Zerg in a Fantasy World

--[X] Upgrade melee attacks, ranged attacks, ground carapace in Evolution Chamber to level 1 (350 Minerals, 350 Vespene)
--[X] Upgrade ranged attacks and ground carapace in Evolution Chamber to level 2 (375 Minerals, 375 Vespene)
Hmm. Okay, I like this idea better than mine; the only suggestion I'd make is to upgrade melee attacks to level 2 instead of ranged. We have a lot of zerglings and roaches at the moment, and they are proportionally more affected by attack upgrades than hydralisks are: zergling DPS goes up about 14% per upgrade, whereas hydra DPS only goes up about 5% per upgrade.

[X] Plan More Upgrades
Hmm. Okay, I like this idea better than mine; the only suggestion I'd make is to upgrade melee attacks to level 2 instead of ranged. We have a lot of zerglings and roaches at the moment, and they are proportionally more affected by attack upgrades than hydralisks are: zergling DPS goes up about 14% per upgrade, whereas hydra DPS only goes up about 5% per upgrade.

Roaches are ranged units...
Queens are listed as having a ranged attack.
Zergling production does not require vespine - no hard limit to number of units.
Yeah, put that word in the wrong place. Still, roaches and hydras aren't affected as much as our zerglings are by attack upgrades, especially if you're trying to counter armored units; generally speaking it's a better idea to upgrade melee attacks first unless you're going for a ranged-only strategy.

Thing is that we are mostly running a ranged strategy here. Far more of our resources are tied up in our ranged units than melee units. Our hydralisks, roaches and queens are all ranged while on the melee end we only have some zerglings (and the drones I guess, but we really don't want those fighting). Until we get ultralisks I don't really see that changing tbh.

And while you are correct that zerglings gain a lot more benefit from upgrades percentage wise on their DPS, you need to keep in mind that they tend to have far less time to deal that damage. Our roaches and hydralisks will generally outlast them them by virtue of robustness and range respectively.
And while you are correct that zerglings gain a lot more benefit from upgrades percentage wise on their DPS, you need to keep in mind that they tend to have far less time to deal that damage. Our roaches and hydralisks will generally outlast them them by virtue of robustness and range respectively.
True, but what does more damage - arbitrary number of zerglings or a few hydralisks?
True, but what does more damage - arbitrary number of zerglings or a few hydralisks?

We don't have an arbitrary number of zerglings... We have 30 of them. If you are refering to the fact that we can get minerals but not vespene from the ground here I must point out that we can convert minerals into vespene fairly efficiently and that the crystals we will likely soon get an income of are also usable as a source of vespene.
If you are refering to the fact that we can get minerals but not vespene from the ground here I must point out that we can convert minerals into vespene fairly efficiently and that the crystals we will likely soon get an income of are also usable as a source of vespene.
Limited place for temples, and getting crystals is not under our control. Heros are independent - and whether or not we can buy them is not up to us. Mining, on the other hand, is. Vespene is a limited resource.
Limited place for temples, and getting crystals is not under our control. Heros are independent - and whether or not we can buy them is not up to us. Mining, on the other hand, is. Vespene is a limited resource.

I'm pretty sure we can build more hatcheries than the listed number of spots... I imagine the number listed is how many we can build while having them useful for expanding our turf/gathering stuff.

And while getting crystals might not be entirely under our control it is probably reasonably reliable. The system with adventurers has been running for a good while in other nations and there is no reason to assume it won't work for us.

As for mining... You realize there is only so much stuff in the ground, right? Mining is also very much a finite option. It should clearly have diminishing returns sooner or later.
And while you are correct that zerglings gain a lot more benefit from upgrades percentage wise on their DPS, you need to keep in mind that they tend to have far less time to deal that damage. Our roaches and hydralisks will generally outlast them them by virtue of robustness and range respectively.
It's not just percentages that are important, either; it's total DPS. Zerglings receive a +2 DPS per upgrade (+2.86 with Adrenal Glands), while Hydralisks and Roaches receive a +1.87 and +1.4 DPS per upgrade. And, given that your plan will end with 40 melee units and 27 ranged units, that comes out to a total DPS upgrade of +80 for melee level 2 and +39.2 for ranged level 2. When you add up the numbers, Melee 2 is worth the expenditure, but Ranged 2 is actually not cost-effective at this point; you're better off just buying two more Hydralisks instead.
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It's not just percentages that are important, either; it's total DPS. Zerglings receive a +2 DPS per upgrade (+2.86 with Adrenal Glands), while Hydralisks and Roaches receive a +1.87 and +1.4 DPS per upgrade. And, given that your plan will end with 40 melee units and 27 ranged units, that comes out to a total DPS upgrade of +80 for melee level 2 and +39.2 for ranged level 2. When you add up the numbers, Melee 2 is worth the expenditure, but Ranged 2 is actually not cost-effective at this point; you're better off just buying two more Hydralisks instead.

DPS as the most important stat assumes all your units live equally long to do damage. This isn't true in practice. Our zerglings die first and swiftly too, our roaches and hydralisks will have more seconds to deal damage. This means that even if upgrading melee improves DPS more, upgrading ranged can still make it more likely for us to win fights.

Also high armor units (like many of the 'big things' we are hunting) are far less vulnerable to zerglings due armor taking a flat amount of attacks. Armor can easily make attacking more often inferior to attacking harder.
DPS as the most important stat assumes all your units live equally long to do damage. This isn't true in practice. Our zerglings die first and swiftly too, our roaches and hydralisks will have more seconds to deal damage. This means that even if upgrading melee improves DPS more, upgrading ranged can still make it more likely for us to win fights.

Also high armor units (like many of the 'big things' we are hunting) are far less vulnerable to zerglings due armor taking a flat amount of attacks. Armor can easily make attacking more often inferior to attacking harder.

Unless there's a minimum damage threshold, in which case spamming even minimal damage can add up.
[X] Plan More Upgrades

I like this. I was also wondering whether we can include a question to the dwarves on where we can get Crystals? Can we buy them or are they found by chance? ..... Actually, I wonder if the dragon has any Crystals in its collection? And whether it would be willing to part with them for 'finished' gemstones?