Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

Let this be a reminder to all police officers out there.
[x] Plan Kyoshi can do it, Tié can too!
- [x] (Bending Prodigy) Why limit yourself? Organize a sandbender militia, which you will be the leader of. (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +7 Chi Points.)
- [x] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
- [x] Dad.
- [x] Bending.
- [x] Physical exercise.

Officer 1: Sorry kid, only metalbenders are allowed to be police.
Officer 2: Yeah, metalbenders 4 life!
Us: But doesn't that severely limit your hiring pool and the bending disciples you have access to? What if a waterbender with healing wants to join? Or a nonbender?
Officer 1: Pfft. Nonbenders can't do nothing.
Us: Also, you've got impoverished blue collar firebenders shooting lightning to power the electric grid. What if one of those guys turns to a life of crime and starts tossing lightning at your dudes in metal armor?
Officer 1: Listen, we've got a good gig going. Last thing we need is a bunch of "diversity" in our police force.
Officer 2: Yeah. So scram!
Us: In that case, I'm gonna start my own militia! One with a diverse range of powers and skills at our disposal, and cool distinctive outfits! And we're gonna save your butts when your stupidity gets you captured by a bunch nonbenders tired of your shit.
Officer 1: Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen.

Also, in the desert, it should be possible to find water (or moist sand) under all the dry sand on the surface. With sandbending, if we can convert loose sand into sandstone, it should be possible to dig out underground cellers that remain nice and cool all year round and maybe dig a well or something.

Or build a series of underground water tanks or jugs of sandstone, and store water from the occasional rainy season, or condensation from night time.

Then get some limited agriculture by growing cactus plants or something.

I mean, living in the desert won't be thriving, but with the power to make permanent structures out of sand it could lead to interesting architecture.

Or we could study the lizards to see how they survive the desert and steal their ideas for our own. Just like the other benders did with dragons, sky bison, and moles.
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Officer 1: Sorry kid, only metalbenders are allowed to be police.
Officer 2: Yeah, metalbenders 4 life!
Us: But doesn't that severely limit your hiring pool and the bending disciples you have access to? What if a waterbender with healing wants to join? Or a nonbender?
Officer 1: Pfft. Nonbenders can't do nothing.
Us: Also, you've got impoverished blue collar firebenders shooting lightning to power the electric grid. What if one of those guys turns to a life of crime and starts tossing lightning at your dudes in metal armor?
Officer 1: Listen, we've got a good gig going. Last thing we need is a bunch of "diversity" in our police force.
Officer 2: Yeah. So scram!
Us: In that case, I'm gonna start my own militia! One with a diverse range of powers and skills at our disposal, and cool distinctive outfits! And we're gonna save your butts when your stupidity gets your butts captured by a bunch nonbenders tired of your shit.
Officer 1: Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen.
Rossum, I swear to you, if I get the chance, this exchange will happen.

Or we could study the lizards to see how they survive the desert and steal their ideas for our own. Just like the other benders did with dragons, sky bison, and moles.
Also, damn, you're starting a whole culture. Also, damn, this is very smart. Also, damn, that plan name makes so much sense.

Okay, you've amazed me four times in one post, +1CP for what I consider absolute genius. Had I the freedom to vote, I'd vote for your plan.
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Ah, a new form of internal racism, where you are judged based on chi pathways and chakras rather than skin color. Only in Avatar.
Mm, really rather stay away from such a subject myself. I hold views quite unpopular with a liberal site like this one, and racism and stuff like that can be very badly handled quite easily in works of fiction. Always portraying every racist as irredeemably evil, instead of the majority just simply being misinformed. Along with a whole lot of other worms in the same can.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Feb 27, 2018 at 2:55 PM, finished with 261 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Officer in Training
    -[X] You want to be a police officer in Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
    -[X] Siph
    -[X] Bending
    -[X]Physical exercise.
    [X] Readying for a Journey
    [x] Plan Kyoshi can do it, Tié can too!
    - [x] (Bending Prodigy) Why limit yourself? Organize a sandbender militia, which you will be the leader of. (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +7 Chi Points.)
    - [x] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
    - [X] Dad.
    - [X] Bending.
    - [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Plan Officer in Physical Training
    [X] Plan Officer in Physical Training
    [X] You want to be a police officerin Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
    [X] Sure
    [X] Dad.
    [X] Bending.
    [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Readying for a Journey
    -[X] (Son of A Witch!) Fighting, overall, doesn't interest you. How about achieving nirvana, or whatever it's called? (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +20 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
    -[X] Mom.
    -[X] Bending
    -[X] Meditation
    [X] PLan Traveler
    - [X] Neither. Upon further thought,you wish to see the world and meet different people, like your father did.
    - [X] "No, thanks."
    - [X] Dad.
    - [X] Bending.
    - [X] Physical exercise.
[x] Plan Kyoshi can do it, Tié can too!

Reasoning's strong enough (and the short conversation is amusing) and I imagine it might do better than the spirit-focused plan that I'll switch over to this for now. :)
Us: Also, you've got impoverished blue collar firebenders shooting lightning to power the electric grid. What if one of those guys turns to a life of crime and starts tossing lightning at your dudes in metal armor?
they've got padding under the metal, so it'll just travel from the plates down through the metal boots, into the ground. Leaving them untouched. They're effectively wearing faraday cages. As long as they don't get hit in the air (without a wire attached to something) they're fine.

The proliferation of the lightning technique might straight up be the reason for the metalbending focus of the police force (not that all of them are given that Mako joined, even if most are).
That's not exactly it, but if you write an omake about it, I will allow it to be.
Damn, off my mark. I figured that with Korra dead at two, Zuko sent out his descendant to go find the next Avatar. Since, frankly, finding Avatars is in his blood.
Speaking of Zuko and the Fire Nation, who here fears we are going to have to help with prejudices towards the Fire Nation? Cuz honestly, some people just can't let things that happened before anyone modern's life time go. There will be negative prejudices there. I mean, the whole world isn't under the Republic City's flag, now is it?
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Feb 27, 2018 at 3:32 PM, finished with 265 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan Officer in Training
    -[X] You want to be a police officer in Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
    -[X] Siph
    -[X] Bending
    -[X]Physical exercise.
    [x] Plan Kyoshi can do it, Tié can too!
    - [x] (Bending Prodigy) Why limit yourself? Organize a sandbender militia, which you will be the leader of. (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +7 Chi Points.)
    - [x] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
    - [X] Dad.
    - [X] Bending.
    - [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Readying for a Journey
    [X] Plan Officer in Physical Training
    [X] Plan Officer in Physical Training
    [X] You want to be a police officerin Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
    [X] Sure
    [X] Dad.
    [X] Bending.
    [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Readying for a Journey
    -[X] (Son of A Witch!) Fighting, overall, doesn't interest you. How about achieving nirvana, or whatever it's called? (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +20 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
    -[X] Mom.
    -[X] Bending
    -[X] Meditation
    [X] PLan Traveler
    - [X] Neither. Upon further thought,you wish to see the world and meet different people, like your father did.
    - [X] "No, thanks."
    - [X] Dad.
    - [X] Bending.
    - [X] Physical exercise.

Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Feb 27, 2018 at 3:52 PM, finished with 267 posts and 17 votes.

  • [x] Plan Kyoshi can do it, Tié can too!
    - [x] (Bending Prodigy) Why limit yourself? Organize a sandbender militia, which you will be the leader of. (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +7 Chi Points.)
    - [x] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
    - [X] Dad.
    - [X] Bending.
    - [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Plan Officer in Training
    -[X] You want to be a police officer in Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
    -[X] Siph
    -[X] Bending
    -[X]Physical exercise.
    [X] Readying for a Journey
    [X] Plan Officer in Physical Training
    [X] Plan Officer in Physical Training
    [X] You want to be a police officerin Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
    [X] Sure
    [X] Dad.
    [X] Bending.
    [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Readying for a Journey
    -[X] (Son of A Witch!) Fighting, overall, doesn't interest you. How about achieving nirvana, or whatever it's called? (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +20 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
    -[X] Mom.
    -[X] Bending
    -[X] Meditation
    [X] PLan Traveler
    - [X] Neither. Upon further thought,you wish to see the world and meet different people, like your father did.
    - [X] "No, thanks."
    - [X] Dad.
    - [X] Bending.
    - [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Plan Militia Ambitions
    -[X] (Bending Prodigy) Why limit yourself? Organize a sandbender militia, which you will be the leader of. (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +7 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
    -[X] Siph
    -[X] Bending
    -[X]Physical exercise.
Yep, sand-nadoes would be pretty hardcore.

Also incredibly traumatizing for us given the tornado of viscera it would form while the person we're shredding screams and cries, but we could totally do it.
Yea but if we learn Bloodbending we could send the viscera towards our enemies and traumatize them too, if we learn how to turn the blood into ice we could also make it deadly. Good shock and awe tactic if anything else >:p
Edit: Waterbending might be hard to train in a desert.
[x] Plan Kyoshi can do it, Tié can too!
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[X] Plan Militia Ambitions
-[X] (Bending Prodigy) Why limit yourself? Organize a sandbender militia, which you will be the leader of. (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +7 Chi Points.)
-[X] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
-[X] Bending.
-[X] Physical exercise.

-Militia because I think it would be an interesting option.
-Agree because Tié should interact with people who are about his own age, but it would also be nice if he were a bit gentler than average.
-Siph just cause.
-Bending and Physical training since those will be the most useful towards fulfilling our ambition.
Alright, time for me to debate here to try to get my preferred plan to win.

Whilst I doubt the voters of wanting a militia care about it, may as well pull out everything I can grasp. The Militia gives seemingly the least rewards upon accomplishment. Meanwhile, becoming a police officer gives us much more EXP and even more Chi Points upon accomplishing it.

Some want to do it because of the 'racism' thing. I argue that to beat out such prejudices you need to either inflitrate the system itself and change it with in or convince the government to do something about it. Building our own Militia will not be changing anything with the police force in Republic City.
and we would probably be labeled as dissidents attacked by the queen bitch and then when we defend ourselves we would be labeled as terrorists
This too. Basically building our own militia will probably throw us into a civil war.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Feb 27, 2018 at 4:03 PM, finished with 271 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan Officer in Training
    -[X] You want to be a police officer in Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
    -[X] Siph
    -[X] Bending
    -[X]Physical exercise.
    [x] Plan Kyoshi can do it, Tié can too!
    - [x] (Bending Prodigy) Why limit yourself? Organize a sandbender militia, which you will be the leader of. (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +7 Chi Points.)
    - [x] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
    - [X] Dad.
    - [X] Bending.
    - [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Readying for a Journey
    [X] Plan Officer in Physical Training
    [X] Plan Officer in Physical Training
    [X] You want to be a police officerin Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
    [X] Sure
    [X] Dad.
    [X] Bending.
    [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Readying for a Journey
    -[X] (Son of A Witch!) Fighting, overall, doesn't interest you. How about achieving nirvana, or whatever it's called? (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +20 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
    -[X] Mom.
    -[X] Bending
    -[X] Meditation
    [X] PLan Traveler
    - [X] Neither. Upon further thought,you wish to see the world and meet different people, like your father did.
    - [X] "No, thanks."
    - [X] Dad.
    - [X] Bending.
    - [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Plan Militia Ambitions
    -[X] (Bending Prodigy) Why limit yourself? Organize a sandbender militia, which you will be the leader of. (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +7 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
    -[X] Siph
    -[X] Bending
    -[X]Physical exercise.

Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Feb 27, 2018 at 4:11 PM, finished with 274 posts and 20 votes.

  • [x] Plan Kyoshi can do it, Tié can too!
    - [x] (Bending Prodigy) Why limit yourself? Organize a sandbender militia, which you will be the leader of. (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +7 Chi Points.)
    - [x] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
    - [X] Dad.
    - [X] Bending.
    - [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Plan Officer in Training
    -[X] You want to be a police officer in Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
    -[X] Siph
    -[X] Bending
    -[X]Physical exercise.
    [X] Readying for a Journey
    [X] Plan Officer in Physical Training
    [X] Plan Officer in Physical Training
    [X] You want to be a police officerin Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
    [X] Sure
    [X] Dad.
    [X] Bending.
    [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Readying for a Journey
    -[X] (Son of A Witch!) Fighting, overall, doesn't interest you. How about achieving nirvana, or whatever it's called? (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +20 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
    -[X] Mom.
    -[X] Bending
    -[X] Meditation
    [X] PLan Traveler
    - [X] Neither. Upon further thought,you wish to see the world and meet different people, like your father did.
    - [X] "No, thanks."
    - [X] Dad.
    - [X] Bending.
    - [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Plan Militia Ambitions
    -[X] (Bending Prodigy) Why limit yourself? Organize a sandbender militia, which you will be the leader of. (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +7 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
    -[X] Siph
    -[X] Bending
    -[X]Physical exercise.
Also, damn, you're starting a whole culture. Also, damn, this is very smart. Also, damn, that plan name makes so much sense.

I'll confess, my first thought was "I know how the police in Republic city are, we should start our own militia" then immediatly thought of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast.

Then I realized we don't really seem to have a last name, so I couldn't make a plan name like [] Plan Nobody bends like Tié Sun (or whatever our last name is). Also, being an egotistical hunter and all around bad guy like Gaston wouldn't make for good Avatar material. So I figured we could make a militia similar to how Kyoshi founded her warriors to defend her homeland.

Rossum, I swear to you, if I get the chance, this exchange will happen.


Another thing that's weird about how Republic City operates is the whole pro bending scene. Now, there have been people observing about how the whole restriction of each team having one earth bender, one fire bender, and one water bender artificially restricts nonbenders from competing. But it also restricts the less popular bending arts (such as sandbending or plant bending), but also just the normal water, earth, fire types as well.

I mean, what if some water benders who are all friends come down from the Northern Water tribe and want to compete in pro bending? Are the guys in charge gonna go all "Sorry, guys. But each team needs exactly one fire, earth, and water bender to play. Only one of you'll be able to play and you'll need to find two others with the different elements."

Considering that the nations of the Avatar world all base their society and heritage off of their bending elements, that's actually kind of racist. Or at least culturist. That would be like saying you can only form a team with a black guy, a white guy, and an asian guy (and native americans just aren't allowed! We've got all three types of diversity already, no need to add more.)

Really, I think the game would just be more fun to watch if teams could be made up of whoever wants to be on them. Imagine a team of all fire benders vs two water benders and and an earth bender! Or have mixes of fire benders and sandbenders vs water benders and a plant bender! The original series had that one episode where Toph fought against all those earth bending wrestlers and they had more character than the bland-o guys we see in the pro bending circuit!

Or make the pro bending game something the actual TV audience can make sense of. If it was something like wrestling, or sumo wrestling where the main rule is "knock your opponent out of the ring" then it would be much easier to follow. Or something like a race where teams of benders have to work together to make it across a race track to reach the finish. Heck, they could even allow nonbenders to drive cars or something while the fire benders rocket around with their flames and waterbenders surf to victory. It could be Wacky Races with kung-fu element bending (and one nonbender in a car leaving smoke screens and traps as he tries to race to the finish ahead of all the other dudes with legitimate superpowers).
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Then I realized we don't really seem to have a last name, so I couldn't make a plan name like [] Plan Nobody bends like Tié Sun (or whatever our last name is). Also, being an egotistical hunter and all around bad guy like Gaston wouldn't make for good Avatar material. So I figured we could make a militia similar to how Kyoshi founded her warriors to defend her homeland.
thats because Jin the conqueror was a dick, the politics were a lot less hinky and it didnt have the avatar equivalent of the united nations willing to step in and kcik our ass as would the white lotus sionce the avatar is not supposed to do that kind of shit