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[X] Go. Pull the 3rd out. [Assault the Nubian Expanse and attempt to clear a path for the 3rd RWF.]

People wanted to 'prove our worth'. Time to do so.

Side note: Next turn we MUST get to work on a bill of independence, publicly and loudly. The 10% drop was just from the kneejerk veto, if people start thinking we are actually against going independent we will lose the next election.
[X] Go. Pull the 3rd out. [Assault the Nubian Expanse and attempt to clear a path for the 3rd RWF.]

High risk, high reward, we must take it.
...Do we even have food for them?
If we manage to save them, but not to hold Nubian Expanse, or if the Terminus doesn't manage to free Hades Nexus, saved Quarians will have a good chance to die anyway.
...Do we even have food for them?
If we manage to save them, but not to hold Nubian Expanse, or if the Terminus doesn't manage to free Hades Nexus, saved Quarians will have a good chance to die anyway.
They need dextro-amino acids, not dextro sugars. Normal carbohydrates should be fine.
Besides, they have rations. Might have samples of dextro mushrooms and other fast-growing shit for emergencies, just like oldtimey ships used to carry chickens and goats.

And we're an advanced technological society.

Engineering dextro algae is going to be fairly straightforward; it won't be cordon bleu, but it should keep them alive long enough for more permanent measures. We're at the stage IRL where we can assemble viruses from scratch just using chemicals.
Assemble plants and animals from their recorded genetic code should be pretty straightforward.

And that assumes that in all of our 6 billion population, no museum or collector or restaurant has samples of Quarian food crops or similar.
[X] Go. Pull the 3rd out. [Assault the Nubian Expanse and attempt to clear a path for the 3rd RWF.]

Quarians are one of my favorite alien species.
Hm. Props to Admiral Samaer for... holding the line. :)

Edit2: Love how all politicians (Council and Batarian Hegemon) didn't say anything except platitudes, but fleet commanders actually gave us actionable intel.
In fairness to the Council, they were interrupted super fast. No time to say anything but "yay you're alive!" The Batarian guy (?) has no excuse, by contrast. :p

expected the backlash from veto to be in the 30-40% range we massively lucked out
That, or the majority of the population trusts/understands that our decision to veto this specific bill doesn't mean we're anti-independence or pro-sell-out-to-the-Council.

Or at least there will be time to communicate this after the immediate military crisis is resolved.


[X] Go. Pull the 3rd out. [Assault the Nubian Expanse and attempt to clear a path for the 3rd RWF.]
-[X] While doing so, send the Explorer Corps in as a raiding fleet, to make contact with the 3rd.

We're not fully ready for this, and that is bad, but if this works it's going to be "the end of the beginning," especially if we can hold the Nubian Expanse relay system long enough to link up with the Terminus Systems force.

Wish this had happened before we assaulted the Kepler Verge; the best stroke of luck would have been if it had happened just as we completed our offensive preparations for the attack into the Kepler Verge. Ah well, can't have everything.
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[X] Go. Pull the 3rd out. [Assault the Nubian Expanse and attempt to clear a path for the 3rd RWF.]
-[X] While doing so, send the Explorer Corps in as a raiding fleet, to make contact with the 3rd.
@giodan , I'm having some uncertainty about my subvote choice. I want to ask for a specific bit of information, and you might want to keep an eye out for it too; it might change your mind.

I guess whether that idea makes sense depends on relative fleet sizes. I am in favor of committing all available resources to this operation, wherever they can be useful, and I'm assuming that "send in the Explorer Corps" isn't outright stupid on its own, which in turn suggests that it isn't stupid to try and do both.

@PoptartProdigy , is there any chance of us getting that specific information about relative fleet sizes? Mira seems to have a rough idea of approximately the relative size of a "raiding fleet" to a "battle fleet," and she surely knows how large the Explorer Corps is.

Based on this knowledge, would the Explorer Corps represent a significant reinforcement to the approximate size Mira estimates/projects for the quarian fleet? One that is likely to increase the number of their ships that make it through the relay, assuming the quarians are being hard-pressed?

Or is the Explorer Corps too small to make much of a difference, even as supporting escorts for a larger fleet?
[X] Go. Pull the 3rd out. [Assault the Nubian Expanse and attempt to clear a path for the 3rd RWF.]
[X] Go. Pull the 3rd out. [Assault the Nubian Expanse and attempt to clear a path for the 3rd RWF.]

Can't let the chance pass.
[X] Go. Pull the 3rd out. [Assault the Nubian Expanse and attempt to clear a path for the 3rd RWF.]

if we can actually save these guys and fix up their fleet, assuming it isn't almost gone this should give our own fleet a decent boast... which will be handy seeing how we likely became a bigger galactic target. But if we do try succeed from the citadel well these guys give us grief for it or is this before they were part of the citadel themselves?
[X] Go. Pull the 3rd out. [Assault the Nubian Expanse and attempt to clear a path for the 3rd RWF.]
-[X] While doing so, send the Explorer Corps in as a raiding fleet, to make contact with the 3rd.
[X] Go. Pull the 3rd out. [Assault the Nubian Expanse and attempt to clear a path for the 3rd RWF.]
[X] Go. Pull the 3rd out. [Assault the Nubian Expanse and attempt to clear a path for the 3rd RWF.]

It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And we're all out of gum.
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