Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

There are always strings attached, dearie. You just don't see them yet because strings are thin.
I bet we Avatar State'd so hard it made it possible for the White Lotus to narrow down our location much more than a normal roll would have.

I don't really have a problem with that :p
I bet we Avatar State'd so hard it made it possible for the White Lotus to narrow down our location much more than a normal roll would have.
Nah, but it helped. They already know you aren't in any major city like Ba Sing Se or Omashu. They will narrow their search down to small cities, towns, and villages, and ultimately come to the Desert and Swamp as well.
Man, if we keep bringing people from our Avatar Adventures back home, we're gonna end up making a party faster than Aang got his GAang.

And since these people will be staying at our place, and our family serving them Tea, I guess we can call our team a Tie Party.

Here's a note guys, if we hang out with our sister and choose the gift, we'll probably complete two of our short term goals.
Omake: Tie's Thoughts: What is True Balance?

Tie finds his thoughts wondering once again as he sits down to meditate. His thoughts wonder to a certain duty of his as an Avatar. To bring balance. But in order to bring it, he needs to know what balance is. So he wonders, what IS balance? What does bringing balance mean? Normally, balance means equal, right? But how does that work? How does one bring equality? How does one measure equality? Is it measured by how much of something?

...no, it can't be that. Or else the nations would be unbalanced due to the massive amounts of land lacking between the three(four?) nations. Does it mean in strength? No, can't be that either. No living thing can make it possible to make others gain a certain amount of strength. And besides, the Avatar would upset that kind of balance. Would it be an equality of resources? ...no, he can't even think of how to do that is even possible. So what is it?

...maybe balance in this case doesn't mean equality? Maybe it means something else. But than what? The world is ever changing, so how do you bring balance to that? Then a thought comes to him, one that nearly shocks him out of his meditation.

What if he isn't meant to bring an absolute, equal balance? It'd make sense. In an ever changing world, balance of equality would only last in a blink of an eye. Maybe he's only meant to bring that kind of balance when the world truly goes very unbalanced to one side, such as the war Avatar Aang had ended. Maybe he is meant to bring balance in only extreme cases, so that the world may go through it's changes, so that it may progress. After all, true equality from balance would be an unchanging world, the complete opposite of this one.

So, what should he do? The world isn't in some completely unbalanced state at the moment. Well, besides the lack of air benders, but he knows he really can't do anything about that. Also, Bung shows that there ARE some Airbenders left. So that's some balance. So, how does he bring balance? A TRUE balance. He frowns. This Avatar stuff is difficult to figure out. Very difficult.

He tilts his head slightly. Perhaps he can figure this out when he becomes a police officer in Republic City. A place of equality. ...a place of equality that still has crime. That's strange. How can a balanced in equality city still have crime? Except, it's not truly equal in that way, is it? Just in opportunity. Which is better than some other places are. But still crime is evil, right? So why is evil still allowed to exist. As the Avatar, the embodiment of good-

...you are the embodiment of the world's spirit. Of balance. Not good. Not evil. And there can never be too much of one or the other. Like wealth and health and other things, good and evil are never balanced. Just slight tipping of the scales on either side, but should never be allowed completely equal or give one side too much more weight than the other. Maybe that's it. Maybe that is true balance. Not equality, but equal amounts of change. Perhaps change is the true equality. Change in good, and in evil.

Blinking his eyes open, he makes a neutral face upon that realization. Perhaps he's right. But he's not quite sure how he feels about that. ...these are thoughts for later. For now, he needs to go confess to Mom and Dad. About being the Avatar.

Spirits, you hope they don't get angry with you hiding this for so long.
And that's my second Omake! Hope you guys enjoyed it!
That is REALLY nice omake. I love those wondering about duty and avatar stuff, it really fits our character as a someone with high spirituality. Also, I never saw this take on Avatar's duty: equal change... Really Tzeentchian and I love it.
Omake: Tie's Thoughts: What is True Balance?

Tie finds his thoughts wondering once again as he sits down to meditate. His thoughts wonder to a certain duty of his as an Avatar. To bring balance. But in order to bring it, he needs to know what balance is. So he wonders, what IS balance? What does bringing balance mean? Normally, balance means equal, right? But how does that work? How does one bring equality? How does one measure equality? Is it measured by how much of something?

...no, it can't be that. Or else the nations would be unbalanced due to the massive amounts of land lacking between the three(four?) nations. Does it mean in strength? No, can't be that either. No living thing can make it possible to make others gain a certain amount of strength. And besides, the Avatar would upset that kind of balance. Would it be an equality of resources? ...no, he can't even think of how to do that is even possible. So what is it?

...maybe balance in this case doesn't mean equality? Maybe it means something else. But than what? The world is ever changing, so how do you bring balance to that? Then a thought comes to him, one that nearly shocks him out of his meditation.

What if he isn't meant to bring an absolute, equal balance? It'd make sense. In an ever changing world, balance of equality would only last in a blink of an eye. Maybe he's only meant to bring that kind of balance when the world truly goes very unbalanced to one side, such as the war Avatar Aang had ended. Maybe he is meant to bring balance in only extreme cases, so that the world may go through it's changes, so that it may progress. After all, true equality from balance would be an unchanging world, the complete opposite of this one.

So, what should he do? The world isn't in some completely unbalanced state at the moment. Well, besides the lack of air benders, but he knows he really can't do anything about that. Also, Bung shows that there ARE some Airbenders left. So that's some balance. So, how does he bring balance? A TRUE balance. He frowns. This Avatar stuff is difficult to figure out. Very difficult.

He tilts his head slightly. Perhaps he can figure this out when he becomes a police officer in Republic City. A place of equality. ...a place of equality that still has crime. That's strange. How can a balanced in equality city still have crime? Except, it's not truly equal in that way, is it? Just in opportunity. Which is better than some other places are. But still crime is evil, right? So why is evil still allowed to exist. As the Avatar, the embodiment of good-

...you are the embodiment of the world's spirit. Of balance. Not good. Not evil. And there can never be too much of one or the other. Like wealth and health and other things, good and evil are never balanced. Just slight tipping of the scales on either side, but should never be allowed completely equal or give one side too much more weight than the other. Maybe that's it. Maybe that is true balance. Not equality, but equal amounts of change. Perhaps change is the true equality. Change in good, and in evil.

Blinking his eyes open, he makes a neutral face upon that realization. Perhaps he's right. But he's not quite sure how he feels about that. ...these are thoughts for later. For now, he needs to go confess to Mom and Dad. About being the Avatar.

Spirits, you hope they don't get angry with you hiding this for so long.
And that's my second Omake! Hope you guys enjoyed it!
+1 CP, +500 XP.