Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

I have found something amazing to surprise you guys with, but it'll probably take real-life weeks or months for the Main Character to develop to the point that said surprise can happen.
I'm not interested in either, but the 'neither' option doesn't convince we either,

Is a write-in allowed?
Hmmm, what is your idea?

That is hardly barbaric, maybe a cruel way of hunting, but it's hunting noneless and in a desert each day is a fight for survival, as such Tie should have less empathy on that which he hunts for the matter of mere survival
Tié is more merciful and benevolent than the average sandbender. Of course, this can change. You have the option to say 'Sure' after all.

please give us a hint
It's a person related to someone from the original Avatar Team. I shall say no more, regardless of what you ask me.
We have two more options for Ambitions due to our traits.

Yeah but even the militia option sucks hard and Like I said the achieving nirvana option is doomed to failure, because the Avatar literally isn't allowed to do so

I thought about something like that

[] Neither. Upon further thought,you wish to see the world and meet different people, like your father did.

would that be alright?
[] Leader in the making
-[] (Bending Prodigy) Why limit yourself? Organize a sandbender militia, which you will be the leader of. (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +7 Chi Points.)
-[] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
-[] Dad.
-[] Bending.
-[] Physical exercise

Creating an order of Sandbenders has never really been done before. It would also be interesting to see what could happen if an avatar had a large group of benders dedicated to them to back them up in whatever they do. If we agree to go just to keep an eye on them we could warn them of any bigger creatures lurking in the sand. The Dad option is because he is the chief and learning how to lead could be interesting. Bending because we have the prodigy perk for it and physical exercise can be changed out. It might help us bond with some of the non-benders of the tribe. Also, @Birdsie can we double up on a single training action?

Alternatively, if we just want to go out and be the avatar and seek personal growth without the White lotus. Here is another plan I have in mind.

[] Readying for a Journey
-[] (Son of A Witch!) Fighting, overall, doesn't interest you. How about achieving nirvana, or whatever it's called? (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +20 Chi Points.)
-[] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
-[] Mom.
-[] Bending
-[] Meditation

This option is for people who want to go a more spiritual route. The reaching for nirvana ambition could be fun as we travel across the world seeking personal enlightenment. All while avoiding the white lotuses attempts to recruit us. Disagree and help the creatures because it's a nice thing to do. I also want us to surf on the back of one so that is a little bias on my part. Mom because she is pretty spiritual and can help guide us. Bending because we have the perk and want to be better at it. Finally, meditation, because if we are going to be enlightened then we need practice.

Edit: Just read the perks, with the Son of a witch perk we already know we are the avatar. Have we told our parents this?

[x] Plan Kyoshi can do it, Tié can too!

This plan goes best with the first plan and could be a lot of fun.
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[X] Plan Officer in Training
-[X] You want to be a police officer in Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
-[X] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
-[X] Siph
-[X] Bending
-[X]Physical exercise.

So if this follows the same path as that Anakin quest we'll end up in Republic City, then randomly switch sides and join Amon? :V
[X] Plan Officer in Training
-[X] You want to be a police officer in Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
-[X] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
-[X] Siph
-[X] Bending
-[X]Physical exercise.

So if this follows the same path as that Anakin quest we'll end up in Republic City, then randomly switch sides and join Amon? :V
I hope not. The reason I wanted to go officer route is because helping people is nice, and it's easier to not be controlled by a corrupt person in power as a police officer than a soldier in the military.

Edit: Also, being a police officer I feel, is much easier to maintain 'balance' than to be a soldier for some sort of war as well.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Feb 27, 2018 at 2:26 PM, finished with 249 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Officer in Training
    -[X] You want to be a police officer in Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Agree to go, but only to keep an eye on them.
    -[X] Siph
    -[X] Bending
    -[X]Physical exercise.
    [X] Readying for a Journey
    -[X] (Son of A Witch!) Fighting, overall, doesn't interest you. How about achieving nirvana, or whatever it's called? (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +20 Chi Points.)
    -[X] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
    -[X] Mom.
    -[X] Bending
    -[X] Meditation
    [X] Plan Officer in Physical Training
    [X] Plan Officer in Physical Training
    [X] You want to be a police officerin Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
    [X] Sure
    [X] Dad.
    [X] Bending.
    [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] PLan Traveler
    - [X] Neither. Upon further thought,you wish to see the world and meet different people, like your father did.
    - [X] "No, thanks."
    - [X] Dad.
    - [X] Bending.
    - [X] Physical exercise.
    [X] Readying for a Journey
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...Why does how Earthbending skill penalize us?

Also guessing since we have Seismic Sense we'll probably win Gilacorn hunting with ease.
[x] Readying for a Journey
-[x] (Son of A Witch!) Fighting, overall, doesn't interest you. How about achieving nirvana, or whatever it's called? (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +20 Chi Points.)
-[x] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
-[x] Mom.
-[x] Bending
-[x] Meditation

Spiritual Route, go!
...Why does how Earthbending skill penalize us?
Go look at the levels, the lower ones all come with penalties 'til we get decent at it.
Yeah but even the militia option sucks hard and Like I said the achieving nirvana option is doomed to failure, because the Avatar literally isn't allowed to do so

I thought about something like that

[] Neither. Upon further thought,you wish to see the world and meet different people, like your father did.

would that be alright?
Of course.
Also, @Birdsie can we double up on a single training action?
Yup. Probably should have mentioned that.

Oh, well, I am now.

Have we told our parents this?
Nnnope. Tié discovered it on accident when he bent a gust of fire instead of sand by fluke. He's self-conscious enough to know (I mean, shit, he has Wisdom 12, which is average for an adult human) that he should probably wait for the right moment to tell them.
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So how exactly would we go about reaching that state of Nirvana? How many ambitions can we have at one time? Because seeking enlightenment doesn't sound like it should lock us out of the Sand militia option.
I thought about something like that

[] Neither. Upon further thought,you wish to see the world and meet different people, like your father did.

would that be alright?

With the go ahead I present you

[X] PLan Traveler
- [X] Neither. Upon further thought,you wish to see the world and meet different people, like your father did.
- [X] "No, thanks."
- [X] Dad.
- [X] Bending.
- [X] Physical exercise.

Write-in option, because traveling like Dad sounds cool
"No, thanks" because that sounds like trouble and while living in the desert if a struggle for survival there a quicker and less painful ways to hunt for food
Dad, because of the traveling write-in, feels, like it gives the greatest synergie
Bending, because bending is most of the time useful
Physical exercise, because bending isn't always useful and meditiation doesn't go anywhere
Adhoc vote count started by sidestory on Feb 28, 2018 at 1:07 AM, finished with 417 posts and 38 votes.