Her Mantle Is Love

[X] "You've been trying to do the work of three priestesses, and it's a blatant miracle you've held on this long. Go get some damn sleep: I'll do your duties for today."
[X] "I'm sorry for the mess I made out of yesterday, I didn't mean to stress you even more than you already were..."
[X] "- I'm not going to force you to drop the First Quarter rite, but - is there anything I can do to help? You're seriously under-prepared..."
[X] "Is there anything I can do for you, anything at all?"
[X] "May I hug you?"
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[X] "I'm sorry for the mess I made out of yesterday, I didn't mean to stress you even more than you already were..."
[X] "Is there anything I can do to help comfort you? Read you a book? Give you a massage? Have sex? I'm your Sister, we look out for each other -"
[X] "- I'm not going to force you to drop the First Quarter rite, but - is there anything I can do to help? You're seriously under-prepared..."
[X] "Is there anything I can do for you, anything at all?"
[X] "May I hug you?"
@odlawzein: Leaving the spaces in the vote boxes makes auto-tally ignore them, so please try to avoid that.

That said: four votes isn't much of a pain to hand-tally, so I'll just do that.

Tally as of Kappa: (4 Votes)

Sorry for the mess: 4
Anything I can do?: 4

You're under-prepared: 2
Doing the work of three: 2
Hug: 2
I'm doing First Quarter: 2

Kumi will take over your duties: 1​
Help comfort her: 1
Report on her week: 1

Votes in Bold will be included in the post: votes in Italics may or may not be included at my whim. I'm hoping to have a more in-depth mechanics post up soon.
[X] "Is there anything I can do to help comfort you? Read you a book? Give you a massage? Have sex? I'm your Sister, we look out for each other -"
[X] "- I'm not going to force you to drop the First Quarter rite, but - is there anything I can do to help? You're seriously under-prepared..."
[X] "Is there anything I can do for you, anything at all?"
[X] "May I hug you?"
Mechanics: How People Work
Mechanics, pt 0: How People Work

Her Mantle is Love uses a freeform system tempered by dice rolls. Many updates have this dice system somewhat elided, to a greater or lesser degree: it should be treated as descriptive, not prescriptive, as it is used more often to concretely describe a potential consequence or a character's current state than to directly determine outcomes.

As such, it's more important to understand how I model people in this quest than how I mechanically represent that model.

The following is Mantle's model of human behavior, before any numbers or dice get involved:

Human Nature:
1: Everyone has the same basic emotional drives.
2: However, individuals attach different value and meaning to these same emotional drives.
3: Emotional drives aren't constantly active: something has to make that drive relevant to the current situation.
4: Once a drive "wakes up", it won't go back to sleep until it's either satisfied or deliberately suppressed.
5: Sometimes this means persistent drives get in the way of useful work.
6: Suppressing inconvenient drives takes willpower.
7: You can also use willpower to deliberately wake a useful drive, also known as "motivating yourself."
8: People have a limited reserve of willpower to spend from.
9: Willpower primarily regenerates during sleep.
10: Obeying your drives takes no willpower at all.

Human Conflict:
1: When people get into a conflict, it's because there's some goal at stake.
2: Goals are more commonly emotional than practical.
3: You win a conflict when your opponent allows you to complete your goal.
4: This may be accomplished in the following ways:
I. Make them want you to achieve your goal. (Persuade them.)
II. Form a mutual compromise with them. (Barter with them.)
III. Deal with whatever obstacles they produce. (Ignore them.)
IV. Escalate the conflict until they give in. (Bully them.)
V. Render them unable to object. (Destroy them.)​
5: The following techniques are commonly used towards this purpose:
I. Convince them that your goal is good. (Teach them.)
II. Convince them to make an exception for you. (Appeal to them.)
III. Offer them something else they value in exchange. (Tempt them.)
IV. Give them something more interesting to do. (Distract them.)
V. Wear them down through persistence. (Exhaust them.)
VI. Make them worry for something they care about. (Threaten them.)
VII. Hurt them until they can no longer resist you. (Attack them.)​
6: Options higher up these lists are generally preferred.
7: The more someone cares about a goal, the further down each of these lists they will go in order to achieve it.

Human Suffering:
1: People become stressed when their goals can't be achieved through willpower.
2: As people become more stressed, everything else seems less important.
3: When people are highly stressed, their will becomes unable to control their drives.
4: Chronic or intense stress produces coping mechanisms.
5: These coping mechanisms often take the form of dangerously untrue beliefs.
6: Once learned, these untrue beliefs are as hard to unlearn as any honestly held value.

These are the fifteen common human drives, organized into groups of three simply because my brain likes organizing things into groups. (It helps me remember them on the spot.)

Primal Drives Satiation Drives Self-Image Drives Resource Drives Empathic Drives
Survival Sex Companionship Wealth Retribution
Safety Fun Belonging Power Duty
Freedom Relaxation Respect Knowledge Compassion
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Thank you~

(I find I want to poke at the categories. Feel free to ignore me.)

Primal Slack Togetherness Resource Strength
Survival Freedom Companionship Wealth Retribution
Safety Fun Belonging Power Duty
Sex Relaxation Compassion Knowledge Respect
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[X] "You've been trying to do the work of three priestesses, and it's a blatant miracle you've held on this long. Go get some damn sleep: I'll do your duties for today."
[X] "I'm sorry for the mess I made out of yesterday, I didn't mean to stress you even more than you already were..."
[X] "I'm doing the First Quarter rite, and that's final. I'll spend the day getting to know the supplicants: Kumi will attend to your other duties, she's got nothing better to do anyway."
[X] "Tell us everything that's happened in the last week."
[X] "Is there anything I can do for you, anything at all?"
[X] "May I hug you?"
Final Tally:
Adhoc vote count started by Evenstar on May 15, 2018 at 5:59 PM, finished with 13 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] "Is there anything I can do for you, anything at all?"
    [X] "I'm sorry for the mess I made out of yesterday, I didn't mean to stress you even more than you already were..."
    [X] "May I hug you?"
    [X] "You've been trying to do the work of three priestesses, and it's a blatant miracle you've held on this long. Go get some damn sleep: I'll do your duties for today."
    [X] "- I'm not going to force you to drop the First Quarter rite, but - is there anything I can do to help? You're seriously under-prepared..."
    [X] "I'm doing the First Quarter rite, and that's final. I'll spend the day getting to know the supplicants: Kumi will attend to your other duties, she's got nothing better to do anyway."
    [X] "Tell us everything that's happened in the last week."
    [X] "Is there anything I can do to help comfort you? Read you a book? Give you a massage? Have sex? I'm your Sister, we look out for each other -"
    [X] "I'm doing the First Quarter rite, and that's final. I'll spend the day getting to know the supplicants"
Hoarding, Pt. 2
"- is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all?"

Tasha sighs. "Well, you don't get to handle the press: you have have no head for it, and I've already been Official Spokeswoman, so that's out. You don't get to try and get Rose to open up: she doesn't know you half as well as she knows me, and this sort of thing is terribly delicate. You absolutely don't get to manage the Liath situation, you're too close to it to be impartial. So..."

"...can I hug you, at least?"

She smiles tiredly. "You may hug me."

You get up from the bed, and carefully embrace her. It's a little awkward with her in a chair like this, but you get the feeling across.

"...thank you," she murmurs in your ear.

"What are Sisters for?"

Kumi raises a finger. "You mean besides sex?"

You sigh, rubbing the bridge of your nose. "Now is not the time, Kumi."

"I just thought she might need a laugh, don't get your -"

Tasha waves her down. "So - alright, fine. Elisandra will do First Quarter. Kumi, if you want to help me, get Ishaza to take over handling the press, then do whatever work she has to shove out of her schedule as a result. And get me a coffee."

"...how many hours of sleep did you get last night?"

"Not enough. Eli - you're sure you want to do this?"

"- I'd feel terrible if I didn't. For a bunch of reasons, including the fact that I've helped stress you out."

"I keep telling you not to try and pay me back for that -"

"Just like I keep telling you not to overwork yourself?"

"- I already agreed to let you do First Quarter, I don't know what more you want."

You glance over at Kumi. "And you ask me why I'm working so hard?"

"Yeah, yeah."

"Well then - "

"- it's decided. "

"Tasha, do you have any appointments today?"

She blinks blearily. "I - don't think so..."

"Then you're going directly to bed."

"Do not pass go."


Kumi rolls her eyes. "You were supposed to say 'do not collect two hundred dollars', Eli. Come on, get up on human culture!"

"I think you're a little too high on human culture already, Kumi."

"Pish posh. Now come on, Tasha, let's get you to bed. Eli, you'll watch the supplicants?"

"Yeah. Go get her to bed."

"Don't I get a say in this?"

You and Kumi answer simultaneously.



Once Kumi has pried Tasha out of her comfy chair and herded her out the door, you take a moment to consider your plan for the supplicants. You have a whole lot of people to get to know, and not a lot of time to get to know them in.

((Pick one from each category.))
[ ] Start by finding and talking to the social butterflies. Outgoing people will know more people, and be better at introducing you.
[ ] Start by approaching introverts and outcasts: they'll be the hardest to reach, so you should start working on it as soon as possible.
[ ] Start by announcing that you're replacing Tasha in the First Quarter rite: the supplicants deserve to know as soon as possible, and that way, they'll come to you.
[ ] Start by looking for the supplicants you have yet to meet even casually: you need to know everyone before you can focus your efforts appropriately.

[ ] Work shallow. Try to get to know as many people as possible, so you'll be at least an acquaintance to everyone.
[ ] Work deep. Try to find the people with the most issues around the upcoming Rite, and become close enough with them to get them to open up.
[ ] Work indirect. Spend your time finding people with the acumen to be junior priestesses, then task them with making sure the rest of the supplicants know how things are going to work.

[ ] Work wide. Prioritize getting a fast read of the crowd over getting an accurate impression of every individual.
[ ] Work narrow. Prioritize getting an accurate picture of each individual person in the room over understanding the greater social network.
[ ] Work the cliques. Try to identify the major social groups, then focus on understanding their leaders.

[ ] Name or describe a supplicant you want Elisandra to specifically seek out.
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[x] Start by looking for the supplicants you have yet to meet even casually: you need to know everyone before you can focus your efforts appropriately.
[x] Work shallow. Try to get to know as many people as possible, so you'll be at least an acquaintance to everyone.
[x] Work narrow. Prioritize getting an accurate picture of each individual person in the room over understanding the greater social network.
[X] Start by announcing that you're replacing Tasha in the First Quarter rite: the supplicants deserve to know as soon as possible, and that way, they'll come to you.

I'm a little worried that that might invite resentment and other complicating emotions, but, like, better now than later.

[X] Work narrow. Prioritize getting an accurate picture of each individual person in the room over understanding the greater social network.

We're not having sex with the social network.

I don't feel like I have a clear enough opinion on shallow-deep-indirect.
[x] Start by looking for the supplicants you have yet to meet even casually: you need to know everyone before you can focus your efforts appropriately.
[x] Work shallow. Try to get to know as many people as possible, so you'll be at least an acquaintance to everyone.
[x] Work narrow. Prioritize getting an accurate picture of each individual person in the room over understanding the greater social network.
[X] Aura
[x] Start by looking for the supplicants you have yet to meet even casually: you need to know everyone before you can focus your efforts appropriately.
[x] Work shallow. Try to get to know as many people as possible, so you'll be at least an acquaintance to everyone.
[x] Work narrow. Prioritize getting an accurate picture of each individual person in the room over understanding the greater social network.
[x] Start by looking for the supplicants you have yet to meet even casually: you need to know everyone before you can focus your efforts appropriately.
[x] Work shallow. Try to get to know as many people as possible, so you'll be at least an acquaintance to everyone.
[x] Work narrow. Prioritize getting an accurate picture of each individual person in the room over understanding the greater social network.
[X] Start by announcing that you're replacing Tasha in the First Quarter rite: the supplicants deserve to know as soon as possible, and that way, they'll come to you.

We need to put this up soon, there will be no surprises.

[x] Work shallow. Try to get to know as many people as possible, so you'll be at least an acquaintance to everyone.

I don't think we're subtle enough for indirect and we have a lot to do so this will have to make do.

[X] Work the cliques. Try to identify the major social groups, then focus on understanding their leaders.

Ties up with above, I don't think we have a lot of time, while crowd seems too out of touch, I think cliques generally have the same thoughts and views so we could use it enough to get a glimpse of the picture
if that's make sense?
[X] Start by finding and talking to the social butterflies. Outgoing people will know more people, and be better at introducing you.

[X] Work indirect. Spend your time finding people with the acumen to be junior priestesses, then task them with making sure the rest of the supplicants know how things are going to work.

[X] Work the cliques. Try to identify the major social groups, then focus on understanding their leaders.

Delegation should give us a good number of participants and we can then gain general knowledge of every group. Sounds like a efficient way to cover large amounts of people given the short amount of time we have.
[X] Start by looking for the supplicants you have yet to meet even casually: you need to know everyone before you can focus your efforts appropriately.

[X] Work deep. Try to find the people with the most issues around the upcoming Rite, and become close enough with them to get them to open up.

[X] Work narrow. Prioritize getting an accurate picture of each individual person in the room over understanding the greater social network.
[X] Start by announcing that you're replacing Tasha in the First Quarter rite: the supplicants deserve to know as soon as possible, and that way, they'll come to you.

Open and honest is the best policy.

[X] Work deep. Try to find the people with the most issues around the upcoming Rite, and become close enough with them to get them to open up.

I feel like prioritizing the people who are having issues is a better idea than working with everyone; it's better to try and get everyone as equally comfortable as possible, and that means starting with the ones at a lower baseline.

[X] Work narrow. Prioritize getting an accurate picture of each individual person in the room over understanding the greater social network.

Odds are the ones who are going to need the most help are the ones not part of the cliques, or at least not leading them.
[X] Start by announcing that you're replacing Tasha in the First Quarter rite: the supplicants deserve to know as soon as possible, and that way, they'll come to you.

I trust Eli to handle this respectfully and tactfully, but if there is some possibility that she won't, I will change my vote. That said, I firmly believe that
I'm a little worried that that might invite resentment and other complicating emotions, but, like, better now than later
might be the motto of this quest.

[x] Work shallow. Try to get to know as many people as possible, so you'll be at least an acquaintance to everyone.

I really, really want to work deep, but consider we have a day (I think?) to get to know over a dozen people, I'm not sure we have the time to do that. If we have met everyone and have time left over, I like to spend more time with the people who have issues around the First Quarter Rite, but that come second to meeting everyone.

If I thought we could meet meet everyone, I would totally go deep.

[X] Work narrow. Prioritize getting an accurate picture of each individual person in the room over understanding the greater social network.

We're not having sex with the social network.
I agree completely.

As for why I didn't vote for any of the delegation options, sex is personal, it's intimate, and I am not confident that we can develop that kind of closeness through other people.
Tally of 10 votes:
Adhoc vote count started by Evenstar on May 16, 2018 at 11:50 AM, finished with 12 posts and 10 votes.

  • [x] Work narrow. Prioritize getting an accurate picture of each individual person in the room over understanding the greater social network.
    [x] Work shallow. Try to get to know as many people as possible, so you'll be at least an acquaintance to everyone.
    [x] Start by looking for the supplicants you have yet to meet even casually: you need to know everyone before you can focus your efforts appropriately.
    [X] Start by announcing that you're replacing Tasha in the First Quarter rite: the supplicants deserve to know as soon as possible, and that way, they'll come to you.
    [X] Work the cliques. Try to identify the major social groups, then focus on understanding their leaders.
    [X] Work deep. Try to find the people with the most issues around the upcoming Rite, and become close enough with them to get them to open up.
    [X] Aura
    [X] Start by finding and talking to the social butterflies. Outgoing people will know more people, and be better at introducing you.
    [X] Work indirect. Spend your time finding people with the acumen to be junior priestesses, then task them with making sure the rest of the supplicants know how things are going to work.
[X] Start by looking for the supplicants you have yet to meet even casually: you need to know everyone before you can focus your efforts appropriately.
[X] Work deep. Try to find the people with the most issues around the upcoming Rite, and become close enough with them to get them to open up.
[X] Work the cliques. Try to identify the major social groups, then focus on understanding their leaders.
Argument for Working the cliques - we need to cover as many people as possible so majority of people will be comfortable with sudden changes to the Rite which are happening. Once we cover large amounts of people, we have at least secured a general base for our participation in the Rite and know most of the people willing to do it. I feel that is more important compared to integrating everybody in this specific circumstance, since cliques cover the larger constituency of our users.

E: Like, people are more willing to listen to their local social leaders whom they trust over a new person. Winning these crucial few people will make interacting comfortably with these crowds in general much easier.
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[x] Start by announcing that you're replacing Tasha in the First Quarter rite: the supplicants deserve to know as soon as possible, and that way, they'll come to you.
[x] Work indirect. Spend your time finding people with the acumen to be junior priestesses, then task them with making sure the rest of the supplicants know how things are going to work.
[x] Work wide. Prioritize getting a fast read of the crowd over getting an accurate impression of every individual.
[X] Start by looking for the supplicants you have yet to meet even casually: you need to know everyone before you can focus your efforts appropriately.
[X] Work deep. Try to find the people with the most issues around the upcoming Rite, and become close enough with them to get them to open up.
[X] Work narrow. Prioritize getting an accurate picture of each individual person in the room over understanding the greater social network.