What were the rolls involved?
I'm not a big roll guy. There was nothing really to roll on this update. There was some internal stuff about Fulgrim but that's just for my own reference.

The issue is, well, didn't they splinter post Hersey, thanks to Kharn?
Post Heresy in this universe was radically different then canon.

Wow that d100 roll really kicked us in the balls.
Imagine if I'd rolled a 100.
So many difficult choices!

I think we can dismiss the first option right off the bat- playing defensive against Chaos is almost never the way to go.
Committing everything in an alpha strike against Pride of the Emperor sounds simultaneously like a terrible and a great idea. On one hand, it's almost certainly a trap. It's what the Astartes are good at, it's what is probably expected of us, and it's just too good of a target. Of course, if we can beat the trap, then Fulgrim's basically fucked. He might find something on New Rekondia, true, but he also might not and if we win and what he finds isn't big enough to overcome the loss of his fleet? War's ours.

The third option has the potential to isolate Fulgrim away from his fleet where we can crush him under 4 companies, but it could also be that there's nothing there and we just sent 4 companies into the ass end of nowhere, which'll probably lose us the war.

I think I've gotta go with option 2.
[x]Balan's Plan

[X]X-56 Power Armor
[X] "Minutemen" Plasma Gun
[X]Dragon Claws (Ancient Relic Lighting Claws)
[X]Hala's Suggestion
[X]X-56 Power Armor
[X] "Minutemen" Plasma Gun
[X]Dragon Claws (Ancient Relic Lighting Claws)
[X]Hala's Suggestion
[X]X-56 Power Armor
[X] "Minutemen" Plasma Gun
[X]Dragon Claws (Ancient Relic Lighting Claws)
As you expected, Fulgrim launched his invasion almost immediately afterwards. Communication was a shadow of what it was during the Great Crusade, though, so it took you a while before you learned of what was going on.

Out of curiosity, is there anything we could have voted to say that would have avoided this?

Finally, and most shockingly, there was New Rekonda. The world, only recently liberated from the Orks, had been put under siege by some of the Emperor's Children and their White Scar allies. The Circle force you sent to help was leading a valiant defense, but the Orks had left many defenses damaged and the White Scars were fighting with an utterly savage fury.
What kind of world is New Rekonda again? What does it produce/do? Is it valuable? How many people are currently on it, both civilian and military?
[X]Hala's Suggestion
[X]X-56 Power Armor
[X] "Minutemen" Plasma Gun
[X]Dragon Claws (Ancient Relic Lighting Claws)
The Night Lord has a good point, but his plan means that we have to leave everything else open.

I suggest hitting New Rekonda with just the majority of our force, and have the rest conduct defensive operations and counter attacks.
[X]Halas' Suggestion
[X]X-56 Power Armor
[X] "Minutemen" Plasma Gun
[X]Dragon Claws (Ancient Relic Lighting Claws)

Fucking DAoT Armor and Gun, sign me up. Lightning Claws are also the best for when you need to slice a motherfucker apart. Hopefully though we can still use our digits when it handling stuff.

Otherwise that'll be awkward when we want to use the plasma gun and we can't.

Halas' seems to have a good idea, but it remains to be seen if it can work.

@Teen Spirit So how good is the Minuteman?
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[X]Hala's Suggestion.

You know what? He saw this invasion coming, warned us of it.
He's likely to know how best to deal with these jokers.

Plus Fulgrim's ship being obviously present is bait. Bait he goaded us to take by manifesting to us there. He gains no advantage otherwise in posturing to us.

[X]X-56 Power Armor
[X] "Minutemen" Plasma Gun
[X]Dragon Claws (Ancient Relic Lighting Claws)

Barring particular arguments, this looks like a good pick.
And in our current form, I think mobility is worth a bit more than durability, our frame won't take much in the way of hits anyway.
[X]Hala's Suggestion
[X]X-56 Power Armor
[X] "Minutemen" Plasma Gun
[X]Dragon Claws (Ancient Relic Lighting Claws)

Plasma gun and dragon claws? Hell yeah.
The Third was put forth by Halas Nor, of all people. Halas had more or less barged in half-way through the meeting. His armor was unpainted and removed of any Night Lord imagery. The Iron Hands questioned him on his origins but he remained evasive. He argued that Nova Terra was a distraction and the real fight was New Rekonda. It was too coincidental Fulgrim would attack there so soon after your Fight with the Warboss. He argued that the Fleet should be more or less ignored entirely, let the 4th led it the fleet on a wild chase. Otherwise he argued the bulk of your forces should be committed towards Nova Terra and Terakon, but you would lead four Companies to New Rekonda. Smash the White Scars and Emperor's Children flat before they can put whatever plans they have into motion.
Okay, for some reason I have a tough time understanding this plan, what is his plan here?
[X]Hala's Suggestion
[X]X-56 Power Armor
[X] "Minutemen" Plasma Gun
[X]Dragon Claws (Ancient Relic Lighting Claws)
[X]Hala's Suggestion
[X]X-56 Power Armor
[X] "Minutemen" Plasma Gun
[X]Dragon Claws (Ancient Relic Lighting Claws)
[X]Halas' Suggestion
[X]X-56 Power Armor
[X] "Minutemen" Plasma Gun
[X]Dragon Claws (Ancient Relic Lighting Claws)

DAOT Tech is better than anything else we could use, after all one ship equipped with DAOT tech managed to annihlate an entire fleet in Priests of Mars.

Also Halas Warned that an invasion was on it's way, we didn't listen to him. We should start listening to him now.