Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

Hey @Birdsie i wrote an omake on page sixty and you forgot to update the bending levels on the skill sheet part of the character sheet.
For questions;
Do you need more write-ins for midterm goals that promote staying in the desert?
Shouldn't we be getting new ambition slots for hitting level 10?
what happened to the tea making part of the cp expenditure, there wasn't a scene and we haven't gotten a skill. does this simply mean that we know how to make good tie and won't ever do it?
yeah, but as you currently have barely any votes chances are you'll lose and it's a wasted vote.
as for the "shiny" he already confirmed that we could get it later.
Hey @Birdsie i wrote an omake on page sixty and you forgot to update the bending levels on the skill sheet part of the character sheet.
For questions;
Do you need more write-ins for midterm goals that promote staying in the desert?
Shouldn't we be getting new ambition slots for hitting level 10?
what happened to the tea making part of the cp expenditure, there wasn't a scene and we haven't gotten a skill. does this simply mean that we know how to make good tie and won't ever do it?
Please don't double post
okay, i wanted to try and flesh out the whole "older sister being instated as the heir" spiel we had going on, a noteworthy thing, is that i haven't slept at all tonight and have only given the piece a rudimentary read, so if anyone notices any major mistakes please inform me.

bureaucracy in the desert.
"But who else is there who can lead the tribe in case anything happens? Surely there is someone better than a teenage girl?"

'Dear sanity, what did I do to deserve this?' Makiw sighed internally as he continued listening to one of the older and whinier windbags on the council of elders rambling on.

He had, approximately half an hour ago, informed them of his son's condition and that Tié's new duties would disable him from taking over the tribe when his time came. They had, after a moment of shock at the revelation, started arguing about who should be the heir apparent after Tié's disqualification, this wasn't a new discussion by a long shot as they had been complaining for years as Siph began to gain a reputation.

Honestly losing his heir apparent was stirring up the buzzard-wasp nest once more, it was hardly a secret that the elders preferred Tié to his older sister but this was starting to get ridiculous.

The elders often measured the two siblings against one another and over the years they had often found sylph wanting.

Siph for all he loved her was sadly known to be somewhat of a firecracker, rash when she should take a moment to think, stubborn as can be when she sets her mind on something to the point where she'd deny any proof or criticism presented regardless of how valid it is.

To be fair she wasn't often wrong or unrealistic in her assumptions, they'd taught her well enough for that not to be a problem, but she still had a history of running headfirst into danger without consulting anyone or deciding that something was the case without verifying and then acting on it.

And then there was the problem of her "interest" in one of the guests of the tribe. Makiw personally never had a problem with his daughter's fleeting love interests, after all he had married his wife for love himself, but many of the more conservative council members had difficulties accepting his daughter's quest for love.

Finally, and perhaps the biggest nail in the coffin for her candidacy, was that Siph had on multiple occasions clearly stated that she wasn't that particularly interested in leading the tribe, she'd be willing to do it but had no problem letting go of her claim.

This naturally lead to the elders having a larger interest in Tié's education and attitude as he was raised.

'I suppose we're lucky that Tié never felt any enmity towards his sister for the increased amount of pressure he was constantly put under' Makiw pondered as a particularly loud elder started whining about how they should have arranged a marriage long ago.

"We already had this discussion years ago, it's her choice and as her father I'm leaving it at that. We were discussing the new heir, stay on topic." He interjected as the old man at least had the decency to look somewhat ashamed.

Thinking back on the how this came to be he accepted that Tié often came across as being more thoughtful and introspective than his sister, he took to meditation, history and philosophical lessons better than his sister did.

He also tended to be less quick to anger and had always been more capable of having his mind changed when he finds his ideas challenged in ways that he hadn't thought of yet.

What most people didn't know was that his son much like his daughter had also inherited his obstinacy, it just showed itself in different ways.

Simply put, Tié had a problem with collecting strays. Even as a child he disliked seeing animals and people in pain and this often lead to him taking home strays and nursing them back to health.

Even when told that he was caring for a dangerous wild animal he'd stubbornly refuse to give up on the creature.

He also had a distaste for hunting, true Tié understood that it was necessary for life in the desert and he also understood that he couldn't save everyone even if he tried, but Tié had decided early on that if he could alleviate someone's unnecessary suffering without any real cost to himself then he would always do what he could.

"And she keeps on hanging around with that vagabond, we can't seriously be considering her as a possible new chief can we!"

Slowly Makiv's rage started building again as they were still talking about his. Daughter. But he calmed himself taking a deep breath.

"Enough, Siph has been trained both in leadership and all other necessary fields necessary for becoming the village chief, she is a brilliant sandbender for her age." He paused for a moment to look at the elders who had been complaining about her relationship with "and her marriage status has nothing to do with her eligibility for becoming the next chieftain, unless anyone has a good reason for her not to become the heir apparent stop this ceaseless squabbling"

It seemed to do the trick as the following arguments started to be more qualitative and on point that before.

It wasn't often that he felt his old anger and temper rise but it was always there, just beneath the surface, hidden by the sand.

True not many people noticed when he got angry anymore as he had long since learned to hone and hold back both his temper and wilfulness, but he was sent on his journey for that very reason.

Accidentally meeting and spending time learning under Guru Pathik had done much to rid him of his youthful faults, or at least accept them enough to move on.

Paying more attention to the rest of the council again he noticed that they seemed to have reached a conclusion.

"Alright, I see that the debates have settled down as much as they will, I'm going to call for a show of hands, who here is for reinstating Siph as the heir?" it was a petty trick, after all as the chieftain the only real power you got was being able to brake ties with your vote, simply asking for or against first was a subtle way to show your approval of something, he finished counting, it was a solid if not an overwhelming majority but it would do.

"And now those against the motion." He waited a few seconds as the count was made official before continuing "and that concludes it, Siph will henceforth be recognised as the heir and replace me if I'm unable or unfit to lead, next issue should we decrease the amount of time spent trapping gillacorns in favour of other prey?" dear gods there were still so many issues they had to discuss and his headache was only growing.
+2 CP, +to local Gilacorn population.
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@Birdsie Can you please explain a little more the Fire Nation Surprise? Many people who are voting for leaving now are only doing it because of your comment...

And can you explain to us how the colored/special action works and how time sensitive they are?
The Fire Nation surprise is just that --- a surprise. It may be pleasant, may be unpleasant. You can choose to find out, or you can choose to stay and find out later. No harm in that.

@Birdsie Do we lose out on the "shiny" if we don't go now?
Nope, it'll just happen later. The shiny is also not shiny, but blue and hot.
She'd be older than Zuko, and he's an old fart. Could just be id's learning how to do it.

Not really, she was the younger sibling, so she won´t be older than Zuko, but she is very very old nonetheless

+1 CP, +to local Gilacorn population.

With this we have 23 CP, I am halfway done in a short omake about the recovery of the Dragon species, and @DarkKing98 is also working in more omakes, I would suggest you @Umi-san that if we manage to get 25 CP to change the stat upgrade to Tales from the Si Wong Desert. (???), basically because unlike the stat upgrade this is a special action only available for a limited time, and the last time we took one of these we got both an incredibly useful trait, and a companion out of that.
But we do miss out on the limited time 5 CP thing. Besides, I'm going on an Omake spree soon.
[X] Plan Si-Wong Dunes Keep Me Home

Let's not leave home before 14~16, otherwise we're liable to get the same spiritual block that Korra would have had.

The Avatar is expected to remain inactive/untrained until 16 so that they can learn how to be a person before they become The Avatar. Heading off at eight is liable to rob us of that.
Ok here is my promised omake

The fire rises again.

The wise and powerful dragons were once a usual sight in the skies of the whole world, this unfortunately ended when the Fire-Lord Ozin started the tradition of hunting them, the legend said that if someone bested a dragon they would gain an unmeasurable power… This has been proven to be untrue numerous, and now is believed that someone as pragmatic as Ozin would have never wasted resources in pursuit of such as nebulous goal. Nowadays the most accepted theory about why Sozin decided to hunt them to almost extinction is the fact that he knew that he would have never be able to control the dragons, and he decoded to remove that wildcard that could have easily get in the way on his plans of conquering the world.

The dragons were considered extinct for many years, and even with the appearance a last surviving mated couple hidden in the (CLASSIFIED), that was not enough to effectible create a stable population, but fortunately in the first days of the Republic a group of Scholars from the fire Nation discovered one lost treasure that would allow the resurgence of the dragons.

This treasure was some old scrolls written by an unknown sage during Avatar Roku's time. These scrolls contained the most detailed study about dragon's biology, in them a unique quirk of the dragon's reproduction was rediscovered, and thanks to that the impossible dream of restoring this race to his former glory was made true.

The Dragons lay eggs like any other reptiles, but their eggs are unique in many aspects, their eggshell is very similar to gems and it is so strong that the babies are completely unable of hatching for themselves and they require the extreme heat of their parents flame for hours to break the shell. But unlike any other creature, if the baby Dragon is unable to hatch he won´t die he will simply remain in a complete stasis inside the egg until their parents are able to hatch him safely, this stasis, that can last easily for decades, was originally used to regulate the number of babies depending mostly of the availability of food.

After this discovery Fire Lord Zuko, with the full support of his friend Avatar Aang, send their best agents to find any Dragon egg that may exist through the four nations, and fortunately he found plenty, because dragon eggs were among the most wanted trophies that any dragonslayer could take, that without counting the numerous eggs that formed part of many noble houses treasures from before the war.

Despite the time that had passed a good number of eggs were still viable, and thanks to that the number of breeding couples passed from one to more than 60 in less than 30 years, a 5% of their population from before the war. This combined with the protection that best rangers from the fire nation give them we can say that the age of the dragons is not over yet and hopefully it will never be.

Well I have to admit that I was heavily inspired by the Dragon eggs from the Inheritance Cycle, but I thought it could work pretty well in this situation

Once this omake is rated by @Birdsie we will probably be at 24 CP, only short of 1 to be able of increasing the number of training actions and get Tales from the Si Wong Desert. (???) so please someone write a short omake and @Umi-san , please think of getting the special action rather than the stat increase (one is time sensitive and the other is not).
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Once this omake is rated by @Birdsie we will probably be at 24 CP, only short of 1 to be able of increasing the number of training actions and get Tales from the Si Wong Desert. (???) so please someone write a short omake and @Umi-san , please think of getting the special action rather than the stat increase (one is time sensitive and the other is not).
When we have the extra CP tag me and I will 1000% alter my vote.

E: Actually, I'll alter my vote now on the presumption that we'll get it.
Something I have to wonder, is what people think this vote says about Tie. He was afraid of being forced to leave his home, but when he was given the option to stay, he says "Nah, fuck this place, I'm out." Choosing to leave his family in order to learn the other elements, when doing so is in no way neccessary and is completely optional.