Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

Vote Tally : Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 36 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 902-976]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] Plan Not Today Murder Beast!
-[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
-[X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
-[X] (-5 CP) +2 Constitution
-[X] (-5 CP) +2 Strength
-[X] (-1 CP) +2 Dexterity
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Plan Renegotiation
[X] Earthbend walls to box Fushi in. Then shrink the walls to force him down to a smaller size.
[X] Apologize to Yuchun. Attacking him was out of line, but his laughter was likewise disrespectful. You believe that humans and spirits working in harmony can accomplish more than either can on their own. Is there anything the spirits under Yuchun need that humans can provide?
[X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
[X] (-1 CP.) +2 Wisdom.
[X] (-1 CP.) +2 Charisma.
[X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.)
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Plan Flee Damnit!
-[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
--[X] If hit by any attack from the dog, fight. It's obvious by then you won't get away
-[X] (Mid-Term) Visit someplace outside the desert. (+5,000 XP, +7CP.)
-[X] (-2 CP) +2 Dexterity
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 14
[X] Plan Renegotiation
No, seriously, I want an explanation for this. Why? What's convinced you people that we can contain the Murder Beast, and negotiate a deal with the guy we dropped his own throne on?
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Mar 4, 2018 at 9:36 PM, finished with 81 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan Not Today Murder Beast!
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    -[X] (-5 CP) +2 Constitution
    -[X] (-5 CP) +2 Strength
    -[X] (-1 CP) +2 Dexterity
    [X] Plan Renegotiation
    [X] Plan Renegotiation
    [X] Earthbend walls to box Fushi in. Then shrink the walls to force him down to a smaller size.
    [X] Apologize to Yuchun. Attacking him was out of line, but his laughter was likewise disrespectful. You believe that humans and spirits working in harmony can accomplish more than either can on their own. Is there anything the spirits under Yuchun need that humans can provide?
    [X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    [X] (-1 CP.) +2 Wisdom.
    [X] (-1 CP.) +2 Charisma.
    [X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Flee Damnit!
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    --[X] If hit by any attack from the dog, fight. It's obvious by then you won't get away
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Visit someplace outside the desert. (+5,000 XP, +7CP.)
    -[X] (-2 CP) +2 Dexterity

Would you be willing to switch over to Not Today Murder Beast? It's also running away, and the stat boosts in the plan will made said escape much easier (More Health, AC, Init, and bonuses to Earthbending rolls).


Would any of you be willing to switch to Not Today as well?

I understand wanting to try and salvage the situation, but I feel that risking fighting Fushi, especially when the QM has confirmed that a single good hit will nearly kill us, is way too dangerous at the moment.
Nothing is. Just keep in mind Fushi's claws deal a crapload of damage. That Attack of Opportunity had a good chance of not just knocking you unconscious but bringing you to the brink of death.

In the update before this most recent one, there was an option to try and find another spirit to make a deal with.
[] "Hell, no, to the no-no-no. We'll find some other spirit to discuss a peace treaty with."
I feel that giving this a shot after we escape has a much better chance of success now that we've angered Yuchun for the near future.
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@Derek58 i got told not to ask people to change votes back during the officer kyoshi debacle, and we have a good reason to try and make peace with an Obviously powerful spirit before it swings its weight around in trying to fuck us over in vengeance, and we have some backup ,and if need be we Can play the avatar as a last resort card
@Derek58 i got told not to ask people to change votes back during the officer kyoshi debacle, and we have a good reason to try and make peace with an Obviously powerful spirit before it swings its weight around in trying to fuck us over in vengeance, and we have some backup ,and if need be we Can play the avatar as a last resort card
What backup? We told Siph to stay behind and went on ahead alone.
and we have some backup
Like @Derek58 said, what backup?
and if need be we Can play the avatar as a last resort card
They are already attacking. And we don't exactly have the bending abilities to back up the statement. Let alone the fact that this guy might not even give a fuck at this point. We may have burnt this bridge to badly.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Mar 5, 2018 at 5:04 AM, finished with 91 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Plan Not Today Murder Beast!
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    -[X] (-5 CP) +2 Constitution
    -[X] (-5 CP) +2 Strength
    -[X] (-1 CP) +2 Dexterity
    [X] Plan Renegotiation
    [X] Plan Flee Damnit!
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    --[X] If hit by any attack from the dog, fight. It's obvious by then you won't get away
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Visit someplace outside the desert. (+5,000 XP, +7CP.)
    -[X] (-2 CP) +2 Dexterity
    [X] Plan Renegotiation
    [X] Earthbend walls to box Fushi in. Then shrink the walls to force him down to a smaller size.
    [X] Apologize to Yuchun. Attacking him was out of line, but his laughter was likewise disrespectful. You believe that humans and spirits working in harmony can accomplish more than either can on their own. Is there anything the spirits under Yuchun need that humans can provide?
    [X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    [X] (-1 CP.) +2 Wisdom.
    [X] (-1 CP.) +2 Charisma.
    [X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Flee
    [X] (Mid-Term) Achieve "Knowledge(Spirituality)" bonus of at least 20. (+6,000 XP, +8CP.)
    [X] (-4 CP.) During meditation, something weird happens.
    [X] (-1 CP.) +2 Dexterity
Turns out, Bung is actually a spirit, bringing them for sacrifice :D

[X] Plan Not Today Murder Beast!

Works for me. There is a time to go all-in on perseverance. But this doesn't seem worth pursuing further, beyond gaining more experience with spirits. What would success even look like in this case?

(I'm not sure about this plan's point spending, though. It seems it would be ok to continue buffing mental stats as well, even in this escape situation.)
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[X] Flee
[X] (Mid-Term) Achieve "Knowledge(Spirituality)" bonus of at least 20. (+6,000 XP, +8CP.)
[X] (-4 CP.) During meditation, something weird happens.
[X] (-1 CP.) +2 Dexterity
[X] (-1 CP.) +2 Dexterity
[X] (-1 CP.) +2 Dexterity
[X] (-1 CP.) +2 Dexterity
[X] (-1 CP.) +2 Dexterity
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Liking the quest so far, loved A:TLA. Hope this quest doesn't get sucked into the dumb shit that comes this LoK
we literally bent rock because we are here via physical portal then by meditation or like aang did that one spirit episode when his soul was ripped from his body by an angry forest spirit
Yes, and? We still don't have the bending abilities to prove that unless we get VERY lucky with the roll. Remember that Fire, Water, and Airbending all suffer a -20 malus. We literally don't have the bending capabilities to prove it unless we get lucky. I'd rather run from near certain death than take our chances.
Also, that plan makes no mention of saying we're the Avatar. So unless you think QM is going to just write a hundred words if the containment fails that lets you say 'Wait, I'm the Avatar!' before getting mauled, well, you're more optimistic than I am.

And again, this is assuming it even cares. Reminder that the face stealer didn't care about Avatars that much.