Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

actually no free trade is basically letting your merchants have fun, all your resources are government controlled. So all the free trade does is boost both nations trade income based off of the resources available and their value, and how nearby the kingdoms are/how safe and easy it is to travel between them. So basically atm that does literally nothing.
Oh I did not know that, i did not know that all.

This right here is why i don't do diplomacy. Politics sure, war you betcha, but not diplomacy, to many damn little details and wording choices that can screw you up.

Although on the bright side it makes the marriage offer more appealing since joining our kingdoms together would mean they get unlimited access to our food supply so at least theirs that.
I leave for 3 days and come back with no san update for shame.:V
Anyway nice Twili page was gonna suggest a free resource package thing but you know too late and all that.
I leave for 3 days and come back with no san update for shame.:V
Anyway nice Twili page was gonna suggest a free resource package thing but you know too late and all that.
sry dude almost got it done, have the rough outline of how I want it to go, I have the first 2 paragraphs but I'm having trouble with getting the characters to really flow like usual.
sry dude almost got it done, have the rough outline of how I want it to go, I have the first 2 paragraphs but I'm having trouble with getting the characters to really flow like usual.
Just yoking sans anyways might have to do with you only writing turns these days haha need to remove the rust
ok guys good news, I am about half done the first miniturn... but RNGesus this is longer and harder than I thought lol.

I have the first of the two longest parts of it done and I hope to have it posted by tomorrow at some point, but I make no promises.

Further EDIT: Never mind I already dealt with the problem I was having I think.
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Arc 1: Midna diplomacy Mini-turn: Part 1 Meeting Midna and Embarrassed Twili.
Link left Roma on the back of his trusted horse and partner Epona in high spirits, impatient to meet his old friend Midna. It took a few days of travel during which he saw more than a couple parties of Moblins roaming the roads. However he was able to successfully avoid them when he could and wipe them out in an ambush when he couldn't.

After finally arriving at the spot where Midna was supposed to meet him near the edge of the desert he changed into Wolf form like the scout reported would call them. After an hour of waiting Midna arrived... exactly the way one who knows her would expect. She teleported herself right on top of Link's furry back landing on it in a seated position just like old times.

"Aw I missed sitting here, its as comfy as I remember!" Midna says with a grin as Link looks up and behind at her in an exasperated stare. "Oh c'mon big guy! You can't blame me for having a bit of fun and reliving old times can you?"

Link just shakes his head and shifts back into his Hylian form as Midna hops off dusting off her dress.

"Just as playful and mischievous as always."Link says with a small smile. "Its good to see you again Midna."

"Heh, likewise Link. Now how have you been doing and what is this I heard about you becoming a King hmm?"

With that Link explains everything that happened since they separated after being beaten by Gannondorf and the goddesses wiped the floor with him and Hyrule.

"...So we are continuing to build up our army in preparation for the Moblins. That's about it." Link finished telling Midna about everything that happened in the last seven years. "What about you Midna? I see that your back as the Twili's ruler but how are you back in the Light again and with all your people for that matter?"

"Well to start with, immediately after the battle I returned to my people and brought them back to their original forms, ending Zant and Gannon's curse on them." Midna explained. "However as I started getting reports back about the state of the Twilight realm I found out that not only had Zant cursed my people but he also stripped our realm of all its resources in his efforts to conquer Hyrule. We never had much but without the little we had, we would be doomed to a slow death of starvation.

"Because of that I led my people back through the mirror of Twilight and brought them into this desert. We ended up searching for resources but as you might think we had an extremely hard time finding enough food for all of us. Though we were able to find plenty of metal, stone and rupees, there was just never enough food to give us a surplus. It was only though luck, raiding the stores of the Gerudo after they began attacking my scouting parties and a hard time learning what could be found to eat in a desert that we were able to get enough to feed ourselves.

Even then though we were only just able to keep ourselves alive and fed. Also the Gerudo keep attacking us on sight to the point that there is little choice left to my people but to fight them. Not that it took much to get us to fight given everything their former leader did to us, but they continue to view us as little more than slaves. So that is effectively the state of the Twili, barely able to feed ourselves in this desert and stuck in an endless war with the Gerudo."

After a moment of silence passes between them, Link speaks up. "Sounds like you have been though a lot then. Well I can't do too much too help like I used too, too busy with ruling to run around fighting like we did before." Link says giving a small smile. "However, I think some of the things I came to offer as a ruler should help a bit."

"Oh? And what exactly are you offering? More importantly what do you want in return?" Midna stated with a slight narrowing of her eyes.

"Well I figure an Alliance between our two nations would be a good start. Political at the very least such as a declaration of friendship, but I would not mind extending that into a military alliance as well." Link offered with a half smile. "Other than that well, I would offer freedom of trade between our people but given the distance and how Moblins are starting to roam around plus the monsters starting to spring up again, I doubt it would do much."

"I see... Well at the very least I can certainly agree to the political alliance, but the military one I will have to think about as you would be unable to help us for now and given the distance it would take our mages to bring any of your troops over to help." Midna agreed with a small smile. "Though speaking of trade, you have plenty of food and wood correct? would you be willing to trade some for the use of a few of our mages and perhaps some Iron and stone?"

"I will need to get back to you on that, but most likely yes. Anyway, the final offer/desire I had was a bit more personal, though would still greatly affect our people as well. You see Midna, the curse Zant gave me and the goddesses protection from the worst of it has had a bit more of an effect than most know of. It has been changing my body a bit in its Hylian state to be more wolf-like." Link said with a frown.

"I see, so you desire help from our magic users? I can see that being personal, but I don't know how it would affect our people." Midna stated raising an eyebrow before her face twisted into a small frown. "However I sadly have to inform you it is likely that we will be unable to cure you, Zant's curses sprung mostly from Gannon's power which was demonic and goddess given in origin as I am sure you know."

"I figured as much. My current research advisor, Shad, I am sure you remember him told me it was basically incurable through magical means." Link shook his head explaining further. "However that was not what I was asking for Midna. You see Shad also figured out what I needed to do to mitigate any further changes to my body and mind. However what he said I need to do is not something that can be done so easily. You see the changes come from the Wolf form giving me... certain instincts, the need to fight and dominate being one of those instincts. However the one bringing the changes is the other primary instinct a wolf has... the need to breed.

Effectively it has been more or less driving me insane with lust and despite my attempts to resist it, from what I have dealt with so far combined with what Shad has told me I will not be able to resist it and it will build up until it hits a boiling point and a whole bunch of changes will come at once after I break down and end up having sex anyway. Plus just having sex will make the changes come, but come slower over time."

"I um... that is unfortunate, but I still don't see how I can help with that." Midna says blinking in shock.

"Well you see that is the thing... From what Shad told me there is only one solution to... well not get rid of the curse but to prevent any further changes. I have to have sex with someone I truly care about and love. Not just once, but I mean it would have to be a permanent thing." Link said nervously.

"...Wait what? Link are you saying what I think your saying?" Midna said in surprise her eyes wide and mouth open in disbelief.

"...Yes I am. Midna, our adventures together as each others only real companions led me to truly trust you and come to view you as my closest friend and companion... More than that Midna I truly love you and would like to spend my life together with you if you are willing. I know this will have its complications given our positions in life but still, I can think of no other I love as much as you Midna." Link stated with a hopeful and loving smile. "I can understand that you may need a bit to come up with an answer however given you can't just decide based on how you feel, but on how this will effect your people as well. So please, let us finish this for today, it is starting to get late anyway. We can go back to our tents, think this over and decide in the morning alright?"

"...um yes... YES! tomorrow morning we can talk again!" Midna states her face red with embarrassment as she quickly teleported out with the promise of seeing Link tomorrow with an answer.

Sighing in worry that Midna will refuse him Link gets up and lays our his sleeping roll beside Epona cuddling up with her as he dismisses his thoughts and worries and thinks over what Midna wants and is offering and exactly what he is able to offer her. Eventually much later lost in his thoughts Link drifts off to sleep beside his trusted companion and mount Epona.


[] Write in a new deal with what Midna wants and is offering in exchange in mind. REMEMBER TO INCLUDE HARD NUMBERS!

Part 1 ends here.

Alright a bit more sappy than what I am used to writing but I think it works, let me know what you think. ;)

Also damn I was faster at writing this than I thought, jeez. :D

Oh also I am changing how food levels work, and what food level you are at currently, Basically ATM the food levels go
1: 5% pop growth, 2: 10% pop growth, 3: 20% pop growth, 4: 40% pop growth, 5: 80% pop growth, 6: 120% pop growth, 7: 160% pop growth, etc. with the higher you get the harder it is to gain more or lose what you currently have.

I changed it to be 10% pop growth for each food level and increased your levels to match for ease of trading. Look into nation status for current food levels. Know that the Twili are basically at -0.5 food levels.

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currently Lvl9 according to status so were doing pretty good for ourselves.
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Is Midna OOC? I didn't complete the game, but she seems formal, very formal. I remember snark, or something like that.
Is Midna OOC? I didn't complete the game, but she seems formal, very formal. I remember snark, or something like that.
Considering there position as political leaders they have to be formal less there subeects see the casual behavior as disrespect.

Public and Private faces tend to be very different espciaply for politicians
Is Midna OOC? I didn't complete the game, but she seems formal, very formal. I remember snark, or something like that.
Considering there position as political leaders they have to be formal less there subeects see the casual behavior as disrespect.

Public and Private faces tend to be very different espciaply for politicians
this is just them meeting no guards or anything.

but ya I have a bit of trouble with characterization but they just flowed out this way. Remember these are two VERY close friends meeting each other after 7 YEARS apart. Plus Midna always felt more of a prankster to me than snarky, which I tried to show with how she arrived to the meeting. Also this was more them catching up with each other and getting back into the groove as well as them agreeing to things which affect their entire nations which is a fairly serious topic and I tried to show that. As for snarky Midna, that tapered off a touch with Link later on as she came to care for him in the game and it became more minor pranks and jokes played on him rather than snark which I felt she mostly did to hide discomfort.

Don't worry though I intend to have some of that come later from her if she sticks around, I just don't feel she would do it to Link too much.
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this is just them meeting no guards or anything.

but ya I have a bit of trouble with characterization but they just flowed out this way. Remember these are two VERY close friends meeting each other after 7 YEARS apart. Plus Midna always felt more of a prankster to me than snarky, which I tried to show with how she arrived to the meeting. Also this was more them catching up with each other and getting back into the groove as well as them agreeing to things which affect their entire nations which is a fairly serious topic and I tried to show that. As for snarky Midna, that tapered off a touch with Link later on as she came to care for him in the game and it became more minor pranks and jokes played on him rather than snark which I felt she mostly did to hide discomfort.

Don't worry though I intend to have some of that come later from her if she sticks around, I just don't feel she would do it to Link too much.
So is Zelda pregnant yet ive been trying to curse her survival roll for a while if she ever gives birth?
So is Zelda pregnant yet ive been trying to curse her survival roll for a while if she ever gives birth?
1 the roll only happens in certain situations like if Zelda has super low fertility or if she only has moderate fertility and gets pregnant with Twins or more.

2 You have yet to meet her so NOT TELLING! *sticks tongue out maturely* :p
Huh, well that's interesting, the Twili are in a much weaker position then I thought they were at first glance

Although I can't help but find it hilarious that i'm having a much easier time planning a war of extermination on the Twili then I am figuring out what to say in this kind of delicate diplomacy action.

I do believe that for the first time since this quest started im going to give a voting period a pass. I've got not nothing, so here's hoping we don't have an SV moment and stick our foot into our mouth.

Huh, well that's interesting, the Twili are in a much weaker position then I thought they were at first glance

Although I can't help but find it hilarious that i'm having a much easier time planning a war of extermination on the Twili then I am figuring out what to say in this kind of delicate diplomacy action.

I do believe that for the first time since this quest started im going to give a voting period a pass. I've got not nothing, so here's hoping we don't have an SV moment and stick our foot into our mouth.

Come on Neo you've been on sv for how long? You should know by now that when put in difficult social situations we always screw it up somehow.

Though I am curious why exactly are you coming up with plans to exterminate the Twili aren't you the guy who said that the chances of the Twili ever being hostile to us are so low that it's non existent.
Come on Neo you've been on sv for how long? You should know by now that when put in difficult social situations we always screw it up somehow.

Though I am curious why exactly are you coming up with plans to exterminate the Twili aren't you the guy who said that the chances of the Twili ever being hostile to us are so low that it's non existent.
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.-James Mad Dog Mattis
Though I am curious why exactly are you coming up with plans to exterminate the Twili aren't you the guy who said that the chances of the Twili ever being hostile to us are so low that it's non existent.
Well yea i did say that. But just because the chances of them ever being enemy's is ridiculously low doesn't mean i get to ignore the golden rule.

Edit: My god there's ninjas in the thread now!
If we can trade maybe 3-4 levels of food and a good amount of wood it would secure our new allies situation as well as give us a strong bargaining position for what we need which is predominantly iron but stone would be nice too. Those mages would also open options for us.
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I think we can trade away 4 levels of food, but did I miss it or did we not offer for them to move over by us? Even if they do not want to join our kingdom we have land near us that can produce food and also no longer constant gerudo fights.
I think we can trade away 4 levels of food, but did I miss it or did we not offer for them to move over by us? Even if they do not want to join our kingdom we have land near us that can produce food and also no longer constant gerudo fights.
I can't offer anything that you don't have as part of your plan, and that was not part of it sorry. :(

Good news is you get a second chance to fix it and make those offers. :)
Things to offer: 4 levels of food (we need some for ourselves and our expanding pop)
Wood- up to 500 a turn
Either Joining our kingdom or moving next to us (easier to trade, no gerudo, and moblins are the only known enemy and we have a wall to garrison against them

Wants- Metal, Stone, Mage assistance (research and training)

This is in addition to the previous request of alliance, marriage and open trade.

Mages in combat would be covered by the alliance.

Moving we can offer having to face only the moblins and even there we have a wall and fortified city with siege equipment. A combined garrison between our nations would work well to hold it against an attack
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