The Second Reconstruction-A Post-Civil War Kaiserreich USA Quest

If they're as weak as some of the people here seem to think (which I do think is baseless honestly) then they can't even hold anything over us if we do accept the deal and honestly we're already at war with the Internationale and Reichspakt given we have German tank divisions in the south and syndicalist troops in New York even if it's not official, only difference is if we go alongside the Entente or all alone against two major alliance.
[X] The US would not allow its sovereignty to be trampled on nor be a beggar power, it would win the war and defend its overseas territories on its own.
[X] The US Should Publish the Contents of the British Ultimatum and its Intent to Invade US Territory, it should Condemn all Forces Who Collaborate With External Powers as Traitors to the Nation, the People, and the Peace. It Should Declare its Intention to Defend American Territory and People from British Aggressors, offering a truce and pardon to all domestic dissidents in the event of British Invasion.

I've been quite saddened that everyone has been fighting in my absence.
[X] The US Should Publish the Contents of the British Ultimatum and its Intent to Invade US Territory, it should Condemn all Forces Who Collaborate With External Powers as Traitors to the Nation, the People, and the Peace. It Should Declare its Intention to Defend American Territory and People from British Aggressors, offering a truce and pardon to all domestic dissidents in the event of British Invasion.

I've been quite saddened that everyone has been fighting in my absence.
I disagree, but I must respect the balls.
@Jeeshadow We readers made a real mess for you to deal with the last vote. Hopefully, you can resolve it and update us sooner rather than later.

Other thoughts
Olson's Farmer-Labor Party and his fellow Farmer-Labor allies who made it into the US Congress were very strongly isolationist in OTL although I didn't find anything discussing Olson's views on foreign policy in particular.

For all the previous talk that Long's AUS in the quest is basically a neo-Confederacy that has an even weaker strategic position than the Confederacy of the previous civil war, the AUS has managed to secure the military support of the reigning world superpower unlike the Confederacy. The German Empire is sending some of their latest tanks and Heinz Guderian to help. In the Kaiserreich interwar period, the German Empire launched major expeditions to aid their preferred side in the Russian and Chinese Civil War which were successful if taxing for Germany. This is really concerning for us. With the US Navy on the East Coast stuck without oil, the Germans can send as many soldiers to the AUS as they are willing to support for the moment. The saving grace for us is that the German Empire probably cannot made a similar level of military commitment as in Russia and China due to a combination of the 1936 economic crash, a lack of nearby bases to prepare troops, and exhaustion due to the two previous major interventions and the overextension of the Empire.