And what's the maus for the trapping roll? Does it get a boost by being made by the Great hunter?
Total malus is -50 from winter and weather and yes, Snow-Fox bonus applies, though it's a lot lower outside combat.And what's the maus for the trapping roll? Does it get a boost by being made by the Great hunter?
Total malus is -50 from winter and weather and yes, Snow-Fox bonus applies, though it's a lot lower outside combat.
You get +20 from Great Hunter and another +10 from the Winter focus.
If this was still an ice age, your valley would be mostly filled by a big glacier.@Azel, since this is the Ice Age, how many months of winter are we looking at here?
Okay. In that case the bear will be very much asleep next month, and even weaker too!If this was still an ice age, your valley would be mostly filled by a big glacier.
It's three months of actual winter, though penalties for large amounts of snow will persist into spring if it gets bad enough. Another month of snowstorms and you are likely getting two months worth of weather penalties in spring.
We're being ruthless to cannibalistic assholes who--unprovoked--hunted our people like animals. I'm not exactly in tears over this.Curious. I've expected a much stronger negative reaction to you guys getting Ruthlessness.
It sounds potentially useful.Curious. I've expected a much stronger negative reaction to you guys getting Ruthlessness.
A few of the nicer looking he pieces he pocketed, the rest he threw aside, which prompted a few angry shouts of the prisoner through his gag.
Yours is barely adequate, favouring mobility over protection as your tribe never needed to deal with long periods of snowfall and thick snow cover on the ground. Biggest problem is your stitches, which can widen easily while moving and then let in the cold and snow. Hence many if your hunters wearing additional pelts over their clothes, which cancels out the hypothetical mobility advantage while still offering lacklustre protection.@Azel, what's the comparison of our winter gear vs the winter gear of the enemy tribe?
Well, I had no idea it was that bad. We definitely need to study their gear in hopes of improving our own.Yours is barely adequate, favouring mobility over protection as your tribe never needed to deal with long periods of snowfall and thick snow cover on the ground. Biggest problem is your stitches, which can widen easily while moving and then let in the cold and snow. Hence many if your hunters wearing additional pelts over their clothes, which cancels out the hypothetical mobility advantage while still offering lacklustre protection.
As for snow shoes, you got nothing. The first days were pretty bad, since your footwear couldn't even deal with more then ankle deep snow before the tribe made some hasty alterations to them.
So yeah. Your winter gear kinda sucks right now.