THRONE//FRINGE: Normal Human Mech-Girl Quest

[X] PROJECT HYDRA [8 cycles, 10 industry, 3 conditions]. HYDRA-ISHTAR Weapons Systems and Trait Customization restored upon completion.
[X] Deep Spatial Encryption. Gain Tapestry Cybersecurity, blocking Hidalgo's signals intelligence that allows him to follow your every move.
[X] PROJECT HYDRA [8 cycles, 10 industry, 3 conditions]. HYDRA-ISHTAR Weapons Systems and Trait Customization restored upon completion.
[X] Deep Spatial Encryption. Gain Tapestry Cybersecurity, blocking Hidalgo's signals intelligence that allows him to follow your every move.
So I wonder how terrible it will be for Arachne when her 100 year entertainment subscription ends.

Also @Cetashwayo does Arachne have any idea why the Empire appears to stick to the galactic plane instead of also spreading perpendicular to it into intergalactic space? The level of physics reformatting they have suggests that its not an issue of needing the pre-existing matter of Deadspace.

On the other hand, maybe their level of reality warping isn't as thorough as the Tapestry and paracausal mechanisms suggest. Otherwise Matroshka Brains would be quaint toys in the face of directly using the laws of physics as a computational medium.
Also @Cetashwayo does Arachne have any idea why the Empire appears to stick to the galactic plane instead of also spreading perpendicular to it into intergalactic space? The level of physics reformatting they have suggests that its not an issue of needing the pre-existing matter of Deadspace.

The Empire doesn't just want to reformat empty nothingness. Adding new civilizations and species to its repertoire to maintain dynamism is part of the point. That being said, don't take the flat Z dimension depicted on the map too literally. Certain things are abstracted or simplified to make it easier to understand. Not least for me.

On the other hand, maybe their level of reality warping isn't as thorough as the Tapestry and paracausal mechanisms suggest. Otherwise Matroshka Brains would be quaint toys in the face of directly using the laws of physics as a computational medium.

Matrioshka brain is a general description in the same way that a computer is a general description. In reality, the brain itself runs on the same exotic and impossible processes as everything else, and uses acausal algorithms to generate negative load times. It is just somewhat more legible as an analogy. The stars of Tapestry Matrioshka are themselves edited and transformed into exotic power supplies rather than invariant stars.
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That being said, don't take the flat Z dimension depicted on the map too literally. Certain things are abstracted or simplified to make it easier to understand. Not least for me.
To get entirely too mathematical about this, there are mappings from 3D to 2D space which (roughly) maintain neighborhoods and (an approximation of) distances.

Should I assume that spacetime was formatted accordingly, to *make* it fit on a map?
To get entirely too mathematical about this, there are mappings from 3D to 2D space which (roughly) maintain neighborhoods and (an approximation of) distances.

Should I assume that spacetime was formatted accordingly, to *make* it fit on a map?

Why stop there? Perhaps formatted space is actually a 2d plane. If anime can be flat, why not an entire galaxy? :V
Should I assume that spacetime was formatted accordingly, to *make* it fit on a map?
Yes, that does seem to be a reasonable assumption.
I prefer not to say the true scale of a given sector, because even through one hex is twenty light-years that doesn't the space it was originally formatted out of was twenty-light years. And also because that opens me up to an enormous amount of spatial-fuckery questions. But I will say that a given sector is very big, full of megastructures and ecumenopoli, and full of enormous riches. The Empire kind of breaks the Kardashev scale but suffice it to say it's very advanced and very populated. Or, was.
If dead space could be futzed with in terms of space/volume when making architectural hexes for what seems to be purely a desire for consistency it seems likely that mappings between architectural hexes might also be futzed with to create more of said consistency. Maybe not necessarily out of a desire to fit things on a 2d map, but if making sure that travel/tactics/strategy remains in a given consistent reference frame to maximize competition results in an easily displayed map than it's really just an added bonus, isn't it?
So I wonder how terrible it will be for Arachne when her 100 year entertainment subscription ends.

Also @Cetashwayo does Arachne have any idea why the Empire appears to stick to the galactic plane instead of also spreading perpendicular to it into intergalactic space? The level of physics reformatting they have suggests that its not an issue of needing the pre-existing matter of Deadspace.

On the other hand, maybe their level of reality warping isn't as thorough as the Tapestry and paracausal mechanisms suggest. Otherwise Matroshka Brains would be quaint toys in the face of directly using the laws of physics as a computational medium.

The Empire's goal is adaptation and evolution via conflict, not expansion for expansion's sake. There is some spread above and below the galactic plane, but it's not just for the sake of living room. It's either movement towards other galaxies, experimental and firewalled space for untested code, or otherwise exceptional.

As to the level of reality warping - the Empire, thanks in part to its competitive nature, tends towards efficient solutions to problems. Large-scale megastructures with concentrated power/etc. infrastructure are more efficient than using Architecture-based computing, especially since Architecture uses a not-insignificant amount of its own resources to support the altered physical constraints that benefit a lot of the Empire's own technology and capabilities. So spreading out larger and larger tendrils of Architecture would be a possible computational alternative in a (heh) vacuum - but the Empire's social engineering prefers optimization for efficiency as well as power.
To get entirely too mathematical about this, there are mappings from 3D to 2D space which (roughly) maintain neighborhoods and (an approximation of) distances.

Should I assume that spacetime was formatted accordingly, to *make* it fit on a map?

Spacetime was formatted that way, yes. And it's definitely true that there are mappings of 3d to 2d space which can maintain distances, but it's harder when we're talking about a galaxy. While the Milky way is much wider than it is tall (from our perspective), as it forms a disk-shape, it is still deep enough that we still have a filament of stars in a more 3-dimensional space. There should still be "stacks" of hexes on top of each other - unless, of course, the map is only representational, and space was "flattened" for ease of simplicity.
[X] PROJECT HYDRA [8 cycles, 10 industry, 3 conditions]. HYDRA-ISHTAR Weapons Systems and Trait Customization restored upon completion.
[X] Deep Spatial Encryption. Gain Tapestry Cybersecurity, blocking Hidalgo's signals intelligence that allows him to follow your every move.

I just binged the thread and voting's still open so why the heck not
[X] PROJECT REGROWTH [5 cycles, 5 influence, 2 conditions] Stellar Fractal Aureole Influence Relic granting +3 influence per turn restored upon completion.

Fewer and more peaceful conditions and cheaper than building our weapon systems. We don't have anything to spend the Influence on yet, but if we're going to diplomatize the Concierge and their guests, that's when Influence will likely come in handy.

Plus, I want to see A2 fully functional.

[X] Redundant Hex-Seed Blueprints. Improved protection of key infrastructure from damage and seizure in raids.

This isn't even a Hail Mary, it's more of a comment then a vote, but if you're not flailing against awful odds, are you really questing?
[X] PROJECT HYDRA [8 cycles, 10 industry, 3 conditions]. HYDRA-ISHTARWeapons Systems and Trait Customization restored upon completion.
[X] Deep Spatial Encryption. Gain Tapestry Cybersecurity, blocking Hidalgo's signals intelligence that allows him to follow your every move.
[X] PROJECT HYDRA [8 cycles, 10 industry, 3 conditions]. HYDRA-ISHTARWeapons Systems and Trait Customization restored upon completion.
[X] Deep Spatial Encryption. Gain Tapestry Cybersecurity, blocking Hidalgo's signals intelligence that allows him to follow your every move.
Made it to current!
[X] PROJECT HYDRA [8 cycles, 10 industry, 3 conditions]. HYDRA-ISHTAR Weapons Systems and Trait Customization restored upon completion.
[X] Deep Spatial Encryption. Gain Tapestry Cybersecurity, blocking Hidalgo's signals intelligence that allows him to follow your every move.
Just finished playing catch-up on the quest, and I LOVE this! Here's my vote;

[X] PROJECT HYDRA [8 cycles, 10 industry, 3 conditions]. HYDRA-ISHTAR Weapons Systems and Trait Customization restored upon completion.

Self-defence capabilities are important when you have no knowledge of who's with you in a disaster zone, no information on their capabilities and not a clue as to if they're hostile or not beyond 'they're interested in you (and not necessarily in a romantic/sexual manner)'.

Not that we're likely to meet anyone equitable to a rapist or sexual predator in this situation/world, or that they'd automatically be a threat, but better safe than sorry in my opinion.

[X] Deep Spatial Encryption. Gain Tapestry Cybersecurity, blocking Hidalgo's signals intelligence that allows him to follow your every move.

Information is Power within the theatre of warfare, even in a post-apocalyptic world with a base of post-scarcity/singularity, divine-tier Clarke-tech. As was written by Sun Tzu; "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

Ergo, knowing one's self and knowing Don Hidalgo should be our goal, alongside inflicting a lack of knowledge on us (and preferably himself, as well) on DH.
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PROTOCOL: Select special project.

[] PROJECT HYDRA [8 cycles, 10 industry, 3 conditions]. HYDRA-ISHTAR Weapons Systems and Trait Customization restored upon completion.
[] PROJECT REGROWTH [5 cycles, 5 influence, 2 conditions] Stellar Fractal Aureole Influence Relic granting +3 influence per turn restored upon completion.
[] PROJECT UNVEIL [No resource cost, (yet...). 3 conditions]. Investigate the Void Cylinder and better understand its nature.

We are a new and weak player in a combative multi-polar environment, being monitored by many players, and actively hunted by at least one. We already present a threat to the status quo, a factor which ingratiates us with the weak, and aggravates the strong. Strengthening ourselves further via PROJECT HYDRA increases both our desirability as an ally and our priority as a target, and thus presents significant risks. Expanding our diplomatic potential via PROJECT REGROWTH provides us with increased opportunities to secure our position. Investigating the Void Cylinder via PROJECT UNVEIL provides unknown results for unknown costs. PROJECT REGROWTH thus provides the least risky option while simultaneously pursuing our primary objective: survival.

[X] PROJECT REGROWTH [5 cycles, 5 influence, 2 conditions] Stellar Fractal Aureole Influence Relic granting +3 influence per turn restored upon completion.

PROTOCOL: Choose 1 advanced system to restore from among the seven that Arachne has picked out for you.

[] Silk-Synaptic Webs. Gain additional cycles, allowing for more and more distant operations as well as faster hex conversion.
[] Nanonectar Clouds. Gain additional industry, allowing for rapid repairs and replenishment of drones and reserves.
[] Hardened Personality Backups. Protect the consciousness of you and your companions through protected backups in Tapestry space.
[] Tapestry Strategic Interface. Gain greater defensive capability for your units in Tapestry space to protect against Hidalgo's raids.
[] Deep Spatial Encryption. Gain Tapestry Cybersecurity, blocking Hidalgo's signals intelligence that allows him to follow your every move.
[] Augmented Reality Generators. Gain a powerful defensive shield for your chassis that can project in neutral or hostile space.
[] Redundant Hex-Seed Blueprints. Improved protection of key infrastructure from damage and seizure in raids.

Always prioritise SIGINT.

[X] Deep Spatial Encryption. Gain Tapestry Cybersecurity, blocking Hidalgo's signals intelligence that allows him to follow your every move.
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Increasing our personal strength means we can keep what we make as well as giving others a reason to let us use our Influence instead of just ignoring or hunting us for parts.
Increasing our personal strength means we can keep what we make as well as giving others a reason to let us use our Influence instead of just ignoring or hunting us for parts.
Potentially, but that is based on unknowns. We could already be secure in our position, or we could be so fantastically weak that we look like ants to the top players, and even these upgrades will simply make us an ant with the strength of ten ants. My advice is to remove these unknowns as fast as possible in order for us to make more informed decisions.

Regardless, PROJECT HYDRA is a viable alternative as we should be able to complete PROJECT REGROWTH very quickly after it is complete, assuming my fellow decision chains prioritise it so.
Indeed. As you can see from the map, there is a lot of data unavailable. Whole swathes of space are completely unknown to you. The first dossier peppers plenty of hints, but these are just hints.

A voidcruiser is a mobile ordnance deployment platform, named after the weapons the earliest militarized voidcruisers were used to deploy - long-cruise duration missiles. The earliest voidcruisers and the Empire's latest-generation designs all share similar strategic characteristics - long combat endurance, the ability to travel long distances quickly via superluminal transit, and the ability to act as an independent, self-contained combat unit. However, unlike the earliest designs, the hallmark of an Empire voidcruiser is its transit drive system - a dedicated faster-than-light travel methodology which permits sustained, high-speed transit over large interstellar distances, far faster over long distances than the warp drives that pre-Empire polities used for faster-than-light travel.

Although transit drive systems permit sustained, efficient faster than light travel, all known transit drive solutions have extensive spin-up and spin-down times and immense accuracy errors, making them difficult to use in combat situations except as a last-ditch escape method. All voidcruisers therefore possess a tactical warp drive, which provides them with the capacity to engage in superluminal and subluminal combat maneuvers. Warp drives propel a vehicle by means of an altered-spacetime bubble, which permits inertialess maneuvering in subluminal flight and the ability to achieve superluminal velocities. This bubble provides complete protection against high-energy celestial events and invariant weaponry, jams/distorts enemy sensors, and provides some measure of defense against many exotic munitions. However, the warp bubble creates an extensive interference/disruption zone much larger than the voidcruiser or drone itself, which can be immensely destructive to nearby objects, and its existence is difficult to hide at close ranges (although stealth systems are capable of reducing or even eliminating warp signatures at longer, superluminal ranges). Voidcruisers therefore also possess tertiary drive systems for close-maneuvering, although for most voidcruisers these drive systems are incapable of significant combat-relevant acceleration.

Voidcruisers were universally armed with at least defensive weaponry and extensive countermeasures - anyone with the wealth and influence necessary to afford a voidcruiser would inevitably have enemies and rivals with the resources to attempt a deep-black assassination. But most voidcruisers were fully militarized platforms, as the ubiquity of farcasters and the relative convenience of antimatter reaction drives for intrasystem travel (as most Empire citizens are heavily acceleration-hardened, sustained 10g accelerations were a mild inconvenience) meant that most interstellar craft were designed for military purposes, regardless of operator. The default assumption when the term "voidcruiser" is used is a weapon of warfare - a civilian voidcruiser is the rare exception.

Voidcruisers range from less than 200 meters long (like the Zanj Arms Concern Scimitar or the Hyperion Theotechnologies Kassadari) to massive platforms the size of celestial bodies (such as the FORCE/Combined Sol-class Anchor), but the typical voidcruiser ranges from 600 to 2500 meters long, which FORCE/Combined has found to be the optimal size range to balance various variables (including but not limited to ease of construction, resource and infrastructure requirements, individual combat capability, battlefront monitoring capacity, formation-networking capability, loss redundancy, and warp drive interference).

Only two types of voidcruiser regularly exceeded these sizes. The first type is the Hunter/Killer, a massive space superiority platform that was built larger than typical voidcruisers to carry additional information warfare equipment and superluminal ordnance without sacrificing subluminal combat capability. Even the smallest H/K designs are several kilometers long, and were often used as centerpieces of large offensive task forces. The second is the Anchor, a militarized megastructure intended to support entire expeditions into distant regions, possibly for centuries or more. Anchors possess the hardware and tools necessary to project a large region of friendly Architecture and even overwrite hostile Architecture, as well as internal military foundries capable of building and upgrading even Hunter/Killers, making them critical for FORCE/Combined offensive operations. To contain these systems, Anchors are large enough that their mere inert presence can disrupt solar systems, and they are relatively poorly protected and defended for their size - although they are still capable of driving off anything short of a massive task force.
[x] PROJECT HYDRA [8 cycles, 10 industry, 3 conditions]. HYDRA-ISHTAR Weapons Systems and Trait Customization restored upon completion.
The sector is a wild and dangerous place. Best to become a force, rather than a victim.
[x] Deep Spatial Encryption. Gain Tapestry Cybersecurity, blocking Hidalgo's signals intelligence that allows him to follow your every move.
Intelligence is vital. Especially when your opponent has strategic artillery.
single fabric without end farcaster networks tying wonder
the synaptic link, and will its intelligence will weaken as
not tell eyeball this
reality but peeper will
She informs you that it has discovered an anomaly
even if means forgoing the voidcruiser for now)
if it
you for a little while.Instead, you
. Instead
transit drive,allowing for
, allowing
The caterwaling clicks of space-borne
between its security forces amd FORCE//SAFEGUARD.
Massive energy spools into the tip of your vertebra,
before expanding and engulging your whole vessel,
production fetmocell systems
respect for the...shatter-spine, and her...abilities.
could launch eyeball