Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

That is REALLY nice omake. I love those wondering about duty and avatar stuff, it really fits our character as a someone with high spirituality. Also, I never saw this take on Avatar's duty: equal change... Really Tzeentchian and I love it.
...I'll be honest, I had to look up Tzeentch to understand what you meant.
@Derek58 man, I remind you that if we take the [] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.), we fulfill one midterm ambition that gives us 6 CP and 4000 Exp, and leave us with an ambition slot open, so I would suggest adding the sand slider parts to your plan, because it gives us an immediate level up and 5 CP as profit (4 from the ambition and 1 for the level up)
@Derek58 man, I remind you that if we take the [] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.), we fulfill one midterm ambition that gives us 6 CP and 4000 Exp, and leave us with an ambition slot open, so I would suggest adding the sand slider parts to your plan, because it gives us an immediate level up and 5 CP as profit (4 from the ambition and 1 for the level up)
Acquiring the parts does not ensure automatic completion, since it's just parts, not an actual sand-glider, pr. What's more, we may gain the parts later without having to spend CP, which would end up being for the better.
[X] Plan Father Son Bonding

@Trondason We've gained 1 CP so we've actually got 8 now, if that affects your plan.
Not really, don't think we should go after a stat-boost right now, and the other 1 cp purchases don't seem that good.

Different note, @Birdsie We can spend 4 CP for an additional training action this turn, but how much would it cost for an additional training action for all turns?
Acquiring the parts does not ensure automatic completion, since it's just parts, not an actual sand-glider, pr. What's more, we may gain the parts later without having to spend CP, which would end up being for the better.
I don't like to work with mays, we may get the parts later for free, but a bird in the hand is worth two in a bush.

Plus it is the parts option that we will start the repairs immediately, we may need to use more actions to repair it if we don't roll high enough , but getting those 7 CP, a level up and freeing one ambition this early is well worth 2 CP
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I don't like to work with mays, we may get the parts later for free, but a bird in the hand is worth two in a bush.

Plus it is the parts option that we will start the repairs immediately, we may need to use more actions to repair it, but getting those 7 CP, a level up and freeing one ambition is well worth 2 CP
Waiting a few turns to see if we happen to acquire it anyways is well worth the 2 CP we'd get by not spending any.
So, 10?
Waiting a few turns to see if we happen to acquire it anyways is well worth the 2 CP we'd get by not spending any.

So, 10?
I think a good way of doing it would be if they scaled by 10 every time you buy them to prevent spam. Having 10 training actions every month would be a little... out of balance.
Why? That would extremely complicate things. And considering that 50 CP can get us infinite Cosmic power, an extra training slot isn't that much
Lets say training slots stick with per season. And it technically is 4 CP for a single season. That's 16 CP. So great deal for permanent boost for ten.

Than it costs more than it's combined total at 20.

Then it's nearly double that amount for 30.
Vote Tally : Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 51 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 1259-1306]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] Plan Bend it like Beckham
-[X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
--[X] Ask if he'd also be fine with "Huzzah", close to his original name but also less attention grabbing.
-[X] Yes, tell them.
-[X] Dad.
-[X] Hue-Sar.
-[X] Bending.
--[X] Earthbending.
--[X] Earthbending.
-[X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
-[X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
-[X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
-[X] (-3 CP.) Siph offers to teach you sandbending from now on. (May only be taken once.)
No. of Votes: 11

[X] Plan Father Son Bonding
[X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
-[X] Ask if he'd also be fine with "Huzzah", close to his origional name but also less attention grabbing.
[X] Yes, tell them.
[X] Dad.
[X] Hue-Sar.
[X] Bending.
-[X] Earthbending.
-[X] Earthbending.
[X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
[X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
[X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
[X] (-3 CP.) Siph offers to teach you sandbending from now on. (May only be taken once.)
[X] (-3 CP.) You find a book filled to the brim with proverbs. (May only be taken once.)
No. of Votes: 8

[X] Plan Family Bonding, World Learning, Spirituality, and Travel Prep
[X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
[X] Yes, tell them.
[X] Dad
[X] Mom
[X] Meditation
-[X] Chakra Control
[X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
[X] Healing, weaving, and spirituality lessons with your mom.
[X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
[X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
[X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.)
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 23
Waiting a few turns to see if we happen to acquire it anyways is well worth the 2 CP we'd get by not spending any.
Sorry, but I don't agree with you, I believe that the opportunity cost of waiting is higher than 2CP...
So I present my plan, that it is basically Bend it like Beckham but adding the Sand Slider.

Edit: Since plan Beckham already includes the sand slider I have changed my vote

[X] Plan Bend it like Beckham
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Sorry, but I don't agree with you, I believe that the opportunity cost of waiting is higher than 2CP...
So I present my plan, that it is basically Bend it like Beckham but adding the Sand Slider.

[X] Plan Bend it like Beckham (with sand slider)

-[X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
--[X] Ask if he'd also be fine with "Huzzah", close to his original name but also less attention grabbing.
-[X] Yes, tell them.

-[X] Dad.
-[X] Hue-Sar.

-[X] Bending.
--[X] Earthbending.
--[X] Earthbending.
-[X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.

-[X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)

-[X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
-[X] (-3 CP.) Siph offers to teach you sandbending from now on. (May only be taken once.)
-[X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs!
Would you be willing to switch to my plan if I added the sand slider parts in?