Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

Chapter 2: Tribal Wars
Chapter 2 The Tribal Wars

The Tribal Wars, a series of conflicts in and around the Si Wong Desert over a period of 30 years. With a known total of three coalitions of tribes as well as their various allies, the first and second wars had lasting repercussions for both the Kingdom of Omashu and Ba Sing Se. While the following wars have had less of an impact they still affected the development of sand bending culture. Now, as we had last left off the instigating action to the tribal wars was a grave insult from the Xera clan upon the Hami and Elor tribes. Interfering with an ancestral duel that was set to take place on Oasis grounds. Soon afterward both duelists left. Raron of the Hami tribe going back to his older brother for council and to tell him about the event. While Vinrom of the Elor tribe went back to muster his fellow tribesman to declare war on the Xera.

When Raron arrived back to his home camp he sought out his elder brother. After finding him he explained the details of what had happened. The insult to the Hami tribe as well as the declaration that the Oasis belonged to the Xera. However, the events as Raron described them were a little out of proportion. Still, his brother listened to them and begin to assemble their allies.

Vinrom returned much later to his tribe than anticipated. Getting stuck in a sandstorm of epic proportions. In that time he began to think in greater detail about the consequences of his actions. In his leaving so quickly Vinrom believed that the Xera was aware of his plans for war and were already assembling a massive host while he was stuck in the storm. When he finally returned he proposed to his fellow tribe members a joint alliance with the Hami until the Xera tribe was removed from the oasis. They were cautious, but their fears were assured when Vinrom promised that as soon as they got the chance they would destroy the Hami clan once and for all.

The plan was set and both armies agreed to meet to finalize the deal. However, a Xera tribesman had heard of this large gathering and went to investigate. Sneaking in under the cover of night he heard the plans to attack the oasis and split it amongst the both of them. Vinrom, of course, had no intention of keeping his end of the deal but played along with it anyway. With their plan set in motion, the marched at first light. Specifically not using their sand sailers due to wanting the element of surprise.

Little did they know of the Xera tribesman by the name of Gel had heard their plans and went back to his home in the Oasis as fast as they could. Arriving home out of breath and on exhausted he explained what he heard. The reactions of the joint council of Xera tribsman shocked him. They laughed, letting him know that if they were coming to take the Oasis then they had a mighty challenge ahead of them. Walls of hardwood were erected so as to prevent sandbenders from simply dissolving stone ones. A contingent of guards from both Ba Sing Se and Omasu had just arrived to make sure that goods were secured for trade. Finally, they had been able to use their wealth to buy better equipment and arms than the other tribes. Still, they had not seen what Gel had. Only one member of the council took his warning with an seriousness, a very old man named Kran. A former leader among his people, he had traveled the world and learned its ways. Eventually going on to train the Avatar in the ways of Earthbending. His voice had once carried much sway, but he was too old to make any important decisions but was still offered a seat due to his prestige.

He took Gel's warning seriously and brought him to their part of the Oasis. Explaining that he was going to use the resources available to him to send himself, Gel and a small group of his most trusted companions to a much smaller oasis not far from their current location. So as to establish a base in case the oasis did fall. As well as seek help from the various smaller tribes. Perhaps to assemble a large enough army so the Hami Elor alliance would be deterred from raiding the nearby areas. They soon set out and the stage was set for the first conflict of the Tribal war.

The Hami Elor alliance arrived at the Oasis weeks later after rounding up many of their offshoot tribes. They found an army waiting for them. Though they lost the element of surprise, none were deterred at their prospects. The Defending Xera army, however, were shocked. They had never expected to see so many united against them just for the oasis. The eldest brother of the Hami wanted to negotiate and use the army as leverage but was struck down by a stone to the head. Killing him instantly, what is interesting to note is who was it that shot the stone that killed him. Was it Vinrom? Wanting to get rid of his main rival and frame the Xera attacking under a banner of truce? Or was is a foreign soldier wanting to receive the glory of striking down a sandbender chief? The world does not know, but with that blow, the war began.

Instantly the Hami-Elor alliance was on the offensive. Launching massive waves of sand so as to sweep the defenders off the walls. In response, the defenders began to return fire with heavy stones, launched by teams of earthbenders. Though the sandbender portion was able to deflect the stones and come away unharmed, the same could not be said for the non-bending contingent of their army. Armed with only light armor they could do nothing, but be destroyed by the incoming stones.Still, they were not useless in the battle. using blowguns tipped with cactus juice to confuse the defense and sow chaos among the enemies ranks. The battle continued for days, with the Hami-Elor alliance not being able to take the thick wooden walls of the Oasis. No matter how much sand they sent they simply could not sweep the defenders away as intended. They tried making the stone underneath the walls turn into to sand, to no avail. Many casualties were taken on both sides, but the day ended with victory for the Xera. Though they had lost the battle the alliance was not deterred and begun to instigate a backup plan in case they did not succeed. The defenders, on the other hand, had received relatively light casualties and were jubilant at their victory. Laughter was loud that night as the defenders celebrated. That was until they looked over their walls and found their attackers gone. No one really knew why, but the answer was apparent soon enough. They had gone looking for easier targets.

This omake has been a blast to write. I will try to change it up a bit and write something other than history just for variety's sake. Still, coming up with history for this massive bit of land that we live in has been exciting. If anyone has any suggestions for what to add in the next omake I will do my best to include it. Also, edits will still be made to put this on a higher level of quality once I get more time.
Chapter 2 The Tribal Wars

The Tribal Wars, a series of conflicts in and around the Si Wong Desert over a period of 30 years. With a known total of three coalitions of tribes as well as their various allies, the first and second wars had lasting repercussions for both the Kingdom of Omashu and Ba Sing Se. While the following wars have had less of an impact they still affected the development of sand bending culture. Now, as we had last left off the instigating action to the tribal wars was a grave insult from the Xera clan upon the Hami and Elor tribes. Interfering with an ancestral duel that was set to take place on Oasis grounds. Soon afterward both duelists left. Raron of the Hami tribe going back to his older brother for council and to tell him about the event. While Vinrom of the Elor tribe went back to muster his fellow tribesman to declare war on the Xera.

When Raron arrived back to his home camp he sought out his elder brother. After finding him he explained the details of what had happened. The insult to the Hami tribe as well as the declaration that the Oasis belonged to the Xera. However, the events as Raron described them were a little out of proportion. Still, his brother listened to them and begin to assemble their allies.

Vinrom returned much later to his tribe than anticipated. Getting stuck in a sandstorm of epic proportions. In that time he began to think in greater detail about the consequences of his actions. In his leaving so quickly Vinrom believed that the Xera was aware of his plans for war and were already assembling a massive host while he was stuck in the storm. When he finally returned he proposed to his fellow tribe members a joint alliance with the Hami until the Xera tribe was removed from the oasis. They were cautious, but their fears were assured when Vinrom promised that as soon as they got the chance they would destroy the Hami clan once and for all.

The plan was set and both armies agreed to meet to finalize the deal. However, a Xera tribesman had heard of this large gathering and went to investigate. Sneaking in under the cover of night he heard the plans to attack the oasis and split it amongst the both of them. Vinrom, of course, had no intention of keeping his end of the deal but played along with it anyway. With their plan set in motion, the marched at first light. Specifically not using their sand sailers due to wanting the element of surprise.

Little did they know of the Xera tribesman by the name of Gel had heard their plans and went back to his home in the Oasis as fast as they could. Arriving home out of breath and on exhausted he explained what he heard. The reactions of the joint council of Xera tribsman shocked him. They laughed, letting him know that if they were coming to take the Oasis then they had a mighty challenge ahead of them. Walls of hardwood were erected so as to prevent sandbenders from simply dissolving stone ones. A contingent of guards from both Ba Sing Se and Omasu had just arrived to make sure that goods were secured for trade. Finally, they had been able to use their wealth to buy better equipment and arms than the other tribes. Still, they had not seen what Gel had. Only one member of the council took his warning with an seriousness, a very old man named Kran. A former leader among his people, he had traveled the world and learned its ways. Eventually going on to train the Avatar in the ways of Earthbending. His voice had once carried much sway, but he was too old to make any important decisions but was still offered a seat due to his prestige.

He took Gel's warning seriously and brought him to their part of the Oasis. Explaining that he was going to use the resources available to him to send himself, Gel and a small group of his most trusted companions to a much smaller oasis not far from their current location. So as to establish a base in case the oasis did fall. As well as seek help from the various smaller tribes. Perhaps to assemble a large enough army so the Hami Elor alliance would be deterred from raiding the nearby areas. They soon set out and the stage was set for the first conflict of the Tribal war.

The Hami Elor alliance arrived at the Oasis weeks later after rounding up many of their offshoot tribes. They found an army waiting for them. Though they lost the element of surprise, none were deterred at their prospects. The Defending Xera army, however, were shocked. They had never expected to see so many united against them just for the oasis. The eldest brother of the Hami wanted to negotiate and use the army as leverage but was struck down by a stone to the head. Killing him instantly, what is interesting to note is who was it that shot the stone that killed him. Was it Vinrom? Wanting to get rid of his main rival and frame the Xera attacking under a banner of truce? Or was is a foreign soldier wanting to receive the glory of striking down a sandbender chief? The world does not know, but with that blow, the war began.

Instantly the Hami-Elor alliance was on the offensive. Launching massive waves of sand so as to sweep the defenders off the walls. In response, the defenders began to return fire with heavy stones, launched by teams of earthbenders. Though the sandbender portion was able to deflect the stones and come away unharmed, the same could not be said for the non-bending contingent of their army. Armed with only light armor they could do nothing, but be destroyed by the incoming stones.Still, they were not useless in the battle. using blowguns tipped with cactus juice to confuse the defense and sow chaos among the enemies ranks. The battle continued for days, with the Hami-Elor alliance not being able to take the thick wooden walls of the Oasis. No matter how much sand they sent they simply could not sweep the defenders away as intended. They tried making the stone underneath the walls turn into to sand, to no avail. Many casualties were taken on both sides, but the day ended with victory for the Xera. Though they had lost the battle the alliance was not deterred and begun to instigate a backup plan in case they did not succeed. The defenders, on the other hand, had received relatively light casualties and were jubilant at their victory. Laughter was loud that night as the defenders celebrated. That was until they looked over their walls and found their attackers gone. No one really knew why, but the answer was apparent soon enough. They had gone looking for easier targets.

This omake has been a blast to write. I will try to change it up a bit and write something other than history just for variety's sake. Still, coming up with history for this massive bit of land that we live in has been exciting. If anyone has any suggestions for what to add in the next omake I will do my best to include it. Also, edits will still be made to put this on a higher level of quality once I get more time.
+2 CP, improvement to narrative bonus. Also, a possible character item later on.
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Quick question. What's stopping us from trying to fight the thing by shoving all our CP into Con?
Nothing is. Just keep in mind Fushi's claws deal a crapload of damage. That Attack of Opportunity had a good chance of not just knocking you unconscious but bringing you to the brink of death.
Nothing is. Just keep in mind Fushi's claws deal a crapload of damage. That Attack of Opportunity had a good chance of not just knocking you unconscious but bringing you to the brink of death.
From this information alone, I can determine that:

A: We want to RUN. If one swop alone nearly kills us, we should NOT rely on our bending to get a successful roll to trap him.

And B: Con would be the best stat to invest in. Since it increases our bending rolls, our AC, and our health.

What do you say guys?
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Mar 4, 2018 at 4:35 PM, finished with 31 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan Renegotiation
    [X] Plan Flee Damnit!
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    --[X] If hit by any attack from the dog, fight. It's obvious by then you won't get away
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Visit someplace outside the desert. (+5,000 XP, +7CP.)
    -[X] (-2 CP) +2 Dexterity
    [X] Plan Renegotiation
    [X] Earthbend walls to box Fushi in. Then shrink the walls to force him down to a smaller size.
    [X] Apologize to Yuchun. Attacking him was out of line, but his laughter was likewise disrespectful. You believe that humans and spirits working in harmony can accomplish more than either can on their own. Is there anything the spirits under Yuchun need that humans can provide?
    [X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    [X] (-1 CP.) +2 Wisdom.
    [X] (-1 CP.) +2 Charisma.
    [X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Flee Far and Wide
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    -[X] (-2 CP) +4 Dexterity
From this information alone, I can determine that:

A: We want to RUN. If one swop alone nearly kills us, we should NOT rely on our bending to get a successful roll to trap him.

And B: Con would be the best stat to invest in. Since it increases our bending rolls, our AC, and our health.

What do you say guys?
Personally happy with both of these options, after what Birdsie's said.
Not a fan of making plans myself for various reasons, so go for it and I'll vote it.
Last chance to make it, because I WILL pull all our CP into Con in hopes of surviving a few hits. After all, I can try to make enough omakes to make up for the lost CP. But still, don't want you voting for a plan you consider too expensive.
Last chance to make it, because I WILL pull all our CP into Con in hopes of surviving a few hits. After all, I can try to make enough omakes to make up for the lost CP. But still, don't want you voting for a plan you consider too expensive.
Not me you need to convince, we'll need all that CON eventually, so I'm happy voting for it. :)
[X] Plan Not Today Murder Beast!
-[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
-[X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
-[X] (-5 CP) +2 Constitution
-[X] (-5 CP) +2 Strength
-[X] (-1 CP) +2 Dexterity

Massive usage of CP? Yes. But I promise to try to make enough omakes to bring it all back. You can even place a CP debt on me and bug me about it! But I don't want to die because we took a risk in renogotiating and failing to contain the murder beast. And sure, we may have the Avatar State, but that's a thing I don't want to rely on unless we are literally at deaths door with no chance of escaping. So please, at least consider some kind of plan that doesn't involve sticking around!
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X] Plan Not Today Murder Beast!
-[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
-[X] (Mid-Term) Visit someplace outside the desert. (+5,000 XP, +7CP.)
-[X] (-11 CP) +2 Constitution
I'll need to stop you there. I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but CP cost for upgrading stats increases by one every 10 points. So once you reach Constitution 20, it will cost 2 CP to get 2 more Con. At maximum, you can get 26 Constitution this way, which is still impressive.
I'll need to stop you there. I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but CP cost for upgrading stats increases by one every 10 points. So once you reach Constitution 20, it will cost 2 CP to get 2 more Con. At maximum, you can get 26 Constitution this way, which is still impressive.
So what'd be the new cost? Cuz I keep getting 11 either way.

Edit: Changed plan to be more efficient with CP that's being used.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Mar 4, 2018 at 5:00 PM, finished with 40 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan Renegotiation
    [X] Plan Flee Damnit!
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    --[X] If hit by any attack from the dog, fight. It's obvious by then you won't get away
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Visit someplace outside the desert. (+5,000 XP, +7CP.)
    -[X] (-2 CP) +2 Dexterity
    [X] Plan Renegotiation
    [X] Earthbend walls to box Fushi in. Then shrink the walls to force him down to a smaller size.
    [X] Apologize to Yuchun. Attacking him was out of line, but his laughter was likewise disrespectful. You believe that humans and spirits working in harmony can accomplish more than either can on their own. Is there anything the spirits under Yuchun need that humans can provide?
    [X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    [X] (-1 CP.) +2 Wisdom.
    [X] (-1 CP.) +2 Charisma.
    [X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Flee Far and Wide
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    -[X] (-2 CP) +4 Dexterity
    [X] Plan Not Today Murder Beast!
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Visit someplace outside the desert. (+5,000 XP, +7CP.)
    -[X] (-5 CP) +2 Constitution
    -[X] (-5 CP) +2 Strength
    -[X] (-1 CP) +2 Dexterity
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[X] Plan Not Today Murder Beast!

So spending 11 points would get us to CON 26?
Yup. New way plan is made is much more efficient. Same amount of AC from the three stat boosts, just one point shy of what Earthbending would get, but it'd round down so it'd be the same number anyways, and the biggest/only lost is the amount of HP dropping to a 'measly' 20.
Aw, ok.

[] Plan Cheese it!
-[] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
-[] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
-[] (-5 CP) +2 Constitution
-[] (-5 CP) +2 Strength
-[] (-1 CP) +2 Dexterity

The same plan as DarkKing, but with an ambition that we can achieve much faster. We just need to use CP to get those sand slider parts, and reassemble it.
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Aw, ok.

[X] Plan Cheese it!
-[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
-[X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
-[X] (-5 CP) +2 Constitution
-[X] (-5 CP) +2 Strength
-[X] (-1 CP) +2 Dexterity

The same plan as DarkKing, but with an ambition that we can achieve much faster. We just need to use CP to get those sand slider parts, and reassemble it.
Compromise. I'll change the goal if you change your vote to my plan. Agreed? I'm just honestly trying to get us out of this alive.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Mar 4, 2018 at 5:41 PM, finished with 48 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan Renegotiation
    [X] Plan Not Today Murder Beast!
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    -[X] (-5 CP) +2 Constitution
    -[X] (-5 CP) +2 Strength
    -[X] (-1 CP) +2 Dexterity
    [X] Plan Flee Damnit!
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    --[X] If hit by any attack from the dog, fight. It's obvious by then you won't get away
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Visit someplace outside the desert. (+5,000 XP, +7CP.)
    -[X] (-2 CP) +2 Dexterity
    [X] Plan Renegotiation
    [X] Earthbend walls to box Fushi in. Then shrink the walls to force him down to a smaller size.
    [X] Apologize to Yuchun. Attacking him was out of line, but his laughter was likewise disrespectful. You believe that humans and spirits working in harmony can accomplish more than either can on their own. Is there anything the spirits under Yuchun need that humans can provide?
    [X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    [X] (-1 CP.) +2 Wisdom.
    [X] (-1 CP.) +2 Charisma.
    [X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Flee Far and Wide
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    -[X] (-2 CP) +4 Dexterity
@POTDL and @Timewinders Would you be willing to switch to my new plan?
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Mar 4, 2018 at 6:01 PM, finished with 51 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Not Today Murder Beast!
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    -[X] (-5 CP) +2 Constitution
    -[X] (-5 CP) +2 Strength
    -[X] (-1 CP) +2 Dexterity
    [X] Plan Renegotiation
    [X] Plan Flee Damnit!
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    --[X] If hit by any attack from the dog, fight. It's obvious by then you won't get away
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Visit someplace outside the desert. (+5,000 XP, +7CP.)
    -[X] (-2 CP) +2 Dexterity
    [X] Plan Renegotiation
    [X] Earthbend walls to box Fushi in. Then shrink the walls to force him down to a smaller size.
    [X] Apologize to Yuchun. Attacking him was out of line, but his laughter was likewise disrespectful. You believe that humans and spirits working in harmony can accomplish more than either can on their own. Is there anything the spirits under Yuchun need that humans can provide?
    [X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    [X] (-1 CP.) +2 Wisdom.
    [X] (-1 CP.) +2 Charisma.
    [X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Flee Far and Wide
    -[X] Flee. (And use bending to create obstacles for Fushi as you escape.)
    -[X] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
    -[X] (-2 CP) +4 Dexterity