Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

[X] The future is not important. You need to focus on the now. You need to focus on the one person that is here for you. "I'm sorry to keep worrying you. I always pester you with my problems, but I never help you with yours."

[X] Keep exploring. (Will begin Questline: PastYour Own Self.)
...By plan folks. Plan.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Mar 6, 2018 at 5:39 PM, finished with 1055 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] The future is not important. You need to focus on the now. You need to focus on the one person that is here for you. "I'm sorry to keep worrying you. I always pester you with my problems, but I never help you with yours."
    [X] Keep exploring. (Will begin Questline: Past Your Own Self.)
    [X] Keep exploring. (Will begin Questline: Past Your Own Self.)
    [x] Plan Silent Adventurer
    -[x] Stay silent. Don't disrupt the moment. You can tell her anything you want to tell her later.
    -[x] Keep exploring. (Will begin Questline: Past Your Own Self.)
Also, very sorry for the delay on the updates, but this and the previous week are really trashy for me. I'm constantly busy with real life stuff, but this much I can assure you: When I have free time, writing is a priority; not out of principle, but because I enjoy it. So, I think it goes without saying that I don't have much time.

That said, you can (probably) expect the next update tomorrow, on time. I can't guarantee with how this week is going, but I can give you 75% chances that it will be on time.
I want to tell the parents first and I dislike the mindset of the second option and feel the third is far too artificial for a child that age.

[x] Plan Silent Adventurer
-[x] Stay silent. Don't disrupt the moment. You can tell her anything you want to tell her later.
-[x] Keep exploring. (Will begin Questline: Past Your Own Self.)
[X] Plan Tie of the Jungle

-[X] The future is not important. You need to focus on the now. You need to focus on the one person that is here for you. "I'm sorry to keep worrying you. I always pester you with my problems, but I never help you with yours."

-[X] Keep exploring. (Will begin Questline: Past Your Own Self.)
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You step forward with your left foot, reaching toward Fushi with the right side of your body. As the monster prepares to leap, your right foot digs into the ground and creates a shockwave in the earth. It travels almost two meters, then creates a thick, brown wall from stone, which blocks the wild spirit.

You swipe both of your hands, spreading two additional walls around the sides of Fushi, encasing him from three sides and creating a tunnel of space between you.

You kick the first wall you created, sending it forward like a cannon. It slides along the two walls and hits Fushi, pushing the wolf monster away toward the corner of the chamber. This creates over twenty meters of space between you two, and staggers the wolf.
Niiiiiice :cool:

Suddenly, Siph hugs you. In an instant, your bad thoughts disappear and are replaced by comfort. Knowing that you're feeling bad, she did the only thing she could to comfort you. You don't think about the gesture. You embrace your sister back and sink into her. The weight of not knowing who you are and who you want to be is replaced by what you're feeling right now. Safety and compassion.

"Siph, I..." You struggle to speak, biting your tongue as soon as any words leave your mouth.

She doesn't answer. Siph remains quiet and not even a whisper leaves her mouth.

You try to again. "I..."

"Shhh..." She rubs the back of your head.
D'awww :)

[X] Plan Tie of the Jungle
-[X] The future is not important. You need to focus on the now. You need to focus on the one person that is here for you. "I'm sorry to keep worrying you. I always pester you with my problems, but I never help you with yours."

Obviously hiding from being Avatar is only going to make things worse in the long run. But I still feel that we should tell mom and dad first.

So let's continue the touching sibling bonding.

-[X] Keep exploring. (Will begin Questline: Past Your Own Self.)

As if anyone's going to resist the call of a questline :D
[X] Plan Home
-[X] The future is not important. You need to focus on the now. You need to focus on the one person that is here for you. "I'm sorry to keep worrying you. I always pester you with my problems, but I never help you with yours."
-[X] Pack it up.

I think that's enough adventuring for Tié today. Hopefully, he will not run into any time shenanigans where a day in this jungle translates into 2 weeks in real time.
[X] Plan Tie of the Jungle

-[X] The future is not important. You need to focus on the now. You need to focus on the one person that is here for you. "I'm sorry to keep worrying you. I always pester you with my problems, but I never help you with yours."

-[X] Keep exploring. (Will begin Questline: Past Your Own Self.)
I am pretty divided on what I want the first part to be. I want to tell her we are the Avatar, she's our Sister and I want us to trust her, but I also very much like the mindset of "My problems aren't important, lets focus on you".

I guess I'll go with
[X] Plan Tie of the Jungle
My problem with Tie of the Jungle is that we're playing a 7 year old. To turn around and discuss the your conversation partner's problems already feels artificially mature but this is a 7 year old talking to his 9 year old sister. Even without the age it feels too rehearsed.
My problem with Tie of the Jungle is that we're playing a 7 year old. To turn around and discuss the your conversation partner's problems already feels artificially mature but this is a 7 year old talking to his 9 year old sister. Even without the age it feels too rehearsed.
A extremely spiritual and wise 7 year old. Who also is wanting to dodge the conversation topic. Taking the focus off yourself is a good way to not have to talk about a thing.

Kids can have this sort of depth, it just is not common. We have added bonus thanks to being raised by two exceptionally wise people, and being the Avatar.
A extremely spiritual and wise 7 year old. Who also is wanting to dodge the conversation topic. Taking the focus off yourself is a good way to not have to talk about a thing.

Kids can have this sort of depth, it just is not common. We have added bonus thanks to being raised by two exceptionally wise people, and being the Avatar.
I get that, still feels wrong. I already have an issue with PCs always saying the "right" thing to social-fu their way around people but this being a conversation between people whose ages haven't even hit 2 digits, is just off.
Psh, I have seen younger kids lie really effectively using similar tactics and in eastern cultures it's practically graven into your soul by age four.

It is actually pretty natural to learn this conversational gambit early and in many places this is HOW YOU LEARN MANNERS. It's just modern western culture has championed the cause of honesty as a virtue and a parent's need to know everything their kid does and thinks to the point parents tend to shut their kids down on this front immediately. And at that age kids do take The Rules seriously, which means they relearn it in teenage years when they're ignoring rules.

But no, in many societies this kind of subtle distraction is learned early and just how things are done, if sister lets it slip past then it's not really considered 'lying'.
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Unarmed to Hit/Brawl (Str): -10 (Untrained; provokes Attack of Opportunity)
Melee to Hit (Str): 0
Oh neat, unarmed and melee combat skills are on the sheet.

Might as well train Unarmed up eventually so that it doesn't have a penalty, to take advantage of it being based off of Str.
[X] Plan Honesty
-[X] It's the only way. One day, you'll leave her and everything else behind to fulfill your duty. It's best to tell her early. "I'm the Avatar."
-[X] Keep exploring. (Will begin Questline: Past Your Own Self.)

Not much point keeping it secret, and revealing it now will let Tie use other bending styles as necessary while exploring. Or reveal his status to spirits, etc.