Spites, the smaller tiny Forest Spirits, enjoy hunting down and eating termites, which many of the specifically tree/wood-based Forest Spirits don't especially like very much at all. At the same time, woodpeckers are not actually as hated as you might immediately imagine. They actually peck and drum to dig out insects in the wood a lot of the time, and are perfectly happy to eat berries and seeds as well, it entirely depends on what food source is most abundant. Of course, some woodpeckers also enjoy tree sap, of which again Laurelorn has the highest grade of the stuff outside of Athel Loren and perhaps a few places particularly blessed by Taal, Rhya, or the Lady (and one or two spots that Ahalt jealously holds), and while a lot of the time most trees are not super necessarily into such things, it's not that much of a bother when given enough time and general natural balance they can restore/heal up from such things. In fact, the IRL European green woodpecker is purely an insectivore/carnivore, while I mostly found the tree sap ones in North America. Overall, drumming is more a method for communication, so its entirely possible that the hardier trees of Laurelorn have specifically grown touch patches that the woodpeckers drum on without causing any actual damage or issues.