Can anyone explain to me what is up with this part:

"The tip of a finger glides along the floor as well, and you make a note to try and avoid it if you have to fight."

Someone lose a finger or stealth person? Why avoid it? Its snack/prey
That's Sein. Remember, she's got a camera in her finger and can move through objects.

Need to look for Tool as well. Send out a clone to handle and capture her will be a good idea. Flan doing her job properly and professional will leave better impression and records with the Bureau about Flan. Better impression and better record mean more freedom and leeway for Flan on how she could handle her mission.
Basically, I'm leaving Flandre in charge of the fighting. If Flandre wants to deploy clones to take care of the extra while she's doing something else, she can. If she judges it best to move the fight out into the wooden village full of civilians for some reason, she can.
[X] Inform them of who you are.
-[X] Afterwards, Attack fast to subdue in the middle of their reaction.
--[X] Try to lure the battle outside of the chruch.
--[X] Focus yourself on Carmilla. She seems like the most dangerous of the two.
--[X] Send your clones after Tool. She seems like the least dangerous of the two.
---[X] If they use lethal force, respond in kind.
----[X] If you get a break, activate Loki.
That's Sein. Remember, she's got a camera in her finger and can move through objects.
I think they're just trolling. Considering they don't seem to have really payed any attention to the quest so far. And instantly jumped straight to "KILL KILL KILL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" when Flandre's been trying /not/ to do that.
...Do we really need the wall vote? I mean, that just seems like micromanaging to me when general options seems to be the same thing as far as end results are.
...Do we really need the wall vote? I mean, that just seems like micromanaging to me when general options seems to be the same thing as far as end results are.

It's more control to me. Flandre seems unpredictable in terms of voting sometimes.

'Sides, I find it more dramatic and practical. It makes sense that Flandre would do this, especially right after they just insulted her entire family. Even if we didn't vote for it, I reckon it would of become it, Since "Take a walk" translated into ripping out a tree and throwing it at supersonic speed. And that was for a bit of rudeness. This? Not so much.
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It's more control to me. Flandre seems unpredictable in terms of voting sometimes.

'Sides, I find it more dramatic and practical. It makes sense that Flandre would do this, especially right after they just insulted her entire family. Even if we didn't vote for it, I reckon it would of become it, Since "Take a walk" translated into ripping out a tree and throwing it at supersonic speed. And that was for a bit of rudeness. This? Not so much.
So because votes would be micromanaging, it control her temper?

Meh, I don't buy that argument and don't care for it. I just hate micromanaging votes in general, as if everything will play out exactly as stated.
So because votes would be micromanaging, it control her temper?

Meh, I don't buy that argument and don't care for it. I just hate micromanaging votes in general, as if everything will play out exactly as stated.

I wholeheartedly agree. The tides of battle can change at any time, especially with an enigmatic character like Flandre. However, we must remember that some level of player control would be established, even if it is low.

It is a plan though, and it is not that long. It's mostly just to establish a set of basic outlines for movement, that's it. If I wanted to micromanage it, I would have made it a lot longer.

Sorry, during the binge, i started skimming later/recent posts cause sleepy.


EDIT: Just remembered that we haven't done anything with the Soul Gems. Weren't we going to do something with them the last time we were here before we were rudely interrupted?
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[X] Inform them of who you are and that they're under arrest.
-[X] Then ask them to quickly refuse so you can have fun.
[X] Attack to subdue as soon as they do so.

Sorry, during the binge, i started skimming later/recent posts cause sleepy.
Flan is trying to be more mature and restrained, since she's been trying to earn her sister's approval. She's made remarkable progress from chapter 1, where 'Torture, maim, kill, giggle disconcertingly' was the order of the day.
Right now, especially, she's essentially a mercenary hired by the mage police. Instantly resorting to lethal force is frowned upon, and she's suppose to follow the RoE: Inform them they're under arrest. When they resist, subdue with the minimum necessary force. If they resort to lethal attacks, then Flandre is authorized to kill them if she has to. (Which, given her power level comparative to everything else, is unlikely.)
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[Jk] She mentioned a family … see if you can go with them if they promise to let the people live.
- [jk] if it works, "arrest" them once were out of the church or in their hideout or whatever they're taking you too


In actuality I'm voting for this.

[X] Inform them of who you are and that they're under arrest.
-[X] Then ask them to quickly refuse so you can have fun.
[X] Attack to subdue as soon as they do so.
Not entirely unlikely, since Flandre's fighting style isn't geared towards nonlethal takedowns, if someone's strong enough she might have to at least maim them to stop them.
Non-lethal just means they're alive afterwords. As long as they can eventually heal enough to talk, then it's perfectly acceptable.
She's strong enough to keep from actually killing them outright, but yeah, I expect 'minimum necessary force' to include missing limbs and shattered bones more often than not, given the relative power levels of anything that Flandre is likely to be considered as a valid response to.
[X] She mentioned a family … see if you can go with them if they promise to let the people live.
-[X] if it works, "arrest" them once were out of the church or in their hideout or whatever they're taking you too

Oh those guys from Nanoha Force. Lets get to their ship first before we take them all
Votes are not locked.
Adhoc vote count started by Entropy Judge on May 19, 2018 at 11:00 AM, finished with 11392 posts and 14 votes.

  • [x] Attack to subdue.
    - [x] Focus on Carmilla.
    [X] Inform them of who you are and that they're under arrest.
    -[X] Then ask them to quickly refuse so you can have fun.
    [X] Attack to subdue as soon as they do so.
    [X] Inform them of who you are.
    -[X] Afterwards, Attack fast to subdue in the middle of their reaction.
    --[X] Try to lure the battle outside of the chruch.
    --[X] Focus yourself on Carmilla. She seems like the most dangerous of the two.
    --[X] Send your clones after Tool. She seems like the least dangerous of the two.
    ---[X] If they use lethal force, respond in kind.
    ----[X] If you get a break, activate Loki.
    [X] Try to lure them out of the church and possibility somewhere outside of the village as well to capture them.
    - [X] Deploy your clones to capture both of them.
    - [X] Left one of your church back in the church invisible just in case they try something.
    [x] Kill them.
    [X] She mentioned a family … see if you can go with them if they promise to let the people live.
    -[X] if it works, "arrest" them once were out of the church or in their hideout or whatever they're taking you too
Doesn't mean jack. You're jumping on a conclusion without a shred of proof.

Hope for the best, Expect for the worst.

While I do agree that it is possible that there are not more out there, I doubt 2 guys, vampires or not (they are still young) would decide to attack the entire saints church by themselves. Too risky, and they would not have enough maneuverability to target multiple worlds at once, and I doubt that they have learnt dimensional transfer spells if they are what we think they are. They, at the very least, have some kind of ship. And if they have a ship, they have crew.

If they did, though, then this is going to be a tough battle; I doubt that they met light resistance on their little crusade.
Votes are locked. Update should be up in a couple hours.

*Reads theories*
Adhoc vote count started by Entropy Judge on May 20, 2018 at 10:34 PM, finished with 11398 posts and 14 votes.

  • [x] Attack to subdue.
    - [x] Focus on Carmilla.
    [X] Inform them of who you are and that they're under arrest.
    -[X] Then ask them to quickly refuse so you can have fun.
    [X] Attack to subdue as soon as they do so.
    [X] Inform them of who you are.
    -[X] Afterwards, Attack fast to subdue in the middle of their reaction.
    --[X] Try to lure the battle outside of the chruch.
    --[X] Focus yourself on Carmilla. She seems like the most dangerous of the two.
    --[X] Send your clones after Tool. She seems like the least dangerous of the two.
    ---[X] If they use lethal force, respond in kind.
    ----[X] If you get a break, activate Loki.
    [X] Try to lure them out of the church and possibility somewhere outside of the village as well to capture them.
    - [X] Deploy your clones to capture both of them.
    - [X] Left one of your church back in the church invisible just in case they try something.
    [x] Kill them.
    [X] She mentioned a family … see if you can go with them if they promise to let the people live.
    -[X] if it works, "arrest" them once were out of the church or in their hideout or whatever they're taking you too
Church Defended
[X] Attack to subdue.
- [X] Focus on Carmilla.

You force your anger down as Carmilla extends her hand. You're acting for the Bureau right now, not your sister or yourself, so as much as you'd like to spend some time making that woman's death slow and excruciating, you really should try to take her prisoner. And … you are supposed to make sure they have a chance to surrender. What a nuisance. You take a deep breath. "My name is Flandre Scarlet, and I am here as an officer of the Time-Space Administration Bureau." Carmilla draws back and you take the opportunity to activate Loki, and you smile and flare your wings as the scintillating orb fades. "If you surrender now, I won't hurt you." Your clones dart out, flanking you and flying above, and Carmilla and Tool set themselves defensively - and that's enough hostile intent for you to act. Your clones swoop on Tool, carrying it out of the church, but you simply leap to Carmilla, put your hand against her torso, and shove. Hard.

Tool disperses your clones with a surge of magic, but as it turns to face you a clone stitches it from behind with danmaku, chittering nastily. Carmilla rises to her feet and snarls at you as you walk out of the church. "Ungrateful little bitch! I'll enjoy tearing you apart!" She changes, her forearms elongating and her legs shortening, and her mouth distends interestingly, revealing three rows of hooked fangs in her lower jaw and two in her upper, as well as a thick cow-like tongue that sweeps around the teeth. You grin and dart forward again, stopping just out of reach of her attempt to snatch you out of the air. You catch her right arm and dart to the side, hurling her off to your left - but instead of cartwheeling down the slope, she slams into a shimmering barrier that you hadn't noticed and shrieks in outrage. She shrieks again, a loud and high-pitched sound, and charges toward you, using all four limbs to get some extra speed, but when she tries to backhand you, you simply catch her arm and hold your position, letting her slam into your set shoulder. Then you lash out, a fairly clumsy punch that nonetheless manages to snap one of her ribs, and she gasps in shock and pain.

Tool is doing fairly well for itself, sidestepping your clones, putting up small barriers, and responding with precise bolts of magic. You frown at magic circles she uses, though - they're a dark golden color, but they don't glow the way every other magic circle you've seen does. They simply … hang there, dull and lifeless, spitting out energy or blocking your clones. Of course, Tool did seem to be having problems earlier … before you can give your clones a command to ease up, however, Tool floats into the air, presses its hands together as it praying - and sprays bolts of lightning all around it. Two of your clones flop away uselessly, bodies broken by the new attack, but the third darts out of range in time, the bolts tracking it smashing holes in the front of the church.

You don't allow yourself to get too distracted by Tool's counterattack, of course, and when Carmilla lunges forward - much more quickly than she'd moved before, but still far slower than you can move - you catch her arm again and swing her up, over your head, and down into the ground. Her shoulder crunches most pleasantly, and you giggle at her agonized screams. Then Tool vanishes, darting behind you, and you spin just enough to hold out your left hand as it thrusts its right arm forward - and with its arm comes a torrent of lightning and dead-gold magic.

You blink your eyes open, wondering faintly why you're now inside the church, then shake your head and float upright. You hear the civilians gasp in horror - or perhaps awe, given the mutterings of 'Kaiserin' you hear - and Father Maurice stares pale-faced at the ruin of your torso. You shrug with your right shoulder as your body rebuilds itself. "Sorry about the mess," you say with a grin, and the congregation drops almost as one to their knees. Another burst of magic attracts your attention - your third clone being blown apart by Tool to buy you time - and you send your clones out first to keep the mage away from you and Carmilla. The mage is obviously the more dangerous combatant, at least for you, but if you can get Carmilla subdued then Tool should give up.

Speaking of the monstrous woman, she gapes in surprise at your recovery when you slam into her, and you grin as you shove her against the barrier. "You … your arm! How …-?!" Her gurgling, slurring voice trails off into a keening cry as you drive your wingtips into her shoulders. It's funny that something like her would ask that question, given that her own injuries seem to have healed from your beatings.

"Last time I ask nicely, girl. Surrender." Carmilla coughs and tries to snap at you with her distended jaw.

"My husband will come for me! He loves me!" You can't help but notice the quiver in her body at her declaration, however. You let her fall to the ground and ready to lunge at you, then slam into her again, driving your shoulder into the lower part of her sternum and relishing the snap of the bone. More importantly, however, is the collapse of the barrier in a series of dead-gold sparks, and with it the strange buzzing - and, concurrently, the collapse of Tool, its magic giving way and letting it fall to the ground. Only the intervention of your clones keeps it from breaking its neck. Carmilla, however, looks on with fear. "No! NO! Tool! Tool, you useless bitch, get up!" She heaves desperately at you, but you simply turn her around, dislocate her shoulder, and drive her into the dirt. "Tool! Get us home! Now! TOOL!" You frown down at the now-sobbing Carmilla. Perhaps she isn't a mage - like you, she needs someone else to use magic? But just what is wrong with Tool? It just lies there, breathing shallowly as your clones stare down at it … you call them back and have them stay on Carmilla, then go to look at the fallen mage.

Its … her breathing is shallow, as you feel the weakly-rising chest. And you don't need to remove the black gloves to see the twist of badly-healed broken fingers. You do pull the gauzy mask up away from her face - and stare at one that is quite familiar to you. Or would be, if not for all the damage. If it weren't for the angry, badly-healed scar on her throat and the missing tongue. If it weren't for the dimness of the red eyes, and the way the left one wanders lazily even when she stares at you. If it weren't for the bruises on the right side of her face, and the crookedness on the left that indicates a broken jaw. If she were six years older … if she were six years older and undamaged, she would look just like Fate.

Instead, she's dying.

And that presents a bit of a problem, because you don't know why someone who looks just like Fate is wandering around helping someone attack the Church, but it's probably not a good thing. You pull the mask back down and look down at her. You could go call Fate, bring her down here, explain what's going on and let her decide … but then who knows what you'd be dragged into. You could just kill her - break her and be done with it, or kill her properly and bury her - and then either explain to Fate privately or refuse to explain at all. Or you could just have the Bureau take her aboard the ship to see if she can be treated and not worry about the repercussions, because you'd just be doing your job ….

"Is everything under control? Need any help, or anything?" You snap your gaze to Sein and she reflexively takes a step back, arms held up non-threateningly. "Just, uh … wondering. Everyone wants to know if you're fine, is all."

What do you do?

[ ] Kill Tool.
- [ ] Break her.
- [ ] Kill her and bury her.

[ ] Take them both up to the ship.
- [ ] Try to keep Tool's identity a secret.
- - [ ] From Fate.
- - [ ] From the rest of the ship.

[ ] Call Fate down to the planet and let her decide how to deal with Tool.

[ ] Other?