Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

Balanced gives us more metal and marble to work with though which will help with building up.
thats true! :D


oh and remember guys, the deal only lasts until they unite with your own nation.
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[X] Balanced deal
-Midna gives you the use of 4 mages, 600 units of iron, 400 units of marble, and 300 rupees per turn.
-You give Midna 4 food levels, and 500 wood per turn.
[X] Balanced deal
-Midna gives you the use of 4 mages, 600 units of iron, 400 units of marble, and 300 rupees per turn.
-You give Midna 4 food levels, and 500 wood per turn.

Well would you look at that, nothings on fire.

[X] Balanced deal
-Midna gives you the use of 4 mages, 600 units of iron, 400 units of marble, and 300 rupees per turn.
-You give Midna 4 food levels, and 500 wood per turn.

@san How is the combining going to work, will we gain Midna as a hero and gain or have to chose between any advisers she currently has?
[X] Balanced deal
-Midna gives you the use of 4 mages, 600 units of iron, 400 units of marble, and 300 rupees per turn.
-You give Midna 4 food levels, and 500 wood per turn.

Yes! We got both the wifu and her race, and with the personal union, we may be able to absorb them as well.
[X] Balanced deal

well this sounds pretty good, just have to survive the moblins for this turn, heck maybe we will even be able to weaken them!
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vote will stay open until I see 10 votes or 9 more hours pass (every vote lowers the amount of time I wait.)
[X] Balanced deal
-Midna gives you the use of 4 mages, 600 units of iron, 400 units of marble, and 300 rupees per turn.
-You give Midna 4 food levels, and 500 wood per turn.

Having the mages is good to help us finally get some magic in our forces, while the iron and marble will be good to patch up anything that is damaged while we take care of the moblins. Best of both I think is best.
[X] Balanced deal
-Midna gives you the use of 4 mages, 600 units of iron, 400 units of marble, and 300 rupees per turn.
-You give Midna 4 food levels, and 500 wood per turn.

Welp this is uplifting after watching so many charcters die yesterday this is good
[X] Balanced deal
-Midna gives you the use of 4 mages, 600 units of iron, 400 units of marble, and 300 rupees per turn.
-You give Midna 4 food levels, and 500 wood per turn.
ARC 1: Midna diplomacy Mini-turn: Part 3 Final part and sappy Romance stuff. Vote on next miniturn I should do.
Link decided to reply without words, and leaped towards her holding her in his arms and kissing her so suddenly that Midna gave a little gasp of shock before melting into his lips. As the kiss continued on they began feeling each other up all over their bodies before the clothes came off and the fun began.


The next morning Link woke up with Midna in his arms, the two of them having slept together for the night sharing the same bedroll. Link brushed Midna's orange hair away from her beautiful blue face and waited for her to wake up. Eventually his petting of her face and hair did wake her up as she opened her eyes blearily and unfocused until she saw Link's face and smile and she realized where she was and why. Once that happened her eyes lit up in joy at remembering the turn her life just took.

"I love you" The two said together smiling in happiness. They continued to lay there simply basking in the others presence until the need to use the bathroom finally crept up on them and they had to part to drain their bladders.

After they returned to the clearing and began cleaning up Midna noticed something different about Link.

"Your eyes changed! Your teeth too!" Midna yelled in shock.

Link started in surprise before sticking his fingers in his mouth and feeling his teeth for himself. He found that he now had far more pronounced and sharper canines and front teeth, though his back teeth remained the same.

"Oh just that much change. It is fine Midna I figured this would happen, Shad told me that is I take to long to do what we did then I might experience some changes anyway. From now on though I highly doubt I will see anymore changes, at worst I will experience one more during the two years it takes you to move your people into our Kingdom before we get married." Link stated with a small smile.

"Oh, alright then. So long as it is not anything mental or big I guess its ok..." Midna said smiling back.

"Glad you agree. Now then I figured we should go with this deal for the two years it will take you to fully move all your people to the southeast. It will give us enough mages and materials to help out in the soon to come battle, plus it will give us plenty of materials to train more troops and get the Temples built faster. It also should avoid depriving you of too many resources or mages so as to not harm your own war effort."

"Alright." Midna agreed signing the deal alongside Link formalizing the agreement between their two nations with the promise of them soon uniting into one greater whole. afterwards they continued to just sit together and kiss while eating their breakfast.

"*sigh* I wish we could stay together for awhile longer but I really should get the mages prepped and ready to leave along with the resources. I will be sending some extra so as to transport the resources via teleportation. Don't expect to be able to do it regularly though, it takes awhile and a lot of power, the only reason why they can teleport so much is thanks to the fact I will be giving them a boost, even then they will be exhausted after just the one teleport. " Midna said breaking apart from Link with a sigh.

"Alright, I will head back on Epona then and get the food and wood ready to go, I should have it all ready in the next two months so send the mages to arrive around then." Link promised giving Midna a hug and kiss goodbye.

"Thats fine, Lets get everything done swiftly ok? That way we might be able to be together just that much faster." Midna smiled at Link after kissing him before they parted one final time before she teleported out. Leaving Link to finish packing the last few things away and saddling Epona before riding her as swiftly as possible while keeping the pace for hours back home to his kingdom. He had a lot of preparing to do so he could get married to Midna.

Miniturn ends here.

There you go, the last of the sappy romance stuff for awhile. I hope you guys appreciate how much pain it causes me to write this kind of stuff! I was gagging the whole way through. lol :rolleyes:

Now, which of the two Miniturns do you want next?

[] West Kingdom Diplomacy

[] Faith Advisor choice

happy voting and enjoy the double Update! :D
Alright I have also updated the Nation status to show the trade deal, check it out if you want.
[X] West Kingdom Diplomacy

this is going to be fun!

also great to see sans have to get mouthwash :D but seriously that was decent enough for a sappy moment for the two who dearly care for each other. soon enough things will be looking up! (also next turn guys as soon as were done, get shit together and get the temples up!!! we are going to need them!)

also we might want to discover more ways to get food surplus, cant have to much food as well as ways to store it!

again also find more resources. lets get snowballing!