THRONE//FRINGE: Normal Human Mech-Girl Quest

By the way, does the purple text look further back in the screen then the red text to anyone else?
Judging by the 4 Fabrication per turn, and the HYDRA hardware/Worm being at 0/12, the best we can hope for is not this turn or next turn, but the turn after next. Even later if we don't stay suicidally undermanned. So as long as we keep that schedule in mind, we can build other things we need more first.

[X] Plan: Hex Restoration
-[X] Conversion: Hex A1. An abandoned hex once inhabited by refugees from the Zen Submission forcibly relocated, this graveyard could potentially yield cultural data and cycle production once restored, as well as granting more strategic depth to our position. Total progress is 0/10 cycles. [4 cycles].

We'll be able to finish A1 next turn, as Silk-Synaptic Webs will most likely give us at least +1 cycles, and Project HYDRA: Software the turn after that. There's no point in rushing HYDRA:Software with HYDRA:Hardware stuck behind our Industry bottleneck, at least three more turns. Rebuilding A1 will also give us more cycles, allowing us to more quickly rebuild even more hexes.

With the remaining cycle, we can send out a drone to the area with the highest chance of finding Salvage, and possible useful intel for HYDRA.

-[X] Eyeball Assignment [1 cycle].
--[X] V6. Investigate ancient remains of FORCE//COMBINED farcaster catapult. The catapult is unlikely to be working, but as the Cylinder has left non-sapient systems mostly alone there might be some military data of value to PROJECT HYDRA.

-[X] DRONE/LEGION FABRICATION. Military drones are an absolutely necessary part of combat, providing screens, damage multipliers and defensive networks that powerful units require to take hits and return the favour. Drones cost 1 industry per swarm, and you are currently at 2/8 total drone swarm cap [2 industry].

We've only got two left of our absolutely necessary drones. If we put all our Fabrication into HYDRA, we'd spend the next three turns suicidally undermanned. Spending three turns to build a superweapon without having the ability to defend ourselves until then is a pretty scary prospect, especially with the amount of spies we found this turn. Unless we get better fabrication from rebuilding hexes, our schedule is going to have to be four turns.

-[X] Project HYDRA: Faraday Cocoon. [2 industry, will complete Embrace the Worm project condition].

-[X] Submind Satisfaction Survey.

[X] Concierge's Dossier. The Concierge dispatches you dossiers sent by stealthy nano-couriers disguised as specks of cosmic dust, sacrificing speed for ability to stay hidden. The current selection appears to have been updated, and suspiciously, now include topics you may have thought to ask about following the discovery of The Catalogue and the strange flower in your architecture. How stupendously serendipitious [3 influence].
This is the fall of the armed forces in the area we're in. Very likely to be full of information about local dangers. Buy now.
The biological factory was sabotaged, unleashing a metamorph who enthralled many.
This is the moral cliff off which Throne//Foundation dropped. For some reason feeding the fraying fabric souls didn't work, and was considered unforgivable. Very useful for when we rebuild as much as we can. THRONE//LOTTERY is also a relatively close neighbor of ours.

[X] Silk-Synaptic Webs. Gain additional cycles, allowing for more and more distant operations as well as faster hex conversion.
I'm picking more cycles over more industry, as while industry is our main bottleneck for HYDRA, it doesn't open up runaway processes like cycles do. With more cycles we can convert more hexes for more industry, industry cannot boost our cycles. We're in frugal economic condition right now, I don't think it's worth slowing down our exponential growth in order to build HYDRA in three turns instead of four.
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Can I just say I really like the interactions between Arachne and Ishtar? They have a really fun chemistry, and the dark humour resulting how the far future has embeded nearly everything with intelligence and then still treats them as (repeatedly) expendable gives a very exotic background for these two to have their shenanigans.

On the vote, I was thinking about making my own plan. But then I noticed that while I was working on the plan, it was starting to resemble more and more the plan of Laplace. Especially Parallel Autonomic Processes should be amazing for accelerating for our salvaging, intel-gathering and giving strategic mobility for Arachne herself, while at the same time freeing Cycles to be used elsewhere.

Way I see it, Nanonectar helps us get past our HYDRA: Hardware bottleneck.
Synapse Web is best for maximum cycles per turn, we'd be able to pour 6+ cycles into hex-building per turn, and Parallel Processes is like having an extra three cycles that can only be used on scouting.
'All units' also refers to your reserves and the HYDRA/ISHTAR chassis as well, so if you wanted to fight something (like say, Hidalgo) outside your own turf it would be made cheaper by parallel processes.
Judging by the 4 Fabrication per turn, and the HYDRA hardware/Worm being at 0/12, the best we can hope for is not this turn or next turn, but the turn after next. Even later if we don't stay suicidally undermanned. So as long as we keep that schedule in mind, we can build other things we need more first.

[X] Hex Restoration
-[X] Conversion: Hex A1. An abandoned hex once inhabited by refugees from the Zen Submission forcibly relocated, this graveyard could potentially yield cultural data and cycle production once restored, as well as granting more strategic depth to our position. Total progress is 0/10 cycles. [4 cycles].

We'll be able to finish A1 next turn, as Silk-Synaptic Webs will most likely give us at least +1 cycles, and Project HYDRA: Software the turn after that. There's no point in rushing HYDRA:Software with HYDRA:Hardware stuck behind our Industry bottleneck, at least three more turns. Rebuilding A1 will also give us more cycles, allowing us to more quickly rebuild even more hexes.

With the remaining cycle, we can send out a drone to the area with the highest chance of finding Salvage, and possible useful intel for HYDRA.

-[X] Eyeball Assignment [1 cycle].
--[X] V6. Investigate ancient remains of FORCE//COMBINED farcaster catapult. The catapult is unlikely to be working, but as the Cylinder has left non-sapient systems mostly alone there might be some military data of value to PROJECT HYDRA.

-[X] DRONE/LEGION FABRICATION. Military drones are an absolutely necessary part of combat, providing screens, damage multipliers and defensive networks that powerful units require to take hits and return the favour. Drones cost 1 industry per swarm, and you are currently at 2/8 total drone swarm cap [2 industry].

We've only got two left of our absolutely necessary drones. If we put all our Fabrication into HYDRA, we'd spend the next three turns suicidally undermanned. Spending three turns to build a superweapon without having the ability to defend ourselves until then is a pretty scary prospect, especially with the amount of spies we found this turn. Unless we get better fabrication from rebuilding hexes, our schedule is going to have to be four turns.

-[X] Project HYDRA: Faraday Cocoon. [2 industry, will complete Embrace the Worm project condition].

-[X] Submind Satisfaction Survey.

[X] Concierge's Dossier. The Concierge dispatches you dossiers sent by stealthy nano-couriers disguised as specks of cosmic dust, sacrificing speed for ability to stay hidden. The current selection appears to have been updated, and suspiciously, now include topics you may have thought to ask about following the discovery of The Catalogue and the strange flower in your architecture. How stupendously serendipitious [3 influence].
This is the fall of the armed forces in the area we're in. Very likely to be full of information about local dangers. Buy now.
The biological factory was sabotaged, unleashing a metamorph who enthralled many.
This is the moral cliff off which Throne//Foundation dropped. For some reason feeding the fraying fabric souls didn't work, and was considered unforgivable. Very useful for when we rebuild as much as we can. THRONE//LOTTERY is also a relatively close neighbor of ours.

[X] Silk-Synaptic Webs. Gain additional cycles, allowing for more and more distant operations as well as faster hex conversion.
I'm picking more cycles over more industry, as while industry is our main bottleneck for HYDRA, it doesn't open up runaway processes like cycles do. With more cycles we can convert more hexes for more industry, industry cannot boost our cycles. We're in frugal economic condition right now, I don't think it's worth slowing down our exponential growth in order to build HYDRA in three turns instead of four.

The informational slide-card shows that Silk-Synaptic Webs will restore exactly 3 cycles per turn. Parallel Autonomic Processes frees up the same amount, assuming we would otherwise always be exploring with all drones, as well as permitting our own chassis and defensive units cycle-free passage around local space. Silk-Synaptic Webs does provide for a higher maximum cycle-per-turn amount, assuming we do not explore with all drones, but drone exploration is necessary for recovering salvage to restore other systems. As such I highly recommend that our merciful Mother who does not eat us pursues the restoration of Parallel Autonomic Processes immediately.

Further recommendations to follow, pending full review of activity logs (in other words, I've forgotten half of what's going on so I'm going to reread the quest from the start - really excited to see this back though!)
Yeah don't worry I reread the quest too yesterday :p

Vote will be open for a while as people will need to chew on the decisions and discuss. I encourage it as plan voting has a lot of moving parts.
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'All units' also refers to your reserves and the HYDRA/ISHTAR chassis as well, so if you wanted to fight something (like say, Hidalgo) outside your own turf it would be made cheaper by parallel processes.
To get a clarification to this: Can the movement cost be higher than 1 cycle to move to whatever hex we want to move that particular unit into, if its far enough? Would moving in hostile Tapestry cost more cycles? More specifically for either of those, those happening while our units are still within the confines of the area where we get the Parallel Autonomic Processors -boost if we repair it?
To get a clarification to this: Can the movement cost be higher than 1 cycle to move to whatever hex we want to move that particular unit into, if its far enough? Would moving in hostile Tapestry cost more cycles? More specifically for either of those, those happening while our units are still within the confines of the area where we get the Parallel Autonomic Processors -boost if we repair it?

1. Movement increases by one cycle per unit every five hexes. Parallel just means we start counting from five hexes out of friendly territory. I will usually do this math for you to save you the trouble of counting hexes but if you want to you can.
2. Operating in hostile space will cost 1 cycle per unit (or 5 drone swarms, I need to double check that part).

So if you were to deploy against hostile architecture within five hexes you would pay 2 cycles for the movement. If you had parallel autonomic you would only pay 1 cycle for that deployment. If you deployed against hostile architecture 8 hexes away you would pay 3 cycles without the advanced system, and 2 with. This is per unit.

This underlines the usefulness of having nearby friendly territory, including the fact that when architecture is integrated into your territory you can teleport anywhere inside without movement costs and without it needing to be connected. Arachne can teleport to the aureole right now about as fast as she can move within Hex A0. This is useful for countering raids, though teleportation is not instant so you cannot flash step behind Don Hidalgo the moment he tries to steal your shrubbery.
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If I'm counting correctly, Plan Kill Don Hidalgo is spending 5 influence out of our available 4. Is that right or am I missing something here?
The informational slide-card shows that Silk-Synaptic Webs will restore exactly 3 cycles per turn. Parallel Autonomic Processes frees up the same amount, assuming we would otherwise always be exploring with all drones, as well as permitting our own chassis and defensive units cycle-free passage around local space. Silk-Synaptic Webs does provide for a higher maximum cycle-per-turn amount, assuming we do not explore with all drones, but drone exploration is necessary for recovering salvage to restore other systems. As such I highly recommend that our merciful Mother who does not eat us pursues the restoration of Parallel Autonomic Processes immediately.

Further recommendations to follow, pending full review of activity logs (in other words, I've forgotten half of what's going on so I'm going to reread the quest from the start - really excited to see this back though!)
Informative, thank you! In this case, then, SSW is currently superior to PAP while we have three drones, because we'll be able to put the +3 cycles anywhere we want instead of just into travel costs. The +3 from SSW can go into HYDRA or rebuilding hexes or scouting.

I can't vote for you plan if you do not give it a name XD
It's called Plan: Hex Restoration. Glad to have you on board!

1. Movement increases by one cycle per unit every five hexes. Parallel just means we start counting from five hexes out of friendly territory. I will usually do this math for you to save you the trouble of counting hexes but if you want to you can.
2. Operating in hostile space will cost 1 cycle per unit (or 5 drone swarms, I need to double check that part).
So we are going to want PAP, but as we're currently working in a pretty small radius, it's not immediately necessary.
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@Laplace You will need to drop either survey or the favour from your influence allocation as you are over four influence in your plan.
Okay, so the winning plan that I was also voting for is not currently valid. I've also had some time to think about making a new plan, so might as well throw it in.

-[X] Orby Assignment [1 cycle]. Orby is currently located at Hex A5 and was previously exploring the data-crumb trail towards The Last Resort, the Concierge's base of operations and where he is expected to provide you with more data on the nature of the mysterious Hidalgo. Orby's sapience is mostly expressed by moody silence.
--[X] A4. Investigate anomalous cross-dimensional pulses. Transmissions are leaking from a cross-dimensional bolthole into formatted space, and they indicate something both animal and absolutely massive.
-[X] Eyeball Assignment [1 cycle]. Eyeball is currently located at Hex A0 and was previously exploring a distress signal left by refugees fleeing the Catalogue and now likely victims of the mysterious cylinder. Eyeball is the most expressive of your drones, and is defined by her precocious adoration of you and profound fear of being eaten.
--[X] V6. Investigate ancient remains of FORCE//COMBINED farcaster catapult. The catapult is unlikely to be working, but as the Cylinder has left non-sapient systems mostly alone there might be some military data of value to PROJECT HYDRA.
-[X] Peeper II Assignment [1 cycle]. Peeper II is currently located at Hex A0 and was just born (and she is thrilled to be alive). Peeper II's personality has not come out much, but she appears to be inordinately cocky, and her fear of being eaten has been reduced following Ishtar's advice, so she may act out.
--[X] VA2. There is a signal echoing from a position in this deadspace which is similar in code structure to the transmissions of The Last Resort but less advanced. A clue to the Concierge's nature?
-[X] Project HYDRA: Software. Project HYDRA needs significant data mining and restoration of certain abandoned autonomous functions in order to prepare the scaffolding for fully capable weapons systems. Total Progress is 3/8 cycles. [2 cycles].
-[X] DRONE/LEGION FABRICATION. Military drones are an absolutely necessary part of combat, providing screens, damage multipliers and defensive networks that powerful units require to take hits and return the favour. Drones cost 1 industry per swarm, and you are currently at 2/8 total drone swarm cap [2 industry].
-[X] Project HYDRA: Faraday Cocoon. Luring out another worm and also preventing it from learning vital information about you or injecting some viral infohazard directly into your architecture will require more than just an open door. A Faraday Cocoon will be constructed to entrap the worm inside using specific extra-universal materials that act as both a communication dampener and a focusing point for your architectural immune system, allowing you to prevent the worm from self-terminating before you receive the information that you need [2 industry, will complete Embrace the Worm project condition].
-[X] Submind Satisfaction Survey. It has become increasingly aware to you that you have a multiplying number of subminds and that they are becoming difficult to track. A satisfaction survey can both bring to your attention just how there are, and how happy they are with your enlightened leadership. There will be no checkbox on whether you agree with mother's infanticidal tendencies and it is not accepted as a valid entry in the 'Additional Comments' section[1 influence].
-[X] Concierge's Dossier. The Concierge dispatches you dossiers sent by stealthy nano-couriers disguised as specks of cosmic dust, sacrificing speed for ability to stay hidden. The current selection appears to have been updated, and suspiciously, now include topics you may have thought to ask about following the discovery of The Catalogue and the strange flower in your architecture. How stupendously serendipitious [3 influence].
-[X] Silk-Synaptic Webs. Gain additional cycles, allowing for more and more distant operations as well as faster hex conversion.

Its basic premise is to loot everything that we can with the drones, be it potential salvage, information or something else. Especially getting more salvage to repair our systems is crucial at this point, which will likely lead to gaining more resources due to increased effectiveness, which leads to more repaired systems and infrastructure so on. And our military drones are in very low numbers currently, so getting even just a couple more of them doubles our drone count we have at the moment. For information, gaining anything about the origins of the worm we encountered, when we are specifically planning to trap an another? It might have some synergies. Submind Survey obviously for rooting out potential seeds of rebellion.

And finally, Silk-Synaptic Webs for additional cycles, because I've been convinced that they are the most optimal system for our current situation, with more flexibility. Being able to park our drones if needed for more cycles means that we can raise the basic 3 net cycle gain all the way up to 6 if needed. Which might come very handy if we are in a crunch to finish something.