The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

May be worth asking him (not so very nicely), maybe not. Depends on the action cost.
Qyburn can take care of that if you don't mind not getting them back. Otherwise that will be an action as you need to talk them into helping you sell out their home to the Ironborn, which is obviously a bit of a tall order.
Also, would it be possible to offer Stannis a unit of transports to take his men beyond the Wall and out of our hair? Considering his enthusiasm for fighting the 'enemy of all?
You have no IC reason to presume he would want to voluntarily exile himself beyond the Wall.
I mean, we could send a diplomat to Stannis? Appoint some lesser nobles/knights to take letters to Stannis.

Or send someone north to figure out what this nonsense is about Eddard Stark going beyond the wall to look for magic monsters.

What we could possibly write to either that that would want to hear I don't know, but hey, we theoretically could investigate.

More practically we've got threats close to home.

Tywin, Targs, Renly, coughBAELISHcough, Balon.
Well things are getting crazy that's for sure. Tywin got lots of troops at Harrenhal while Bolton, Freys and Brackens are doing stuff in the Riverlands. Shame that it seems the majority of troops of the Riverlands went to Tywin but got to play with what we have.

Might have a opportunity in the Vale maybe? Robb and Blackfish have troops that are begging to be used in the Vale but again Lysa is screwing herself over. Which brings up the opportunity. Maybe the Vale lords might be willing to make a deal seeing how Lysa decisions aren't helping their situation. Maybe get into contact with Nestor Royce the guy who was ruling the Vale while Jon Arryn was was alive and at Kingslanding? Then again Royce doing their own rebellion right now.
Qyburn can take care of that if you don't mind not getting them back. Otherwise that will be an action as you need to talk them into helping you sell out their home to the Ironborn, which is obviously a bit of a tall order.
Yeah, we balked at having Qyburn torture a traitor to death, I'm not seeing us cross the same line for a far more dubious reason, in service of a stratagem that might not work.

You have no IC reason to presume he would want to voluntarily exile himself beyond the Wall.
Not even post-Shade? Rats.
Tywin does need to make a move very soon or his lords will start to question him. With you know the Ironborn attacking the Westerlands. So maybe something we can do there. Bend the knee to the Crown, you'll be forgiven and get to go home to defend your lands. Oh and give us Tywin if you can.

Stannis in the Kingswood planning something but doesn't really have a lot of men. While Renly is in the Stormlands doing some long term planning. Seeing as Renlys plan to get the entire Reach didn't work out and only getting parts of the Reach. Reach coasts aren't doing so good because pirates and the Faith flexing its new power. The Faith does seem to really want Cerseis support given it was her that got them this new power.

Then there the mess in Dorne. Rhaenys and Arianne scheming to push their own agendas. Yronwoods looking at the Martell in their own hands wants to push Quentyn claim. Then we got a few neutrals that either could actually want a united Dorne or seeing who gives them the better deal. Though Doran is certainly having trouble from all this that's for sure. Might need to send another letter to Yronwoods.
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Alright, the Baratheon brothers are major problems - but they seem to be sitting for the moment. What we really need to do is shatter Tywin's host; the Lannister marauders are causing so many problems is difficult to list and completely splitting our force. We need to drive them from Harranhal ASAP, no matter the cost.
Tywin will have no choice but to leave Harranhal as long as he doesn't get in a position to march on King's Landing. He might try to split forces instead, but that's ideal - then we attack Harranhal.
Hmmm looking at the Royal fleet and Redwyne fleet combined does give us a lot of ships. Some of the Targs have dhips of their own we do seem to have more. Only enemy that has more are the Ironborn and they are attacking the Westerlands. So could do something with our ships like attack the Stepstones with Braavos or could keep building ships.
Alright. Thinking about it, our biggest quandary is that the Starks and Tullys are nearing on being knocked out of the war. The situation in the Stormlands won't worsen if given time, but Riverrun is under siege and Edmure's authority as Lord-Paramount dangling by a thread. We need to take decisive action lest things completely collapse - not to mention, putting people in the region will help recover King Joffrey, currently MIA. I'd play it up with giving Edmure command, making a big show out of granting House Tully the Valaryrian steel sword "First Light," and otherwise helping bolster the imagine of him returning to the Riverlands to restore order and convince the fairweather friends who've defected to Tywin to second-guess their choice.

We also have Shireen and Seylse Baratheon on hand, and ought to do something with them. I'd suggest returning both to Stannis with an offer of peace: his daughter Shireen Baratheon will be declared Lady-Paramount of the Stormlands and betrothed to Tommen 'Baratheon,' he'll be allowed to take the Black along with any men who wish to remain loyal, while others will be granted clemency.

It's a long shot, but frankly his family don't have a ton of use as hostages if we're not willing to execute them, while having them returned could give us an opening for genuine negotiations. We've got some IC hints that something is up with Stannis, so I think this is a viable idea?

Finally, I think we ought to choose the "trade with Essos" action, and combine it with a write-in having our fleet protect the trade from rampant piracy. It'll ensure the action works, and give our Master of Ships some time to practice the fresh fleet before we send it into action next turn.
[X] Plan: The Rightful Lord Returns
-[X] Promote trade with the Free Cities to get more supplies and gold for the war effort.
--[X] The combined Royal and Redwine fleets, commanded by Master of Ships Renfield Rykker, will sally out to combat piracy in the Narrow Sea. This will both serve to ensure the protection of the realm's merchants, and grant the combined fleet - green and battered by measure - practice to cut their teeth on and prepare for future action against the Scourge of the Arbor.
-[X] Attempt to attack Harrenhal and Tywin Lannister directly. (Write-In commander)
--[X] Lord-Paramount and Hand of the King Edmure Tully will take command of the combined host, freshly granted the Valaryian steel sword 'First Light' and royal remit to restore order to the Riverlands in an appropriately elaborate ceremony.
-[X] Give in to the Most Devouts demands and support the removal of the High Septon. (Free Action)
-[X] Request that Edmure write to his nephew Robb Stark, asking that the Stark coordinate with his attack against Tywin. Given the Crown's strained history, it would most likely go over far better than a command directly from King's Landing.
-[X] Have Shireen and Selyse Baratheon returned to their husband and father, camped out in the Kingswood as he may be.
--[X] They will carry with them an offer of peace: Shireen will be declared Lady-Paramount of the Stormlands and betrothed to Tommen Baratheon, while Stannis himself will be offered a chance to take the Black along with however many of his men refuse the crown's offer of clemency.
Hm, still no idea about Joffrey's location or status. If he is still alive, there is the tremendous risk of Tywin sequestering him in Harrenhal, which is an automatic game-over.

Ironically, the less dangerous possibility is for Joffrey to be dead. In that case, Olenna probably would not bat an eye if Cersei proposed changing Margaery's betrothal to Tommen. It is not so different from what would have happened in another time...
I feel like we should hang onto Shireen and Selyse until we discern Stannis's intentions. It also feels out of character to let them go now since Cersei currently doesn't know that Stannis plans to fight the Others. And of course, there's always the strong possibility that Stannis still decides to claim the Iron Throne to better unite Westeros against the Others.
Don't forget that filling up the Kingsguard is free.

We have one vacant spot and one deserter, so we need two worthy knights.

Now I think the Kettle brothers are all together worthless, but I'm not sure what other named knights we currently have present.
The situation in the Stormlands won't worsen if given time, but Riverrun is under siege and Edmure's authority as Lord-Paramount dangling by a thread.
Hoster Tully is still alive and Lord Paramount if the Riverlands. He's currently in the besieged Riverrun.

-[X] Have Shireen and Selyse Baratheon returned to their husband and father, camped out in the Kingswood as he may be.
--[X] They will carry with them an offer of peace: Shireen will be declared Lady-Paramount of the Stormlands and betrothed to Tommen Baratheon, while Stannis himself will be offered a chance to take the Black along with however many of his men refuse the crown's offer of clemency.
I don't quite get why Stannis is supposed to take this deal. You are giving up the only leverage you have over him and then demand his surrender.
[X] Plan: Crisis of the Third Century, Diplomacy and Appointments Edition
-[X] Promote trade with the Free Cities to get more supplies and gold for the war effort.
--[X] The combined Royal and Redwine fleets, commanded by Master of Ships Renfield Rykker, will sally out to combat piracy in the Narrow Sea. This will both serve to ensure the protection of the realm's merchants, and grant the combined fleet - green and battered by measure - practice to cut their teeth on and prepare for future action against the Scourge of the Arbor. Also, allow Lord Rykker leave to coordinate his efforts with House Manderly in an effort to cut down piracy in the routes to the Northern Free Cities and provide a share of the gold coming from trade for the Crown's interest in the North.
-[X] Attempt to attack Harrenhal and Tywin Lannister directly. (Write-In commander)
--[X]Hand of the King Edmure Tully will take command of the combined host, freshly granted the Valaryian steel sword 'First Light' and royal remit to restore order to the Riverlands in an appropriately elaborate ceremony.
-[X] Give in to the Most Devouts demands and support the removal of the High Septon. (Free Action)
-[X] Retain the removed High Septon in the Small Council under a new title Royal Confessor.
-[X] Request the Most Devout of two new advisors for the Small Council in an effort to advise us in a godlier manner.
-[X] Appoint Lady Velaryon or Lord Celtigar whichever one is more willing to a new Small Council post Advocate for the Crownlands
-[X] Send a letter to the Royces on their support for the Targaryen pretenders. Offer that we are willing to negotiate with them to remove the mad Lady Arryn and discuss the future of the Vale and the Realm with them.
-[X] Send letters to House Yronwood and Quentyn Martell to support his claim as Prince of Dorne and promise him a royal marriage as well as a Small Council seat.
-[X] Request to Qyburn to eliminate Baelish at his own discretion.

I made this plan as a way to get a lot of things done and grow the government to be more convoluted. Sure, the Court has always been a hive of scum and villainy but we need more septons to be a holy hive of scum and villainy. We need to show our supporters that they can get an ear to the Regency and frankly we are beyond caring at how everything will go right as long as Joffrey stays on the Iron Throne. This will be a work of generations but I'm sure we need more advisors that can do stuff. Our viable fronts right now are the Riverlands and the Narrow Sea while we can do some diplomacy to other areas we need to do something to ensure Joffrey's rule stays in his adulthood and a lot of Westeros is filled with traitors and ambitious lords. We need to tame a lot of these ambitions for our own ends with paper and quill.

[X] Plan: Don't Attack Harrenhall Yet; Edmure Tully Ain't Built Like That
[X] Plan: Aid for Friends, Food for the People
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Sending Edmure against Tywin is roughly equivalent to throwing a trout at a lion and will end similarly.

At least as far as I remember the man's general skill and competence.