Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

'... what?' Link was stunned after he read Malo's report. 'How the hell did he manage this???'

Link kept sitting and staring up at the ceiling with his mouth gaping before shaking his head vigorously. 'You know what? NO I won't question this, I will just be happy I have a miracle worker on staff and not working against me instead.'

'Thankfully while Telma and the town builders also exceeded my expectations, they did so in a much more realistic manner.' Link thought with a relieved sigh. 'I'm not sure my heart could have taken another surprise like that.'

'Everything else also went as expected. Good to know.' Link leaned backwards resting his head on the back of his chair. 'Now what to do next year? hmmm.'

[X] If you want peace prepare the war


-[X] Build Missile Range --[X] Assign Rusl --[X] Assign +1 Imperial Authority
Roll: 83 Large success!
With Link's help Rusl manage yo build the Missiles range both more cheaply. They also managed to convince all the ranged militia to visit it at least twice a month so that they could become more skilled.
Reward: -200 rupees, -200 wood, Can recruit and train professional ranged troops, +1 effectiveness to all ranged militia by turn 6.

-[X] Train Heavy Cavalry (Lance + horseman's axe/shield) (charge + Melee) --[X] Assign +1 Imperial Authority
Roll: 75 Large success!
Link managed to train 500 heavy cavalry for the new Ordonian army. Link feel that despite the heavy cost in training and equipping them, that they will be worth it when the moblins come.
Reward: -500 rupees, -400 metal, -200 wood, +100 rupee upkeep, +500 Heavy Cavalry

-[X] Ordontown walls --[X] Assign +1 Imperial Authority
Roll: 61 Large success!
Link Ordered the walls repaired and as many defenses as possible added on even if it costs more materials. Thanks to the extra bit of air of importance he put behind the action the workers barely managed to increase the wall height and add rounded towers at various points along the wall. Though only a couple feet were added and there were only a couple dozen towers put in.
Reward: -300 rupees, -400 stone, Ordontown walls repaired, wall height improved, added round towers.

-[X] Increase taxation --[X] Assign Malo --[X] Assign Imperial Authority
Malo is a miracle worker, there is no other explanation for what he pulled with just a bit of your authority behind him. Not only did he manage to get ALL the citizens of Ordonna to agree to the Tax increase, he got them to agree to start sending extra taxes right away AND to do so happily. He even managed to get the Hylians moving into Athenae to agree to pay extra taxes. Malo is possibly the greatest administrator ever to be born.
Reward: tax income boosted by 100%, no influence lost, takes effect immediately, also covers Athenae's taxes! Also thanks to repeated critical or great success, Malo's admin stat is now boosted by +1!

-[X] (2 authority locked in until action is complete!) Build a Town for the Hylian Refugees
Roll: 86 GREAT success!
Athenae finished being built this year. Most of the remaining Hylians were able to mov into it and began paying their taxes, even the ridiculous boost Malo ended up getting from them. The builders even managed to build walls around the newly finished town at the cost of a fair bit of extra stone. By doing so they did, in a sense, surpass the builders under Malo that built the Capital. Either way the town is built and that's a damn good thing in Link's book.
Reward: -400 stone, -300 wood, -100 rupees temp upkeep, +100 rupees building upkeep, Athenae built up to medium town status, 23,000 Hylians moved into Athenae, +1 racial influence with the Hylian commoners, +600 tax income, +300 trade income, walls built around Athenae, Refugee malus reduced.

-[X] Upgrade Marble Quarry
The Marble Quarry was swiftly finished up for a small cost. Now you can enjoy the use of marble with ease and have a bit of extra pocket change... Not that it matters much in the face of the Tax boost.
Reward: -200 rupees, -100 wood, +300 Stone income, +100 Rupees income.

-[X] Train scouts --[X] Assign Telma
Roll: 95 GREAT success!
Telma went above and beyond your expectations this year. Not only did she manage to recruit 1 squad at slightly reduced costs... She managed to recruit 2! As for the how... well that's a bit less impressive. She recruited them from her bar as they used to be hunters before she appropriated them to be scouts for you. It was their already above average skills at tracking, noting terrain, and eyesight that allowed Telma to cut out those parts of the training and focus on the rest, like accurate mapmaking, which let her train both squads at the same time and for the reduced cost.
Reward: -300 rupees, +100 rupees upkeep, 2 scouting parties to send where you wish.

treasury/resources at the end of the year:

Rupees: -1220 in bank, +4400 from taxes, +900 from trade. +200 from other sources.

Food: natural food level 5.

Stone: 100 in stockpiles, +1100 income.

Wood: 700 in stockpiles, +900 income.

Metal: 400 in stockpiles, +500 income.

Turn ends here

Ok guys... all I have to say here is that you are the luckiest bastards in this quest.

I swear.. You score a Nat crit... on the ONE THING you can't get a regular critical success on. LIKE WTF RNGESUS! The odds of this happening were insane, but it happened so meh... enjoy this while you can you evil lucky questers.

Anyway I will update the nation stats in a little bit... just give me some time to do it.

seriously though... that nat crit roll was insanely ridiculous... So bloody lucky you put Malo on that, he seems to just work miracles for you.

oh right I almost forgot...

[] Write in a name for the heavy cavalry troop type:
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4400 in tax income.... All the money!! So we can build the next training ground recruit archers, oh and more influence from the town!

Ok guys... all I have to say here is that you are the luckiest bastards in this quest.

I swear.. You score a Nat crit... on the ONE THING you can't get a regular critical success on. LIKE WTF RNGESUS! The odds of this happening were insane, but it happened so meh... enjoy this while you can you evil lucky questers.

Seriously though... that nat crit roll was insanely ridiculous... So bloody lucky you put Malo on that, he seems to just work miracles for you.

Yes, that nat crit was a very rare thing to have happened

As for the heavy cavalry, do we keep the greek theme naming or do we inspire ourselves from somewhere else for what they should be named?
no BAD quester! your cavalry does not use Sarrisas and Greek swords they use lances and axes. They also are not all Lords following you into battle.

Also you don't have scale armor so Cataphracts may not be the best fit. but eh, it works somewhat based on the meaning of the word, so have at it.

(you can't make scale armor with bronze by the way, you have the technology just not the materials.)
Also you don't have scale armor so Cataphracts may not be the best fit. but eh, it works somewhat based on the meaning of the word, so have at it.

For me cataphract is more a word to mean "heavy cavalry" and not refers to a special armor. Historicaly cataphracts wear a lot differents armors, chanmailn scale, and even plate armors.
[X] cataphracts

also time to recruit for the military, and get some scouts northwest...we might also need to keep building ourselves up in terms of military until we need it, and thus we expand our road network.

oh yeah get married next turn, WE NEED IT. badly...otherwise our rep will take a hit and we cant afford that at this point!
also time to recruit for the military, and get some scouts northwest...we might also need to keep building ourselves up in terms of military until we need it, and thus we expand our road network.

To reinforce our ilitary it'swhat we make actually and we hardly can go faster unfortunately. But yes we need to continue to expand our army, the road from what i saw isn't very needed for the moment, when we will meet more countries and make trade with roads will be a better idea.

oh yeah get married next turn, WE NEED IT. badly...otherwise our rep will take a hit and we cant afford that at this point!

No, marriage is a very serious thing we must think wisely before make it, a wife from another country will have a lot more advantages than a wife of our country. It's in part why i preferd wait to marry with Midna, but a wife from lanayru could be interesting too. I don't care if we had some bastard in wait. To evitate to loose reputation we should more search a mistress if possible.
Next turn Establish Training Grounds lvl 2 and recruit more troops. The first so we can do more then one recruit action a turn, the second to keep building our military
To reinforce our ilitary it'swhat we make actually and we hardly can go faster unfortunately. But yes we need to continue to expand our army, the road from what i saw isn't very needed for the moment, when we will meet more countries and make trade with roads will be a better idea.
I am boosting the road action actually, not by much but by a little bit.

No, marriage is a very serious thing we must think wisely before make it, a wife from another country will have a lot more advantages than a wife of our country. It's in part why i preferd wait to marry with Midna, but a wife from lanayru could be interesting too. I don't care if we had some bastard in wait. To evitate to loose reputation we should more search a mistress if possible.
Getting a mistress is what will happen if you roll a Large success or higher on the result of the lustful act.