Learning By Mistake
Psh, she sells herself! (Saki Note: Lewd!)
Relevant:Well, duh. Otherwise someone might miss the fact that he is in dire need of chin scratchies.

And board shorts! Also, because Behemoth will not upstage him, his surfboard is Alexandria.Taylor: "This. Was! SUPPOSED! TO BE A VACATION!!!"
Leviathan: "FWOOOAAAR" *surfs on a water echo towards Maui island. It is wearing sunshades*
Because the magic of the anima isn't perfectly compatible with Nowhereverse nonsense, editing Prayer's appearance in the video even just a little bit causes the Stranger-effect to disappear. As a result, "safe" versions of the clips of the fight have been released by the PRT for public consumption, while any attempts to post "unsafe" versions gets the PRT knocking on your door.Well footage like that is never really going to disappear from the internet for ever, so cults to Autochton could be springing up randomly for years to come (some possibly of a darker variety).
I wouldn't really be surprised if someone re-edited the whole thing into a fan-made action movie, with the non-action scenes for the story played in by actors and 'Autochton' giving an oscar winning performance in his role as hero.
One that remains striking no matter how many times you watch it.
There's LOTS of different theories and the PHO threads are still ongoing with theories and anecdotal reports (with many conflicting reports causing even more confusion). It's generally accepted that it was Jack Slash's fault, but the HOW is where things get convoluted - the more prominent theories involve Jack Slash trying to mind-control Taylor and either partially or completely succeeding, until her pet "Black Ball of Doom" intervened and caused it all to backfire, and then Prayer finally fought it until it ran out of power and it could be reprogrammed.Still 'official positions' and 'government inquiries' aside, what do the common people looking in on all of this actually think and believe?
Before the whole "Suddenly, Forest!" debacle, people that believed that DoomBall was an AI were loudly clamoring for it to be put down as a result, while most people thought that the DoomBall was just a power-amplifier with a limited intelligence protocol to serve as a helperbot (which is why it went berserk). Afterwards... since the PRT declared that Iris was responsible for the forest, there is a growing theory that the extra-dimensional Tinker "Autochthon" enslaved a nascent Endbringer from his version of Earth and gave it to Taylor as a pet.
Certainly. Below is Aisha's Character Sheet as of this post (Original Version + CharGen Voting Results + 10.2 Voting Results):actually @Gromweld could we get a copy of what Aisha's character sheet currently looks like, so we don't make any stupid mistakes because of confusion on what we've already bought for her?
Dexterity ●●●●●
Appearance ●●●●●
Wits ●●●●●
Favored:Appearance ●●●●●
Wits ●●●●●
Strength ●●●○○
Manipulation ●○○○○
Perception ●●●○○
Other:Manipulation ●○○○○
Perception ●●●○○
Stamina ●●●○○
Charisma ●●●●○
Intelligence ●●○○○
Charisma ●●●●○
Intelligence ●●○○○
Archery/Firearms ●○○○○
Athletics ●●●●○
Awareness ●●●○○ (Specialty: Street-wise ●●○, Pranking Opportunities ●○○)
Bureaucracy ○○○○○
Craft ○○○○○
Dodge ●●●○○ (Specialty: OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT ●●○)
Integrity ●●●○○
Investigation ●●○○○
Larceny ●●●●○ (Specialty: Fucking With People ●●○)
Linguistics (Native: Old Realm) ○○○○○
Lore ●○○○○ (Specialty: Parahumans ●○○)
Martial Arts ●●●●●
Medicine ○○○○○ (Specialty: Walk It Off ●○○)
Melee ●○○○○ (Specialty: Baseball Bat ●○○)
Occult ○○○○○
Performance ●○○○○
Presence ●●○○○ (Specialty: In Your Face ●●●)
Resistance ●●●○○
Ride ●●○○○ (Specialty: Like It's Stolen ●○○)
Sail ○○○○○
Socialize ●○○○○
Stealth ●●●●○ (Specialty: Not Worth Your Time ●●●)
Survival ●●●○○ (Specialty: The Streets ●●○)
Thrown ●○○○○
War ○○○○○
- Shard of Safeguarded Discovery [3m] - DEDICATED
- Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier [1m] - DEDICATED
- Perfected Lotus Matrix [2m] - DEDICATED (Crystal Chameleon - All Charms Known)
- 4th Dexterity Aug [1m] x 2 - DEDICATED
- 4th Manipulation Aug [1m] x2 - DEDICATED
- Aura Dampening Component [0m] - DEDICATED
- Dynamic Reaction Enhancement System [1m] - DEDICATED
- Essence Irradiation Corona [0m] - DEDICATED
- Gyroscopic Stability System [0m] - DEDICATED
- Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade [0m] - DEDICATED
- Momentum Redirection Pulse Injector [0m] - DEDICATED
- Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus [1m] - DEDICATED
- Parabolic Leap Overcharger Device [0m] - DEDICATED
- Radiant Iconography Display [0m] - DEDICATED
- Husk Sculpting Apparatus [2m] - GENERAL
- Industrial Survival Frame [1m] - GENERAL
- 4th Intelligence Aug [1m] x2 - GENERA
- 4th Stamina Aug [1m] x 2 - GENERAL
- Alloyed Reinforcement of Flesh [0m] - GENERAL
- Imprinted Data Cluster[1m] - GENERAL
- Interpolative Syntax Emulator[1m] - GENERAL
- Manifold Transhuman Implants [Supernatural Quickness] [1m] - GENERAL
- Technomorphic Integration Engine [1m] - GENERAL
Essence Committed: 19m / 19m
- Chemical Fog Generator [1m] - PANOPLY
- Optical Shroud [2m] - PANOPLY (NOT EQUIPPED)
- Pheromone Regulation Systems [1m]
- Paramagnetic Tether Beam [1m] - PANOPLY (NOT EQUIPPED)
- Accelerated Response System [Dodge] [1m] - PANOPLY (NOT EQUIPPED)
- Omnitool Implant [1m] - PANOPLY (NOT EQUIPPED)
Artifact ●●●●● (25 dots to use)
- Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light [●]
- Mask [●●]
- Beam Omniklave [●●●●●]
- Perfected Boots [●]
- Essence Scrying Visor [●]
- Horn of the Ways [●●]
- Translation Crystal [●●]
- Dragonfly's Roving Eye [●●●]
- Infinite Resplendence Amulet (Moonsilver) [●●●]
- Quicksilver Aegis Talisman (Moonsilver) [●●●●●]
Backing (PRT) ●○○○○- Mask [●●]
- Beam Omniklave [●●●●●]
- Perfected Boots [●]
- Essence Scrying Visor [●]
- Horn of the Ways [●●]
- Translation Crystal [●●]
- Dragonfly's Roving Eye [●●●]
- Infinite Resplendence Amulet (Moonsilver) [●●●]
- Quicksilver Aegis Talisman (Moonsilver) [●●●●●]
Eidolon/Past Lives ●●●○○
Familiar (J-L-001) ●●●○○
Mentor (Autochthon) ●●●●●
Reputation (Ward) ●○○○○
Resources ●○○○○
Valor: ●●●●○
Compassion: ●●○○○
Conviction: ●●●○○
Temperance: ●○○○○
Willpower: ●●●●● ●●●●●
- The Beam Omniklave is a Moonsilver Beamklave when initially wielded, but for a cost of 2 motes it can transform (Speed 3) into a Moonsilver Beam-version of any melee weapon that the user is capable of wielding without a Feat of Strength check. The transformation lasts for the rest of the scene, after which it will revert to its original Beamklave shape if the user does not pay another 2 motes to prevent the reversion. Only weapons melee weapons known to Autochthonia and Creation have been programmed in, but new weapons (or stylized versions of existing ones) might be able to be "imprinted" with enough mental focus, ingenuity, and dedication.
- J-L-001 is a Jaguar. When it doesn't feel like being a car, the moonsilver Destroyer can transform into a Laser Jaguar the size of a large tiger. "Large tiger" is also both an excellent descriptor of its general disposition and attitude, as well as something to call it if you want to be sliced into roasted chunks of meat.
- I may change up Aisha's equipped charms for her starting Charm loadout, depending on what we choose for her first objective.
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