Zerg in a Fantasy World

Diplomacy Kerrigan style
[X]Ask for Kerrigan's guidance.

AN: Votes were kinda a mess, but by line this was top vote, and diplomacy a close second. Got a bit inspired.

High goblins were born knowing they were different. It was extremely apparent after they learned their first word or two. Their brethren could barely string together a coherent sentence, and a High Goblin had actual thought behind it. Usually they died quickly as their 'brethren' killed them for some reason or another. Cannibalism, competition, or simply because they could. Goblins were like that usually. The God of Vermin was not a pleasant god, and his creations mirrored that in behavior. Those that lived? They were the ones that learned enough to run, or to dominate.

The goblin in charge of this group had the name of Fire Rock. A particularly fancy name based on his liking of using the same thing. He had survived by the virtue of the tribes in this region being far more hardy than the others. Volcanos were nasty places to live in after all, and if you wanted to survive around them you had to be tough.

Fire Rock didn't like to think much. He had to though. He was leader because he was smart. He kept his tribe growing. They feasted on whatever they could find, and ran and hid when they were hunted. To his mind it was eat or be eaten. Things like words were meaningless in the face of that simple fact.

So he wasn't speaking as he thought. His tribesmen grunted, and did their own thing. He sat in the middle and pondered. The new prey up top looked succulent. But deadly too. He needed to be careful and find the proper tunnels if he wanted to get them. The sneaky ones that wormed their way through the ground naturally, and were so hot that it burned moving through.

The only warning he had at an attack was the shifting of stone, and then not-goblins screams resounding in the cavern. The little slashy things dropped out of the ceiling and into the middle of the tribe.

They reacted instantly of course, twisted anad turning away. Fleeing immediately as a few were slain. To the goblin mind, this was absolutely natural.

Then the creatures went still. Blood smell swept across the cavern, and a few goblins whimpered in pain as they tried to crawl away from the slashy things.

"You will be still." The voice sounded across the cavern, and the goblins scattered still more. Hissing sound from one of the tunnels had more than a few running back into the center where the wounded goblins bled to death. "Vermin, useless things made by an uncaring god. You will be still or you will die painfully."

It was the last word that had Fire Rock bark a command to freeze. The goblins around him immediately did. That had been a god word. A statement reinforced by a god and being more than a promise or statement. It would happen, and the god would dedicate their power to it.

"Goood." A creature skittered into the place. Terrifying just like the slashy things. Another one with different configurations, but similiar moved up beside it and the goblins bleeding out screamed as something hissed on their skin. They scrambled back, uncaring of the fact that they were healed down. Fire Rock barked again, and they froze. "Goood indeed. You understand. We are the swarm. You thought us easy prey. You were wrong."

Fire Rock nodded warily from his hiding spot. He wasn't fool enough to believe he was hidden, but the cover made him feel better. Plus he was still a shaman. Earth was safety in many senses.

"Our goddess has commanded peace. But she is one of rage too. You attempted to slay us. You are vermin deserving death. Do you defend yourself at all, or will you run to be hunted down like the beasts you are?" The zerg stepped forward and looked around.

Fire Rock swallowed. He was quite certain now that the only way out was going to be fight if he fled. That much certainty meant he was surrounded.

"You food. We leave. You no food." His grasp of the word was horrible unfortunately.

"Like good scavangers then. Picking at the weak ones. Or perhaps smart predators." The zerg queen chuckled with a dry crackling sound. "You have two choices here. Either submit, or attempt to flee. You will die if you choose wrong. Are you smart enough to understand which one?"

"You want tribe?" Fire Rock asked incredulously. That was a new concept. "They stupid. They run and attempt to eat you." They would too if he wasn't keeping an eye on them.

"Oh yes. You will all serve the swarm no matter what." The queens statement carried an odd threatening tone, and Fire Rock gulped again through a dry tone.

Unfortunately the canny goblin couldn't see a way out at the moment. That could change soon though. "We serve." All he needed was one opening. Then he would cut and run with a few breeders.

"Good. We have a place prepared for you. You will be fed, and we will find a proper use soon. Until then you will wait." The queen took her sweet time to examine each and every trembling goblin. "I would suggest you not run. We would enjoy the hunt far more than you."

Fire Rock had a sneaking suspicion that this was going to be harder than he first thought.

(Goblin tribe subjugated by the Divine Order of Kerrigan. Also, in the course of your shiny hunting you found 200 silver, worth 600 minerals.)

You may choose one of each action. Building actions are considered instant, and can change other actions.

Building Actions - We require more minerals.

[] Build what? (Page 1 has details.)

Economic Actions - What should we eat today?

[] Dig deep and dig down. We have a lay of the land beneath us. But it has risks now as well as rewards. (Guaranteed minerals, chance of drone loss, chance of special event)
[] Expanded Lava Harvest. Send the drones to dredge minerals from the lava in a larger area as you have stripped the local area free of minerals. ( Guaranteed minerals based off drone loss, 30% chance of drone loss due to local areas becoming tapped out)
[] Mushroom Harvest. There are a LOT of mushrooms nearby. The trips longer than you'd expect, but drones won't car e. (Biomass gain based on drones. Further harvests will deplete the area over time.)
[] Shiny hunting. Look for glittering gemstones or other materials underground. We never really cared before, so we didn't really look. Now we do a bit. (Random trade good unlocked.)

Military Actions - Kekeke. With Roaches and queens, our options become greater.

[] Range to the North to the forest with our forces and hunt big things! (Chance of lost units, chance of EP, chance of special events, chance of biomass)
[] Range to the South to the Swamp with our forces and hunt big things! (Chance of lost units, chance of EP, chance of special events, chance of biomass)
[] Range to the East to the Mountains with the overlord and zerglings. Have the roaches guard our base. (Reduces chance of drone loss.)
[] Range to the West to the Desert with the overlord and zerglings. You feel as if there's more to discover still. Have the roaches guard our base. (Reduces chance of drone loss.)
[] Hunting. Zerglings can fight better than most anything normal, and normal animals stand no chance. There are a few nearby, but not many at the moment. Roaches can ambush from the ground. (Gain biomass.)
[] Expand our influence. Right now we have a single mountain. With the queens, this reach can be expanded to the another nearby mountain (Checks a nearby mountain and gains control over it if it's empty.)
[] Hunt Charybdis. (Warning, Risky.)

Research Actions - We observe and grow as always.

[] Write ins allowed

Diplomacy Actions - The goblins poke and prod, but stay still... For now.

Current Contracts:
People of Stone - A nation of dwarves to the east. Primarily focused on crafting and building up. Their gods apparently value creation of weapons, armor, buildings, and art.
-Tentative Trade agreement: Give them shiny things, and you get minerals.

Slime People - A nation of bizarre and friendly people to the south in the swamp. Their clumsy and absentminded nature conceals a deadly and dangerous proficiency of poison.
-Trade agreement: Roach Acids for Healing potions

Elves of the Great Forest - A nation of elves to the north in the forest. Nature mages. Or in better words, biomancers.
-Trade agreement: 'Tech exchange' bioform for bioform

Goblin Tribe, led by Fire Rocks.
-You don't squish them, and feed them, and they stay in a secured area.

General Contracts
-Paladins Welcome: All Paladins of Bulwark are welcome.
-Adventures Not Welcome: No adventurers allowed!

You may pick one of the below
[] Contact the slime king(About what?)
[] Contact the dwarves (About what?)
[] Contact the elves! (about what?)
[] Request Lore from others (?)
[] Talk to the Dragon of Fiery Mountains! (You probably want tribute if you're doing that)
[] Change Contracts?
[] Arrange tasks for goblins

Trade Action
[] Gems for minerals? +700 Minerals
[] Bioform exchange with elves
[] Trade silver for +600 minerals

Research Action
[] Write ins allowed.
You know, I am thinking that hunting the Charybdis is actually real easy:

Get Banelings. Make a good amount of them. Something like 10-20. Then make them go to the monster's pond.

The Charybdis swallows them up like lemon drops and they explode inside it's belly. Or they get shredded by the whirpool and he sucks in the acids, making it have the same effect.

Or they get shredded by the Whirlpool power and he recognizes the toxins and the acids in the water and stops sucking, there by neutrelizing that danger anyway. And then we kill him by making even more banelings swarm, and explode around him underwater.

So you see, the answer to most of lives problems, and this particular one, is Banelings.
You know, I am thinking that hunting the Charybdis is actually real easy:

Get Banelings. Make a good amount of them. Something like 10-20. Then make them go to the monster's pond.

The Charybdis swallows them up like lemon drops and they explode inside it's belly. Or they get shredded by the whirpool and he sucks in the acids, making it have the same effect.

Or they get shredded by the Whirlpool power and he recognizes the toxins and the acids in the water and stops sucking, there by neutrelizing that danger anyway. And then we kill him by making even more banelings swarm, and explode around him underwater.

So you see, the answer to most of lives problems, and this particular one, is Banelings.

The issue is a bit that banelings are also a very expensive solution to our problems, this isn't multiplayer SC where as long as the enemy loses more than you do you'll probably win... Every baneling we lose is a amount of resources we can't bring to bear for our next problem.
You know, I am thinking that hunting the Charybdis is actually real easy:

Get Banelings. Make a good amount of them. Something like 10-20. Then make them go to the monster's pond.

The Charybdis swallows them up like lemon drops and they explode inside it's belly. Or they get shredded by the whirpool and he sucks in the acids, making it have the same effect.

Or they get shredded by the Whirlpool power and he recognizes the toxins and the acids in the water and stops sucking, there by neutrelizing that danger anyway. And then we kill him by making even more banelings swarm, and explode around him underwater.

So you see, the answer to most of lives problems, and this particular one, is Banelings.

Explosives and caustics tend to discourage many problems.

Explosive caustics discourage most problems.

Being fed explosive caustics discourages almost all problems.
The issue is a bit that banelings are also a very expensive solution to our problems, this isn't multiplayer SC where as long as the enemy loses more than you do you'll probably win... Every baneling we lose is a amount of resources we can't bring to bear for our next problem.

You can probably eat Charybdis after, though.
@Lost Star I have a question if you don't mind.

Isn't the reason we need an adventurer strain because individual members of the swarm become dumb/feral when cut off from it, so we need zerg that can operate without us? Is that at all similar to the differences between the goblins and high goblins? If so could we research the differences between the two and apply the results towards the development of the adventurer strain?
...You know it strikes me how similar the Zerg and the goblins are. Both were created by Gods(Amon and Vermin(God of vermin, technically but well... he is vermin) to be slaves to their will. The Zerg broke free of their Master/God via the efforts of the Overmind(WE REALLY SHOULD MAKE AT LEAST ONE TEMPLE TO HIM, HE TURNED OUT TO BE BRO, DISSIPATE AMON'S INFLUANCE) and Kerrigan. We have a chance to save the goblin race from this via Breeding/Genetic Manipulation/Magic.
@Lost Star I have a question if you don't mind.

Isn't the reason we need an adventurer strain because individual members of the swarm become dumb/feral when cut off from it, so we need zerg that can operate without us? Is that at all similar to the differences between the goblins and high goblins? If so could we research the differences between the two and apply the results towards the development of the adventurer strain?
The things are actually fairly different, so no. Normal goblins are the default state. Smart goblins aren't.
. . . Dang it. *sigh* now we'll have to add a research action for biomancy scanning the High Goblin, and the general Goblins, so that we can have an Evo Point for Creep Plants to feed the Goblins.

[edit] ... well, if we need an Evo Point... waiting to see if we got one from selecting diplomacy.
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Well, at least we can question the goblins about the local area. They have been getting food somewhere up until now so that should at least be attainable. They might also know about some valuables or threats.
AAAAAAAAAAAANYHOW here is my plan of ultimate satisfaction

note!: frankly we are hordeing way to much we need to SPEND SPEND SPEND economy maxing is worthless if you arent useing your economy!

Plan: Operation Cuddlesworth Part 1

[X] Build what? {OVERALL OVERALL cost of 3100 minerals and 80 biomass, WELL within our spending budget

Zergling X 10 {that should be twenty zerglings for the price of ten since two spawn}
Cost: 50 Minerals, 1 biomass. {OVERALL cost of 500 minerals and 10 biomass
Specials: Simple. (2 zerglings count as 1 for size or maintenance purposes. 2 are spawned when created.) Very Fast.

Drone X 40
Cost: 50 Minerals, 1 biomass. { OVERALL cost of 2000 minerals and 40 biomass}
Specials: Worker. (Optimized to work for a long time, and can shape tools and other things if needed.) Builder. (Can morph into buildings.)

Overlord X 6
Cost: 100 Minerals, 5 biomass. { OVERALL cost of 600 minerals, and 30 biomass}
Specials: Zerg Supply Unit (Supplies food for up to 10 zergs naturally.) Flight.

Economic Actions - What should we eat today?

[X] Dig deep and dig down. We have a lay of the land beneath us. But it has risks now as well as rewards. (Guaranteed minerals, chance of drone loss, chance of special event)
[] Expanded Lava Harvest. Send the drones to dredge minerals from the lava in a larger area as you have stripped the local area free of minerals. ( Guaranteed minerals based off drone loss, 30% chance of drone loss due to local areas becoming tapped out)
[] Mushroom Harvest. There are a LOT of mushrooms nearby. The trips longer than you'd expect, but drones won't car e. (Biomass gain based on drones. Further harvests will deplete the area over time.)
[] Shiny hunting. Look for glittering gemstones or other materials underground. We never really cared before, so we didn't really look. Now we do a bit. (Random trade good unlocked.)

Military Actions - Kekeke. With Roaches and queens, our options become greater.

[] Range to the North to the forest with our forces and hunt big things! (Chance of lost units, chance of EP, chance of special events, chance of biomass)
[] Range to the South to the Swamp with our forces and hunt big things! (Chance of lost units, chance of EP, chance of special events, chance of biomass)
[] Range to the East to the Mountains with the overlord and zerglings. Have the roaches guard our base. (Reduces chance of drone loss.)
[] Range to the West to the Desert with the overlord and zerglings. You feel as if there's more to discover still. Have the roaches guard our base. (Reduces chance of drone loss.)
[X] Hunting. Zerglings can fight better than most anything normal, and normal animals stand no chance. There are a few nearby, but not many at the moment. Roaches can ambush from the ground. (Gain biomass.)
[] Expand our influence. Right now we have a single mountain. With the queens, this reach can be expanded to the another nearby mountain (Checks a nearby mountain and gains control over it if it's empty.)
[] Hunt Charybdis. (Warning, Risky.)

Research Actions - We observe and grow as always.

[] Write ins allowed

Diplomacy Actions - The goblins poke and prod, but stay still... For now.

Current Contracts:
People of Stone - A nation of dwarves to the east. Primarily focused on crafting and building up. Their gods apparently value creation of weapons, armor, buildings, and art.
-Tentative Trade agreement: Give them shiny things, and you get minerals.

Slime People - A nation of bizarre and friendly people to the south in the swamp. Their clumsy and absentminded nature conceals a deadly and dangerous proficiency of poison.
-Trade agreement: Roach Acids for Healing potions

Elves of the Great Forest - A nation of elves to the north in the forest. Nature mages. Or in better words, biomancers.
-Trade agreement: 'Tech exchange' bioform for bioform

Goblin Tribe, led by Fire Rocks.
-You don't squish them, and feed them, and they stay in a secured area.

General Contracts
-Paladins Welcome: All Paladins of Bulwark are welcome.
-Adventures Not Welcome: No adventurers allowed!

You may pick one of the below
[X] Contact the slime king(About what?) further possible trade contracts and some info gathering on adventurers
[] Contact the dwarves (About what?)
[] Contact the elves! (about what?)
[] Request Lore from others (?)
[] Talk to the Dragon of Fiery Mountains! (You probably want tribute if you're doing that)
[] Change Contracts?
[] Arrange tasks for goblins

Trade Action
[] Gems for minerals? +700 Minerals { might be able to refine so saving it}
[X] Bioform exchange with elves {exchange a drone}
[X] Trade silver for +600 minerals

Research Action
[X] lead several goblins into the backyard shotgun in hand and begin........studying of their biology old yeller style
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AAAAAAAAAAAANYHOW here is my plan of ultimate satisfaction

note!: frankly we are hordeing way to much we need to SPEND SPEND SPEND economy maxing is worthless if you arent useing your economy!

Plan: Operation Cuddlesworth Part 1

[X] Build what? {OVERALL OVERALL cost of 3100 minerals and 80 biomass, WELL within our spending budget

Zergling X 10 {that should be twenty zerglings for the price of ten since two spawn}
Cost: 50 Minerals, 1 biomass. {OVERALL cost of 500 minerals and 10 biomass
Specials: Simple. (2 zerglings count as 1 for size or maintenance purposes. 2 are spawned when created.) Very Fast.

Drone X 40
Cost: 50 Minerals, 1 biomass. { OVERALL cost of 2000 minerals and 40 biomass}
Specials: Worker. (Optimized to work for a long time, and can shape tools and other things if needed.) Builder. (Can morph into buildings.)

Overlord X 6
Cost: 100 Minerals, 5 biomass. { OVERALL cost of 600 minerals, and 30 biomass}
Specials: Zerg Supply Unit (Supplies food for up to 10 zergs naturally.) Flight.

Economic Actions - What should we eat today?

[X] Dig deep and dig down. We have a lay of the land beneath us. But it has risks now as well as rewards. (Guaranteed minerals, chance of drone loss, chance of special event)
[] Expanded Lava Harvest. Send the drones to dredge minerals from the lava in a larger area as you have stripped the local area free of minerals. ( Guaranteed minerals based off drone loss, 30% chance of drone loss due to local areas becoming tapped out)
[] Mushroom Harvest. There are a LOT of mushrooms nearby. The trips longer than you'd expect, but drones won't car e. (Biomass gain based on drones. Further harvests will deplete the area over time.)
[] Shiny hunting. Look for glittering gemstones or other materials underground. We never really cared before, so we didn't really look. Now we do a bit. (Random trade good unlocked.)

Military Actions - Kekeke. With Roaches and queens, our options become greater.

[] Range to the North to the forest with our forces and hunt big things! (Chance of lost units, chance of EP, chance of special events, chance of biomass)
[] Range to the South to the Swamp with our forces and hunt big things! (Chance of lost units, chance of EP, chance of special events, chance of biomass)
[] Range to the East to the Mountains with the overlord and zerglings. Have the roaches guard our base. (Reduces chance of drone loss.)
[] Range to the West to the Desert with the overlord and zerglings. You feel as if there's more to discover still. Have the roaches guard our base. (Reduces chance of drone loss.)
[X] Hunting. Zerglings can fight better than most anything normal, and normal animals stand no chance. There are a few nearby, but not many at the moment. Roaches can ambush from the ground. (Gain biomass.)
[] Expand our influence. Right now we have a single mountain. With the queens, this reach can be expanded to the another nearby mountain (Checks a nearby mountain and gains control over it if it's empty.)
[] Hunt Charybdis. (Warning, Risky.)

Research Actions - We observe and grow as always.

[] Write ins allowed

Diplomacy Actions - The goblins poke and prod, but stay still... For now.

Current Contracts:
People of Stone - A nation of dwarves to the east. Primarily focused on crafting and building up. Their gods apparently value creation of weapons, armor, buildings, and art.
-Tentative Trade agreement: Give them shiny things, and you get minerals.

Slime People - A nation of bizarre and friendly people to the south in the swamp. Their clumsy and absentminded nature conceals a deadly and dangerous proficiency of poison.
-Trade agreement: Roach Acids for Healing potions

Elves of the Great Forest - A nation of elves to the north in the forest. Nature mages. Or in better words, biomancers.
-Trade agreement: 'Tech exchange' bioform for bioform

Goblin Tribe, led by Fire Rocks.
-You don't squish them, and feed them, and they stay in a secured area.

General Contracts
-Paladins Welcome: All Paladins of Bulwark are welcome.
-Adventures Not Welcome: No adventurers allowed!

You may pick one of the below
[X] Contact the slime king(About what?) further possible trade contracts and some info gathering on adventurers
[] Contact the dwarves (About what?)
[] Contact the elves! (about what?)
[] Request Lore from others (?)
[] Talk to the Dragon of Fiery Mountains! (You probably want tribute if you're doing that)
[] Change Contracts?
[] Arrange tasks for goblins

Trade Action
[] Gems for minerals? +700 Minerals { might be able to refine so saving it}
[X] Bioform exchange with elves {exchange a drone}
[X] Trade silver for +600 minerals

Research Action
[X] lead several goblins into the backyard shotgun in hand and begin........studying of their biology old yeller style
[X] plan nothing

[X] Build what?
-[X] nothing

Economic Actions - What should we eat today?
[X] Shiny hunting. Look for glittering gemstones or other materials underground. We never really cared before, so we didn't really look. Now we do a bit. (Random trade good unlocked.)

Military Actions - Kekeke. With Roaches and queens, our options become greater.
[X] Expand our influence. Right now we have a single mountain. With the queens, this reach can be expanded to the another nearby mountain (Checks a nearby mountain and gains control over it if it's empty.)

You may pick one of the below
[X] Arrange tasks for goblins
-[X] breed

Trade Action
[X] Trade silver for +600 minerals

Research Action
[X] plan creation of Abathur
[X] Plan set up for adventurers.

[X] Build what?
-[X] If the silver trade goes through spawn:
--[X] Dungeon Level 1
--[X] 4 * drone

Economic Actions - What should we eat today?

[X] Expanded Lava Harvest. Send the drones to dredge minerals from the lava in a larger area as you have stripped the local area free of minerals. ( Guaranteed minerals based off drone loss, 30% chance of drone loss due to local areas becoming tapped out)
-[X] Around the new hive where we haven't depleted things yet.

Military Actions - Kekeke. With Roaches and queens, our options become greater.

[X] Range to the South to the Swamp with our forces and hunt big things! (Chance of lost units, chance of EP, chance of special events, chance of biomass)
-[X] See about linking up with a slime hunting party again maybe.

Research Actions - We observe and grow as always.

[X] Have our Biomancy queen thoroughly scan the goblins. Both so we might learn anything interesting and so that we know about them after Kerrigan decided to have us rule them. Make sure to include scanning the high goblin. Don't kill them though unless you have too and even then not Fire Rocks.
[X] Spend EP. If we gain any EP this turn use one to evolve the Creep Plants upgrade so we can start feeding our goblin subjects ASAP.

Diplomacy Actions - The goblins poke and prod, but stay still... For now.
You may pick one of the below
[X] Arrange tasks for goblins
-[X] Interrogate Fire Rocks for information on their former territory. They were eating something there so what food sources are there? If they know about any shinies or dangers that would be important too.

Trade Action
[X] Trade silver for +600 minerals

Simple logic really, we need the Creep Plants to feed the goblins we just picked up by divine decree. Since we are getting them anyways we might as well go the rest of the way and get the adventurer thing set up since that is the other thing those are good for. So we use the silver to build a dungeon.
[X] Plan Exploding Zerg

Build What?
[X] Nothing
No mineral in stock.

Economic Actions - What should we eat today?
[X] Dig deep and dig down. We have a lay of the land beneath us. But it has risks now as well as rewards. (Guaranteed minerals, chance of drone loss, chance of special event)
Because we need more dough.

Military Actions - Kekeke. With Roaches and queens, our options become greater.
[X] Expand our influence. Right now we have a single mountain. With the queens, this reach can be expanded to the another nearby mountain (Checks a nearby mountain and gains control over it if it's empty.)
Because we must keep expanding.

Diplomatic actions
[X] Request Lore from others (?)
-[X] Zerg, what do people know about us at this time?
Because seeing what the rumor mill about us at this time would be immensely helpful for future Diplomatic actions.

Trade Action
[X] Trade silver for +600 minerals
No reason not to.

And, the purpose of this plan:

Research Action
[X] Research Banelings.
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