The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

The easiest means to get a knife in Tywin's back isn't magical super assassins but regular knife assassins. Tyrion is MIA, Jaime is dead, Tywin is "a traitor". That means, whether they like a woman having it or not, Cersei can claim to be rightful heir to the Westerlands. Tywin has made more than enough enemies over his life who would accept him being replaced by her, we just have to make that deal happen.
Tywin likely has bodyguards constantly protecting him from physical attacks. We may be better off getting someone to sneak some Tears of Lys into his food.
Hm, true enough. After all, Joffrey's poisoning was quite masterful. One might even say that it was a work of art.

What is needed, then, would be the counsel and services of a master poisoner. Which poison or venom is implemented depends upon what Cersei seeks regarding how swiftly and obviously she wants Tywin to die. Another factor is the ease with which the toxin can be administered, along with detection and traceability.
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I wonder what's going on in the North. Since House Bolton has sided with the traitor Tywin, does that mean that House Stark and House Bolton are at war with one another? And what has become of Theon now that his father has rebelled?
Send a private message to Tywin encouraging him to cut his losses and return home and we can work an excuse later. Throw in the sword we got to get him to play ball.
Yeah no nothing short of a complete soul/personality transplant will get Tywin ever bowing down to his uppity daughter. Like holy shit, he's more likely to seek out Tysha to apologize to her.

Hm, therein lies the question. With the treasury's pathetically abysmal state, can Cersei afford the fee of the Faceless Men, especially for such a high-profile target as Tywin?
Hahaha we'd be so lucky if the weird inscrutable death cult wanted something as merely mundane as money.

I really think CKII and the asoiaf mod has really skewed people's opinions on how easy assassination is. I can tell you it not being the top solution in irl middle ages Europe isn't actually due to people agreeing to play nice with those they want dead.
Preliminary vote count.

Next update will likelybe Wednesday or Thursday. Vale and Volantis are resolved, but I still got Dorne to do and the rumours.

Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 30, 2024 at 3:43 AM, finished with 61 posts and 14 votes.
Hey @Azel , just wondering. is it possible to maybe sell the dragon egg, or is that unnaceptable in court?...who knows, maybe it could make a dent in that massive debt of ours.
Whoa, whoa, that's a dragon egg. That is a ..potential superweapon right there and we should not be giving it up so easily.
I mean, it's a possible superweapon that we cannot use, that could give us some very needed cash. I suppose it's a short term vs long term thing but fine, I will leave it for a later plan I guess.
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I forgot about him until now, but where is lancel lannister in all of this, still in KL? If so he is definitivly sending info back to tywin.

If he is in KL let's start hitting daddy were it hurts. Put him in a cell, and send kevan a secret message that is basically: "run off to Casterly Rock with your men or next time I Will put your son in the first ship to the wall."
Hey @Azel , just wondering. is it possible to maybe sell the dragon egg, or is that unnaceptable in court?...who knows, maybe it could make a dent in that massive debt of ours.
A small dent at most. Your debt is just that massive.
I don't know that anybody even believes the petrified dragon eggs can hatch.
The last Targ attempt to hatch them was Summerhall and there's plenty of Essosi mystics and Valyrian remnants like the Volantene Old Blood who firmly believe it to be possible.
I forgot about him until now, but where is lancel lannister in all of this, still in KL? If so he is definitivly sending info back to tywin.
He, Illyn Payne, the entire Red Cloaks and a bunch of others are in confinement right now. Next turn will have a vote on what to do with them.
[X] [Food] Lean on the traders and the Faith that had organized previous shipments from the Reach.
[X] [Money] Ask for a loan from House Tyrell.

I can't help but notice that Stannis is extremely close to King's Landing... we should definitely expect him to arrive soon, likely to siege us. Since he appears to have left behind his ambitions for kinghood, there is technically a chance he won't try and attack us, but the odds are looking pretty slim.

Another big issue is our notable lack of a large army, especially when compared to the size of Tywin's, who we've essentially declared traitor. Perhaps after Renly's split with the Tyrells and his demoralization at the loss of Storm's End we could convince him to surrender, or get his subordinates to defect? Either way, we should probably try to get some of the Stormlanders on our side if we're going to project any military power.
@Azel do we have any way to estimate the size of the various armies in Westeros, and how our force compares to them?
Another big issue is our notable lack of a large army, especially when compared to the size of Tywin's, who we've essentially declared traitor. Perhaps after Renly's split with the Tyrells and his demoralization at the loss of Storm's End we could convince him to surrender, or get his subordinates to defect? Either way, we should probably try to get some of the Stormlanders on our side if we're going to project any military power.
@Azel do we have any way to estimate the size of the various armies in Westeros, and how our force compares to them?
Olenna will tell you that with the offer you made Renly, it's incredibly unlikely either of them would be stupid enough surrender. Her exact words. She's not happy with you about that.

As for army sizes, next turn will have your best estimates.

Edit: Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 31, 2024 at 6:02 PM, finished with 73 posts and 15 votes.
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Turn 5 - The War of 20 Kings
Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 31, 2024 at 6:02 PM, finished with 73 posts and 15 votes.

Turn 5 - The War of 20 Kings

Standing on the battlements of the Red Keep, Cersei looked out onto the nightly city. Her city. The small part of the kingdom that was undeniably hers. What a pitiful realm it made. The ever present smell of piss. The slums filled with filth encrusted poor. The ruin of the Dragon Pit still standing like a carcass that no one ever removed. She took another sip from her wine, the three drops of Shade she had given in barely noticeable. In the privacy of her thoughts, she could admit the truth. She hated this city. Her home was Lannisport, not this disgusting place.

And she knew she was not the only one who thought so. You could tell easily see on her face what Olenna Tyrell thought of the capital whenever the wind turned and the undiluted aroma of Fleabottom hit her nose. The Targaryens, at least Cersei suspected so, had seen the city much the same. They had so many years to fix it. To tear down the ruin of the Dragon Pit and build something better in its stead. Or to burn down Fleabottom. Her eyes wandered over to the slum. Now, that was a thought. Maybe they wouldn't have been thinking so bad of old Aerys the Mad if he had purged that assault on all senses from the world instead of burning his retainers in the throne room.

Behind her, in what used to be a small banquet hall, the Small Council was still arguing over the map that had been drawn on the ground. For a while longer, Cersei could ignore them. Enjoy the fresh breeze coming in from the sea and chasing away the heat and stenches of Kings Landing. Though all good things had to come to an end. Most of them far too soon. When Qyburn stepped next to her, Cersei downed the rest of her cup and made her way inside.

Most of the council was still squabbling over details with each other, but Varys had taken a seat next to the Queen of Thorns, who had dozed off at least an hour ago. It had taken all day to assemble the mess of flags and little figurines on the drawn map. The reports from Varys spies were piling up and both Rykker and Tully had wanted their own chance to interpret them. The meeting was supposed to be over in the early afternnon and now it was in the middle of the night and they had not even started. Baelish had even excused himself, citing prior commitments and that his expertise was not in matters of war.

Cersei coughed loudly, drawing the Master of Ships and the Hand from their discussion. "I believe it is time for you to show me what you have concluded."

"Certainly, your majesty," Edmure replied with a small bow while picking up a wax tablet from the ground. "Going through everything that Varys has gathered, this is our best estimate of the current situation of the war." He handed Cersei the tablet and then began to rattle down what they knew of the sieges, the alliances and armies tearing Westeros apart.

All values are estimates.

ArmyLeaderLocationTotal FootTotal HorseTotal Ships
Plummfyre HostAerys PlummfyreGiants Lance15,00000
Heartfyre HostMatavarra HeartfyreIronoaks14,0001,00020
Last CompanyValarr BrightfyreEastveald5,00000
Northern LeviesUnknownNorthveald8,000020
Vale BannersLysa ArrynGiants Lance8,00000
Bloody Gate GarisonDonnel WaynwoodGiants Lance10,00000
Northern HostRobb StarkWickenden9,0001,0000
Blackfish HostBrynden TullyWickenden10,0002,0000
Bolton HostRoose BoltonRiverrun4,0003,0000
Frey HostBlack Walder FreyRiverrun8,0003,0000
Bracken HostLord BrackenBlackwood7,00000
Dustin HostBarbrey DustinWinterfell8,0002,0000
Manderly HostWyman ManderlyWhite Harbor4,00000
Ramsays HostRamsay SnowBroken Branch4,0002,0000
Westerlander HostTywin LannisterHarrenhal38,00012,0000
Iron FleetBalon GreyjoyCasterly Rock25,0000200
HeartswornStannis BaratheonKingswood2,0001,00020
Highgarden HostMace TyrellHighgarden26,0006,0000
Renlys HostRenly BaratheonShipbreaker Bay15,0005,0000
Loras HostLoras TyrellShipbreaker Bay20,00010,0000
Helaenas FleetHelaena WildfyreStepstones5,000050
Periannes FleetSymon Wyne DrinkerLys5,000040
Cerseis Host
Total: 8,000 Foot and 2,000 Horse
- 6x Light Infantry
- 2x Archers
- 1x Light Cavalry
- 1x Heavy Cavalry

Gold Cloaks
Total: 5,000 Foot
- 5x Light Infantry

Edmures Host
Total: 1,000 Foot and 2,000 Horse
- 1x Light Infantry
- 1x Light Cavalry
- 1x Heavy Cavalry

Olennas Host
Total: 16,000 Foot and 14,000 Horse
- 8x Light Infantry
- 2x Heavy Infantry
- 6x Archers
- 4x Light Cavalry
- 10x Heavy Cavalry

Royal Fleet
Total: 50 Ships
- 4x War Fleet
- 1x Transport Fleet

Redwyne Fleet
Total: 80 Ships
- 7x War Fleet
- 1x Transport Fleet

It was a sobering repot that she received. The Starks and Tullys were all but defenseless against their traitorous bannermen and the Westerlander host under her father. Even both hosts of the Tyrells combined would struggle against the Lannister forces, even without taking into account that they still held Harrenhal. And in the Stormlands, things were not much better. While not marching against the capital yet, Renly Baratheon and Loras Tyrell had a force nearly matching the Westerlander host. Another goblet of wine found itself in Cerseis hand as she paced over the map. The Crownlands diminished. The only allies being the Reach and the cut off remnants of Stark and Tully controlled North and Riverlands.

"We've been debating what could be done, though none of the options are very appealing," Renfred spoke while Cersei was circling the markers for the armies camped near Kings Landing. "Assaulting Harrenhal would be doable, but coastly and not make good use of the Reacher cavalry. With Tywin having to send forces to defend his own keep, we should have enough of an advantage to see it done, but it will be a bloody affair."

At this point Edmure pointed towards the Stormlands. "We could intead march against Renly. His forces can't all hide in a city or the abomination of Harrenhal. A field battle could see them scattered and the region is flat enough to make good use of cavalry. Same is true for the riders under his banner though."

"And either way, we would leave the capital exposed to the other," Cersei noted, with the two men nodding in return.

"That is true," the Hand answered after some thought. "We could also try a more limited approach and meet the Westerlander raiders with cavalry of our own. We would be bleeding our best troops, but so would they. I would advise to send some good commanders for this though as it could leave us vulnerable if we trade strength unfavorably against Tywin."

"The choice is yours, Queen Regent," Rykker finished.

News and Rumors

The Wall - The Crows Are Marching
Wild tales of walking corpses and great spiders stalking the snow at night filtering out of wildling territories for a while now. There was also a marked increase in raider activity along the Wall and the northern coasts. The Lord Commander of the Nights Watch, Jeor Mormont, has decreed that a detachment of the Watch will travel to the Fist of the First Men to assess the situation on their own. According to rumor the group will be led by Eddard Stark.

The North - The War in the North
While most eyes are still firmly on the Riverlands, events there had great ramifications in the North itself. Lady Barbrey Dustin has called her banners and House Ryswell followed her on a march to Winterfell. She decries the Starks as poor stewards and warmongers that would bleed the North for their adventures in the south. In the eastern parts, one Ramsay Snow has raised the banner of House Bolton and has begun raiding the lands of Lord Wyman Manderly, the only remaining Stark loyalist that could still muster a sizable enough force to do more than defend their own keeps.

The North - Sistermen Piracy
As if lifted from a storybook, the Three Sisters are once more a safe anchorage for pirates and ships flying the banner of House Sunderland have been seen preying on shipping coming and going to White Harbor. Far away from the influence of the Braavosi navy, there seems little that can stop them as the Vale is embroiled in war and the royal fleet far away.

Ships of other origins have been seen in these waters too. A motley host of pirates from the Narrow Sea, Ibben and even some lost Ironborn that did not dare to brave the Stepstones to return to their homeland. There are many theories on why the Sunderlands are doing this, from simple opportunistic greed to them being in cahoots with a Targaryen pretender or even that they are acting on Lysa Arryns orders.

Mountain and Vale - The Invaders March
By now, three Targaryen hosts have landed in the Vale and rumor is that they are coordinating their efforts against the lords and armies still loyal to the Lady Paramount Regnant Lysa Arryn. A large host has been gathered at the Eyri in the past months while the pretenders are successfully besieging keeps and won a victory in the field.

Most concerning though is the stand-off at the Bloody Gate. A host flying the banners of Houses Stark and Tully arrived there and requested access to the Vale, offering Lysa Arryn to aid her against the pretenders in return for a safety from the Lannister troops ravaging the Riverlands and likely later aid against them. The Lady Paramount refused though, calling her kin liars and turn-coats that seek to depose her in he name of Cersei Baratheon-Lannister.

Riverlands - The Rivers Run Red
As the war spreads, so does the chaos and misery it causes. The Westerlander host under Tywin Lannister has begun to not only take whatever it needs to sustain itself, but also claimed dominion over the Bay of Crabs and all lands around the Gods Eye. Raiding parties are sent to the lands of lords who refuse to kneel to him or his allies to steal all of use and to burn the rest.

Meanwhile, the forces under Black Walder Frey and Lord Roose Bolton have reached Riverrun and invested the castle, while a smaller host under Lord Jonos Bracken is sieging Raventree Hall, the keep of their eternal rivals the Blackwoods. Many lords of the Riverlands have sworn to their cause, some willingly, many under the threat of reprisal from the massive Lannister army still holding Harrenhal.

Riverlands - Robber Lords
In the midst of this, a group of outlaws calling themselves the Brotherhood without Banners has begun making a name for itself. They raid the supply trains of the marching armies and the bards claim try to ease the suffering of the small-folk where they can. Who leads them is disputed. Many say they have no real leadership, though others count the knight Toros of Myr as their de facto leader. Lord Berric Dondarion is also sometimes named as such, though there are also tales that he died to the Mountains blade months ago, or was slain recently by Black Walder Frey.

Westerlands - The Kraken Strikes
After many months of quiet preparations, the Iron Fleet has assembled and set sail under the command of their freshly crowned king Balon Greyjoy. Wearing the Driftwood Crown, he proclaimed that the Ironborn would no longer fight for mere independence. They would fight for glory, for conquest, and for the Drowned God. Especially the latter point is echoed by Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy, who has recruited a large force of fanatical Ironborn that believe the Red Comet was a sign that the Drowned God was waking and would seen lead them onto a reaving like none before.

The first target of the maddened raiders was the region around Kayce, which quickly fell to their attacks and drew the Lannister fleet from port and into a crushing defeat at sea. Afterwards, the Ironborn landed near Lannisport and began investing the city itself and Casterly Rock. The Weseterlander lords are in uproar and many expect Tywin Lannister to be forced to act soon.

Crownlands - Raiders and Bandits
With the defeat of Caern Targaryens host and the death of himself and his lackey Aukar Brightfyre, a major danger to the capital was removed, though in their wake, they left another behind. Many of the men of the defeated army turned into bandits and thieves that now plague the land and with the ongoing war, few expect the capital to have the troops to spare to pacify the countryside.

This is worsened by Lannister raiding parties ranging deep into the Crownlands, sacking farms and burning fields. Many sightings of a giant man in plate armor also confirmed to most that the kinslayer Gregor Clegane has once more been set lose on the world and is now reaping a bloody toll wherever he goes. At the same time, more organized Westerlander forces have ranged along the Blackwater and expanded the control of Tywin Lannister closer to the capital.

The Reach - The Arbor Ablaze
With the defeat of the Redwyne fleet in the Stepstones, it was somewhat predictable what would come next. Emboldened by her victory and driven by greed, the fleet of Helaena Wildfyre has been raiding the Arbor. First in only small numbers, they grew ever bolder as the defenders of the island were forced to retreat into the port cities, leaving the countryside wide open. After months of attacks, barely any farm or vineyard on the island remains untouched. Summer retreats of wealthy merchants and nobles were plundered and burned while the small folk saw their meager livelihoods put to the torch. Once more, after many centuries, the Reach has learned to fear the Ironborn.

The Reach - Travelling Courts
With the Faiths right to speak legal judgments restored, it was only a matter of time for the practice to spread. Under the aegis of the known preacher Shay Waters and the Most Devout, septons and some septas have been travelling through the southern Reach and righted wrongs down to their brethren. Usually made up of a leader an anointed member of the clergy and a few guards, often from the recently funded Seven Wardens sellsword company, they were seen going from town to town and often even reaching into the far away villages that rarely saw a lord speak justice.

For the most part, they only addressed wrongs directly affecting the Faith, but they also soon persecuted those who committed acts of such depravity that all onlookers agreed that they were an affront to the gods themselves. The persecuted ranged from men that preyed for years on the vulnerable to even a slaver living right in Oldtown with his bed slaves. Likely encouraged by the judgement of Eddard Stark, they also made no exception for the nobility, having no compunctions to order the execution of bastards and a hedge knight that was a known rapist. Many lords are concerned by these events, but the small folk seems to appreciate these courts.

Stormlands - A Tourney Once More
Ever since the claimant Renly Baratheon had set up camp at Griffons Roost, wild rumors began to spread what he might do next. March on Kings Landing. Hunt down his brother for the destruction of Storms End. Turn west against Highgarden to avenge the slights by Mace Tyrell. What few were expecting was another tourney. While the levies dispersed across the region for the time being as gathering them in one place had become unsustainable without the bounty of the Mander at his beck and call, the lords of the Stormlands and the Reach defectors tilted lances with each other.

Unlike the last time though, this tourney was short on pageantry. Renly himself and Loras Tyrell, the Lord Commander of his Rainbow Guard, were seen speaking with groups of lord nigh daily, a Small Council was filled and many marriages announced. Instead of waiting for an effortless march onto Kings Landing, it seems that the youngest Baratheon brother is settling in for a longer conflict and made efforts to tie his own host closer together than fleeting anger at Mace Tyrell could.

Stormlands - The Heartsworn
The middle Baratheon was reportedly not doing what anyone expected of him either. Instead of marching on Kings Landing right away with his host or trying to sway the Stormlander lords, he led his followers into the Kingswood and made camp there like a common bandit. He even began preying on taxmen and demanding money and goods from passing trade caravans.

His followers had to swear oaths, many of them administered by having to place a hand on his flaming sword with a few getting burned and expelled form the host for swearing falsely. Instead of a pledge of loyalty to him though, he had them swear to protect the realm and its people in a bastardization of knightly oaths, and to stand ready for the fight against the enemy of all. There is wild speculation if this is a reference to king Joffrey or his brother Renly.

Dorne - Lines Are Drawn
As the lords and ladies of Dorne gather to speak about Doran Martells issue, the frist differences began to emerge. While the lords Qorgyle and Dayne clearly support the claim of Arianne Martell and an alliance with the pretender Rhaenys Targaryen, many other are less certain or outright opposed. Lord Yronwood instead wishes to see his former ward Quentyn Martell to become the next Prince of Drone, and seems to have no great love for the Targaryen pretender.

In the midst of this stand the lords Fowler, Jordayne and Vaith, who have emerged as the leaders and speakers of the many Dornish lords that are not yet swayed to support one camp or another. Many of them speak of reconciliation and peace, though they also know that there is ultimately only one throne in Sunspear. So far things remained peaceful, if tense, and there is still hope that the start of the formal council in the coming days will lead to a amicable resolution of the crisis.

The Stepstones - A Cowardly Slaver
After his recent role in the defeat of the Redwyne fleet, the slaver and pirate lord Grazdan the Andal Slayer was considered a likely threat to shipping in the Narrow Sea for months if not years to come, though the Braavosi fleet managed to scare even one as ruthless as him. Faced with the Titans mighty armada, he fled with his entire fleet, likely skulking back to rejoin his ilk in the Ghiscari lands. Braavosi sellswords wasted no time and took control of the northern Stepstones before any other pirate could capitalize on the events, leaving traders in the Narrow Sea hopeful that the threat of piracy would lessen again.

The Three Daughters - The Starving Daughter
Meanwhile the city of Tyrosh remains under siege and reportedly is in dire straits. While the food stockpiles were stretched out through killing off many of the cities slaves, it left the rest of them restless and caused multiple small altercations that had to be put down with violence. Rumor has it that the garrison is all but ready to give up the city proper and retreat to the inner city walls, while some whisper that the Sealord wishes to see the city fall in the coming months and will order an assault to make it happen. Meanwhile, Lys and Myr are capitalizing on the opportunity and began to claim parts of the devastated Disputed Lands formerly controlled by Tyrosh, though they remain wary of the Titan establishing a presence on the Essosi mainland.

Volantis - The Flames Victorious
While it is hard to determine if there even is a true winner in the events in Volantis, many have started to claim tongue-in-cheek that the flames won. They did. Both in that the western part of the city was sacked and large parts of it burned down in the chaos, and that the force left standing was the sellswords of the 15th Flame under Visenya Redfyre. The Mud King Gaemon Targaryen was exposed as a fraud, his false Blackfyre shattered by the true blade and the last anyone saw of him was that he fled mortally wounded from the fighting.

Now the Old Blood reigns supreme once more, though some are waiting with baited breath if they can control the Scourge of Volantis any better than the Forties could control their false Blackfyre.

Great Grass Sea - Restless Dothraki
Perhaps driven west by the strife among Valyrias children, the Dothraki hordes have become more active once more, ranging ever further west and sacking farmlands and towns on their path. Some tales speak of another reason though. A great Khalazaar is allegedly gathering in the east and the man who leads it speaks not of mere raids or tribute owed to him, but of the desire to burn the cities of Essos like in the black days of the Century of Blood.

Turn 5 - 2nd Season of 299 AC

You have two actions. You can pick either from the options below or use write-in actions, but those should be cleared with the QM first. Note that NPCs (such as people on the Small Council) will take their own actions.

In addition, you can send an arbitrary number of messages to people at court, in Westeros or abroad. Write in the content of these messenges and the recipient. Unless otherwise specified, they will be delivered by raven.

Please use plan voting for turn votes.


[] Speak with the Tyrell household. You will soon be family, so it is a good moment to learn more about Olenna and Margaery.

[] Speak with the High Septon. Get his opinion on the moves of the Moust Devout.

[] Speak with Varys. Try to ascertain his loyalties and learn more about the wildfyre he found.

[] Speak with the Pyromancers. Learn more about the wildfyre found in the sept and see if they can aid you in the battles to come.

[] Try to recruit someone skilled in a certain matter: (Write-In what for)

[] Send an envoy to Oldtown to try and smooth things over with the Most Devout.


[] Dig into Littlefingers books. The crown is in debt and you need to know how bad it really is.

[] Establish price controls to prevent the food prices from rising.

[] Promote trade with the Free Cities to get more supplies and gold for the war effort.


[] Attempt to attack Harrenhal and Tywin Lannister directly. (Write-In commander)

[] Counter the Westerlander raiders in the Crownlands. (Write-In commander)

[] March into the Stormlands and confront Renly Baratheon. (Write-In commander)

[] Deploy your own forces somewhere. (Write-In who will command them in the field)


[] Gather information on the wildfyre yourself. Varys is likely hiding something.

[] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.


[] Dig into the histories of these Targaryen pretenders. Maybe something can be found that can be exploited.

[] Have Qyburn take a look at the dragon egg. Maybe something useful can be done with it.


[] Rest. Sleep. Spend time with Jaime. He is gone. Silly girl. You've sent him away and now he is gone. Only his voice is still with you.

[] Give in to the Most Devouts demands and support the removal of the High Septon. (Free Action)

[] Adjust the Small Council (Free Action)
-[] Write-In whom to elevate or dismiss.

[] Name new Kingsguards (Free Action)
-[] Write-In whom to elevate.

Current Small Council

Queen RegentCersei Baratheon-LannisterLooking good on that chair.
Hand of the KingEdmure Tully
Acting Grand MaesterQyburn
Master of CoinPetyr Baelish
Master of LawsOlenna TyrellCan't be dismissed.
Master of ShipsRenfred Rykker
Master of WhisperersVarys
Lord Commander of the KingsguardSandor CleganeCan't be dismissed. Not a knight.
AdvisorHigh Septon (the fat one)

Current Kingsguard

HolderCurrent DeploymentNotes
Lord Commander Sandor CleganeUnknownNot a knight
Ser Meryn TrantUnknown
Ser Boros BlountUnknownLast seen fleeing Maidenpool after the attempt on Joffreys life.
Ser Mandon mooreUnknown
Ser Preston GreenfieldUnknown

Special Items in the Treasury
  • First Light - Valyrian Steel Longsword
  • Dragon Egg

AN: Militarily the situation is incredibly precarious, even with the Tyrell host, but it's not quite as bad as it used to be.
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So does anyone have any plan about what to do with Tywin? Also funny that the sword is named First Light, reminds me when Cersei tried to have people call her Light of the West, however in that case the sword should be renamed last light...
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@Azel , much though it might pain us to sell out a place we think of as homelike, we need to consider all options. Do we happen to know of any weaknesses in the defenses of Lannisport, Casterly Rock, or Castamere that an enterprising kraken might exploit dangerously enough to force a Westerlander withdrawal from the Riverlands?

Also, would it be possible to offer Stannis a unit of transports to take his men beyond the Wall and out of our hair? Considering his enthusiasm for fighting the "enemy of all?"
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[X] Plan: Tick-Tock-Tywin
-[X] Establish price controls to prevent the food prices from rising.
-[X] Counter the Westerlander raiders in the Crownlands. (Commander: Edmure Tully)

Tywin just got himself on a win or die timer, which by far is the most likely way we'll beat him. The time for words has passed, but I'll hear any letter planks.
@Azel , much though it might pain us to sell out a place we think of as homelike, we need to consider all options. Do we happen to know of any weaknesses in the defenses of Lannisport, Casterly Rock, or Castamere that an enterprising kraken might exploit dangerously enough to force a Westerlander withdrawal from the Riverlands?
Hm... I just notice that I forgot the vote about the fate of your Lannister troops and retainers.

Cersei personally doesn't know, but Ilyn Payne and some of the Red Cloaks are familiar enough with the layout of the mines under Casterly Rock that they could plot an attack route to the keep.
Hm... I just notice that I forgot the vote about the fate of your Lannister troops and retainers.

Cersei personally doesn't know, but Ilyn Payne and some of the Red Cloaks are familiar enough with the layout of the mines under Casterly Rock that they could plot an attack route to the keep.
May be worth asking him (not so very nicely), maybe not. Depends on the action cost.

I edited the following question into my previous post, apparently after you started replying. Would appreciate an answer:

"Also, would it be possible to offer Stannis a unit of transports to take his men beyond the Wall and out of our hair? Considering his enthusiasm for fighting the 'enemy of all?'"