Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

[X] West Kingdom Diplomacy

this is going to be fun!

also great to see sans have to get mouthwash :D but seriously that was decent enough for a sappy moment for the two who dearly care for each other. soon enough things will be looking up! (also next turn guys as soon as were done, get shit together and get the temples up!!! we are going to need them!)

also we might want to discover more ways to get food surplus, cant have to much food as well as ways to store it!

again also find more resources. lets get snowballing!
We had an option to gain morale and a food level under admin, that was before the change so it might be two food levels now, though it did give a temp hit of -2 food levels (which could be 3 or 4 now). But we should grab that next turn with Malo. Bonus morale gives extra money.

Yeah scouting for more resources would be a very good idea.
Actuall san i think you better start makinvg the midna character sheet i wanna see her perks
Actuall san i think you better start makinvg the midna character sheet i wanna see her perks
I already have a partial one but I ain't posting squat until the marriage is done and you get her as your wife.

also for resources remember guys, you have yet to scout the malonville region for resources! though for food, you just need arable land to get extra food, that and the population to farm it anyway. With the malonville region claimed you will slowly gain food levels as your population increases.

oh, but for temples you may as well forget about starting any more next turn, not only is your marble going to be used heavily by the temple being built currently, but also you will need to build a town or two for housing in the desert area for the Twili.
I already have a partial one but I ain't posting squat until the marriage is done and you get her as your wife.

also for resources remember guys, you have yet to scout the malonville region for resources! though for food, you just need arable land to get extra food, that and the population to farm it anyway. With the malonville region claimed you will slowly gain food levels as your population increases.

oh, but for temples you may as well forget about starting any more next turn, not only is your marble going to be used heavily by the temple being built currently, but also you will need to build a town or two for housing in the desert area for the Twili.
Is [ ] Increase Livestock Production still available? That was a small food increase. And yeah it was assumed that we could only work one temple at a time, marble cost made it that way (though the additional resources found may mean we can start the third a turn or two after the second).

Nice to know that with malonville we opened up more farms for food production and I think no one has an objection to scouting malonville next turn and maybe a second scout of the area we are giving to the twili for more resources.

Hmm, towns for the Twili, okay I guess Malo is assigned there with an extra authority or two. Going to be interesting to balance our current projects with the new towns built in highlands for the Twili.

Oh do we do any fishing in the lake or has that not started due to Malonville still being relatively new as that is a food source and can provide scouting around the lake edge (though that will likely require building a port town, shipyards and then a navy)
I already have a partial one but I ain't posting squat until the marriage is done and you get her as your wife.

also for resources remember guys, you have yet to scout the malonville region for resources! though for food, you just need arable land to get extra food, that and the population to farm it anyway. With the malonville region claimed you will slowly gain food levels as your population increases.

oh, but for temples you may as well forget about starting any more next turn, not only is your marble going to be used heavily by the temple being built currently, but also you will need to build a town or two for housing in the desert area for the Twili.
Since were going to get her character sheet soon anyway why don't you sate my curiously. Was my guess right, does she have the Triforce of Power.
We already get ressources from the Twili. There is no need to throw more ressources unnecessarily on a people we are not ruling directly. it is tactically unsound.
Is [ ] Increase Livestock Production still available? That was a small food increase. And yeah it was assumed that we could only work one temple at a time, marble cost made it that way (though the additional resources found may mean we can start the third a turn or two after the second).

Nice to know that with malonville we opened up more farms for food production and I think no one has an objection to scouting malonville next turn and maybe a second scout of the area we are giving to the twili for more resources.

Hmm, towns for the Twili, okay I guess Malo is assigned there with an extra authority or two. Going to be interesting to balance our current projects with the new towns built in highlands for the Twili.

Oh do we do any fishing in the lake or has that not started due to Malonville still being relatively new as that is a food source and can provide scouting around the lake edge (though that will likely require building a port town, shipyards and then a navy)
ok in order

1) yes its still available and will decrease food levels by 3 while you start it and then once it finishes it will increase them by 3.

2) with the trade once the churches are done you should be safe to start another with the 400 marble per turn you are getting from the Twili.

3) no you lack fishing, you will indeed need a porttown and a dock or ten before you can start building fishing boats.

Since were going to get her character sheet soon anyway why don't you sate my curiously. Was my guess right, does she have the Triforce of Power.
nope you have to wait :p

We already get ressources from the Twili. There is no need to throw more ressources unnecessarily on a people we are not ruling directly. it is tactically unsound.
you will be ruling them directly in the next 2 turns though lol, you just need to build the homes so they can move in to the southeast. :D
ok in order

1) yes its still available and will decrease food levels by 3 while you start it and then once it finishes it will increase them by 3.

Will the other action costs be the same? And food decrease of 3 good to know as that means we can trade away up to 1 level right now, with more freeing up after the Twili move and we see how much that hits food level while also taking food production actions next turn.
Will the other action costs be the same? And food decrease of 3 good to know as that means we can trade away up to 1 level right now, with more freeing up after the Twili move and we see how much that hits food level while also taking food production actions next turn.
only food level things are effected.
only food level things are effected.
Also will we have other food production increases available if we want to trade say 3 food levels to western?

Edit- or for that matter can we inform them that we only have 1 food level of trade right now due to needing the rest for a few years to increase food production but that at that point we will have more food for trade
Also will we have other food production increases available if we want to trade say 3 food levels to western?

Edit- or for that matter can we inform them that we only have 1 food level of trade right now due to needing the rest for a few years to increase food production but that at that point we will have more food for trade
ok to be real dude, you really need to read the informational section more. I tend to provide most of the information on this stuff there.
They have a strong Military with a large amount of food, plenty of stone and metal, a decent amount of rupees but little wood
so um ya... they kinda won't even value food much... that's a thing.

anyway VOTE IS NOW CLOSED! I see enough votes for west kingdom diplomacy to accept that its won.
ok to be real dude, you really need to read the informational section more. I tend to provide most of the information on this stuff there.

so um ya... they kinda won't even value food much... that's a thing.

anyway VOTE IS NOW CLOSED! I see enough votes for west kingdom diplomacy to accept that its won.
Huh little wood well we won't have much of that to trade this turn, though them not asking for food makes it easier. And yeah going to have to remember that we have an info page on other nations.

As it is I think our main trade good willbe food for a good while as we are the breadbasket area if I recall correctly.

Guys I think we should focus on internal improvements next turn and hold off contacting additional nations as we do not have resources to trade at least until we finish resetting the Twili
Huh little wood well we won't have much of that to trade this turn, though them not asking for food makes it easier. And yeah going to have to remember that we have an info page on other nations.

As it is I think our main trade good willbe food for a good while as we are the breadbasket area if I recall correctly.

Guys I think we should focus on internal improvements next turn and hold off contacting additional nations as we do not have resources to trade at least until we finish resetting the Twili
ok in order

1) ya that would be helpful lol, your not the only one who fails to do so.

2) you are, but since you started getting other resources, having a population expansion and other people started to farm more, your not quite as strong in that area now.

3) good idea, you are kinda down to just enough for your people in every resource area except food atm.
ARC 1: Diplo Miniturn: West kingdom part 1
As Bo and his retinue of guards traveled up the dirt pathway leading to the wall that protected the Kingdom of the West from the Moblin tribe they caught site of a small battle happening between a group of Moblins and what looked to be a couple dozen troops of the western Kingdom. The troops were lead by a seemingly Hylian man who was slaughtering the Moblins piecemeal with his blade, the mans skin was a slightly grayish pallor with eyes the color of a pinkish red with white hair and a leanish, though well muscled build. he was dressed in a black tunic with chain mail underneath with white breeches and black boots. He used a standard Hylian shield and a slightly stylized long sword to slay his foes with.

"Everyone, Charge and aid the west kingdom!" Bo yelled out calling for his retinue of Cataphract guards to charge into the battle and aid the people they came to ally.

As the guards charged in to help the west kingdom soldier noticed Bo coming in and quickly fell back slightly separating themselves from the moblins fighting them. Shortly afterwards Bo and his troops crashed into the Moblins. The impact of the charge alone smashed many of the moblins to the ground with the rest swiftly falling to Bo and his troops spears stabbing them through the stomach or torso and then axe strokes falling upon heads and shoulders splitting them open with ease. As the last moblin fell and the battle finished up Bo and his troops were approached by the leader of the Western Kingdom troops.

"Well, me and my men had that battle well in hand, but thank you for your aid anyway good sir. Who are you. where are you from and why are you here?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"My name is Bo Diplomatic advisor to King Link of Ordonna and am from the same kingdom. As for why I am here, the king has asked me to meet with yours about the possibility of an alliance against these moblin scum. However who do I speak to stranger? You are obviously a commander of some kind in your kings army." Bo said with a nod of his head in greetings.

"I see, I am General Nilkast Contra, Leader of the armies of the Kingdom of the West. As for the alliance you offer, I am certain my king will accept though the exact details will need to be worked out between you two. I will bring you too him if you follow me." General Nilkast stated. "I am sure your king has given you full authority on what you can offer from his kingdom?"

"He did indeed, and it is good to meet you General Nilkast." Diplomat Bo said with a nod. "Lead the way and my guards and I will follow. Men gather your weapons and prepare to move out!"

As the leader of the west kingdoms armies led Bo to meet his king, Bo thought of possible offers to broach to this new king that his own kingdom could give.

[] Write in diplomatic offer to bring to the king of the western kingdom.

Part 1 of west kingdom miniturn ends here

And there you go! :D took me long enough to finish this lol, sorry for the wait but the most difficult part was not writing this, but rather figuring out the character of the leadership of the west kingdom and who is leading it.
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I suggest simple information on borders and some simple trade, later on we can discuss non-aggression agreements and maybe one day military alliance or just a full alliance. depends on what's going to happen in the future.
oh guys, just so you know, THERE IS NO MORATORIUM!

also remember this vote is like the Midna diplo offer vote so base your plans off that if you are unsure. AND REMEMBER TO LOOK INTO THE INFO ON THEIR NATION!
Yeah one thing to keep in mind is we really don't have anything to trade as we may need the wood for building up the town's for the Twill. A treaty of friendship may be best and then follow up in a couple of years. Also an understanding that a more formal arrangement will occur once we have a more secure route as right now it looks like it is through moblin controlled lands.
that's agreeable, plus not to mention we don't have the resources now that the moblins are coming down on us, maybe in a few years if we find a gold mine or other gems...maybe even some other resource we can use/export!

otherwise we should stick to getting things done...hmmm...

I just had a thought guys, once we get this invasion over with and the temples set up...

why don't we found a adventurer's guild? put in rewards for information and deeds of service and such? It will help with local monster problems and would promote hero units in coming times! not to mention said adventurers could be helpful in terms of fighting and defeating groups and bands of moblins in the near future or to go around as a sort of spy network!

so many possibilities, also we should make a merchant guild (and by association a guild to insure corruption doesn't happen in our lands, like administrative or just plain evil!)