something curious with this. If we could transplant the Star Shaman simply by introducing the Horned Riders nearby, is there any real restriction from moving them to another Temple, and perhaps having them share it? For instance, since it seems likely that we will be conquering Arrow Lake as one of our own, could we not do something such as having the Horned Riders share a Temple with say the Fangs at Hill Guard, not necessarily store their animals all in the same place as I do remember the fact that our wolves scare the caribou, but simply have the members of each Holy Order be based there, until such a time that we can build a new Temple for either the Horned Riders, such as maybe a separate one, or for the Fangs getting one built at Arrow Lake.
The way I see it, I think this should deserve consideration for a number of reasons. Firstly, while there is the issue of the caribou mounts of the Riders being scared of our dogs, the thing is with how ubiquitous dogs seem to be in our civilization this will occur across any of our settlements. But the fact that the Fangs and Horned Riders both seem specialized in the magic of Beasts suggests to me that there should not be as much friction between the two Holy Orders due to how close they are in terms of their mysticism. Secondly, from how you described the Temple at Hill Guard:
@Redium When you take into account your idea of the Horned Riders supplanting the Star Shaman, could my idea have merit? Because it seems like we will have to deal with this issue sooner or later.
Wait, are you talking about the settle the Northerners in Arrow Lake combination with one of the maintain Arrow Lake options?There is combination of choices that gets you Arrow Lake and can be finagled the turn after for the Horned Riders to get access to their own temple.
You will have narrative events to drop RA. You don't really have enough sophistication to reliably drop RA due to turn actions.
In this particular case, there would be no penalty to founding additional settlements.
They would be full tribesmen, but they would be Debtors as well. The People don't really have the concept of citizenship yet. If you live with the People year round, you're one of them.
Yes, but not necessarily a good one. If you settle the Northlanders around the Cave of Stars and then fail to build them a temple for the Horned Riders, they might completely displace the Star Shaman.
Both. There's going to be low-level, murderhobo type adventurers who won't pop up too much, but there's also going to be well connected, rich second sons launching campaigns to bring glory to themselves and conquer land. The later is going to be fairly rare, however; at least until you get to a certain tech level.
'Court' is generally held by Pareem. They act as arbiter in order to settle any disputes that arise between people. The Pareem will either arbitrate themselves if both the plaintiff and defendant are their clients, or advocated on their behalf if the plaintiff or defendant is another Pareem's client. If two Pareem can't decide on a settlement (or a client wants to appeal their Pareem's decision) it's resolved with a local council of Pareem. Three, Six, or Eighteen people are usually selected for this council.
Debtors are collectively overseen by a council.
Consequence punishment is basically the realization that you punish people for the effect their actions had, not what they necessarily did.
I wanted to get back to this point because Jeree would weigh in on it.
Currently, Arrow Lake is a leisurely two day travel from the Fingers, potentially one if you were moving fast and willing to push it. It doesn't extend your defensive envelope that much if you were to capture it. Jeree also feels a lot more comfortable defending Arrow Lake than he would the Fingers. It wouldn't have as much room to maneuver and it's too far south for the Horned Riders to be really effective, but it also cuts off a lot of opportunities to maneuver. It's much, much easier to force confrontation around the lake than the Fingers and a forced, high intensity confrontation greatly favours the People over Arrow Lake.
Since South Reach was easily supporting Arrow Lake, they would just as easily be able to assault the Fingers from their current holdings. Arrow Lake can be an important staging base, but it's not at all necessary for them to prosecute war.
Taking Arrow Lake would also provide a large amount of additional support to the Fingers. They would have one flank locked down and have a reliable, close ally to depend on. Having allies that are one day away versus one month would make the Fingers hugely more secure.
Luule would also like to weigh in: leaving Arrow Lake more-or-less intact, but supplanting their leadership, warriors, and shaman, would allow the People access to a lot more resources. Arrow Lake is rich in clay, granite, lapis luzili, limestone, (minerals in general,) wood, fish, farms (with some crops you haven't domesticated large scale) and many other necessities. Maintaining Arrow Lake in full (only replacing warriors, shaman, Pareem) would give you ~3 times the Luxuries of the Luxury Integration option and ~2 times the Materials of the Materials integration option. The more you integrate them, the less resources you would get since it's inefficient to move people around and throw away old infrastructure.
The downside to this, of course is twofold: first, it requires additional infrastructure. A temple, hill, charcoal kiln, trails and Fire Relay would have to be built to accommodate the settlement and that's a lot to ask; 9 actions to do it all. Second, there's the risk of Arrow Lake trying to rise up within the next few turns. It isn't an insurmountable risk; Luule notes that the People were fantastic at converting the Northlands and Pearl Divers. Your religion is top notch, you have the Law, and you have experience from deflecting the Peace Builders' attempts to convert your culture.
Jeree notes that you've utterly savaged Arrow Lake. Roughly 3/4 men between the ages of 15 and 59 are dead, nearly 1/8 women are dead; virtually everyone who took the field against you perished. You would also be inserting your own warriors directly into the settlement and allowing them to have control. A rebellion would be difficult to pull off.
Neither Luule or Jeree are the exact right person to instantly flip Arrow Lake (that would be a Diplo hero), but they have everything else; Martial, Admin, and Mysticism.
I would argue that you're currently better set than if you had a Diplo hero. A Diplo hero would simply smooth out any issues without thinking about it. Your Diplo hero would fail to recognize the scope of the problem due to the relative shortness of their life; they wouldn't realize that this problem is a crisis with a deadline of a hundred years. They'd need to hybridize with another Hero type to truly realize the scope of the problem. The best you could have would probably be: Diplo/Mystic > Diplo/Admin > Mystic/Admin >> Mystic >>> Diplo.
The Star Shaman and Horned Riders are incompatible; Jeree basically had to completely restart his training to switch like he did; a non-hero wouldn't have been able to do it. The Horned Riders could merge with either the Frost-Scarred (best merge you currently have, but not objectively the best) or Fangs (not good, but compatible).
Sacred Autocracy is a valid government type and it has a higher RA cap. The only difference from what you have now would be instead of the Pareem being incidentally spiritual (i.e. being Pareem has is completely orthogonal to shaman-hood), you would fully integrate the Pareem and the shaman until they form one body.
If you settle a second settlement for the Northlands, you could build them a temple and simply wait on building a temple in Arrow Lake.
There is combination of choices that gets you Arrow Lake and can be finagled the turn after for the Horned Riders to get access to their own temple.
As long as Jeree is alive, it doesn't matter. That means likely 1-2 more turns; probably 2. Even then, it wouldn't be an immediate crisis. It would build over several turns and you'd get warnings beforehand.
Moving the Star Shaman is impossible. They are tied to the Cave of Stars.
The only reason that the Horned Riders can even displace them right now is because Jeree is a Mysticism Hero from the Horned Riders. Normally, in the clash between the two traditions, the Horned Riders would lose. Every time.
This is one possible solution to the issue. There's two combination of Arrow Lake/Northlands votes this turn that will spark off a temporary joint hosting at Hill Guard for the Horned Riders and Fangs. That would trigger another vote next turn on what to do with the joint Horned Riders and Fangs and how the relationship between the two orders and their temples should develop.
Essentially, there's two solutions: either commit to building a temple for the Northlands at some point in the next ~5 turns, or figure out which two choices are likely to cause the Horned Riders and Fangs to come into close proximity and end up house mates together.
This particular decision is supposed to be hard; you're deciding on shinnies and sometimes grabbing everything is impossible without some degree of pain or sacrifice. You can grab everything, but that could very well mean you choke on while you try to digest things over the next few turns. Alternatively, if you play it too safe, you lose things that you never had any reason to.
[X] [North] Disperse among all of the People's settlements. (+ Martial, + Staples)
[X] [North] Found their own settlement at River-Bend, west of the Fingers. (++ Staples, + Luxuries, - Crafts, - Materials)
[X] [Lake] Integrate Arrow Lake into the People; have them address the lack of Materials. (+ Materials, + Craftworks)
[X] [War] No.
Going with these 2 options. The disperse option is almost certainly the way to get the horned riders to live with the fangs, while river bend is the best temple option because it helps us control the vaunted river plain.
As always, I am still against taking arrow lake as a settlement. It is quite literally a shiny, draining our actions. Is ++++ luxuries worth 9 actions, and more with every project we invent? I say no.
Luule would also like to weigh in: leaving Arrow Lake more-or-less intact, but supplanting their leadership, warriors, and shaman, would allow the People access to a lot more resources. Arrow Lake is rich in clay, granite, lapis luzili, limestone, (minerals in general,) wood, fish, farms (with some crops you haven't domesticated large scale) and many other necessities. Maintaining Arrow Lake in full (only replacing warriors, shaman, Pareem) would give you ~3 times the Luxuries of the Luxury Integration option and ~2 times the Materials of the Materials integration option. The more you integrate them, the less resources you would get since it's inefficient to move people around and throw away old infrastructure.
[X] [North] Found their own settlement at River-Bend, west of the Fingers. (++ Staples, + Luxuries, - Crafts, - Materials)
[X] [Lake] Integrate Arrow Lake into the People; have them address the lack of Materials. (+ Materials, + Craftworks)
[X] [War] No.
changing vote to this...mostly the north gets their own settlement...we can build a temple there and then continue on with the hill for the fingers, as well as get a hill for the northerner's…hopefully we can FINALLY get the situation with all the temples and hills done so we can finish the fire-relays as well as get kilns everywhere. (also clay pits...because clay)
Why would maintaining the settlement one way cause a merger while maintaining it the other way wouldn't? The 2 paths are almost certainly the same north option with the 2 different lake options from the same set. I do admit that given your points, the "true" option is almost certainly maintain+merge (and I would never vote for that path, since it would destroy herding as a livelihood and damage our tech gains, and destroying our caribou tech to support an organization who's main benefit to us is caribou stuff is absurdly backward) or maintain+disperse, which at least only gets us an extra settlement outside of the envisioned path, IF we were right about this being the correct path. If not, we just screwed the horn riders out of a temple for all forseeable future.In regards to to the first mention, of the two combinations, my guess for that is thus:
[ ] [Lake] Maintain the settlement, but mix in a noticeable number of the People, primarily shaman and warriors. (++++ Luxuries, ++ Crafts, + Materials, - Martial, - Magic)
[ ] [North] Merge into Arrow Lake's settlement. (+ Staples, + Martial, + Luxuries)
[ ] [Lake] Maintain the settlement, but mix in a noticeable number of the People, primarily shaman and warriors. (++++ Luxuries, ++ Crafts, + Materials, - Martial, - Magic)
[ ] [North] Disperse among all of the People's settlements. (+ Martial, + Staples)
We have 5 turns before it becomes an issue. We have trails. We have kilns. We have wood, if it comes to that. We have options. This isn't a hole we need to dig our way out of, it's a speedbump that we have the actions to bypass.Being efficient and building tall is great and all, however, to build tall you still need resources. By taking Arrow Lake we will likely alleviate some of our current resource problems by having more of it available.
So in my opinion, yes, it is worth it to delay ourselves somewhat in terms of efficiency in order to get ourselves out of the current hole we're stuck in.
The problem I see with this vote is that if we assume the pluses and minuses are comparable in scope, we won't be able to build a Temple at the site you are proposing as the two things we need most for them, craftsworks and materials, cancel out when added together above, making it so that our current resource deficits would remain, thus preventing us from building any Temple in a timely manner, let alone a Hill.
The temple of the fangs is custom built for them. It's basically a massive kennel. Kicking them out will piss them off and do so in a manner that they will have a constant reminder of unless we renovate the temple.
The Temple of Fangs at Hill Guard is more like an enormous kennel, but made out of granite. It's mostly open space, but it's a large, sprawling nature compound.
Why would maintaining the settlement one way cause a merger while maintaining it the other way wouldn't? The 2 paths are almost certainly the same north option with the 2 different lake options from the same set. I do admit that given your points, the "true" option is almost certainly maintain+merge (and I would never vote for that path, since it would destroy herding as a livelihood and damage our tech gains, and destroying our caribou tech to support an organization who's main benefit to us is caribou stuff is absurdly backward) or maintain+disperse, which at least only gets us an extra settlement outside of the envisioned path, IF we were right about this being the correct path. If not, we just screwed the horn riders out of a temple for all forseeable future.
We have 5 turns before it becomes an issue. We have trails. We have kilns. We have wood, if it comes to that. We have options. This isn't a hole we need to dig our way out of, it's a speedbump that we have the actions to bypass.
The 2 options you presented have different northland options. The only share the same arrow lake option.The two options I presented have it the reverse. If we pick any other Northlands aside from that of merging them with Arrow Lake, there is little chance for interaction with the Fangs being needed.
Why would having no settlement to claim as their own be more likely to cause the horned riders to merge into the fangs if the settlement they claim is so far south that the mounts that give their order it's name can't live there? It seems like preventing the non-holy-order northlanders from herding by settling them in arrow lake would do way more damage to the horned riders than keeping them dispersed, since it would remove their civilian herds and recruiting pool.Dispersing the Northlanders, and thus the Horned Riders among all of the People's settlements in my view would not lead to a Temple being created for the Horned Riders as a separate entity as the dispersal of the Northlands themselves, without one true settlement to claim as their own, likely would mean that the Horned Riders are more likely to merge with an existing entity than retain their own traditions.
Until @Redium clarifies, if he chooses to do so, there are a number of choices which could fit the bill.
In that case I am glad that we have both an admin hero and a mysticism hero right now, as we've just stumbled into another teething problem for our civ. Hopefully things don't go pear shaped too fast.
Well, no inherent penalties is a good start, pretty convincing for those who want new settlements.
So in the cases of the surviving Arrow Lake tribesmen, once they are integrated into our fold, how will their status change over time? I know from past discussions where the Northlands was in this situation that it was said that the children of these tribesmen would not be born debtors, but I am curious how far this will go. Also what will happen to those Indebted who we liberated from Arrow Lake who were once members of the Mountain Clans?
In this case, could we potentially build two Temples for a single settlement, as inefficient as it is? As, aside from the idea I put forth earlier of housing the Horned Riders with the Fangs at their Temple, which seems open for renovation due to its concept, and then moving the Fangs into the eventual Temple at Arrow Lake, I am not sure what we can do to solve this issue save create a new settlement which fits this criteria.
Uhhh...somehow I doubt our neighbors now or in the future will like us much for this.
Good to know. So what exactly is the role of the Headman in all of this. Are they Pareem or are they not?
Quick question about the current Arrow Lake settlement, how intact are their other structures? Such as, how intact are their farms and other producing buildings? Did they have no infrastructure or trails of their own that we could co-opt?
Considering their current interactions with each other, Luule and Jeree, I have a feeling we may eventually get that diplo hero we need...hopefully.
C'mon Luule and Jeree, pull an Alvar and Natka for us.
From what I take of this, we can likely merge the Frost-Scarred and Horned Riders right now but as they aren't the best merge, that likely indicates that the Fangs and Horned Riders are in the long term. While the Fangs and Horned Riders may not be good now, they are compatible and I think they likely will have synergy in the future. Maybe in the future we could have hunters on caribou-back with their dogs being used as trackers to assist, similar to how old hunts had hunting dogs while the hunters were mounted.
Doable, but not preferable.
When you mean second settlement for the Northlands, do you mean another settlement after the one we are deciding on right now, or is it the one we are deciding on right now?
Either way, I think the spiritualism issue is more likely to come from the Northlands rather than Arrow Lake as we know the Northlands are deeply spiritual, seeing as they have a Holy Order and had a Grand Shaman, while Arrow Lake has never had any mention at all of religion.
It seems we will have to thread the needle if we want to get Arrow Lake and the Horned Riders their Temple. I will have my theory for this later.
That's actually pretty good for us.
So not too immediate, but something we should plan for. Gotcha. Hopefully Jeree lives like Kaspar.
Yeah, I kind of figured that.
Are mysticism heroes normally that powerful? They seem kind of niche on their own.
In regards to to the first mention, of the two combinations, my guess for that is thus:
[ ] [Lake] Maintain the settlement, but mix in a noticeable number of the People, primarily shaman and warriors. (++++ Luxuries, ++ Crafts, + Materials, - Martial, - Magic)
[ ] [North] Merge into Arrow Lake's settlement. (+ Staples, + Martial, + Luxuries)
With these two combination of Arrow Lake and Northlands votes, the Horned Riders will have no choice but to temporarily host at Hill Guard with the Fangs. We know from word of QM that Arrow Lake is too far south of the caribou's natural range for them to survive down there, thus making it so that even though the majority of the Northlands will be settling down there, the Horned Riders will be forced to move somewhere else, that place being Hill Guard, which is one of the few places suited to host them with a compatible Holy Order.
[ ] [Lake] Maintain the settlement, but mix in a noticeable number of the People, primarily shaman and warriors. (++++ Luxuries, ++ Crafts, + Materials, - Martial, - Magic)
[ ] [North] Disperse among all of the People's settlements. (+ Martial, + Staples)
The other option that could potentially fit this criteria in my view is this one. Again, similar to the above, but by dispersing the Northlands' people there will also be no true home for the Horned Riders. Meaning that their best bet for one would have to be their closest analogue in the Fangs.
As for what to do with the Horned Riders and the Fang, depending on how well the two can potentially integrate, which I am guessing Jeree could help us with here, I am of two minds. One of them is to simply integrate the two Holy Orders making it so we don't have to build a new Temple for one of them, however with the time we have I think building a Temple in five turns is manageable.
The other option, is as I mentioned above. We temporarily have the Horned Riders host at the Temple of Fangs. Once Arrow Lake is up and running, and with a large population gained from having both peoples there, we can then exploit the materials and luxuries present to build a Temple there for which we could move the Fangs into, thus vacating Hill Guard's Temple which the Horned Riders could probably convert to one of their own, after likely an action or something.
Personally I think we could manage either scenario presented above, however I would prefer we thread the needle here.
So here's my vote:
[X] [Lake] Maintain the settlement, but mix in a noticeable number of the People, primarily shaman and warriors. (++++ Luxuries, ++ Crafts, + Materials, - Martial, - Magic)
[X] [North] Merge into Arrow Lake's settlement. (+ Staples, + Martial, + Luxuries)
[X] [War] No.
Here is my reasoning for this choice.
By choosing this option, I believe this is one of the choices that will force the Horned Riders to share space with the Fangs, thus giving us more time to work on getting them their own Temple. As I said above, due to the ecological restrictions placed upon the Horned Riders due to geography, even if we place the majority of the Northlands into Arrow Lake they will not be able to operate there. All of the other options, whether it be the Cave of the Stars or other settlement options would give the Horned Riders an opportunity to build a Temple of their own. This one would not as they are physically unable to, making it so they would need to jointly base with the Fangs.
Why is this a good thing for us? Simple, it helps us keep down our RA, lowers the needed infrastructure we would require, and simplifies our future plans. As the QM illustrated before, Arrow Lake is rich in materials and is fertile enough to invest in. By placing both the Northlands and Arrow Lake survivors at the Arrow Lake settlement, we will likely maximize the output of it as the Northlands will give it the needed staples to recover, Arrow Lake itself would provide the materials needed for infrastructure and the building of a new Temple, and the people of the Northlands would also bolster the defenses enough so that we don't have to worry as much about revolt or invasion.
By focusing on Arrow Lake we can still keep our built tall strategy intact better than if we founded two new settlements in total. We would only need to build one set of infrastructure buildings, however with the boon of Arrow Lake itself, our current resource deficits should be mitigated somewhat. Making it so we have a shorter distance we need to catch up in.
As seen from what the QM has said, Arrow Lake as a settlement is a rich one, and one that can likely help address our current deficits. With it having been stated as being 3X more profitable for us compared to dispersing them with the integrated luxury option, 2X more profitable in terms of materials, while at the same time possessing craftsworks as well, if we focus on Arrow Lake we can likely make up for the lost lock in time through having fixed our current deficits or worked towards easing them.
This is what I believe we can do to thread the needle.