[X] "Fulgrim, you don't turn into a snake. It never helps"

Just had to make me finally make an account for this damn vote didn't ya? I had such a long, pure streak of lurking.
My promised bribe, people of the interwebs. Maybe not a bribe since we seem to be winning. It's literally the gayest thing I've ever posted. Most incestuous, too, although I didn't outright say it. My Gwaine is a bit of a dick and Ferrus turned out to be very... hm... in love? Which is gonna make the next chapter with Fulgrim kinda sad I guess but either way, this is still less McNeill than that first omake-that-wasn't I wrote for this quest :p (Which was still in turn less glorious than AE although I could never measure up to the glorious author himself.)

Idkwut System, Randominius Sector, One of the Segmentums, Milky Way

"Among all the stupid ideas we've had in the last half hour, that is definitely the worst."

Ferrus laughed. "Not my suggestion of making everyone wear feather skirts and snake leather capes to respect the local culture? I thought that would be funny."

"Not for much longer, you're not," Gwaine murmured, hiding a smile as his gaze slid over Ferrus' shoulder. "Well, not if you have any sense of self-preservation at all, anyway."


Whatever Ferrus intended to ask was interrupted as First Captain Mordred knocked against the wall before bowing the III Primarch into the chamber. Ferrus turned to welcome him when his breath was stolen from his lungs.

Fulgrim gracefully stepped in and paused, as though posing for all to behold. Many did although he noted Gwaine spent the entire time struggling to keep the smile off his face. But one couldn't deny the sheer majesty of their brother's sculpted form, emphasized by the low-riding kilt of luxurious purple and orange feathers. Draped over his shoulders was a cloak made of snakeskin leather in a golden hue. It was clasped over one rolling deltoid to preserve some semblance of modesty however one could follow the hem over the curves of his pectorals and defined lines of his abdominals.

But that could not catch his attention when his brother graced them with his smile, tinged as it was with a hint of mischief.

"What do you think, Ferrus?" Fulgrim asked as he stalked forward, voice matching his predatory movements.

"You look beautiful," he replied, helplessly honest.

Gwaine covered his mouth with a hand, looking away, his shock of shining silver hair sliding forward to cover his fiery gaze as he shook almost imperceptibly.

Probably with laughter, the damn bastard
, Ferrus realised fondly.

"Do you think something funny, brother?" Fulgrim asked, peering over at his would-be twin. "Do you not enjoy the local fashions?"

Gwaine laughed lightly, grinning over at him. "No, no, Fulgrim, you look lovely in the skirt. Just don't absorb the cloak, dear brother. It would suit you ill but I suppose we all just must be grateful that it isn't purple."

"What's wrong with purple?" Fulgrim asked, frowning as he gazed down at the fluttering plumes sweeping alluring over his well-shaped calves.

"Nothing on its own," Gwaine teased, grin sly and secret even as his stare burned over the alabaster of Fulgrim's bare skin. His smile widened as his gaze slid over to his and Ferrus withheld a flush with some effort. "Still, I'm sure Ferrus likes you just the way you are. No need to imitate those dancers at the theatre, Fulgrim, it would just intrude upon Ferrus' view of perfection."

Posted with sort of permission from GM lel.
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Of course.

The warp however does have limitations within the materium that it needs to break do much more than influence.

If it influences someone to open the way for it that's when things go from bad to nasty.
I still say that having uncontrolled psykers are a bad idea since they can cause DAEMONS.

I have no idea what we are agreeing and disagreeing on.
We could always use both... first we joke about his "ascension" and then we tell him he's not important enough for us in his face.
So... We are basically blue balling him to death?
My promised bribe, people of the interwebs. Maybe not a bribe since we seem to be winning. It's literally the gayest thing I've ever posted. Most incestuous, too, although I didn't outright say it. My Gwaine is a bit of a dick and Ferrus turned out to be very... hm... in love? Which is gonna make the next chapter with Fulgrim kinda sad I guess but either way, this is still less McNeill than that first omake-that-wasn't I wrote for this quest :p (Which was still in turn less glorious than AE although I could never measure up to the glorious author himself.)

Idkwut System, Randominius Sector, One of the Segmentums, Milky Way

"Among all the stupid ideas we've had in the last half hour, that is definitely the worst."

Ferrus laughed. "Not my suggestion of making everyone wear feather skirts and snake leather capes to respect the local culture? I thought that would be funny."

"Not for much longer, you're not," Gwaine murmured, hiding a smile as his gaze slid over Ferrus' shoulder. "Well, not if you have any sense of self-preservation at all, anyway."


Whatever Ferrus intended to ask was interrupted as First Captain Mordred knocked against the wall before bowing the III Primarch into the chamber. Ferrus turned to welcome him when his breath was stolen from his lungs.

Fulgrim gracefully stepped in and paused, as though posing for all to behold. Many did although he noted Gwaine spent the entire time struggling to keep the smile off his face. But one couldn't deny the sheer majesty of their brother's sculpted form, emphasized by the low-riding kilt of luxurious purple and orange feathers. Draped over his shoulders was a cloak made of snakeskin leather in a golden hue. It was clasped over one rolling deltoid to preserve some semblance of modesty however one could follow the hem over the curves of his pectorals and defined lines of his abdominals.

But that could not catch his attention when his brother graced them with his smile, tinged as it was with a hint of mischief.

"What do you think, Ferrus?" Fulgrim asked as he stalked forward, voice matching his predatory movements.

"You look beautiful," he replied, helplessly honest.

Gwaine covered his mouth with a hand, looking away, his shock of shining silver hair sliding forward to cover his fiery gaze as he shook almost imperceptibly.

Probably with laughter, the damn bastard
, Ferrus realised fondly.

"Do you think something funny, brother?" Fulgrim asked, peering over at his would-be twin. "Do you not enjoy the local fashions?"

Gwaine laughed lightly, grinning over at him. "No, no, Fulgrim, you look lovely in the skirt. Just don't absorb the cloak, dear brother. It would suit you ill but I suppose we all just must be grateful that it isn't purple."

"What's wrong with purple?" Fulgrim asked, frowning as he gazed down at the fluttering plumes sweeping alluring over his well-shaped calves.

"Nothing on its own," Gwaine teased, grin sly and secret even as his stare burned over the alabaster of Fulgrim's bare skin. His smile widened as his gaze slid over to his and Ferrus withheld a flush with some effort. "Still, I'm sure Ferrus likes you just the way you are. No need to imitate those dancers at the theatre, Fulgrim, it would just intrude upon Ferrus' view of perfection."
wtf did i read
Ferrus in love. Too bad he's dead.

Although for real, the only thing I've read from 40k canon is like, 3 chapters of Angel Exterminatus. The only thing I've gotten out of it should be self-evident. Also it made me feel kinda bad for Perturabo, hilarious part-time hikikomori that he is but yea.

Also a friend of mine was whining about her crush while I wrote it so that helped, too.
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Vote Tally : The Reforging (40k AU) | Page 54 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] "I have more important things to do than deal with you, traitor. Your time will come. Begone."
No. of Votes: 17

[X] "Fulgrim, you don't turn into a snake. It never helps"
No. of Votes: 16

[X] "You will always be my brother, And I will always love you for it.
No. of Votes: 10

[X] Well...you've certainly let yourself go these past millennia brother....is that flab I see on your body!?
No. of Votes: 1

[X] "You were my brother and I loved you. You were meant to protect humanity, not join with those who would relish its destruction. Begone."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] *Flip him off*
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Brother ... you've let yourself go. You really, you really look like shit honestly. You used to be so beautiful, and now, what a shame. I mean, really, you never should have let Chaos get it's hooks into you, look what it's done to you.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 47
[X] "I have more important things to do than deal with you, traitor. Your time will come. Begone."
Did you just change your mind? :O

I am betrayed!
I did not pick up on the incest vibes the first time. My god, what I have done.
It's Fulgrim and Ferrus. Did you read their wiki pages? It read like one of those super dramatic romance tragedies you buy for like two dollars at secondhand book shops.

And how did you not notice? The longest paragraph is basically Ferrus ogling the guy.
I have no idea what we are agreeing and disagreeing on.
We're disagreeing on exactly how much the warp can influence reality without some form of in.

You claimed that things that are comparatively window dressing, like the numbers, can cause sudden plagues for example.

My counter was that chaos unless it wants to expend a much larger degree of effort cannot act in reality without someone to give it an in.
Personally I'm just glad I didn't lose half my audience to a joke vote.
I just want to make it clear that that was no joke imo. I wouldn't have written that thing with prose so purple I may as well stuff myself in a corset and start writing romance novels for a living instead of puzzling out how to poison people enough to get better instead of worse, otherwise.

Were it not for the actions of that traitorous wretch @tri2... :rage:
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