Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

A few minutes earlier…

A van is speeding down the streets of Hartford, filled with six criminals Less than thirty feet behind them, three police cruisers are pursuing them. They rush down the streets of Southlake, swerving to avoid the occasional unattentive motorist that hadn't pulled to the side of the road. On a relatively empty stretch of road. One of the cruisers speeds up, and slams the back of the van, causing it to lurch to the side. The driver turns the wheel, trying to steady the van and barely avoiding a vagrant who was on the side of the road.

Innside the van, the driver and another criminal are in the front seats. The other four members of their crew are in the back, sitting on bench-like seats on either side. "Who the fuck snitched?" One of the criminals swears as she hangs on to her seat in the back of the van. "One minute things were quiet, the next, the cops were right there!"

"You think the boss set us up?" One of the other criminals asks. "I mean… I didn't do anything. And I don't think T-Bone did anything, but-"

"Fuck me, would you clowns just shut up!" The third member of the crew yells. "You think that the boss would set us up? You know how bad she wants this!" She holds up a stainless steel metal briefcase. There are several dents where bullets failed to penetrate the casing. "You think the boss would fuck this up? Jesus Christ, no wonder you flunked middle school!"

"Yeah, it probably wasn't the boss" Another criminal says. "Maybe it was the fact that you!" He points to the first criminal. "Started shooting the place up when we were leaving! We were in the clear, and this braindead fuck think it's a good idea to start shooting like it's 1992!"

"Will you assholes just shut up for a second and check your weapons?" A final voice said. It was a quiet, dispassionate voice, but it made itself heard over the squealing tires, the sirens, and the muttered swearing of the driver. All eyes turned to the source of the voice. Unlike the others in the van, who were dressed in street clothes, this woman was dressed in a full ballistic suit. She was wearing a sleek reinforced ballistic vest with armor plated sleeves, a combat helmet with a faceplate pulled down, and a pair of pants with armored boots and knee pad, all of which was colored white and red.

Outside of the van another cruiser starts to pull up to the right side of the van. Out of the passenger's side of the cruiser, an officer hefts his shotgun and takes aim at the tires.



"What the fuck was that!"

"Shit, they got the tires!"

"No! No! "No!"

The van starts to swerve, the driver trying desperately to keep the van on the road. As the van lurches to the right, it hops the curb, skidding onto the parking lot of a grocery store, long since abandoned, looted, squatted in, and abandoned again. As the driver swerves to the left, the van slides towards the metal pole of one of the many streetlights in the parking lot.


"Hold on!"

"Oh no!"

"Son of a-"

The van slams into the concrete base, and the engine is crushed in the impact. Right behind, the three police cars hop the curb and start to surround the crashed van. Out of the three, a single officer hops out of two, while a pair of officers hop out of the third. All four officers take aim at the van, shotguns and patrol rifles drawn.

"Drop your weapons and exit the van!" One of the officers orders over the loud speaker.

Inside the van, five of the criminals are reeling from the crash. The driver has a large cut on his head, another is holding his side where the briefcase was launches into his ribs.

"I repeat! Drop your weapons and exit the vehicle or we will open fire!" The officer yells again. If the armored thug is intimidated, she doesn't show it.

"You have your weapons, don't you?" The armored thug asks. She hefts her own weapon, a large light machine gun. She gets up from her seat and holds up a hand to the back window, as if to surrender. "If you want to do 25 to life, stay in the fucking van" The armored thug says. "Everyone else, follow my lead" With one swift kick, she knocks the doors open, and opens fire and starts shooting.

The armored criminal fires a long burst from her LMG, and the large caliber bullets tear through the cruisers like paper, leaving ragged holes wherever they impacted. Whenever a bullet hits a siren on the car, it lets out a loud whine, as if yelling in pain. One of the officers gets caught in the volley. The bullets tear through him as easily as they tear through the cruiser.

"Bruce!" One of the officers cries as her partner is gunned down. To her left, another officer aims his patrol rifle and fires at the armored thug. The first two bullets hit the armor, which doesn't even phase her. She continues stepping out of the van, and tries to fire another volley. But this time, The officer takes careful aim, and fires at the armored thug's head. The bullet hits the helmet, causing the armored thug to stumble backwards, but not fall.

The thug carrying the briefcase leaps out of the van, and sprints away, firing his machine pistol wildly at the cops. One of the officers, aimed at the fallen thug, shifts her aim and fires at the thug carrying the briefcase. The shotgun blast tears through the thug, leaving him crumpled in a heap on top of the briefcase.

"You piece of shit cops!" One of the thugs screams as she takes aim with a large assault rifle and fires, with the bullet shredding the squad car even more, and hitting the officer in the shoulder. She goes down, yelling in pain.

And this is the scene you find yourself up in when you arrive. You've managed to stay in relative darkness, but you have no doubt that at least a few drivers saw you in armor on your way here. But that's not what you're thinking of. You see a cop that's already dead, one whose hit, and a criminal who's bleeding out and crying.

You see one criminal in a sleek armor you haven't seen before, who's climbing back to her feet, and the two remaining officers are huddled behind their squad car doors, pinned down by two of the criminals who are near the van, both wielding assault rifles, while the other two, one wielding a submachine gun and another with a shotgun are spreading out in either direction. You swallow hard as you take in the scene. You knew you'd see something like this, but… that doesn't make it easier. You try to decide what to do, while ignoring the cold pit in your stomach.

[] Charge right at the criminals.
- [] Write in how you're going to attack

[] Go around the back and through the store, and attack from the rear.
- [] Write in how you're going to attack

[] Create a barrier and get between the cops and the criminals. Maybe if you can draw the criminal's fire, the police can get some more shots off.

[] Keep your distance, and attack using magic.
- [] Write in which spell you wish to use.

[] Write in.
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Tactics assessment.

Correct me if I'm wrong, @Agent 99 .

Cops have the front surrounded. (Assumption)

One dead, one injured cop. One bleeding out criminal.

Two other cop cars pinned by rifles, with criminals moving to flank (or exit? Clarify?)

What's the range on our magic, and does it require line of sight or could we indirect fire it?

Other players,

Any other tactically important things we want to know?
Cops have the front surrounded. (Assumption)
As much as they can with only two people left. Behind them is the abandoned store. To the left and right on the edges of the parking lot are chainlink fences, where they'd get shot in the back trying to climb over them.
One dead, one injured cop. One bleeding out criminal.

Two other cop cars pinned by rifles, with criminals moving to flank (or exit? Clarify?)
Their guns are trained on where the cops are. They're trying to flank them.
What's the range on our magic, and does it require line of sight or could we indirect fire it?
For the two spells you know,

Fireball goes in a straight line, requires line of sight. Otherwise, it'd just hit the nearest solid object in the way. However the range is "Until it hits something"

Lightningbolt has a range of about 300 feet, which is about the distance between you and them, but it doesn't require line of sight. Though if you don't know where what you're aiming at is, you'd take a penalty on hitting it. However, for the stationary targets E.G. the ones by the van, you won't take the penalty since you know more or less where they are.
Okay, so the priority here should be to save the cops, they're in a bad position and can take down everyone but the armored goon if they have time. Those heavy duty bullets are making me nervous, we really shouldn't try to tank them. Thinking we pull up a barrier between the criminals and cops, then blast the nutcase with the LMG with a lightning bolt. It took down a werewolf, it'll take her out of the fight. The rest of them will either surrender afterward or get shot by the cops.
Naw, open with surprise lightning.
Our barrier isn't strong enough to tank so many guns. But a lightning bolt could take out someone by surprise
We need to pick up a telepathy or "wind carried whisper" sort of spell, if we can get our hands on one.
Thinking we pull up a barrier between the criminals and cops,
On one hand, your current barrier is just meant for personal protection, e.g. it just surrounds you.

However, if you take a slight penalty, you can try to have it protect the cops as well.

Our barrier isn't strong enough to tank so many guns. But a lightning bolt could take out someone by surprise
On one hand, Sonya isn't sure about that don't know that.

On the other, this isn't really the way to find out that the barrier can't tank that gunfire.

We need to pick up a telepathy or "wind carried whisper" sort of spell, if we can get our hands on one.
Well, telekenesis is more of a psychic thing, not a magic thing, but the later would fall under an "Illusion" spell tree, so that is an option.
Mmm, but in live fire scenarios taking out a combatant by surprise is usually better than eating bullets
The Lady with the armor and the LMG seems to the lynchpin in this fiasco. We take her out in a suitably dramatic fashion, the others will probably scatter or surrender. Either way, it'll also draw the heat from the cops.
Well, there's discussion on what the best moves will be, which is good, but the discussion needs to be put in concrete votes.
The fires a long burst from her LMG, and the large caliber bullets tear through the cruisers like paper, leaving ragged holes wherever they impacted.
The actor is missing.
You see a cop that's already dead, one whose hit, and a criminal who's bleeding out and crying.

The Lady with the armor and the LMG seems to the lynchpin in this fiasco. We take her out in a suitably dramatic fashion, the others will probably scatter or surrender.
Another thing to consider is that the thugs are after whatever is in the briefcase. If we blast the one carrying it, they will have to send another. If we threaten to pick it up, they will likely have to switch their attention to us.

[X] Keep your distance, and attack using magic.
-[X] Lightning bolt. Priority to the armored one.
If we blast the one carrying it, they will have to send another. If we threaten to pick it up, they will likely have to switch their attention to us.
Well, good news is, you don't have to worry about blasting the guy with the briefcase. One of the cops took care of that for you.
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Jun 14, 2018 at 5:27 PM, finished with 388 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Keep your distance, and attack using magic.
    -[X] Lightning bolt. Priority to the armored one.
[X] Keep your distance, and attack using magic.
-[X] Lightning bolt. Priority to the armored one.

Our Armour might not stand up to the LMG at close range.
Well, this looks interesting.

So a few thoughts, let's try not to talk in battle until we either master the ability to sound like a man, or have a spell to do so. They've assumed we're a guy so let's keep that.

If the mask turns out to be a villain, could we take the information to the police? If they think we're a guy, a female metal sculpture artist with a daughter is not exactly the go to suspect for a magic knight.

Though I do vote we keep some of our magic in our back pocket as secrets. Like enchanting our sword and armor.

Also if the metal we used for our armor came out of our normal stock - we need to fake a lot of failed pieces to explain where that metal went. Paper trail, and where did we get that motorcycle?
So a few thoughts, let's try not to talk in battle until we either master the ability to sound like a man, or have a spell to do so.
Not a bad idea. I'll have a vote on that after this fight.
If the mask turns out to be a villain, could we take the information to the police? If they think we're a guy, a female metal sculpture artist with a daughter is not exactly the go to suspect for a magic knight.
Sure thing.
Though I do vote we keep some of our magic in our back pocket as secrets. Like enchanting our sword and armor.
Well... there's bad news and good news.
The bad news...
The Brownell Act, the Liu Proclamation, the Sokolovsky Proposal, the Adanauer Accords. The specifics were different, but they all had one thing in common. They required anyone with powers to be registered with the government and, if they wanted to legally fight crime, they had to be trained and found of sound mind.
So, if someone did a check with the State or Federal Database, they'd find that you do have at least some magical powers.

The good news is that.

A. There's a few dozen people throughout the city that know magic to some extent, so knowing your powers wouldn't necessarily connect your vigilante identity to your civilian one.

B. You aren't required to register what spells you know, so unless you volunteer that information, they wouldn't know.

C. They most likely won't look into who you are or what powers you have if you're just giving them a tip.

D. There are people whose powers who can do the same, or similar, to what you're doing.
Also if the metal we used for our armor came out of our normal stock - we need to fake a lot of failed pieces to explain where that metal went.
I was going to go with "The client didn't pay, so I took the statues to the recycling center across town (Which Sonya really occasionally does), sell them to people who resell them at one of the open air markets (same), which conveniently don't have records, keep them (same), or just toss them in the trash. Enough different things that are either verifiable enough, or conveniently unverifiable.

Either that, or the most famous white collar sport, cooking the books.
, and where did we get that motorcycle?
The motorcycle was custom built long before the events of this quest. It started as a broken shell of a bike that Sonya and Adrian repaired, got replacement parts for, and customized until it's in it's current state. Hasn't been used in years since it isn't registered, it was mostly just used as a hobby. Fixing it up, customizing it to be the biggest, badest bike it could be.
A. There's a few dozen people throughout the city that know magic to some extent, so knowing your powers wouldn't necessarily connect your vigilante identity to your civilian one.

Honestly, right now I'd be of the opinion that everyone thinks the knight is someone with lightning powers. We haven't shown anything else except for lightning magic yet.

Edit x2: I was more thinking about the vigilante persona not revealing more of "his" abilities than necessary. Being known as the smashy lightning guy rather than someone with defense spells in their back pocket does make it easier to go home not in a body bag.

And as to why armor/medieval weaponry? It sure is good at hiding your identity isn't it.

Edit: Low is good yes? Or is it not low enough?
Storyteller threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Speed Roll Total: 38
38 38
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While I'm thinking about it - how likely are the children of those with superpowers to get powers themselves? There is a six year old to worry about.
A child with at least one powered parent is more likely to have powers of their own, but it's still unlikely. As for when powers manifest, that can vary, though 95 percent of the time they manifest around 10 at the earliest and around 20 at the latest. That said, powers rarely manifest all at once. Especially if the powers come with a change in biology. Changes can start earlier, like someone who will get super strength getting slightly more muscle definition or stronger bones, someone with super intelligence starting to become smarter, someone with elemental powers getting hurt less by said element, and so on.
Shootout Part 2
You channel more of your magical power once again, and for a moment, time seems to slow down. You can see the bullets slamming into the already riddled cars and the pavement. The two thugs circling around to flank the officers, and the officers blind-firing at the two assault rifle wielding criminals firing at them. And most of all, you see the heavily armored criminal. Whoever they are, they're clearly important, maybe even their leader. If you take them out, maybe the rest will scatter or surrender. You hope.

You raise your hand, and a sphere of electricity appears above the armored thug. One of the assault rifle wielding thugs is too focused on reloading to notice, but the other assault rifle wielding thug, as well as the armored thug, look up just in time to see your sphere fully form.

Then, you bring your hand down, and the lightning bolt slams downward, striking the armored thug right in the head. It isn't as strong as your lightning strike a few nights ago, but it still hits spot on. They don't scream, at least, not that you can hear, but she collapses while firing another burst from their LMG into the air.

"What the fuck was that!"

"We got a cape somewhere!"


The assault rifle wielding criminal immediately hope back into the van. There's swearing among the criminals, and a few are looking around, trying to find where you are in the darkness. But the remaining police keep their heads. The officer on your right, a man with a patrol rifle, takes aim and fires at a shotgun wielding thug. The bullets hit the man in the chest twice and he goes down. The other officer fires takes aim at the thug trying to flank her, but her shotgun blast goes wide, shattering the window on the store behind the criminal.

The other submachinegun wielding criminal takes aim at the cop, then looks past her, and right at you. You can't see it at this distance, but her eyes widen. "CAPE! CAPE OVER THERE!" She shuffles backwards, and fires a burst from her SMG. As soon as she levels her gun at you, you reach back and raise your shield. You close your eyes as you hear, and feel several bullets, all meant for your midsection, hit your shield. Even bracing your shield arm with your other arm, you're pushed backwards slightly at each hit.

While this is happening, the assault rifle wielding criminal looks at you, then to the side to her fallen cohort with the briefcase, then at her other friend whose firing at you, fires a few rounds in your general direction, then sprints towards the briefcase.

It looks like the tide is turning. You've taken out the armored guy, one of the cops took out another one, a third is hiding in the van, and the fourth is running for the briefcase. But then, you see the armored thug slowly get back up. Their armor has burns on it, and you're pretty sure their faceplate is melted, but they're not done yet. Still, they can't get back to their feet yet, they're leaning against the back of the van, using it as support. They take aim right at you and is about to fire.

[] Create a barrier. Hopefully it's strong enough to tank the bullets.
[] Run to dodge the gunfire. You don't need to outrun the bullet. Which is good, because you can't. You just need to outrun the aim of the person holding the gun.
[] Use magic on them again. Maybe this time it'll take them down.
[] Write in.
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