Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

[X] Plan Siblings For Life
[X] Siph.
[X] Roku.
Spend time with Best Sister that we have to leave soon, and spend some time with our Pet

[X] Bending.
-[X] Earthbending.
-[X] Earthbending.
[X] Healing, weaving, and spirituality lessons with your mom.
[X] Riding Roku.
Get more Earthbending done with Siph, spend some time with our Mom, and learn to ride.

[X] (Mid-Term) Beat Siph in a Sandbending Duel. (+7,500 XP, +10CP.)
While we are here, we can't let her be the reining champ.
[X] (Short-Term) Learn to ride on Roku properly. (+300 XP.)
[X] (Short-Term) Teach Roku a trick. (+250 XP.)
Both we are already doing this turn
[X] (Short-Term) Convince Siph to come with you. (+500 XP. Note: Morally ambiguous/selfish.)
It's not really ambiguous, though it is slightly selfish. Especially since she can come back later. We are a kid who doesn't want to leave behind everything he knows, and is hoping he can atleast hold onto his Sister. If she does decide to stay, we'll understand.

[X] (-10 CP.) You can train once more every turn. (May only be taken once.)

I really want Siph to come with us. Don't leave Best Sibling behind. We can go on a Avatar Aang style adventure!
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not with those control freaks at least not likely enough to gamble on it
But they don´t really have any excuse now, Korra had a target on her back when the Red Lotus tried to capture her when she was 4.

But in this timeline, she died at 2 due to illness/accident, and with no war on the horizon, there is no reason not to do things the traditional way: learning bending in our travels like all the previous Avatars did...
But they don´t really have any excuse now, Korra had a target on her back when the Red Lotus tried to capture her when she was 4.

But in this timeline, she died at 2 due to illness/accident, and with no war on the horizon, there is no reason not to do things the traditional way: learning bending in our travels like all the previous Avatars did...
Or she was killed by the Red Lotus and they'll be more paranoid than ever
A Practical Lesson On Survival In The Si Wong Desert
So, I wrote two tea stories, the first one was more philosophical but as someone else said that they were going to write one I just scrapped it, I might add it later though. Instead however I wrote a lesson on how a more practical tea creation could be a thing in the desert.
A practical lesson on survival in the Si Wong desert.
Life in the Si Wong desert isn't easy, which is honestly quite obvious,

The sweltering heat threatens to overcome you at all times during the day and shade is a valuable commodity not to be taken lightly.

The freezing cold chills people to the bone at night and warmth becomes fleeting leaving your previous protections as new weaknesses.

Then there are many different species living amongst us, some of which are both terrifying and deadly, buzzard wasps laying claim to vast swathes of territory that can lay waste to entire armies if angered, paralysing Shirshus, both commonly sized and giant venomous scorpions and many more.

But today we'll be talking about a different kind of danger to our people that is also a blessing in disguise.

There are a plethora of very hallucinogenic cacti that can only safely be consumed with special purification methods and are often sold raw to the seasonal traders that pass by the oasis.

Today's lesson will be about identifying, preparing, purifying and preserving these juices. Now most of them aren't lethally poisonous and as such misidentifying them matters very little other than perhaps purifying them slightly wrong or giving some poor city noble a worse trip than he was expecting.

The ones that are dangerous though are the infamous Wu cacti which can be distinguished easily when flowering due to the unique colouring of the petals, but when not in season they can only be distinguished by pulling on a few of the needles as they use them to inject would be predators with their deadly toxin.

The needles from Wu cacti have a larger internal structure in order to be able to do what they do and unlike many other cacti who will release their needles if they have stung a creature as a way to prevent damage due to an animals frantic tearing, the Wu cacti instead have very slim and slick needles that don't grip at all and take far more energy to pull out of the cactus itself.

Other than the Wu cactus there is also the famous Wa Shi Tong cactus which is the strongest hallucinogenic cactus we have but due to its odd natural colouring and shape it is always easy to identify.

Now, preservation is actually surprisingly easy, the cactuses themselves are actually waterproof and great isolators so the trick is to cut the cactus arms at the shortening start of the branch and covering that small whole with some bark or putty.

The purification process is also actually quite easy however it is somewhat difficult to do without the proper method, first you have to make a desert oven (also called pit cooking) and then you have to boil the juices for at least ten minutes, this renders the poison inert and changes it into a tasty additive, the specific amount of time is different per species of cactus but we'll get into that later.

It's simple but seeing as most people either don't know about how hallucinogenic the cacti are or dying of dehydration, they just drink straight from the cactus, this usually leads to the traveller raving mad, naked and dancing under the burning sun.

They commonly don't survive.
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also, here's an idea for a goal, "[ ] Become immune to Roku's neurotoxin" which could be accomplished by either drinking a diluted amount of the poison (venom? i mean it only needs to touch your skin to work, so that's skin contact poison right?) every day for a long period of time slowly building up an immunity. or possibly by simply paralysing himself a small amount each night (do they sleep at night? i mean usually desert tribes are more active early in the morning, at night and late in the evening rather than directly during the day) before he goes to bed.
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Yeah, so this is the other tea story I wrote, it's heavily based off of a real life desert nomad people, namely the Tuareg and their tea ceremony, it's written from the perspective of either a travelling (modernish) researcher or one of the seekers of truth (though i assume that with the sinking of the library there are less of those out there nowadays), whomever of the two it is, they have obviously written down some of their findings and thoughts from their travels. the reason I based the tea ceremony of the Tuareg should be obvious as I feel that it would be weird to have a more eastern Asian influence on the desert nomad tribe. luckily the Tuareg fit the bill quite nicely, they were/are mainly animistic when it comes to religion so the Islamic influence isn't really a problem with their traditions and they really are a desert nomad tribe/people.

On the tea ceremonies of the desert.

One of the things that surprised me is that even in the nomadic cultures of the Si Wong desert they have tea ceremonies, which honestly only supports my theory on the cultural and spiritual connections that tea perpetuates within our society, the ceremonies themselves are naturally quite different and follow a different reasoning behind the actions but it's presence still indicates interesting intercultural connectivity, but i digress and should be focusing on the ceremony even if i truly believe that world piece shall be achieved through tea.

Every afternoon tribe members go through a ritual; this ceremony is important both for the physical health of said tribe members as well has their spiritual fortitude.

The ritual itself is simple, the tribesman performing the ritual makes three small cups of "Atai" also known as "Ashahi" tea (gunpowder green tea mixed with other things) and drinks these cups in turn.

The first cup is served "As harsh as death.", it is gunpowder tea with an extra strong bittering agent and is meant to be as bitter as can be, this symbolises how harsh and difficult life in the desert can be yet survivable as the people have survived and thrived in this land for millennia. The tea itself however mainly acts as a staunch reminder of death and the value of being cautious, combined with a strong jolt to help them fully wake up.

The second cup of tea is meant to be served "As sweet as love" and has a lot of buzzard wasp honey and mint added to it. This represents the sweetness of life, the joys of both being alive and being able to experience the world as it is, the tea however also represents the inherent danger in life, as shown in the gathering of the (in my opinion somewhat sickly) sweet honey, as well as serving as a reminder of the rewards that those same risks can bring.

The third cup symbolises a survivable balance between the two, life in the desert is harsh, painful and difficult but It is also enjoyable, breathtakingly fast and blindingly exciting. The trick is to find the right balance of caution, fear, self-preservation, fun, excitement and love that will allow you to both enjoy life as much as you can, for as long as you can. For this reason, the third cup is neither overly sweet nor bitter and has a good portion of mint mixed in.

Obviously, all cups are served hot as hell, they're in a desert.

Spiritually the tea works as a relaxant, a wakeup call to drive away any lingering fatigue and an aide in focusing on the daily goings on of the tribe, it is physically though where surprisingly enough it actually has benefits that people wouldn't usually expect.

There are the obvious hydration benefits that drinking more during the day brings and the obvious health benefits that purified (or at least boiled) water brings and the boost to someone's alertness, however more subtle and perhaps less well known are the effects that hot beverages have on the body's regulation of heat.

The hot tea actually helps the body cool off and cope with the warmer climate which obviously is a great boon to life within the desert where extreme temperatures are the greatest threat to human life even when considering the many dangerous native species.

During my travels among the Wushi tribe one thing in particular stood out to me, and that was the amount of variation in teas and spices they have, the biodiversity among the few plants that do make the desert their home is surprisingly vast and far greater than I had ever expected, along with the sheer diversity I noticed that the plants tend to have very intense characteristics: strong poisons, stronger scents, strong tastes(and thus potentially unappetising tastes for direct consumption by animals which somewhat ironically makes them more attractive for diluted use in teas) and a varied amount of other defence mechanisms.

I suspect that this is due to the need for the plants to protect themselves more than their counterparts in more humid climates need to, as when there is a larger population the loss of a few individuals matters relatively little and the spread of new traits is relatively slower than in a smaller population, whereas with that same smaller population the opposite comes into fruition. This would also explain the strong hallucinogens in the species of cacti that aren't found in any other places in the known world, but I digress once more and that is honestly a discussion topic for another time.
[] (-1 CP.) You learn to cook and make tea.
i'll vote for whatever plan adds this, i've been trying to go more iroh since the start of this quest, and refuse to back down just yet, i'd prefer the book of proverbs but i can be honest enough with myself and see that the extra training action per turn is still worth it as of now.
edit: crap everyone is already voting for the same plan....time to beg!
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[] (-1 CP.) You learn to cook and make tea.
i'll vote for whatever plan adds this, i've been trying to go more iroh since the start of this quest, and refuse to back down just yet, i'd prefer the book of proverbs but i can be honest enough with myself and see that the extra training action per turn is still worth it as of now.
Yes, this is one of the 3 things I want to do spend CP in before leaving the desert, alongside the proverb book and the Dying man..., Hopefully we will defeat Best Sis and get enough CP to do it.
[x] (-10 CP.) You can train once more every turn. (May only be taken once.)
You can train once more every turn
heya, any chance i can convince you to add the tea making perk costing 1 cp to the list, i wrote 2 omakes so technically we'd still be up 1 and i really want it.

for a more logical argument (if you're in to that sort of thing) drinking tea has major health benefits, it generally means that the water you're drinking is cleaner, it helps with you're body's temperature regulation and it helps with both relaxation and concentration...and quite a few other benefits.
in-game reasons point towards this being the path of iroh (with the book of proverbs also being a step in that direction) and our high wis is already helping us a lot due to it's in character boosting decisions and effect on the avatar state.

Yes, this is one of the 3 things I want to do spend CP in before leaving the desert, alongside the proverb book and the Dying man..., Hopefully we will defeat Best Sis and get enough CP to do it.
totally that still means 9 cp and we need to seriously train to get good enough to beat sis, perhaps bank on beating her and investing in stats?

@Birdsie hey i may have missed it but did you have an opinion on the build up an immunity to roku's neurotoxin goal/perk?
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heya, any chance i can convince you to add the tea making perk costing 1 cp to the list, i wrote 2 omakes so technically we'd still be up 1 and i really want it.

for a more logical argument (if you're in to that sort of thing) drinking tea has major health benefits, it generally means that the water you're drinking is cleaner, it helps with you're body's temperature regulation and it helps with both relaxation and concentration...and quite a few other benefits.
in-game reasons point towards this being the path of iroh (with the book of proverbs also being a step in that direction) and our high wis is already helping us a lot due to it's in character boosting decisions and effect on the avatar state.

totally that still means 9 cp and we need to seriously train to get good enough to beat sis, perhaps bank on beating her and investing in stats?

@Birdsie hey i may have missed it but did you have an opinion on the build up an immunity to roku's neurotoxin goal/perk?
Sorry, but I only give directly beneficial rewards like stat boosts or even perks for omakes that have Tie learn them directly.

As for the toxin thing, I don't see a reason why Tie would want that but I'll give it to you for free when you gain Animal Handling of 8 or above.
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Sorry, but I only give directly beneficial rewards like stat boosts or even perks for o makes that have Tie learn them directly.

As for the toxin thing, I don't see a reason why Tie would want that but I'll give it to you for free when you gain Animal Handling of 8 or above.
haha, the question was for the dude who made the plan everyone is voting for, as for why tie would want the resistance, his mount secrets poison, any animal handler knows that sooner or later you are going to get bitten, stung or put your hand where it shouldn't be which for anything that secrets contact poison is bad and you should always have anti-venom and an epinephrine pen on hand. having his shirshu will mean that he will get awkwardly paralysed often.
I'm not sure why (most) everyone doesn't want to try to convince our Sister to come with. She's Best Sister, and we shouldn't be forced to leave her behind. What's more, if we convince her to come with, it'd probably be pretty easy to convince her to go adventuring with us if we ditch the White Lotus and go on a Avatar Aang style adventure. Double whats more, she can return here at any time she desires, she is not forced to stay with us for several years.
I'm not sure why (most) everyone doesn't want to try to convince our Sister to come with. She's Best Sister, and we shouldn't be forced to leave her behind. What's more, if we convince her to come with, it'd probably be pretty easy to convince her to go adventuring with us if we ditch the White Lotus and go on a Avatar Aang style adventure. Double whats more, she can return here at any time she desires, she is not forced to stay with us for several years.
The reason is that she doesn't want to leave in the first place. Plus, who's to say that she will have a way back if she goes with us?
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Mar 13, 2018 at 9:57 AM, finished with 42 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] As the sands shift forever, so too will we meet again
    [X] Plan Bend it like Beckham
    -[X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
    --[X] Ask if he'd also be fine with "Huzzah", close to his original name but also less attention grabbing.
    -[X] Yes, tell them.
    -[X] Dad.
    -[X] Hue-Sar.
    -[X] Bending.
    --[X] Earthbending.
    -[X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
    -[X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
    -[X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
    -[X] (-3 CP.) Siph offers to teach you sandbending from now on. (May only be taken once.)
    -[X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs!
    [X] As the sands shift forever, so too will we meet again
    [x] Siph.
    [x] Roku.
    [x] Bending.
    -[x] Earthbending x2
    -[x] Firebending.
    -[x] Riding Roku.
    [x] (Mid-Term) Beat Siph in a Sandbending Duel. (+7,500 XP, +10CP.)
    [x] (Short-Term) Learn to ride on Roku properly. (+300 XP.)
    [x] (Short-Term) Teach Roku a trick. (+250 XP.)
    [x] (Short-Term) Can Hue-Sar bend or anything similar? Let's find out! (+500 XP, +1CP.)
    [x] (-10 CP.) You can train once more every turn. (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Ride 'em Avatar!
    -[x] Siph.
    -[x] Roku.
    -[X] Bending.
    --[X] Earthbending.
    -[x] Riding Roku.
    [x] Meditation.
    -[x] Chakra Control.
    -[x] (Mid-Term) Beat Siph in a Sandbending Duel. (+7,500 XP, +10CP.)
    -[x] (Short-Term) Learn to ride on Roku properly. (+300 XP.)
    -[x] (Short-Term) Teach Roku a trick. (+250 XP.)
    -[x] (Short-Term) Can Hue-Sar bend or anything similar? Let's find out! (+500 XP, +1CP.)
    -[x] (-10 CP.) You can train once more every turn. (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Siblings For Life
    [x] Siph.
    [x] Roku.
    [x] Bending.
    -[X] Earthbending.
    [X] Healing, weaving, and spirituality lessons with your mom.
    [X] Riding Roku.
    [x] (Mid-Term) Beat Siph in a Sandbending Duel. (+7,500 XP, +10CP.)
    [x] (Short-Term) Learn to ride on Roku properly. (+300 XP.)
    [x] (Short-Term) Teach Roku a trick. (+250 XP.)
    [X] (Short-Term) Convince Siph to come with you. (+500 XP. Note: Morally ambiguous/selfish.)
    [x] (-10 CP.) You can train once more every turn. (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Ride 'em Avatar!
    -[x] Siph.
    -[x] Roku.
    -[X] Bending.
    --[X] Earthbending.
    -[x] Riding Roku.
    [X] Plan Siblings For Life
The reason is that she doesn't want to leave in the first place. Plus, who's to say that she will have a way back if she goes with us?
She'll want to if we convince her. That is the point of convincing her. We wouldn't be physically dragging her with us. So, why don't you want a sister who wants to come?

The fact that she is not the Avatar and as such won't be barred from travel by the White Lotus? And, when it comes to matters besides the Avatar wanting to leave, the White Lotus tends to be rather accomadating with transportation? And that if we decide to go our own way, we can go literally anywhere we want, including back home?