In the context of this vote, that won't happen. I think it'll be more of 'slow way' leaves initiative to Vega, letting her take her own time and redefine the relation towards Amanda on her terms, whereas 'twist' has Amanda take the initiative and rebuild the relation with her being the more active part.
But Vega doesn't want to redefine the relationship towards Amanda on her terms. At least not entirely on her terms.
One of her specific grouses was the lack of reachout, lack of initiative on Amanda's part.
She understood why it didn't happen, but she still feels hurt at it's absence.
Slow Way seems to double down on not reaching out, and waits for Vega to move.
Mandy's available, and there for her, but only does as much as is asked.
The GM has pretty much stated that our roll means we succeed regardless of choice. But that our choice matters in our relationship going forward.
Slow Way is how you treat a colleague; maybe a grad student. A Twist In Harmony feels like how you'd treat a close friend or a sibling.
The Web is how you'd react to someone who you've been intimate with; not necessarily a lover, but someone whose inner self and reactions you are utterly familiar with, to the point of being able to identify unspoken boundaries.
So it seems to me anyway.
I'm not even sure it's that; it's that Slow Way commits Amanda to completely solving Vega's problems, while Twisted Harmony just does enough to get Vega back on the horse, so to speak.
I don't think that's accurate either.
Amanda has never been characterized as the sort of person to leave stuff like this half-done either, and the GM has promised success regardless of choice. Just that our choice helps define our relationship going forward.
As I see it, Twisted Harmony is narrowly about rebuilding Vega's relationship with Amanda, but Slow Way is about building Vega up into a person who can stand with her or alone, if need be; I think she's going to need that, unless all my OT3 jibes are meant to be a template for the future.
I can see why you'd think this, I guess. But I don't think that's what she actually wants, or something there's a need for.
She was capable of standing on her own for a year after all; that's ipso facto evidence that she
What she seemed after was more emotional support than an extra hand with the workload.
It's like how Adria didn't need help; her need was for someone to reassure her that it was OK to feel overwhelmed sometimes, to seek comfort.