Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

[X] Use your magic to attack the woman before she can get away. (Roll for Mystic Arts)
- [X] If we miss and they get away, focus on saving the police officers.

I mean, why not? We either hit them and they go down, or we miss and they get away, so we rescue the police officers.
What was that reason?

The below was the winning vote for why we became a hero:

[] When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.

The combination of the below is why we became a vigilante instead of being a government sponsored cape or least our opinion on legal operating capes.

[] A few of them are alright, but there are a few Capes that can be real jackasses.
[] They're trying to keep the city safe. I have to respect them for that, at least.
We've already taken bad hits. Let's prevent the death of good men and women and just get away. Pull them to safety and then ride away.
We've already taken bad hits. Let's prevent the death of good men and women and just get away. Pull them to safety and then ride away.
If we go into melee we have an 75 or 85 percent chance of stopping the villain, which is pretty important because letting a someone crazy enough to use chemical weapons get something they need will screw us over big time in the future.
If we go into melee we have an 75 or 85 percent chance of stopping the villain, which is pretty important because letting a someone crazy enough to use chemical weapons get something they need will screw us over big time in the future.

On the other hand they don't need melee to take us down, they are using gas weapons.

Which is also why I don't what to fireball them or electrocute them. I don't want the grenades to explode.
On the other hand they don't need melee to take us down, they are using gas weapons.
Which is why its a good idea to get in close and use melee because then they will have trouble using their weapons without risking exposing themselves if we injure them. I would also like to reiterate that letting a madwoman willing to use chemical weapons with something she needs would end up screwing us over in the long run.
Which is why its a good idea to get in close and use melee because then they will have trouble using their weapons without risking exposing themselves if we injure them. I would also like to reiterate that letting a madwoman willing to use chemical weapons with something she needs would end up screwing us over in the long run.

So prioritize destroying the gas mask then as well.
[X] Hold your breath and run into the gas and get the officers out. Hopefully, the gas is only dangerous if inhaled.
More than anything this is a lose lose situation- we either save the police officers, and one is already wounded and needs medical attention now or we get the briefcase.

And I have to go with saving the cops.

[] When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.

We got into this to protect and save. Exchange the police with our daughter and it's not even a question.

And we're going to wish we could have stopped the robbery as well, I know we are but we're playing the mom that became a knight.

So let's save the cops and then make plans so we're never in the position of having to choose again (yeah right)

[X] Hold your breath and run into the gas and get the officers out. Hopefully, the gas is only dangerous if inhaled.
[X] Use your magic to attack the woman before she can get away. (Roll for Mystic Arts)
-[X] Fireball

Theres a simple way to deal with gas.
Burn it away.
In the open air that would produce an alarming but harmless flash fire.
[X] Use your magic to attack the woman before she can get away. (Roll for Mystic Arts)
-[X] Fireball
I'm sorry what? Your collar?

I believe that the 'collar' refers to bringing down a criminal in the police force. .

Pretty much. The villain was saying, you caught the criminals you were called in to catch. Let me take this case, or else
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Jun 19, 2018 at 9:49 PM, finished with 23 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Hold your breath and run into the gas and get the officers out. Hopefully, the gas is only dangerous if inhaled.
    [X] Use your magic to attack the woman before she can get away. (Roll for Mystic Arts)
    -[X] Fireball
    [X] Try to run the figure down and attack in melee. (Roll for Melee or Brawl. Tier 2 Speed is automatic success)
    -[X] Focus on trying to either get the briefcase or breaking the figure's gas mask.
    -[X] If you manage to get the briefcase run away and try and take the cops with you.
    [X] Use your magic to attack the woman before she can get away. (Roll for Mystic Arts)
    - [X] If we miss and they get away, focus on saving the police officers.
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[X] Use your magic to attack the woman before she can get away. (Roll for Mystic Arts)
-[X] Fireball

I have to ask, do we actually have anyway of making sure the wounded cops don't die from their wounds if we rescue them because we don't have any healing spells, and I don't think we could get to a hospital in time if they're mortally wounded so would we roll something to try first aid?
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Looks like trying to save the cop is in first place, while launching a fireball at the villain is in second. Voting is open for a few more hours, but in the meantime, here's an article regarding some recent events in Hartford.

Sunday, August, 23rd 2015
At approximately 1:30 yesterday afternoon, several dozen people working for the villain Napalm, real name Patrick Henkel, stormed the South Riverpark hideout of local villain Headhunter, real name unknown. Headhunter responded by calling in reinforcements from his own gang, and Napalm followed suit. While the initial cause of this conflict is unknown it lead to a protracted battle that spread throughout the neighborhood.

Police and local heroes responded to the fighting and managed to detain or pacify most of the combatants after 55 minutes of continuous fighting. Several people, both citizens and Vigilantes also arrived and attempted to restore order, some arriving from elsewhere in Hartford. While their overall contribution to the outcome is still in question, most Vigilantes, which could number between three and five, managed to escape in the confusion, with one, whose identity has not been released, has been detained for questioning.

Headhunter was injured, by hero Saber, but managed to escape via a network of underground tunnels later discovered by law enforcement. Napalm, was wounded by law enforcement, and was later arrested by Sunspot, whose own heat based biology protected him from Napalm's fire based attacks.

South Riverpark suffered massive damage from the fighting, with several buildings burnt to the ground, whether intentionally by Napalm, or as collateral damage from the fighting. The death toll, including the combatants and civilians, is estimated to be in the several dozens, though as of now, no official tally has been released.

Mayor James Hellerman released a statement earlier today expressing sympathies for the civilians who were killed in the fighting. "This kind of brazen attack is not just another example of truly evil people having a disregard for the lives of others. This is a direct assault on our values. What makes you, and me, American. It is an assault on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness, all of which were taken away all too soon. Those who passed, as well as their families have the condolences of the entire city of Hartford."

Reconstruction is already underway for the district, but as of the time of writing, heavy damage still persists throughout the neighborhood.
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Final Vote Tally

So... we have a tie it looks like. Half want to use magic to take the villain down, half want to help the officer. We need a tiebreaker
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Jun 20, 2018 at 1:22 PM, finished with 27 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Hold your breath and run into the gas and get the officers out. Hopefully, the gas is only dangerous if inhaled.
    [X] Use your magic to attack the woman before she can get away. (Roll for Mystic Arts)
    -[X] Fireball
    [X] Use your magic to attack the woman before she can get away. (Roll for Mystic Arts)
    - [X] If we miss and they get away, focus on saving the police officers.
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You take a deep breath and start running into the smoke, which still isn't dissipating. You could go after the woman in the jumpsuit, you know you could catch her right now, but if you did that, then the officer in the cloud of gas could die. And, well, even if they might try to arrest you later, you can't let that happen. As you run towards the smoke, you see the other officer pull, his undershirt shirt over his mouth and run into the smoke with you. As soon as you get in the smoke, you feel a numb sensation along your entire body. Your entire body feels sluggish and your eyelids suddenly feel heavy.

Shaking the feeling off, you carefully, you pick up the two officers, doing your best to make sure not to aggravate the injured cop's injuries any worse. As you pull them out, you see the first aid that's been performed on the injured one. However, she looks a deathly pale. If it wasn't for her, admittedly weak breathing, you'd think she was dead. You carefully get them both out of the smoke. As soon as you set your officer down, you look up and see the woman in the jumpsuit and gas mask has disappeared into the night. You try to see where she could've gone, but she she's gone. If you wanted to, maybe you could run her down, but you just feel so damn tired.

"Well... that was something" The officer says as he checks on the officers you pulled out of the smoke. "Thanks for getting Smith and Adams out of there."

You nod. Even if you were talking, you just feel so... tired. Your eyes are fighting to stay closed, your head is pounding, and it's taking everything you have not to pass out. It's the gas. You know it was the gas. You know you wern't this tired before. You do your best not to stumble in place as you're about to run. Maybe if you were fast, you could get a quick nap at the workshop and then drive back home.

"You wouldn't happen to know any first aid, would you?" He asks. You shake your head. "Well, the bus fleet* is gonna be here in a minute, along with some backup." Then, he gets a serious look on his face. "And I have a feeling you aren't exactly licensed... so you'd better get out of here." You turn around to take his advice. You aren't sure you can stay on your feet much longer.

"Wait!" He says. You turn around and see him reach into his pocket and fish out a blue and white business card. He hands it to you. "Look, I know you aren't exactly official, but you're good people. I won't go against the force, but if you need any help taking down I'll do what I can" You take the card. You see that it has the name "Simon Browning" on it, as well as a contact number information. As well as a stylized silhouette of a pair of handcuffs.

"Best you get out of here" Browning says. "I'll take things from here" You nod, and give Browning a thumbs up, and run like hell.


The next day...
Your eyes slowly open as you come out of your haze. The sun is shinning through your window, and you hear the birds chirping. But you aren't at home. You look around and see that you're lying down on the couch you have in your workshop. Your armor is in a pile near the couch, at least half a dozen bullets still stuck in the torso and arms. Your shield is right beside it, with a large hole near the edge.

"How the fuck..." You mutter. Going back to last night, you try to remember how you came to end up back here. You vaguely remember taking the card from Officer Browning, and you remember running, just managing to avoid being seen by the ambulance or the backup. And you vaguely walking up to your car. But after that, nothing. Carefully, you get off of the couch, but pain shoots through your chest forcing you back down. Cursing, you lift your shirt to see if there was any damage. There are some ugly purple bruises along your chest where you were hit, as well as one on your left shoulder.

You let yourself fall back onto the couch. As much as you want to be doing something, all you want to do is to get some wine, lie down, and waste the day away. But as you contemplate never getting off of the couch again, a thought hits you like... well half a dozen bullets. "I never came home last night. I need to let Adrian and Gwen know I'm okay!"

You fumble in your pockets for your phone. You pullet out your wallet, keys, but no phone.

"Shit shit shit!" You mutter to your self as you throw the unneeded objects somewhere. "Where is my-" That's when you see your phone, lying on the concrete floor near the couch. You scramble to get it and open it. You see that Messages app is open, and you sent Adrian some texts last night"

hey Babe, Crashing at the shop. See you + Gwen 2morrow

U alright, hon?

tired. cant drive

Need me to pick u up?

no, ill be finr.

okay. Call in the morning, alright?

no prob


Is Gwen alright?

Gwen's in bed. I told her know you were at a sleepover and you'd be home tomorrow.


You close the text messaging app on your phone. At least, no matter what happened last night, you managed to let Adrian know you were alright. As you dial the phone to let him know you're still alive, you reflect on what happened last night.

[] I made it back alive. That's always a good night.
[] I saved lives and caught some of the bad guys. I'm fine with that.
[] I'm still pissed that someone still got away with the briefcase.
[] I'm going to need to work on my magic. A few more kinds of spells would really help.
[] I'm glad that the cop was willing to look the other way.
[] ...I really need to come up with a name. I've been putting it off for a while.
[] I'm angry that I'm going to need to fix my armor after this. Well... at least I'm already at my workshop.
[] I wonder if I still have those breakfast burritos in the minifridge...
[] Write in

*Bus Fleet: A police slang term for when multiple ambulances arrive at the scene.
[X] I saved lives and caught some of the bad guys. I'm fine with that.
[X] I'm going to need to work on my magic. A few more kinds of spells would really help.

Saving the cops and making a good impression is a great outcome, all things considered, although we have no idea what was in that briefcase. If things get bad and bunch of people die because if it, we're going to feel pretty shitty. Our magic is increasingly obviously our mainstay in fighting, we need to get more reliable results out of it.

As for a name, I'm sure the media will come up with something decent enough. I'm personally going for Chevalier if it comes down to a vote.
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[X] I saved lives and caught some of the bad guys. I'm fine with that.
[X] I made it back alive. That's always a good night.
[x] I'm going to need to work on my magic. A few more kinds of spells would really help.
[x] I'm glad that the cop was willing to look the other way.