Hm. Props to Admiral Samaer for... holding the line.
Edit2: Love how all politicians (Council and Batarian Hegemon) didn't say anything except platitudes, but fleet commanders actually gave us actionable intel.
In fairness to the Council, they were interrupted
super fast. No time to say anything but "yay you're alive!" The Batarian guy (?) has no excuse, by contrast.
expected the backlash from veto to be in the 30-40% range we massively lucked out
That, or the majority of the population trusts/understands that our decision to veto this specific bill doesn't mean we're anti-independence or pro-sell-out-to-the-Council.
Or at least there will be time to communicate this after the immediate military crisis is resolved.
[X] Go. Pull the 3rd out. [Assault the Nubian Expanse and attempt to clear a path for the 3rd RWF.]
-[X] While doing so, send the Explorer Corps in as a raiding fleet, to make contact with the 3rd.
We're not fully ready for this, and that is
bad, but if this works it's going to be "the end of the beginning," especially if we can hold the Nubian Expanse relay system long enough to link up with the Terminus Systems force.
Wish this had happened before we assaulted the Kepler Verge; the best stroke of luck would have been if it had happened just as we completed our offensive preparations
for the attack into the Kepler Verge. Ah well, can't have everything.